Is The South Lost? Racial Change, 1970-2012


I’ve used the 1970 and 2010 censuses to track the rate of racial change in the South over the past 40 years. Every Southern state has experienced a decline in relative whiteness. The decline in some states (Texas, Oklahoma, Florida) is far more pronounced than others (West Virginia, Mississippi, Louisiana).

The South


Alabama – 74 percent White
Georgia – 74 percent White
South Carolina – 69 percent White
Mississippi – 63 percent White
Florida – 77 percent White
Louisiana – 66 percent White
Texas – 66 percent White
Oklahoma – 89 percent White
North Carolina – 77 percent White
Tennessee – 84 percent White
Arkansas – 81 percent White
Missouri – 89 percent White
Kentucky – 93 percent White
Virginia – 81 percent White
West Virginia – 95 percent White


Alabama – 67 percent White
Georgia – 55.9 percent White
South Carolina – 64.1 percent White
Mississippi – 58 percent White
Florida – 57.9 percent White
Louisiana – 60.3 percent White
Texas – 45.3 percent White
Oklahoma – 68.7 percent White
North Carolina – 65.3 percent White
Tennessee – 75.6 percent White
Arkansas – 74.5 percent White
Missouri – 81 percent White
Kentucky – 86.3 percent White
Virginia – 64.8 percent White
West Virginia – 93.2 percent White

Racial Decline, 1970 – 2012

Alabama – 7 percent
Georgia – 18.1 percent
South Carolina – 4.9 percent
Mississippi – 5 percent
Florida – 19.1 percent
Louisiana – 5.7 percent
Texas – 20.7 percent
Oklahoma – 20.3 percent
North Carolina – 11.7 percent
Tennessee – 8.4 percent
Arkansas – 6.5 percent
Missouri – 8 percent
Kentucky – 6.7 percent
Virginia – 16.2 percent
West Virginia – 1.8 percent

Note: To put this in perspective, I am compiling the numbers for other regions, starting with the West.

The West


California – 76 percent White
Hawaii – 37 percent White
Alaska – 77 percent White
Washington – 94 percent White
Oregon – 96 percent White
Idaho – 96 percent White
Nevada – 87 percent White
Arizona – 74 percent White
Utah – 94 percent White
New Mexico – 54 percent White
Colorado – 85 percent White
Wyoming – 92 percent White
Montana – 95 percent White


California – 40.1 percent White
Hawaii – 22.7 percent White
Alaska – 64.1 percent White
Washington – 72.5 percent White
Oregon – 78.5 percent White
Idaho – 84.0 percent White
Nevada – 54.1 percent White
Arizona – 57.8 percent White
Utah – 84 percent White
New Mexico – 40.5 percent White
Colorado – 70 percent White
Wyoming – 85.9 percent White
Montana – 87.8 percent White

Racial Decline, 1970-2012

California – 35.9 percent
Hawaii – 14.3 percent
Alaska – 12.9 percent
Washington – 21.5 percent
Oregon – 12.5 percent
Idaho – 12 percent
Nevada – 32.9 percent
Arizona – 16.2 percent
Utah – 10 percent
New Mexico – 13.5 percent
Colorado – 15 percent
Wyoming – 6.1 percent
Montana – 7.2 percent

The Midwest


Illinois – 83 percent White
Indiana – 92 percent White
Ohio – 90 percent White
Michigan – 87 percent White
Wisconsin – 96 percent White
Minnesota – 98 percent White
Iowa – 98 percent White
Kansas – 93 percent White
Nebraska – 95 percent White
South Dakota – 95 percent White
North Dakota – 97 percent White


Illinois – 63.7 percent White
Indiana – 81.5 percent White
Ohio – 81.1 percent White
Michigan – 76.6 percent White
Wisconsin – 83.3 percent White
Minnesota – 83.1 percent White
Iowa – 88.7 percent White
Kansas – 78.2 percent White
Nebraska – 82.1 percent White
South Dakota – 84.7 percent White
North Dakota – 88.9 percent White

Racial Change, 1970-2012

Illinois – 19.3 percent
Indiana – 10.5 percent
Ohio – 8.9 percent
Michigan – 10.4 percent
Wisconsin – 12.7 percent
Minnesota – 14.9 percent
Iowa – 9.3 percent
Kansas – 14.8 percent
Nebraska – 12.1 percent
South Dakota – 10.3 percent
North Dakota – 8.1 percent

The Northeast


New York – 80 percent White
New Jersey – 85 percent White
Pennsylvania – 90 percent White
Maryland – 80 percent White
Delaware – 84 percent White
Connecticut – 91 percent White
Rhode Island – 96 percent White
Massachusetts – 95 percent White
Maine – 99 percent White
New Hampshire – 99 percent White
Vermont – 99 percent White


