Is The South Lost? Racial Change, 1970-2012


I’ve used the 1970 and 2010 censuses to track the rate of racial change in the South over the past 40 years. Every Southern state has experienced a decline in relative whiteness. The decline in some states (Texas, Oklahoma, Florida) is far more pronounced than others (West Virginia, Mississippi, Louisiana).

The South


Alabama – 74 percent White
Georgia – 74 percent White
South Carolina – 69 percent White
Mississippi – 63 percent White
Florida – 77 percent White
Louisiana – 66 percent White
Texas – 66 percent White
Oklahoma – 89 percent White
North Carolina – 77 percent White
Tennessee – 84 percent White
Arkansas – 81 percent White
Missouri – 89 percent White
Kentucky – 93 percent White
Virginia – 81 percent White
West Virginia – 95 percent White


Alabama – 67 percent White
Georgia – 55.9 percent White
South Carolina – 64.1 percent White
Mississippi – 58 percent White
Florida – 57.9 percent White
Louisiana – 60.3 percent White
Texas – 45.3 percent White
Oklahoma – 68.7 percent White
North Carolina – 65.3 percent White
Tennessee – 75.6 percent White
Arkansas – 74.5 percent White
Missouri – 81 percent White
Kentucky – 86.3 percent White
Virginia – 64.8 percent White
West Virginia – 93.2 percent White

Racial Decline, 1970 – 2012

Alabama – 7 percent
Georgia – 18.1 percent
South Carolina – 4.9 percent
Mississippi – 5 percent
Florida – 19.1 percent
Louisiana – 5.7 percent
Texas – 20.7 percent
Oklahoma – 20.3 percent
North Carolina – 11.7 percent
Tennessee – 8.4 percent
Arkansas – 6.5 percent
Missouri – 8 percent
Kentucky – 6.7 percent
Virginia – 16.2 percent
West Virginia – 1.8 percent

Note: To put this in perspective, I am compiling the numbers for other regions, starting with the West.

The West


California – 76 percent White
Hawaii – 37 percent White
Alaska – 77 percent White
Washington – 94 percent White
Oregon – 96 percent White
Idaho – 96 percent White
Nevada – 87 percent White
Arizona – 74 percent White
Utah – 94 percent White
New Mexico – 54 percent White
Colorado – 85 percent White
Wyoming – 92 percent White
Montana – 95 percent White


California – 40.1 percent White
Hawaii – 22.7 percent White
Alaska – 64.1 percent White
Washington – 72.5 percent White
Oregon – 78.5 percent White
Idaho – 84.0 percent White
Nevada – 54.1 percent White
Arizona – 57.8 percent White
Utah – 84 percent White
New Mexico – 40.5 percent White
Colorado – 70 percent White
Wyoming – 85.9 percent White
Montana – 87.8 percent White

Racial Decline, 1970-2012

California – 35.9 percent
Hawaii – 14.3 percent
Alaska – 12.9 percent
Washington – 21.5 percent
Oregon – 12.5 percent
Idaho – 12 percent
Nevada – 32.9 percent
Arizona – 16.2 percent
Utah – 10 percent
New Mexico – 13.5 percent
Colorado – 15 percent
Wyoming – 6.1 percent
Montana – 7.2 percent

The Midwest


Illinois – 83 percent White
Indiana – 92 percent White
Ohio – 90 percent White
Michigan – 87 percent White
Wisconsin – 96 percent White
Minnesota – 98 percent White
Iowa – 98 percent White
Kansas – 93 percent White
Nebraska – 95 percent White
South Dakota – 95 percent White
North Dakota – 97 percent White


Illinois – 63.7 percent White
Indiana – 81.5 percent White
Ohio – 81.1 percent White
Michigan – 76.6 percent White
Wisconsin – 83.3 percent White
Minnesota – 83.1 percent White
Iowa – 88.7 percent White
Kansas – 78.2 percent White
Nebraska – 82.1 percent White
South Dakota – 84.7 percent White
North Dakota – 88.9 percent White

