Zimmerman Was Right: Trayvon Martin Was On Drugs


The autopsy report shows

(1) NO_LIMIT_NIGGA had marijuana in his system.

(2) NO_LIMIT_NIGGA was shot between 1 inch and 18 inches away.

(3) NO_LIMIT_NIGGA had an injury on his hand.

Note: We have already learned that Zimmerman had two cuts on the back of his head, a broken nose, two black eyes, and a back injury.

Update: Cops, Witnesses Back Up George Zimmerman’s Version of Trayvon Martin Shooting

“Two police reports written the night that George Zimmerman shot Trayvon Martin said that Zimmerman had a bloody face and nose, according to police reports made public today.

The reports also note that two witness accounts appear to back up Zimmerman’s version of what happened when they describe a man on his back with another person wearing a hoodie straddling him and throwing punches. …

The police report states that Trayvon Martin’s father told an investigator after listening to 911 tapes that captured a man’s voice frantically callling for help that it was not his son calling for help.”

Justice for Trayvuuuunnn!!! Obama’s son.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I’m going on record and predicting that all the charges against Zimmerman will be dropped very soon. Get ready.

  2. Folks, they got caught this time, thanks to sites such as this one. How long have we Whites been lied to? How many lies about the Civil Rights era? How many lies about desegregation? How many lies about the good Joseph McCarthy? Because of this, I have reason not to believe a single damn thing the media has fed us since about WWII!

  3. Landshark, crack don’t smoke itself.

    Strange isn’t it now that the media is coming to the conclusion that Zimmerman was defending himself he has gone from white/white-Hispanic to mixed-race Hispanic.

  4. “tony says:
    May 17, 2012 at 11:17 pm

    Wow. I guess there is NO_LIMIT to the media lies. LOL!”

    Good one!!!!!!!!

    Time for Bobby Rush to get voted out. And anyone else like him.

  5. “Folks, they got caught this time, thanks to sites such as this one…. Because of this, I have reason not to believe a single damn thing the media has fed us since about WWII!”

    Oh, it goes back earlier than that.

    If tray-tray is innocent, every groid at nig U is innocent as well.

  6. Strange isn’t it now that the media is coming to the conclusion that Zimmerman was defending himself he has gone from white/white-Hispanic to mixed-race Hispanic….

    The emotional first moments of coverage can’t be retracted. Many things are retracted later, but already the people are incited, the damage already done. When truth is presented, it no longer matters in the same way.

  7. 313Chris says:

    …”predict all charges…will be dropped…”

    We shall see. The genociders have a lot invested in destroying GZ. That he was arrested finally (what! you think BO is going to pronounce TM his son and the wheels of BRA are going to stand still vis-a-vis Zim) was itself a pronouncement that white America is about to take another punch in their collective timid face.

    That the evidence from the beginning was overwhelmingly exculpatory was plain for all to see (excepting negroes and deranged DWL – it goes without saying) suggests he (GZ) may yet be offered up.

    Yes, we shall see….

  8. Speaking of White Genocide – please help the family of the slaughtered Straits:


    The Mayor called the NAGA families, of the Naga’s killed by “Whites” – the Injun that gunned down Nagas – but not the Straits.

    Please call:

    Contact the Tulsa Mayor:

    Contact Mayor Bartlett – The City of Tulsa Online

    (918) 596-2100
    The Office of Governor Mary Fallin
    Oklahoma State Capitol
    2300 N. Lincoln Blvd., Room 212
    Oklahoma City, OK 73105
    Local: (405) 521-2342
    Fax: (405) 521-3353

    Tulsa Office of Governor Mary Fallin
    440 S. Houston Ave., Suite 304
    Tulsa, Oklahoma 74127
    Phone (918) 581-2801
    Fax (918) 581-2835

    Tulsa city council:

    Homepage – The Tulsa City Council

  9. “Strange isn’t it now that the media is coming to the conclusion that Zimmerman was defending himself he has gone from white…to mixed-race Hispanic….” Strange and so logical, a good observation, Dixiegirl.

  10. @Harry O

    People who know me personally, will corroborate that in 2000 I predicted a massive Islamic terrorist attack on U.S. soil, and in 2004 I predicted that Obama would be president after Bush. I really hate always being proven right. Zimmerman’s charges will be dropped, and I get a sinking feeling that it will come soon. Like, right out of nowhere soon. Be prepared, people.

  11. @Denise
    “Zimmerman put a limit on that Niggah.”

    Damn you Denise! Your joke is better than mine! I can’t believe I didn’t think of that!

  12. It doesn’t matter what th eevidence is, they will riot. This has already been dismissed as a conspirsory by many blacks.

  13. “Dear Lord I hope the negros riot when zimmerman walks…” – Stone

    If only to damage BO’s cause? With his BS comments on sodomites, he’s already done that… (lol) “in spades.”

    To cause Whites to wake up? Perhaps. But the most important thing to realize is that, if Twitter is to Media monopoly as HW says, then we need to point out that the MEDIA used the TRAYVON case, to DEMONIZE ALL WHITES, and SANCTIFY NIGGER CRIMES.

    That is the ‘never forgive, never forget’ mantra that all of this must be pounded into the blogosphere, over and over, and over, and over, and over again.

    The jewsmedia (like jews themselves) has an expiration date. And, from where I sit, the milk smells pretty sour already.

    My 2 cents.

  14. Fr. John as always nailed the issue. It’s bigger than just Zimmerman versus Trayvon, it’s about the lying, white-hating media and their blatant attempt to demonsize whites. Never forget. Doubt everything the MSM trots out. Everything, and I mean EVERYTHING that was accepted by way of media power last century needs to be totally reexamined. I’m sure that if the internet existed there would not have been a Civil Rights counterculture movement, among other things.

  15. I’m going on record and predicting that all the charges against Zimmerman will be dropped very soon. Get ready.

    If the judge has balls, he will Nifong this. I.e., summarily declare Zimmerman “innocent” (as opposed to not guilty), dismiss the case with prejudice, etc. If not, he’ll just play it straight (and thus, shoot down the prosecution at every turn) and Zimmerman will be acquitted.

    The Feds will slink away; their past and current mumblings having long since ceased.

    The civil suit against Zimmerman, if any, will go nowhere.

    Zimmerman will sue some cash into his pockets, somehow (media, state, etc.).

    The prosecutor will see some significant fallout. Not a Nifonging, necessarily, but not pleasant, either.

    The media will move the whole thing to the back pages. They already seem to have shifted halfway there.

  16. Wish the blacks could walk in white shoes for a week. Then they would get a much better look at themselves, and realize what a waiste there race is. It’s the biggest negative draw on our society. Worthless, there getting the law they deserve

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