Black Undertow Threatens To Overwhelm Israel


Oy vey! The Africans are coming!

“JERUSALEM (AP) — Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is warning that Israel could be swamped by illegal migrants from Africa.

The mounting number of migrants is high on the national agenda following a series of crimes, including rapes, that have been blamed on the newcomers.”

Netanyahu says the influx is “threatening the fabric of Israeli society, its national security and its national identity.”

He says if Israel doesn’t stop it, then “60,000 infiltrators are liable to become 600,000, and lead to the eradication of Israel as a Jewish and democratic state.”

Note: Bibi Netanyahu has identified the threat to civilization posed by the Black Undertow. Make use of this among Evangelical Christian Zionists.

Meanwhile, in the streets of Tel Aviv, the White man’s marches on! :p

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Agree, St. George is GORGEOUS!

    “Outside of Denver, solid White folks.”
    Hm. I disagree. Fort Collins, Colorado Springs and Boulder are scary-SWPL, imo. The Crips and Bloods have a franchise operation in Aurora. The mountain towns like Aspen and Telluride you can’t afford, and are all SWPL’d up with mexican helots, anyway.
    Colorado is like CA in the early phases of the Mexifornication, and it’s hastening right down that road, with all deliberate speed.

    I like WY. Good jobs for White men willing to work, not too many mexicans except for Jackson Hole. Affordable housing — outside of the Cody Country / Jackson Hole parts, anyway. Good, salt-of-the-earth White people. We’ve always been known as the Cowboy State, and that culture survives yet.

  2. I recently moved to CA from NV. I had to do so for work.

    While living in NV, I became increasingly disgusted by the influx of illegal mexis.

    Anyway, I’m now living in Tahoe. Tahoe, of all places, has been taken over by Mexis.
    They breed and breed and breed …

    I play a game every day called ‘how far can I drive before I see the first illegal mexican’ … rarely do I make it a mile without seeing one. They are everywhere. They breed and replicate overnight.

    I have so many stories about the white bay area liberals who’ve ruined Tahoe …

    Never allow white liberals from Mexifornia into your town/city. NEVER! They will ruin it so fast …

  3. Leo,

    I’m heading out of town this holiday weekend. Driving up to the Lake Huron shore. Michigan is very white. Once you leave Detroit, it’s like traveling through a time-warp to a better period. Hit up my Twitter this weekend. I’ll post some pictures of coastal northern Michigan.

  4. Got me there.

    If there was a genie that could grant me one wish, the removal of all blacks from Dixie, or eternal separation from the North, I would snatch the latter in less than two seconds.


    1.) Because there was never any indigenous popular movement here for abolition, black citizenship, negro equality, civil rights, integration, open borders, women’s suffrage, feminism, gay marriage, fagging the military, public education, multiculturalism, political correctness, white guilt, Prohibition, Obama, etc.

    2.) Because if Dixie was an independent nation-state, none of these things would have ever triumphed here, as every one of these things was forced upon us.

    3.) Because all of these things are Yankee-inspired utopian projects that bubble out of the perfectionist reform culture of the Deep North. There is an unbroken tradition of these reforms from abolition to gay marriage stretching from the 1830s to 2012.

    4.) Because the decline of America began with the ascendancy of the North under Lincoln.

    5.) Because even if every black were to vanish from Dixie tomorrow, surely states like Vermont would figure out some way to bring them back, and to elevate them over Whites.

    6.) Because secession is the solution to the meta problem: the problem that causes all other problems, which is the thirst for sectional domination, which is why the White minority in the Deep North is allied with fags, blacks, Jews, Hispanics, Asians, etc.

    7.) Because Jews are dominant only in the Northeast, Upper Midwest, and West Coast for some strange inexplicable reason they get elected there, but not so much elsewhere.

    8.) Because with our own government free of that pernicious influence, whether Jewish or Yankee, we could solve every other problem once the primary obstacle is removed.

    Note: There are plenty of good White people in the North and West, but they are a powerless minority dominated by the liberal fanatics who control their states, who mostly live in Northern suburbs.

    The pivot of our whole racial problem is squarely in the Northeast, Upper Midwest, and West Coast. The majority of Obama voters are White.

    It is stupid White people like Michael Moore who will go to the polls and vote for Obama and Eric “My People” Holder after all they have done to destroy us as a race.

    The fact is, if the North would only yield, and stop trying to push nigger equality down our throats, everything would change overnight. That’s what happened in 1896 when the North became disillusioned with anti-racism.

    The war against Hitler’s Germany sparked a revival of the old bad habits: the manic, crusading, utopian spirit of the Yankee-Puritan altruistic punishers who thrive on destroying the lives of ordinary people to bring on the millennium.

  5. Sean – the Dystopian Dumps you are citing are not “Real Americana”.
    Denise, that was sarcasm. I have been to every corner of this nation. Just sarcasm.