Racial Change, 1970-2012

Illinois – 19.3 percent
Indiana – 10.5 percent
Ohio – 8.9 percent
Michigan – 10.4 percent
Wisconsin – 12.7 percent
Minnesota – 14.9 percent
Iowa – 9.3 percent
Kansas – 14.8 percent
Nebraska – 12.1 percent
South Dakota – 10.3 percent
North Dakota – 8.1 percent

The Northeast


New York – 80 percent White
New Jersey – 85 percent White
Pennsylvania – 90 percent White
Maryland – 80 percent White
Delaware – 84 percent White
Connecticut – 91 percent White
Rhode Island – 96 percent White
Massachusetts – 95 percent White
Maine – 99 percent White
New Hampshire – 99 percent White
Vermont – 99 percent White


New York – 58.3 percent White
New Jersey – 59.3 percent White
Pennsylvania – 79.5 percent White
Maryland – 54.7 percent White
Delaware – 65.3 percent White
Connecticut – 71.2 percent White
Rhode Island – 76.4 percent White
Massachusetts – 76.1 percent White
Maine – 94.4 percent White
New Hampshire – 92.3 percent White
Vermont – 94.3 percent White

Racial Change, 1970-2012

New York – 21.7 percent
New Jersey – 25.7 percent
Pennsylvania – 10.5 percent
Maryland – 25.3 percent
Delaware – 18.7 percent
Connecticut – 19.8 percent
Rhode Island – 19.6 percent
Massachusetts – 18.9 percent
Maine – 4.6 percent
New Hampshire – 6.7 percent
Vermont – 4.7 percent

And the winner of the White Republic sweepstakes is … The Wild and Wonderful Whites of West Virginia.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. For starters, I don’t believe the South is “lost” at all. The South not only contains the “most homogeneous” founding stock white Americans in the USA, but Southerners enjoy an ethnic consciousness that is intimately tied to their racial identity to a degree that probably far exceeds that of any other region. (Probably far exceeds, I want to emphasize; that it exceeds it at all I don’t think is open to doubt.)

    But, while you make a good point about other regions being similarly demographically impacted (meaning that if demographics alone is said to doom the South, then by the same logic those other regions are no better off), you neglect that the presence of non-black non-whites cannot straightforwardly be compared to the presence of blacks. In contradistinction to whites often claiming to like (or at least tolerate) blacks, whites very often actually like non-black non-whites — even if for no other reason than “at least they’re not niggers.” So the presence of non-black non-whites doesn’t have quite the same racial consciousness-raising effect that the presence of blacks does. That’s not to say that there is therefore no comparison between the south and elsewhere, only that it’s a data point worth bearing in mind.

  2. When this is done, it will show that the speed of racial change is much faster in the North and West, and is actually the lowest in the Deep South.

    The Deep South hasn’t changed much except in Georgia, Florida, and Texas. The rest of the country is becoming more like the Deep South. California, for example, went from a state that was 76 percent White to 40 percent White. It blew right past Mississippi.

    BTW, the statistics also show that HAC’s “Northwest Republic” is less White than the Upper South, and is changing much faster than even the Deep South.

  3. Join HAC in Washington which is the 6th fastest changing state in America:

    Top 10 Fastest Changing States, 1970-2012

    California – 35.9 percent
    Nevada – 32.9 percent
    New Jersey – 25.7 percent
    Maryland – 25.3 percent
    New York – 21.7 percent
    Washington – 21.5 percent
    Texas – 20.7 percent
    Oklahoma – 20.3 percent
    Connecticut – 19.8 percent
    Rhode Island – 19.6 percent

  4. The only reason HAC is even in the Northwest at all, is because he’s facing contempt of court charges in North Carolina, and he seems to have burned what few bridges he had anywhere else.

    The Great Lakes region in general, and Michigan in particular, is still whiter and absolutely more racially-conservative than Washington or the rest of the tri-state Pacific Northwest, and any demographic change has occured at a much slower pace.

  5. Michigan and Wisconsin are two of the most segregated states in the country. I beleive Milwaukee is one or two on the list of most segregated cities.

