Black Undertow Threatens To Overwhelm Israel


Oy vey! The Africans are coming!

“JERUSALEM (AP) — Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is warning that Israel could be swamped by illegal migrants from Africa.

The mounting number of migrants is high on the national agenda following a series of crimes, including rapes, that have been blamed on the newcomers.”

Netanyahu says the influx is “threatening the fabric of Israeli society, its national security and its national identity.”

He says if Israel doesn’t stop it, then “60,000 infiltrators are liable to become 600,000, and lead to the eradication of Israel as a Jewish and democratic state.”

Note: Bibi Netanyahu has identified the threat to civilization posed by the Black Undertow. Make use of this among Evangelical Christian Zionists.

Meanwhile, in the streets of Tel Aviv, the White man’s marches on! :p

About Hunter Wallace 12409 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. But wait, Hunter.

    Does not the Torah, say ‘My house will be a house of prayer for ALL Peoples’?

    Can we not see the BLESSING that, say, SIX MILLION niggers in the “Holy Land” will do, to usher in the millennial kingdom, as they help build the Third Temple, so that the ‘Chosen People’ can offer dead animals again, in this technocratic age?

    Why, it would be a wonderful Final Solution to the problem of unequal labor forces in Israel, where so many of the Talmudics, (having come from Germany and other lands once thought ‘beyond the Pale’- who have no ethnic, cultural, or ancestral claim to the Levant) who are all scientists, doctors, lawyers, and other ‘intellectual’ occupations… don’t you see the significance? SIX MILLION niggers would enable a RENAISSANCE of benevolence to their ‘less fortunate brethren,’ as brick makers, temple builders, and architects from Egypt, while the Rabbis would make a killing (you should pardon the expression) circumcising those nice Negro schwantzes….. to make them all ontological equals to the Jews…. oy! Such a universal salvation. Such a wonder of Hashem to be seen, in the midst of all this false news of hatred of the Palestinians! Such a mitzvot of righteousness, to make the less fortunate their EQUALS.

    Oh, the joy and wonder of it all. Sob. I’m all verklempt. Talk amongst yourselves…..

  2. “Make use of this among Evangelical Christian Zionists.” But they are taught that Jews are the one exception — that all Israel WILL be “gathered” and separated.

    It is a pernicious modern heresy. It didn’t originate with Germans either.

  3. “Does not the Torah, say…‘for ALL Peoples’?”

    Doesn’t matter what the Bible teaches, only what the Heresy SAYS the Bible teaches.

    The heretics think their ridiculous pseudo-exegeses of Daniel and the Apocalypse of John are the height of scholarship.

  4. “Perhaps we should tweet this at the SPLC? Maybe write the ADL and ask them to condemn Netanyahu for racism?” Good idea, but MAYBE those groups also believe Israel is an EXCEPTION.

  5. Saw it very clearly Fr John. Your sarcasm reigns supreme but I only seconded it and amplified it a little.

  6. Sarcasm: “Doesn’t matter what the Bible teaches, only what the Heresy SAYS the Bible teaches.”

    We agree on that.

  7. “MAYBE those groups (ADL, SPLC) also believe Israel is an exception.” Sarcasm/irony as well. This is the way to start a new day.

  8. “..The heretics think their ridiculous pseudo-exegeses of Daniel and the Apocalypse of John are the height of scholarship.”

    “Saint Hal Lindsey much-married, prayyy for ussss.” That sort of thing?

  9. It’s almost like these Nose-Niggers think they’re better than regular Niggers? Common Israel, if that were true then that means everything said and done by your nose-nigger brethren in the west has been a subversive mischaracterization right? But that couldn’t happen because Israel and nose-niggers in general add to our rich western culture unless…… oh…

  10. Just like Mark Potok (Jew) is ready to ‘fan the flames’ of ‘racial divisiveness’ if it’s WHITES who are rising up in self-defence, but not if Niggers are wilding white children…. HYPOCRITE.

    (Oh, wait SPLC/Jew- never mind. Calling them hypocrites isn’t an insult. It’s merely their definition of existence on this planet.)

  11. “ ‘Saint Hal Lindsey much-married, prayyy for ussss.’ That sort of thing?”


  12. This is very interesting. It sort of flies in the face of the “Jews controlling the black invasion” theory, which I must admin, I have subscribe to based on DD writings. I had no idea Israel was having immigration problems of any kind.