New York – 58.3 percent White
New Jersey – 59.3 percent White
Pennsylvania – 79.5 percent White
Maryland – 54.7 percent White
Delaware – 65.3 percent White
Connecticut – 71.2 percent White
Rhode Island – 76.4 percent White
Massachusetts – 76.1 percent White
Maine – 94.4 percent White
New Hampshire – 92.3 percent White
Vermont – 94.3 percent White

Racial Change, 1970-2012

New York – 21.7 percent
New Jersey – 25.7 percent
Pennsylvania – 10.5 percent
Maryland – 25.3 percent
Delaware – 18.7 percent
Connecticut – 19.8 percent
Rhode Island – 19.6 percent
Massachusetts – 18.9 percent
Maine – 4.6 percent
New Hampshire – 6.7 percent
Vermont – 4.7 percent

And the winner of the White Republic sweepstakes is … The Wild and Wonderful Whites of West Virginia.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Southerners like Svigor are the careless assholes that built a zoo full of dangerous wild animals, in the middle of a city where they didn’t belong in the first place.

  2. Yankee-Judeans love to act like southerners emancipated the negroes.

    Nope. That was Yankees.

    I have no idea what that is suppose to mean. I have never ever acted like a southerner, my NE accent is so strong there could be no mistake on where I’m from. Why would I anyhow, I am proud of where I come from. Are you so stupid that you think everyone from up north is a wild liberal?
    A Yankee-Judean? If your’e somehow saying I am a jew that is laughable.
    I have studied jews for years and know their game inside and out.

    So you can go fuck off yourself, svigor !!
    You wont have to worry about me living down south, it’s all yours.

  3. Sean – I am in the Northeast. I LOVE my State. I do. I love New England, as well.

    But Hunters, and the other Southerners here are dead en pointe. Dont’ take their commentary personally. It hurts, sometimes, to hear them talk about Yankeeland. The reason it hurts me is because I know they are right. I see their assessments reflected almost daily, in the thought patterns and behaviors of those know. I do NOT take their thoughts personally, against me. I know they are EXCELLENT White men. the very best.

    I knew the South was right eons ago. I’ve always been into history, and when I began to learn about the political philosphies of North vs. South, and the destruction of the US Constitution, by the Tyrant VERMIN Lincoln – well, I was horrified to learn about the real reasons for, and fallout from, the Civil War.

    I’ve known Southerners, for ages. I had a job in which I dealt with Southerners, a gajillion years ago. (FYI – I was hired specifically to replace a NY Jewess, who’s abrasive, and almost lunatic pushiness nearly ruined the company’s Southern business relationships. I can come across as VERY obnoxious, online – but in person, I am the soul of politeness, and can be very charming. Not bragging. I’ve been told all my life that I’ve been invited to parties, and events, cause I draw shy folks into conversation, and can smooth rough edges, in social settings. ) Invariably my Yankee-ness was cited. I told each and every one of the Southerners I worked with (folks from AL, LA, TN, SC, NC, GA, etc) that I am born a Yankee – but I thought the South, and Southerners, have been deeply wronged, and maligned, and that the Soth has been right about Race, and culture, all along. Again – this was YEARS ago.

    The reactions I got were very interesting. Some f the folks were rueful, but there was a sense of deep vindication. I was very moved, and still am. The people I had the pleasure of workgn with wer very intelligent, articulate folk. One guy, for Alabama, went OFF. He went into …oohh..a 45 minute tirade about EVERYTHING. I think I get him a chance to unleash. He wasn’t angry at ME – I think I was the first Yank he ever hear express the moral righteousness of the South. he went off about the Civil War, and the utter ruinination unleashed by the North. His own family was truly devastated. Yankees lost family – but Yankee LAND – towns, infrastructure, food supply – was NEVER touched by the War of Northern Aggression. He went on about Niggers – I think he shocked by a Northern White woman using the word “Nigger” – and my own experiences, in Northern cities validated the fact that I wasn’t merely pandering to him. He reserved his deepest, and most justified fury for the White Yankees that STILL insult Southerners on a daily basis, today. The slander against Southerners remains unbated, today. He, and the gentlemen – and I mean “gentlemen” – that post on this blog have every right to utter EVERY word they utter about the Damned Yankees.

    I must go – but Sean – please please please understand that no one here holds any personal malice against you. I think Hunter is glad about any sincere contributor to his blog. I have met some of thefolks that post here-in. I feel blessed by their tolerance of me, and my wacky posts. I’ve learned so much on this blog. So please stick around. We are big enough to take anything the Dixie boys dish out. I think the world of the Regulars, in “Hunter’s pub”.