  6. People from Milwaukee have the same accent as people from Chicago. People from Detroit have the same accent as people from Buffalo.

  7. The “Northwest Republic” was a plausible idea when Pastor Butler was up there advocating the Northwest Migration:


    Washington – 94 percent White
    Oregon – 96 percent White
    Idaho – 96 percent White

    There was a Northwest Migration. It just wasn’t the sort of migration that HAC imagined it would be:


    Washington – 72.5 percent White
    Oregon – 78.5 percent White
    Idaho – 84.0 percent White

  8. BTW, the whole idea of a migration is based on cowardice. If people would actually stay where they are and start resisting, we could turn things around. South Carolina was 59 percent black when resistance began.

  9. California, Texas, Florida, Georgia, all gone. The rural states of the northern tier–the Dakotas, Montana, New Hampshire, Maine, all remain vastly white and show little decline. The Pennsylvania average is held down to only 10% by the very white Appalachian region, but the metropolitan southeast is as lost as Jersey. What would be most interesting, I think, would be a study of how much formerly predominantly white RURAL areas have changed, in various states or regions. We already know that metropolitan areas are lost, and they skew the result for each state as a whole.

  10. The only reason we are losing is because submission is always chosen over resistance. Most White people are cowards. They are afraid to confront the problem. We could turn this around tomorrow anywhere if we chose to resist instead of making excuses.

  11. Good point about the rural areas, and that’s where all the food comes from. Keep in mind the left gloats about the increase in urbanization almost as they gloat about whites becoming a minority. Both are threats to them and they know it.

  12. Re: “the whole idea of a migration is based on cowardice. If people would actually stay where they are and start resisting, we could turn things around.”

    Bravo Hunter, I agree 110%! Defending the white land and community of one’s birth and upbringing is generally most efficient and effective. Running away “to fight another day” may be necessary in some cases, but more often the flight to a “safe paradise” is poorly reasoned, emotional, even cowardly, and is wasteful, demoralising and destructive of the white community left behind, and generally just too expensive.

  13. “Good point about the rural areas, and that’s where all the food comes from. Keep in mind the left gloats about the increase in urbanization almost as they gloat about whites becoming a minority. Both are threats to them and they know it.”

    The controllers don’t care where the food for the masses comes from, since they will buy their way through any famine. In their program, global corporate agriculture, mostly overseas, will provide nearly all food, while what’s left of our traditional white farming, along with the new mini-“farms” being set up and subsidised for “women and socially disadvantaged groups,” will be used to provide “ag entertainment” and maintain a picturesque landscape.

    Rural areas are still mostly white, so the new thrust will be to diversify the farm country. What figures are available?

  14. Mosin Nagant: My point is that only rural people can truly be free, as they are the ones who do not need central government when push comes to shove. City dwellers count on government for food AND water.

  15. A bit off topic, but are any of you familiar a batch of mountain-dwelling semi-humans in New Jersey and New York known as the Jackson Whites? They are kind of like a darker and more numerous version of “The Wild and Wonderful Whites of West Virginia”? They, too, live by the rule that going to town for a date is a waste of time when you have cousins you can outrun who live just over the hill.

    Their ancestral home is 35 miles from downtown Manhattan. They can see the NYC skyline from the top of their mountain.

    I found some pictures of a few of them. One of them looked just like Al Sharpton and another looked just like Charlie Rangel.

    Check them out.

  16. BTW, there is a reason why there was a blowout 30 percent change in California: it is because Whites there were less settlers than economic migrants. So they abandoned the state to live in a suburb in another state.

    This is something that flies over the head of most Northerners. The typical Southerner has lived in the South for 200 or 300 years. Southerners are nowhere near as mobile as Northerners and Westerners.

    Blacks have also always lived in the South. Thus, Southerners are far less likely to “head for the hills” because we are accustomed to putting up with blacks. Whites here stay and have families.

  17. Texas is about as non-White as California, but that is where the similarities end. Most of the Hispanics in Texas are not citizens. A substantial number of blacks are disenfranchised felons. The Whites are far more conservative.

    In Texas, Republicans have a supermajority in the state legislature. They have gerrymandered the state congressional districts. They also control the governorship.