  13. We will not be laughing about this much longer as Israel finds a way to send them over here. There was talk of sending them to Australia as the aussies have a traitor jew as the Minister of the Interior( Domestic Secretary or some such)I believe..

  14. I think Molon Labe is on to something but there would be no anti-white Jewish minister without the cooperation of some white anti-white.

    The Jews would have no inordinate political, social or economic power without white anti-white traitors allowing it. Our worst enemies look and act like us but have no loyalty to us.

  15. “Our worst enemies look and act like us but have no loyalty to us.”

    That’s the very modus operandi the Jews have been using against Whites, since at least 1800 in America. Anyone here know of Haym Solomon?

    Since they ‘say’ they are White, people believe them. But they ain’t. Never were, never can be. Even Josephus noted that, in AD 60.

  16. Jews want all the Goy to be their slaves. They lump all the Goyim together. This fallacy is their Fatal Flaw. All Goyim are not alike. They bring in foreign workers, of all stripes. The Africans have it much better ANYWHERE than in their own countries. Africans being Africans behave like Africans, where ‘ere they go.

    Now Israel has a Diversity problem, on their own turf, that they can’t control. They always make stupid mistakes, due to their Lucerferian arrogance.

    Killing off those nice White productive tamed-down Goy, that they’ve been using and abusing for centuries, was the stupidest mistake they EVER made.


  17. This helped me a lot…

    by Charles Coughlin

    Most White people know nothing at all about the nature of the Jews. The biggest delusion is that the Jews are a “religion.” The ancestors of most Jews are “Ashkenazi Jews” which refers to Jews, who originated in central Asia (Kazakhstan). These Jews immigrated to Poland in the Middle Ages (hence the large Yiddish community in Poland and the Warsaw Ghetto) and then traveled from there to Western Europe. Even though the Jews have lived among Christian Europeans for hundreds of years, they have refused all attempts to be converted to Christianity. The end result of having Jews in a White nation for a prolonged period of time is widespread moral corruption and a severe undermining of Christianity. Jews play the role of an anti-Christian virus in White societies.

    The Jews are not a branch of the White race. The Ashkhenazi Jews from Kazakhstan are a mixture of Central Asians mixed with Mongols, who were well known for their brutality. Most likely a few Mediterranean Jews immigrated to Kazakhstan centuries ago and began a community there. The Jewish leaders may have considered the people of this area very similar in attitude and personality to the original Jewish race and intermarried with them. One legend claims that a king of Kazakhstan heard from Jewish, Christian and Muslim representatives and declared that his kingdom should become Jewish.

    The most important thing to remember about Jews is that they are an alien race. The definition of a Jew in Judaic law is someone, who has a Jewish mother. How can Judaism be considered a religion if you have to be born into it? That is the definition of a race! It would be somewhat alarming to White Americans if a foreign people such as the Japanese, got together in racial meeting houses once per week to promote their racial agenda. The Jews have cleverly claimed that their racial meeting houses, synagogues, are “religious” meeting houses “just like churches.” There is a passage in the New Testament, Revelations 2:9 that says “I know the slander of those, who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan.” This passage correctly notes that modern synagogues have nothing to do with God and that the Jews are now an alien Mongol-Central Asian race, not even related to the original Jews.

    The Bible also speaks of Pharisees and Sadducees. The Pharisees believed in life after death and angels while the Sadducees were atheistic. Most Jews in recent decades put their trust in socialism, communism or the Democrat Party. The number of Jews, who actually believe in God, may be as little as twenty percent. Most Jews seem to look down on devout Christians as foolish simpletons, and this sentiment comes across strongly in the Jewish-controlled mass media. Every once in a while “an atheistic rabbi” will be mentioned on the news. The word “rabbi” means teacher and does not necessarily have any religious meaning. The vast majority of Jews are political leftists or Zionist imperialists, who secretly believe that their race should control the planet.

    Ironically, the Ashkenazi Jews are the dominant Jewish group in Israel. They have first choice for housing and other perks while the North African Jews (the Sephardic Jews), who may have mixed Jewish and Arab (and even Black) ancestry, are treated as second class citizens. One Ashkenazi Jew found himself discriminated against in Israel for marrying a Sephardic Jew.