    This may sound daft – but I think the insights gleaned are an excellent way to come together AS members of the White Race. A White identity is being formed, on sites like this, and others. Hunter noted, ages ago, that there never has been a true “White” identity. There are Germans and Slavs and Celts and Meditteraneans, etc – but never just White. Well – we are beginning to do that now. Here. Family members fight all the time. We are a family. So stick around.

  4. Sean – the Yanke Judeo think means that Yankees – New England/Northeastern Holier Than Thou social fantasies meld beautifully together. Not that You are the Spawn of Satan.

    There was a big old discussion of this a while back. Settle DOWN. Svigor was using “shorthand”.

  5. The South might protest that the North armed something like 200,000 blacks to kill White men and loot and destroy our country and that White abolitionists marched into our cities at the head of negro armies to burn them down … and then had one mass collective orgasm in Yankeeland over the abolition of slavery.

    In the movie Glory, Matthew Broderick is buried with his niggers:

    Southerners might also point out that there was a Fugitive Slave Law, that the Yankee states like Vermont nullified the Fugitive Slave Law to keep as many free blacks as possible in the Northeast, and then sheltered runaway slaves and feted them as prized pets like Frederick Douglass, and that we warned them for decades that abolition would result in a mass exodus of blacks to the North.

    I have already cited the specific articles in DeBow’s Review where the criminal plague of free negroes in the 1830s was discussed and used as an example that free society had failed.

    Of course the Yankee didn’t listen then. We told them that equality was nonexistent and that biological differences existed between the races. But what can you do with people who thought the Civil Rights Movement was a great idea and that electing Barack Obama and Eric “My People” Holder was an even better idea?

    It is exasperating … if the North stopped for a mere decade, stopped voting as a phalanx for the DREAM Act and Obama and the Civil Rights Movement, abandoned its nutty ideas about race, that is the pivot on which the whole country would swing away from BRA.

    It happened before when the North relented after 1896 and gave up on Reconstruction. The North became more racial. The negro was shackled and put under control. The whole country grew whiter.

    Unfortunately, the North changed its mind after concluding that Hitler and racism was evil in WW2.

  6. The premise of the discussion revolved around the fact that Yankee Puritan derived Do Gooderism/Yankee School Marmishness (I know what’s best. This is the only way to BE moral. Yak yak yak yak) AND materialism parallels the Jewish Light Unto the World/We ARE THE Moral Authority, Chosen By God to Lead You Idiot Goyim Around by the Nose, for Your Own Good of Course – While we Make LOTS of Money a wee bit too closely.

    The South is an Anglo Celt culture. Certainly every one likes money, and stuff – but family, and history, and simply BEING, vs Being useful (Do Gooderism) is infinitely more important.

    Go back and scan the “conversations”. I know all about Yankee Do Gooderism – I choke on it – and Celtic “Being”.

    Hunter’s right.

    Don’t be so quick to snap. Settle in and scan the past posts. You’ll understand where every-one’s coming from.

    Yikes am I late!

  7. Hunter – once in while I get to call the Civil War “The War of Northern Aggression” TO an ususpecting Southerner, before he or she does. The reaction is priceless!

    The war never really ended. The battlefield just keeps moving around. The North “won” the 19 century battles, but I think, in the end, the South will win the War, for good.

  8. Fair enough, I won’t go anywhere until I leave on my own or am banned. svigor can blame me all he wants for the civil war. Fact is I am of German decent and my family first setteled in IL before heading NE.
    They also arrived in the late 1800’s. They had nothing to do with anything that happened down south. My ancestors by trade were morticians and opend up business and did well in the NE.
    svigor reminds me of a nigger that blames YT for everything gone wrong in their life.
    Most Whites in the NE had nothing to do with the civil war and infact arrived in the same time period my relatives did. So if he wants to show how ignorant he is, he can fuck off !!

  9. “Fact is I am of German decent and my family first setteled in IL before heading NE.
    They also arrived in the late 1800?s”

    This is my story, pretty much, too.

    Don’t be so thin-skinned.

    Yankees ARE a problem. They ARE our people, however, so we will set ’em to rights, eventually.

    Svigor is a National Treasure. He’s one of the Forces of Nature that will regain an America for ALL us American-Americans. You, and me, too. You’ll see.

  10. Took a tour though Bristol, RI a few weeks ago. Admired the beautiful old houses. They were mostly all funded by the slave trade. Yankee ships and seaman transported blacks to America. Many got filthy rich off of it. Went to New Bedford, the historic city that was central to the whaling industry–it’s 3rd world now. Maybe they should change the name to New Azores. Visited Prescott Farm, a working farm from the late 18th century. Learned that the farm raised crops for export to the South to feed slaves, as Southern land was maximized for cotton or tabacco. Many got filthy rich off of it. Went to New Bedford, the historic city that was central to the whaling industry–it’s 3rd world now. Maybe they should change the name to New Azores. That said, there is a class of Yankee known up here as a “Swamp Yankee”, who live in rural areas and are quiet conservative with regard to race and immigration. I see them in the same position as rural white Californians, being truely conservative but with no representation thanks to the cities controlling politics. I think it is unwise of either Yankee or Southerner to deny themselves a potential ally.