    Eventually, immigration reform will pass in Texas. A supermajority supports E-Verify which (correct me if am wrong) is on the ballot in November.

  18. I’d take Maine or Vermont anyday over the nigger infected south.
    Upstate NY and western MA is pure White stock, they pre-date the south. VT and CT are overwhelmingly White as well. To the north is White Canada. Cold weather and vast wilderness. People up north mind thier own business and still hold White values.
    The south is too near to the mestizo areas and carribean shit holes. Texas, for now is conservative, but in a few decades mexicans will run the place, just from the demographics alone.
    FL is gone, GA is gone, AK has never even been anywhere, MS is a nigger infested shit hole, still hope for NC and SC. The deep south is throughly finished.
    As the borders continue to disintegrate, the south will as well.

  19. If you want to be in an all White area, head to New England. Not the inner cities, north of Boston is all White. North of that is Canada. Very different from the shit holes down south, Atlanta, Birmingham, Miami, Mobile, Little Rock ect….

  20. Haha … Vermont, home of White values, where more Whites voted for Obama than anywhere else in the country.

    Imagine the country if the Northeast seceded: 2 less Democratic senators from Pennsylvania, 2 less from Delaware, 2 less from Maryland, 2 less from New Jersey, 2 less from New York, 2 less from Connecticut, 2 less from Rhode Island, 1 less from Massachusetts, 1 less from New Hampshire, and 2 less from Vermont.

    We would lose 18 Democrats in the Senate and 4 RINOs.

    Suppose their allies of the Left Coast were to secede with them. That’s another 8 Democrat senators.

  21. Ever been up to Vermont or Maine?
    I assure you it is far safer and Whiter than any state down south.

  22. No, I have never been there.

    BTW, no one in the South would ever dream of moving to Vermont or Maine. The blacks here are not as disagreeable as the type of nutty leftists you have up there.

  23. The “nutties” up there don’t murder and rape like your niggers do down south. The voting populous are the minority. I wouldn’t put much stock into the numbers. It doesn’t represent the majority. Nation wide, what, 35% vote?
    You can have the south and your niggers, I will take the north anyday.

  24. Fag marriage, feminism, abolition, civil rights, anti-racism, PC, Prohibition, multiculturalism open borders, the welfare state, Obama … all great Yankee projects.

  25. Slavery and the mass importation of niggers, a southern thing.
    I have zero tolerance for niggers.
    As a White man, Hunter, you think it was justified to enslave niggers? Niggers enslave, not White men. White men do thier own work.
    I don’t, I think it was foolish. Too lazy to work your own crops?
    Morality says not a good thing anyhow. Yet you defend it. Beyond me.
    Not becoming of a White man. But your a southerner, no surprise, thanks to your people, this nation is flooded with savage niggers. Hows that workin’ out for us now?

  26. (1) The North invaded the South, confiscated the slaves as contraband, and made them into American citizens. Thus, blacks are your problem.

    (2) In the South, we have traditionally valued our racial identity. In the North, not so much.

    (3) It was the North that passed the Immigration Act of 1965 that flooded America with Asians and Hispanics.

    (4) BTW, it was the North that brought all the Jews here, too.

    (5) Thanks to your people alone, niggers are out of control, and put up on a pedestal the size of the White House, where they are worshiped by Yankees like Marc Ferguson.

  27. Sean, jews imported the first blacks to the new world as slaves and furthermore slavery was practised in the north as well as the south. In the early 1800’s slave importation to the US ceased..

  28. Sean- what purpose does it serve to insult this blog’s moderator/owner?

    if you feel that the North is so much better, then start your own blog.

    What I value in HW’s blog, even though I am a Yankee, a person who once looked down on the south as hicks, rednecks, and fools, is that by sheer information alone, he has caused me to see that the older battle of the South is now ALL OF OUR PEOPLE’s BATTLE; via racial migration, and overt acts on the part of the Communist Left, now finally/fully incarnated in the Obamanation, where these Jews/Commies sought to destroy ALL of the US, via importation of non-White, non-Europid types….