    Jews have often been tolerated in European nations because it was believed that they would help improve trade. Jews, however, always brought along with them a seedy criminal element. Jews typically have been heavily involved in prostitution and loan-sharking. Jews also corrupt and undermine the nations that they invade.

    Over the centuries, the Jews have interbred with Europeans, producing a more intelligent Jewish leadership with the same Asiatic business skill. Instead of being petty money-lenders and small time merchants, the mixed-breed Jews have created the powerful Rothschild and Warburg international banking families. The mixed-breed Jews similarly have become more sophisticated at interfering with and subverting European governments to suit their needs.

    The first European nation to experience a large influx of Ashkenazi Jews was Poland in the Middle Ages. The Jewish community grew considerably and contributed to undermining Poland from the inside. The once strong nation quickly lost its position in Europe and was literally wiped off the map of Europe. Russia, Prussia and Austria devoured Poland in three partitions from 1772 to 1795. It is more than a coincidence that the first European nation invaded by these Jews in large numbers was corrupted from the inside and weakened to such an extent that it was obliterated by its enemies.

    Austria now had to face similar problems from its new Jewish subjects. Gradually an anti-Semitic press was established in Austria, which tried to resist the corrupting influence of Jews on Austrian society. As usual Jews were found to be involved in every lucrative criminal enterprise, especially prostitution and loan-sharking. Russia suffered an even worse problem with its Jews, who increasingly developed plans to murder the Russian royal family and to create an anarchist or communist revolution. Tsar Alexander II had attempted to reform Russian society by emancipating the serfs. Despite his good work, the Tsar was murdered by an early socialist terrorist group, called the “People’s Will.” The bomb-thrower, who killed the Tsar, was named Ignatei Grinevitski. Two of his terrorist associates had very Jewish names, Nikolai Sablin and Gesia Gelfman.

    The Russian government then took a serious interest in the activities of the Jews. An agent of the Russian Secret Police discovered a Jewish plot called The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. These Protocols spelled out a Jewish plan to subvert and control governments through Jewish control of the press, bribery, blackmail and even seduction. (Anyone remember Monica Lewinsky or Chandra Levy?) Henry Ford commented that the Protocols fit world history. The Protocols call for the Jewish-controlled press to push Gentile nations into war against any nations that remove Jews from power. The Protocols were first published in Russian in 1897. A second printing in 1905 reached Western nations. After the communist takeover of Russia, the possession of a copy of the Protocols by a non-Jew would bring the death penalty.

    By the time World War One broke out, the Jews in Russia, Austro-Hungary and Prussia (now Germany) had created widespread subversive socialist and communist organizations designed to topple the governments of those countries. By 1917 the strain of World War One had weakened Russia internally to the point that communists led by Jewish commissars were able to topple the government and murder the Tsar and his family. They established a brutal communist dictatorship that oppressed Christianity and murdered twenty million people in Russia and the Ukraine by the 1930s.

    In 1918 Jews in Germany called for general strikes protesting the continuing war. These strikes undermined the war effort and led to Germany’s collapse and the Versailles Treaty, which unfairly placed the blame for the war on Germany and demanded huge reparations that later ruined the Germany economy. The Austro-Hungarian Empire similarly fell apart under the strain of the war and subversive maneuvers by Jews. The Kaiser fled Germany and the heavily Jewish Weimar Republic was born. The Weimar Republic is infamous for corruption, moral degeneracy and incompetence, and the German public eventually voted it out of existence.

    The same race of Asiatic Jews, who destroyed Poland and then Russia, Germany and Austro-Hungary, began immigrating from eastern Europe to England, France and America. New York City quickly filled up with Yiddish Jews, who then spread to all the other major American cities. America had a significant and increasing Jewish population going back to the 1850s. By 1913 the Jews had established enough political clout to create the Federal Reserve banking system, which effectively put the entire U.S. money system in the hands of Jewish bankers. Following that event, America was pushed into two world wars, which America got nothing out of. A Great Depression devastated America only sixteen years after the Jews took over our money system.

    The Jewish role in politics grew even stronger after the Federal Reserve was established. The immigration floodgates were opened for Yiddish Jews, who massively increased the Jewish population of America during the 20s and 30s. The extremely corrupt Franklin Delano Roosevelt surrounded himself with Jewish advisers and was one of the biggest collaborators with the Jews ever. President Bill Clinton, another extremely corrupt Democrat President, also surrounded himself with Jewish advisers, lawyers and interns.