    Mosin Nagant, You hate Germans too?
    I am lucky enough to be born of clean Germanic stock.
    But my question stands, what is your definetion of a Yankee
    If is laughable to compare Germanic stock to Irie or Scot. I think this obvious enough.
    But you say G E R M A N is bad. How so, no sarcasm, I am very intrested in your assesment.

  6. It really all started with the south importing hundreds of thousands of niggers on their own property.
    That did not happen up north. They plowed thier own fields.
    Up north you will find more solid White stock. Not mullatos.

  7. “The pivot of our whole racial problem is squarely in the Northeast, Upper Midwest, and West Coast. The majority of Obama voters are White. . . “ – H.W.

    I would also include much of Florida, which has been heavily infiltrated by Jews, Yankees and “Hispanics.”

    But there is one problem Dixie must still confront: What the hell are you going to do with the tens of millions of negroes, not to mention the millions of crazed, mad-dog carpetbaggers currently ensconced and who are destroying what’s left of Southern heritage? Keep in mind, both Virginia and North Carolina, not to mention Florida, went “blue” for the Kenyan tribesman back in 2008.

    Demographically speaking, it ain’t looking too good for Dixie. Texas is already a non-white majority state and others are soon to follow.

  8. I took a strongman from the UK to the hills. He said the people reminded him of home, and I think Leo would do just fine there. WY would be better with jobs and all.

    The Irish up north vote left, the Irish down south don’t. Big difference. Same with Catholics. I forget the name of the book that makes the case, but there is a case to be made that the influx of Germans up north helped create the north/ South divide, which grew again later with the introduction of Poles, Italians, etc. Not that I have any problems with any of those groups, but they are different people with different ways of thinking and what not and have added to our problems

  9. Negros will flee the South when the fed’s have no power here. So will the carpetbaggers and scallywags. They won’t want to be here and they will leave on their own. We’ll still have our native born liberals but not enough to sway power.

  10. barb,
    Next time your in UT, St. George, about 45 mins out.
    Go to Pine Valley. A fork in the highway off town.
    Google it.
    Pure beauty. Blue water small lake/pond. Good fishing.

  11. Negros will flee the South when the fed’s have no power here. So will the carpetbaggers and scallywags. They won’t want to be here and they will leave on their own. We’ll still have our native born liberals but not enough to sway power.Stonelifter

    I’m thinking it will be similar to what happened after the Revolutionary War when the “loyalists” were brutally uprooted and forced to flee to Canada. The point, however, is that it will require bloodshed on a much larger scale than what we have seen in the past given the numbers involved.

  12. “Mosin Nagant, You hate Germans too? I am lucky enough to be born of clean Germanic stock. But my question stands, what is your definition of a Yankee
    If is laughable to compare Germanic stock to Irish or Scot. I think this obvious enough. But you say G E R M A N is bad. How so, no sarcasm, I am very interested in your assessment.”

    But it WAS sarcasm, in response to your question, and to the often-repeated description (see above) of “The NORTH… (as) predominantly GERMAN… etc.”

    I wrote: ” ‘So what is a Yankee?’ It must be something as bad as a GERMAN.”

    Is the admixture of German DNA really responsible for “do-gooderism,” “boosterism,” universalism and liberal reformism that began in the North BEFORE the arrival of the Welsh, Irish, Italians, Poles, Slavs, JEWS, etc.? Why then do those movements, behaviors or ways of thinking never appear among PURELY Germanic communities here, and why did they appear first among purely BRITISH people of New England?

  13. “Anyway, I’m now living in Tahoe. Tahoe, of all places, has been taken over by Mexis.
    They breed and breed and breed …”

    La Cucaracha, La Cucaracha…. there’s a reason that’s the first song you learn in Spanish 101, amigo. Well, that, and ordering at high class restaurants like Taco Bell….

  14. “Because all of these things are Yankee-inspired utopian projects that bubble out of the perfectionist reform culture of the Deep North. ”

    Hunter- do you know what this is? This is the ‘halfway-house covenant’ of the early Puritan Calvinists, degenerated down to mere ‘social piety’ divorced from authentic Augustianian Christianity! Why did all the bizarre cults come from the NE?

    Calvinists who couldn’t or wouldn’t maintain a ‘state church’ like the Evangelical Anglicans, after the 1776 era, soon began to splinter. Not only that, but the desire to BE ‘Hester Prynne’ soon overcame any godliness the Mayflower folk had left, once the tie to Europe had been made. Think of it. Transcendentalism, Eddyism, Seventh Day-ism, Mormonism, all began on the ‘burned over’ soil of once Calvinist New England (for even Ohio was nothing more than MA and CT moved west).

    Once you remove the focus from YOUR sins, and how to eradicate them during a lifetime, to looking to ‘social ills’, you both screw up the ‘society’ you are trying to ‘improve’ as well as ‘absolve’ your own priggish false piety. Yankee Supremacism is merely atomistic Calvinism gone to seed.

  15. “Yankee Supremacism is merely atomistic Calvinism gone to seed.”

    Before the GERMANS came, en masse, to settle most of the North and West (and also some areas south of the Line) there were these purely genetically British heretical “Yankee supremacists.”

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