    While I jokingly looked down on the image of the Meximidget in 1970, now I see them (like Cucarachas!) EVERYWHERE. Hell, I am beginning to see ‘Low-riders’ on the streets of prosperous SW Suburbs of Minneapolis! (Pardon my saying so, but WTF?) I wonder now at the logic of looking for work in academia in my field in the Pacific NW (I have a job interview soon) when the demographic change in WA is DOWN this much in only forty years!

    1970 – Washington – 94 percent White
    2012 – Washington – 72.5 percent White

    How can I teach, let alone be HAPPY teaching the ‘Xenos,’ with these numbers? In a field where acknowledging both the Whiteness, as well as the Christian-ness of my field of endeavor are absolutely foundational, what insanity has allowed this sea-change, where my Doctoral studies now have no intellectual merit- when, in fact, the very class numbers would be able to say (if they were even smart enough to do so), ‘We don’t want to learn any of that DWEM bs…..’?

    NO, Sean, you speak as if you were not an American, but rather a rabble-rouser. You attack your host on this forum, as if you have a right to be cantankerous, when in all actuality, HW is trying to SAVE ALL OF US, by showing us that it is not just THE SOUTH’S WAR, anymore. We are ALL Rhett and Scarlet, now.

    And it’s about time we did something to it, to drive the Amalek into the sea. (To put the blame where it truly belongs, and to reference our standing as the only Israel [Gal 6:16] that YHWH God cares for ……)

  29. Sean: It’s the pussies in places like Vermont that created the nigger problems we have in other parts of the country. They voted in the politicians who were instrumental in creating the forced integration policies that destroyed large sections of every major city and many small ones.

    I, personally, have been delighted by the work that the Lutherans have been doing in the Northeast. Do you have any Somalians in your town, yet?

    When the welfare titties go dry in the South, you Negrophiles in the Northeast and the Northwest are going to finally learn why southerners invented all of those Jim Crow laws.

  30. The video is nothing but an “Apologia pro eugenics sua” for racial crap. Those are the utter definition of poor, white trash. Complete hysterectomies, and sterilization of the males at public expense- the only, final solution.

    Without God’s Law, the pagan Norse, German, and Celtic tribes of yore, become nothing more than ‘Whiggers.’ Which means eugenics is the ‘last, best hope’ for such as those.


  31. Hunter: Standing your ground is easy for a man. I hung on in North Minneapolis long after most of the Whites had retreated ahead of the Negro infestation. It didn’t bother me. I was looking forward to using the many weapons I regularly carried.

    Then my oldest daughter started getting harassed by nigger bitches in middle school because she had turned down the affections of their brothers and cousins. Shortly after that, my wife ended up in the hospital due to an unprovoked attack by three niggers who were passing by as she was shoveling the sidewalk in front of our house on 26th and Girard.

    Unless a man is clever enough to guard his entire family around the clock, and nobody is, then he has no business leaving them in a shithole in which they will be at risk every time they leave the house.

    In the 1940’s Crackers tried to keep niggers from moving into projects in Detroit that the feds built for them in a White neighborhood and they were beat back and intimidated by federal shock troops and vile hillbilly immigrant mercenaries who had no skin in the game. If outraged Whites from around the state and nation had rushed to Detroit and backed the play of those standup Whites who dared to resist, that would have probably ended forced integration right then and there. However, Whites took the easy way out and simply decided that it wasn’t their neighborhood, so it wasn’t their problem.

    Now it is everybody’s problem. Well, maybe not yet in the areas that have been overlooked by niggers primarily because niggers don’t do well in geography class, but those folks can stay hidden among the maple trees for only so long. The Negros will come for their gravy when the gravy train runs off the track in other places.

  32. The Yankee commenter is right that the state-wide statistics don’t reveal the true white-ness of the northern COUNTRY-side, and that it wasn’t the northern farmers who BOUGHT in the slaves. On the other hand it’s equally true and worth repeating that it was the northern electorate of the time that allowed and carried out the unjust, completely immoral war against our southern kin, and succeeding generations of northerners haven’t repented since but have been most responsible for the liberal insanity since then that has created the PRESENT racial crisis in all states and regions. Fr John put it all in perspective. Let’s give credit where it is due, place blame accurately, and find realistic solutions together for all states and regions.