    Today the Jews have large populations in all White nations. The United States has the largest population of Jews in the world. The result has been a rapid deterioration in morality and a dramatic increase in political corruption. Traditional Christian values have been replaced with Jewish values, which support homosexuality and moral relativism. The Jews are aware that White people have in the past successfully overthrown their puppet governments. In response to this, the Jews are deliberately pushing the concepts of “diversity” and “tolerance” hoping that White people will racially mix with Blacks, Mexicans and Asians, producing a less intelligent population with no racial heritage. The Jews meanwhile will not interbreed with other races to any significant extent “for religious reasons” and emerge as the most intelligent surviving race ruling a vast brown heap of racial mongrels.

    There is a clear path of destruction, starting with Poland, which was wiped off the map for over a century. Then the nations, which overran Poland: Russia, Prussia and Austria were poisoned by Jewish socialists, who helped murder two Tsars and overthrow all three empires during World War One. Finally, the Jews invaded the United States. We are being forced to support Israel no matter what atrocities they commit against Palestinians (and we have become targets of terrorism because of Israel’s criminal behavior.) Our monetary system has been controlled by Jews since 1913. Christian morality has been suppressed and replaced with Jewish immorality. The Jewish-controlled media pushes homosexuality and race-mixing on a daily basis to destroy the White race. We can either learn from history and remove the Jews from power or join a list of destroyed empires, from which the Jews have built their fortunes.

  18. more of the same says:
    “The Jews would have no inordinate political, social or economic power without white anti-white traitors allowing it.”

    Yep and that’s what most block heads in white nationalism, don’t want to understand.

    If there was no one helping the Jews, how did they do it? They are only 2% of the population, so they couldn’t do what they have done to us, unless a large percentage of the White population, was rotten to the core and actively helping them.

    Apparently you guys can’t do math. 2% of the population and they did it without help??? Really???

    Is worshiping Jews as some kind of a devil god, a religion for you guys? Let me know.

  19. “MK Danny Danon (Likud) asked Australian MP Michael Danby on Wednesday to propose, in parliament in Canberra, sending African migrants from Israel to Australia.

    Danon and Danby discussed the issue during the Australian politician’s visit to Israel for the World Jewish Congress’s International Conference of Jewish Parliamentarians.

    African migrants, activists hold World Refugee Day rally
    Gov’t: Number of African migrants reaches high for 2011

    “The arrival of thousands of Muslim infiltrators to Israeli territory is a clear threat to the state’s Jewish identity,” Danon told The Jerusalem Post.

    “The refugees’ place is not among us, and the initiative to transfer them to Australia is the right and just solution.

    “On the one hand, it treats the refugees and migrants in a humane way. On the other hand, it does not threaten Israel’s future and our goal to maintain a clear and solid Jewish majority,” he explained.

    Danon said Danby enthusiastically agreed to present the idea to the Australian Parliament.

    Danby was not available for comment, however, as he was in-flight on his way back to Australia.

    According to the Knesset’s Research and Information Center, there were 35,638 migrants in Israel as of May.

    Fewer than 1 percent are recognized by the UN as refugees.

    Some 61% of the migrants – 21,748 people – are Eritrean, however, and categorized as members of a “temporary humanitarian protection group” by the UN, because they cannot be returned safely to their home country due to internal strife.

    “Since Australia has a policy of accepting refugees and groups under protection, I would appreciate it if you could promote a solution in which Australia would accept those who seeking refuge,” Danon wrote in a letter to the MP from Melbourne following their meeting.”

    Not to get on anyone’s case, but rather than waste your time saying you “think” you “remember” seeing something like this somewhere, why not just do a simple five second google search to share the facts with us? Anyway…

    What better evidence do we need that Zionist Jews ARE NOT THE FRIEND OF WHITE COUNTRIES? A lot of stories regarding Africans in Israel like the one posted by Hunter Wallace above have been getting attention over at Amren but I cannot find this particular story of the Likud politicians asking a Jewish MP in Australia to take Israel’s Africans. We wouldn’t even know about this story if it weren’t for that evil anti-Semite neo-Nazi Kevin MacDonald bringing it to our attention.

