Alabama’s Disgrace



The New York Times moans:

“Alabamians should see on Wednesday, the last day of the legislative session, just how badly the Republicans who control the Statehouse want to continue down the path of anti-immigrant extremism.”

Gov. Bentley backed down under pressure and approved the changes:

“Republican Governor Robert Bentley approved changes to Alabama’s immigration law a day after he said the measure was unacceptable because it requires the state to post online the names of illegal immigrants who are arrested.

The legislation, signed by Bentley today, keeps in place most of a crackdown approved last year that the Obama administration is challenging in court as unconstitutional.”

The Supreme Court should uphold SB 1070 this summer. Hopefully, there will be a broad decision that will give us the leeway we need to construct the Juan Crow South. Then we can start passing more laws that force illegal aliens to move to the Blue States.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “Extremism” meaning any effort from whites to fight back at all against the demographic warfare being waged against them and their children. Franky, one think I always detested about the North, they cannot mind their own damned business.

  2. “Then we can start passing more laws that force illegal aliens to move to the Blue States.” – This is why they are complaining, they don’t want diversity for themselves, and they won’t consider that other Americans don’t want it either.

  3. “Republican Governor Robert Bentley approved changes to Alabama’s immigration law a day after he said the measure was unacceptable because it requires the state to post online the names of illegal immigrants who are arrested.

    Why is that bad?
    Small town newspapers report every arrest.

    Bentley is hitting the liberal tap. Get rid of the SOB faggot.

  4. Anon, the NYT crowd hates the South more than any part of the U.S. because it is a symbol of standing up to the central government and because it resonates with whites and only whites. That’s also why they are so intent on ripping down the Confederate flag, because it is a white and ONLY white symbol. No other ethnicity/race rallies behind it.

  5. The SB 1070 decision is coming this summer. It could be a broad or a narrow decision. SCOTUS will probably return power to the states to deal with immigration because it is sick of lawsuits.

    Most states are squatting on the sidelines to see how this plays out. If and when SCOTUS upholds the Arizona law, it could spread rapidly like E-Verify and Voter ID. Depending on the decision, the states might be emboldened to push further, with a broad decision resulting in significant change.

    Ideally, we could start pushing Hispanics out of Red States. There could be a mass exodus of illegals from Texas and Florida.

  6. Don’t worry about where they will go Hunter. Our loony liberal politicians and holier than thou “anti-racist” moralizers will welcome them with open arms into CT.

    They already welcome them now. We have sanctuary cities. Illegal youths get in state college tuition rates. And, of course, CT is among the best states for welfare benefits.

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