Black Undertow Threatens To Overwhelm Israel


Oy vey! The Africans are coming!

“JERUSALEM (AP) — Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is warning that Israel could be swamped by illegal migrants from Africa.

The mounting number of migrants is high on the national agenda following a series of crimes, including rapes, that have been blamed on the newcomers.”

Netanyahu says the influx is “threatening the fabric of Israeli society, its national security and its national identity.”

He says if Israel doesn’t stop it, then “60,000 infiltrators are liable to become 600,000, and lead to the eradication of Israel as a Jewish and democratic state.”

Note: Bibi Netanyahu has identified the threat to civilization posed by the Black Undertow. Make use of this among Evangelical Christian Zionists.

Meanwhile, in the streets of Tel Aviv, the White man’s marches on! :p

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Moron the same: – “Was John Calvin a Jew? Was Oliver Cromwell a Jew? Was the US Congress and the President Jews in 1913?”

    Calvin wasn’t a jew, and Geneva only had one ‘bad mark’ on its escutcheon- burning Servetus, who deserved to die.

    Cromwell actually BROUGHT THE JEWS Back into England, after the last Orthodox Monarch kicked them out! And, guess what? The Bank of England was established soon after!

    As to 1913, you’ve obviously never read ‘The Creature from Jekyll Island.”

    Jews were behind all of the evils of the Federal reserve, the IRS, and all the rest.

    Go learn something and come back when you’re intelligent.

  2. I’m not denying that Jews are a problem. What I am saying is that they are not THE ONE AND ONLY PROBLEM. They have WHITE ANTI-WHITE ACCOMPLICES.

    This should be obvious but it took ME a long time to get it. Unless you believe Jews have some kind of magical, mystical powers that allow them to destroy our race and civilization all by themselves no other conclusion makes sense.

    I prefer to call our enemies Anti-White. It covers a whole multitude of evils. It leaves no race, ethnic group, political leaning, religious affiliation, et al out. It doesn’t get side tracked on Jews. It gives us the opportunity to attract our fellow whites who would be completely turned off by Jewish conspiracy theories.

    Railing about Jews is a good way to let off steam but accomplishes little else.

    If nothing else it’s a failed political strategy. WN is going nowhere insisting on it.

  3. “I’m not denying that Jews are a problem. What I am saying is that they are not THE ONE AND ONLY PROBLEM. They have WHITE ANTI-WHITE ACCOMPLICES.

    This should be obvious but it took ME a long time to get it. Unless you believe Jews have some kind of magical, mystical powers that allow them to destroy our race and civilization all by themselves no other conclusion makes sense.”

    Okay, you’re coming along nicely.

    Now take the next step in the cycle of understanding our predicament:

    A car needs a motor AND a transmission to operate. Take away just ONE component and it don’t go nowhere.

    Jews are the motor. White accomplices are the transmission.

    Take away the Jewish motor — the anti-White agenda goes nowhere.

    The benefit to tossing out the jews (the motor) rather than junking the whole car (Jews/motor + White accomplices/transmission) is that you are still left with a useful piece of equipment — the transmission — that can be salvaged and used to engage another agenda in a more pro-White direction.
    Don’t forget — the White accomplices, some of them, ARE salvageable.

    But the jews? Pretty much, not. Everywhere they go, always and everywhere, they try to motor the society off the cliff.

  4. Barb–Great analogy. Very, very well done.

    My compliments..

    Barb – you are one of the BEST!

    Thirded (if there is such a thing).

    Fr. John “Go learn something and come back when you’re intelligent”.

    This was pretty damn good too.

    Heck do I wish I knew all you people in real life. Hurry up with this secession malarkey already will ya, ‘cos i’m a coming!!!

  5. I’m not denying that Jews are a problem. What I am saying is that they are not THE ONE AND ONLY PROBLEM. They have WHITE ANTI-WHITE ACCOMPLICES.

    Right. You’re wrestling with a straw man. We knew that already, but it’s nice to have it in caps.

    This should be obvious but it took ME a long time to get it.

    So your straw man is owed to projection, thanks for coming right out and saying so.

  6. LEO!!!! Can you get to the JewSA over 7/6 weekend? Or Mid September! You won’t meet all of us – but you’ll meet lots! You will have the time of your life, I promise.

  7. Denise. Thank you for the invite. I know what events you’re talking about.

    Difficult to answer concisely. If I come to the US, I won’t be leaving. It will be a permanent move specifically to leave the dying JewK behind.