    My God, how many of you so-called white advocates/white nationalists/etc. either love Jews more than whites or fear Jews so much that you can’t help but overlook how the so-called conservative nationalist Jews are plotting against us just the same as leftist Jews? Remember this story of the Likud politician and the Jewish MP in Australia every time a Zionist Jew insists he and Israel are white people’s natural allies.

  20. “A lot of stories regarding Africans in Israel like the one posted by Hunter Wallace above have been getting attention over at Amren but I cannot find this particular story of the Likud politicians asking a Jewish MP in Australia to take Israel’s Africans.”

    To clarify, I meant I couldn’t find this particular story on any big name white advocacy website apart from The Occidental Observer.

  21. Sorry for triple posting, but here’s that Jerusalem Post article about the Israeli politician asking the Jewish politician in Australia to take Israel’s blacks in downloadable pdf format:

    For the paranoid, mediafire is a safe file sharing service. Nothing more.

    Download the pdf and use it as a club or some other blunt bludgeoning object.

  22. “Make use of this among Evangelical Christian Zionists.” But they are taught that Jews are the one exception — that all Israel WILL be “gathered” and separated.

    It is a pernicious modern heresy. It didn’t originate with Germans either.

    While I would never discourage anyone from debating on a Scriptural basis, I have to draw the line there. I’d just leave, after telling them “I don’t worship bigots and racists who would put another race above mine.”

  23. This is very interesting. It sort of flies in the face of the “Jews controlling the black invasion” theory, which I must admin, I have subscribe to based on DD writings. I had no idea Israel was having immigration problems of any kind.

    WTF? Jews use blacks against us. Nobody really controls blacks, not even blacks, never mind Jews. Nobody can control another organism. Influence, corral, train… but never control. Not to the point that it can’t backfire, anyway. Cattle men get trampled, horse men get bucked, dog trainers get bitten, zookeepers get shit on, etc.

    As for the blacks being allowed into Israel, well, they amount to, what? 1% of Israel’s population?

    It’s kind of flabbergasting, your take-home message. I think it’s pretty obvious that the real take-home message for any true racialist is the about-face Jews do between diaspora and Israel.

  24. more of the same says:
    “The Jews would have no inordinate political, social or economic power without white anti-white traitors allowing it.”

    Yep and that’s what most block heads in white nationalism, don’t want to understand.

    Why are these “block heads” so interesting to you? Do you see any here? Or at any other blog? Are they running the show, or something?

    I’m trying to understand your point, here. About the “block heads,” and how “Jews had help.” What’s your point?

  25. I’d also like to know how you know how many Jews there are. I regard that as a mystery, since only Jews are allowed to count Jews, and they’re known liars, with every reason to lie.

  26. Svigor
    You gonna magic population figures up now? So how many jews are there and how to they control the US census figures? Explain it to the blog, without making yourself look like a nut.

    This is why no one takes White Nationalists seriously. This is why White Nationalism goes no where. Its your fault.

  27. “The mounting number of migrants is high on the national agenda following a series of crimes, including rapes, that have been blamed on the newcomers”….”the influx is threatening the fabric of Israeli society, it’s national security and it’s national identity”….”60,000 infiltrators are liable to become 600,000, and lead to the eradication of Israel as a Jewish and democratic state.”

    ~And thus the whirlgig of time brings in his revenges.~ William Shakespeare

  28. Svigor
    Come on now, admit it. Being obsessed with jews is a religion, isn’t it?

    You will make up any old BS to support your beliefs, about them being super human.

  29. “Is worshiping Jews as some kind of a devil god, a religion for you guys? Let me know.”- Fed up

    Actually, as the only ‘professional religious’ on this forum, I’d be glad to answer.

    The True Religion, of the Israel of God, is Christianity. The Church has been around for 2000 years. The ONE people, the RACE that sought to purposefully KILL the Messiah, Jesus Christ, were the ‘Jews’. The Entire N.T. bears witness to that fact, as do the great writers, saints, and people of Christendom, i.e., Europe.

    So, in all truthfulness, we study the jews as Satan’s seed, to keep pure OUR Faith, so that we do not destroy OUR religion, the Religion of the first and Last adam.

    It’s as simple as that. And those that are against that religion, are de facto Jews, or Deicides (Christ killers) – whether they realize it, or not. I include in that accursed company, even popes and ministers, for they both can and do fall into that category, if they deny the complicity of those who said, ‘His blood be on us, and on our children…’ Forever. (People like J2P2, John Hagee, etc.)