    Northerners who share the same views of southrons but DON’T plan to EMIGRATE to the south are often bound in our places by our ties of blood and our love of the land, and I think we are also justified in expressing our hope and our “pride” in our home localities.

  33. PRB, you’re right about standing your ground in such a seriously infested area, but Hunter is right about the moral imperative to occupy, improve and defend one’s own good homeland that is still overwhelmingly white (and there is still a LOT of such territory remaining, even if in scattered patches, in MOST states, despite the state-wide statistics) rather than fleeing to the siren call of some distant safe paradise.

  34. Canada’s big cities are non white majorities and the conservative government is bringing in more non whites than ever before.

    Sean is blinded by his own fantasies.

  35. Yes, like the northern states, Canada is another case of starkly contrasting urban brown and rural whiteness. But the contrast will diminish as government programs designed to encourage the dispersal of “diversity” into rural towns and ownership of farmland have time to work.

  36. The Negros will come for their gravy when the gravy train runs off the track in other places.

    They understand the gravyty of the situation.

  37. Canada’s big cities are non white majorities and the conservative government is bringing in more non whites than ever before.

    Sean is blinded by his own fantasies.

    Not sure about fantasies, Romanian. I grew up there and it is very White in the NE. Much whiter than the south, where I have also been thru many times. So I speak from personal experience. If your in Romania I doubt you have any idea what your talking about. If your in the states and still identify with Romania, you are not an American in my eyes anyhow and therefore you are not relevant in this conversation.
    Just about all the inner cities here and in Canada are infested with niggers, I, of course was referring rural areas.
    I brought up Canada to contrast who we up north share the border with. Anyone knows that Canada is more similiar to the US than what the south shares their border with. Compare Canada to mexico, Cuba, Haiti, ect.

    Fr. John,
    Yes my tone was too harsh last night. Not my intention, I just get fed up with the northern bashing here from time to time. I also think highly of this blog and think HW is a very bright man. I agree with 99.9% of the opinions on this site and comment section.
    The fact is most Whites in the NE are not insane liberals bent on flooding the nation with third world peasants. Most are very similiar to sotuhern Whites who are sick of it as well.
    The cities in the NE are scum, I don’t dissagree with anyone on that, but the rural areas are good places.

  38. The only reason we are losing is because submission is always chosen over resistance. Most White people are cowards. They are afraid to confront the problem. We could turn this around tomorrow anywhere if we chose to resist instead of making excuses.

    So much so, that one should reframe the entire struggle to confronting our own fears (and our own race), as opposed to confronting the problem. In other words, the will is the way. The giant can solve his problems with a shrug of his shoulders. The problem is getting him to shrug.

  39. I’d take Maine or Vermont anyday over the nigger infected south.

    Hey, that works out well, because we don’t want you down here. At all.

    Yankees need their own racial blog. Whatsamatter, fellas? Not enough of you to fill a table?

    Upstate NY and western MA is pure White stock, they pre-date the south. VT and CT are overwhelmingly White as well. To the north is White Canada. Cold weather and vast wilderness. People up north mind thier own business and still hold White values.
    The south is too near to the mestizo areas and carribean shit holes. Texas, for now is conservative, but in a few decades mexicans will run the place, just from the demographics alone.
    FL is gone, GA is gone, AK has never even been anywhere, MS is a nigger infested shit hole, still hope for NC and SC. The deep south is throughly finished.
    As the borders continue to disintegrate, the south will as well.

    So, go to your Great White Northern Yankee blog, and you won’t have to read all the horrible southerners’ opinions any more.

    Fuck off, Yankee.

  40. Yankee-Judeans really do believe that shit.

    They’re like a maniac who sneaks into a zoo, opens all the cages, and then opens the front gate, and then blames the zoo for the subsequent rampage across the city.

    Uhm, hello, Yankee-Judean maniacs, anybody home?

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