  11. OMG. Marcie is ill. Really ill. Truly mental

    I need to go audit one of his “classes” sometime…

  12. Those other sites are great!

    Sean – hahaha!!!! You’re of German descent?


    I have German in me – but my sisters and I express as Celts. So so my other relatives.

    My hubby is half German, and half Welsh. The funny thing is that we both physically express as Brythonic Celts. He’s tall, though. He gets that form the German side.

    His Dad’s side is the German side. Lovely, lovely, lovely hard-working, physically beautiful folks. Lovely people. If the world were comprised of his family – we’d be living in an Almost Paradise. My State – PA is LOADED with Krauts.

    Not a Perfect Paradise, though, cause as my Hubster sez – “Nothing is more stubborn than a German. Tell a German he can’t do something – and he’ll kill himself to prove you wrong” His Dad embodies that.

    Now I know why yer so “touchy” about the Yankee stuff. And so unwilling to back down over it. The Teutonic Warrior as flared up.

    Sean – have you spent any real time come to the Council of Conservative Citizen’s meeting in July, if ya can, or the Stormfront Conference in September.

    You;ll understand the deep, deep love and appreciation for our Southern Volk. One word, though – Krauts and Celts are different. Celts are largely a bunch of wise ass pixies – who love to taunt.

    And Barb’s dead right about Svigor. A National Treasure. He’s GENIUS. He’s the BEST. He and I have had wonderful “conversations” on the “Walking Dead” threads. We think that a total Civilizational Collapse would be just DANDY!

    Take a deep breath. Hunter won’t ban you unless you go deeply psycho. Settle in. Have FUN.

  13. Correction – now I’m Beyond Late, but :

    “Sean – have you spent any real time IN the South? Come to the Council of Conservative Citizen’s meeting in July, if ya can, or the Stormfront Conference in September.”

    You show to one, or both – you’ll have the time of your life.

  14. Thanks for the kind words, Denise. You are a treasure in the comment section here, I always get a kick from your writings.
    Yes, when I get fixated on a certain topic or project, tunnel vision instinctively occurs.
    Your husband is correct about us Germans.
    As Napolean said, “Germans are either at your feet or at your neck.”

  15. Sean is generally right about the Germans of the north not having much to do with Lincoln’s war of agression against the south. Many of them refused to go at all and were allowed to keep farming, and the Irish of the north rebelled against conscription (and some were hanged for it) and fled or were forced into service. It was mostly very close genetic kin but with different ideas who fought each other. “Yankee do-gooderism” isn’t Germanic at all.

  16. Re: The belief system of liberalism or “do-gooder”-ism: Most German religious denominations (such as most of the Lutheran groups) are liberal or “do-gooder”-ish today, but mainline ENGLISH churches were infected much earlier, and THEY led the way to Lincoln’s war. Liberalism is really not a distinctly German characteristic. The Roman Catholic church, with so many genetically non-German and non-English leaders and members, is also seriously infected with liberalism.

  17. Hard, practical, productive work IS a German characteristic, and is not the same as save-the-world “do-gooder”-ism.

  18. It is obvious and clear as the noon day sun WHERE anti-white, do-gooding liberalism comes from. Why so many refuse to accept that is pure emotional attachment.

  19. ” Krauts and Celts are different. Celts are largely a bunch of wise ass pixies – who love to taunt.”

    Ja, und vile I am a Tcherman ein bissel, ich bin auch ein Kelt.
    Dass ist vy I am zooo confuzed!

    Germans are actually rather pietist, if they are Lutheran. The LCMS were historically almost paranoid about saying ANYTHING in relation to politics, from a ‘churchly’ perspective- at least, this is what I remember from the 1980’s.

    As an aside to this marvelous repartee (Denise, you be moderator anytime!) isn’t it fascinating that one group says another is ‘stubborn’ when we ALL are stubborn- Kelts, Germans, Scandics, etc. It’s only the Latins (French, Spaniards, Italians, Portuguese, Greeks- well, the greeks are in a category all by themselves, actually…)
    that seem to be less stubborn, and more ‘hot-headed.’

    Then when we read that the Israelites of the Bible were ‘stiff-necked’ and all that, I marvel at the cultural correspondence of the O.T. Church and the N.T. Christendom. it’s as if they were relatives of one another….. hmmmm.

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