  30. Svigor
    You gonna magic population figures up now? So how many jews are there and how to they control the US census figures? Explain it to the blog, without making yourself look like a nut.

    I explained it already, you dumb fuck. That’s what “mystery” means, and why I don’t assert figures for the Jewish population as if they’re hard numbers.

  31. Asking Jews to give accurate population figures is like asking an enemy commander how many troops he has in your territory.

  32. “It sort of flies in the face of the “Jews controlling the black invasion” theory”

    No. Diaspora Jews are adapted to living as a minority among a host population and so their modus operandi is to weaken the host in various ways i.e. immigration, diversity, balkanization.

    Jews in Israel suddenly find themselves in exactly the same situation as any other nation with a terriotory of their own and so they’re reacting in the same way any normal nation would act if they didn’t have a hostile elite trying to drown them.

    The key point with this is not to attack Israeli Jews for doing what is sane but use it to show the genocidal racial double standards of diaspora Jews in the West who support balkanization and stealth genocide for white people but national integrity and security for Israel.

  33. “The Jews would have no inordinate political, social or economic power without white anti-white traitors allowing it. Our worst enemies look and act like us but have no loyalty to us.”


    If you have control of the money supply then over a long enough time period you will effectively have unlimited amounts of money. With that money you can buy up the media and filter politicians.

  34. There’s no way the Israelite state is going to schlep 6 million Africans. They will immigrate them somewhere under great pretense of humanitarian benevolence. So where are they going to schlep them?

  35. Anon, WHO gave them the power to create money out of thin air?

    Was John Calvin a Jew? Was Oliver Cromwell a Jew? Was the US Congress and the President Jews in 1913?

    Again, they would not have the power they have and be able to keep it if not for white anti-white traitors and scum in our ranks.

  36. I agree with Fed Up that racially conscious White Americans should not be obsessed with “the Jews” – as making THE JEWS the Choset people of evil, Christ killers, anti-race etc – that’s just the flip side of making THE JEWs the good, Chosen people of God.

    And yes, we at O.D. know that Roman Polanski and Sean Penn are not God’s Chosen people doing good in this world.

    Jews are just another group of humans, like all people, only more so.

  37. Again, they would not have the power they have and be able to keep it if not for white anti-white traitors and scum in our ranks.

    The mafia would not have the power it has/had if not for the traitorous judges, politicians, lawyers, etc., that they had in their pockets. Are those traitors a worse enemy than the Mafia?

    A con man could not make his money if he couldn’t dupe people into trusting and helping him. Does that make fraud victims worse than the perpetrators?

    The Indians could’ve held out much longer, if not for the Whites who interfered in their plans, buying off Indians and setting tribe against tribe. Does that mean Indians should think Indians were responsible for the White conquest of the west?

    The east Indians could have thrown the Brits out, but were so busy collaborating that they couldn’t. Do they blame their fellow Indians, before the British?

    Your morals and ethics are inverted. Or you’re attempting to run a “is it good for the Jews?” game. Either way, it won’t fly here. Try the JDL, or something.

  38. Remove the Jews, and there’ll be no one left to bribe our pols and subvert our institutions.

    The bribe-payer is the agent. The bribe-acceptor is his tool.

  39. And even if we do improve the White immune system, such that the Jewish virus is no longer an existential threat, it will always be deleterious to our body. Thus, it should be removed.

  40. moron of the same

    i was forgetting my own rule…

    1) The MSM is currently using the Trayvon Martin case to incite the murder of White people.
    2) The MSM covers up racial violence against White people and despite knowing the scale of that violence continues to promote forced integration that will lead to the murder of White children.
    3) The MSM is almost entirely owned and dominated by Jews.

  41. I really have a hard time understanding how these people can argue that Jews aren’t against the interests of white people after seeing that Jerusalem Post article about the Israeli politician asking a Jewish politician in Australia to get Australia to take Israel blacks with the explicit reason being Israel has a right to preserve its status as a “majority Jewish” nation. And the Jewish politician in Australia agreed with “enthusiasm” no less.

    These aren’t merely leftist or Zionist Jews spewing anti-white bile in the media. These are Jewish policy makers – one in Israel and one in a WHITE host country – getting together to make the notion that majority Jewish Israel is GOOD while majority white Australia is BAD. How can these people be so willfully stupid?

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