    I am in a relationship that is serious, and looking like it will move on to seriously serious. I think I would like to marry my GF and start work on the 14 kids production line. But in the JewSA rather than the Islamic Republic of Britainistan where there will be no future for the beautiful blonde haired blue eyed nippers my beautiful blonde haired blue eyed GF’s gonna be poppin’ out.

    I doubt I will make it across this year, but by this time next year my life could have changed radically. There are squillions of complications though which is why I am struggling to keep this succinct. I think I will leave it there for now Denise. I wanted to give you a thorough answer. In short, watch this space because if it’s down to me i’ll be coming over soon, not just for a one off convention, but to start and raise a family.

    By the way, can you get rid of that dumbass nigra commie president first. I’m not leaving one hellish oppressive police state and trading it in for another one.


  8. They say that Jews are smart and have brains. I guess that’s true.
    The Jews in Israel who are supporting African immigration have brains all right, except their brains are up their assholes; Just like the white Americans who support thirld world immigration into the US.

  9. Leo – if you can get here – you’ll meet loads of folks who can HELP you get you and your beautiful blonde gal over here permanently. Seriously. We are working hard to get the Nigra commie’s azz kicked back to Kenya.

  10. P.S – you tell the Gang here that you want to raise 14 blondie kids- and the red carpet will be rolled out.

  11. Denise, Stonelifter, I wouldn’t go that far…

    Leo, whether it was intentional or not, your recent post offended me. You’re essentially announcing your intention to disrespect my country’s borders, my country’s sovereignity, and further demean the legitimate identity of native-born white Americans, by coming here and staying illegally and then creating a litter of anchor-babies. If some Mestizo wetback were to boast something like that to my face, I’d put him in a coma. Because you’re white, I should feel different? My country is not a garbage receptical for all the scum of the the third-world, and neither is it a flop-house for fair-weather whites from Europe or wherever.

    You already have a country that is still overwhelming white. Whiter than the America by a good measure, in fact. Deeper than that, you have an ancestral claim to your soil that goes back a couple thousand years. That you would thoughtlessly surrender that to a bunch of squatters, without so much as a fight, is absolutely shameful.

    America is a young country and we haven’t had a single fucking moments peace to truly become a distinct people with a real cultural identity. Since day one, our history has been one long, endless fight — seiges by indigenous savages, economic depressions, wars with foreign superpowers and loopy megalomaniacs, civil-wars over the presence of niggers who shouldn’t even be here, nuclear standoff’s with communists, and now a low-running genocidal race-war waged against us by our own government. Native-born white Americans with real roots here, have a right to OUR own country for OUR own children for once. Not for every random stranger who just happens to be white.

    I realize that this comes off as particularly callous, and for all I know you might be a great guy in person, but I am simply fed up with having to watch my only homeland get turned out to every beggar with an outstretched hand. You’re free to make whatever choice you want, but don’t expect a warm welcome from all of us.

  12. Chris???? We all have our bad moments – but Leo and his White Lady, and their potential, deeply hoped for children are OFFENSIVE?

    Chris – it’s not the “borders” that matter at all. Our RACE is our Nation. Leo and his Lady are already a member of my Nation. Yours, too.

    I’m certainly not worried about Leo being a welfare leech. And if he is – SO WHAT? The money I have paid in goes to Whites, then.

    Nah. Folks I know will help him establish a big White family. There’s all kinds of work to be had – and Leo and his Lady will be doing the BEST “labor” of all – making White babies.

    Please reconsider, Chris.

    From your Big Sis….love and a smack upside the head.

  13. @Denise

    Just because someone is the same race as me, doesn’t make us part of some extended family. Plenty of people who comment on this blog feel perfectly justified in wanting kick all the “damnyankees” out of Dixie someday. Well as an American, am I not entitled to protect my own homeland from intruders? How do you think most Europeans would react to me, an American, a “boorish racist Yankee”, announcing that I’m going to travel to England or Germany or Spain on a visa, and plan to never leave, and have a bunch of children who will one day compete with the natives on theor own soil for the same standard of living?

    At best, they would call me every name in the book, at worst, threaten my life. The fact is, that Europeans HATE Americans. Why should I treat them like family?

    You know, as an example, I was fighting with somebody on the comments section of some Youtube video a few months ago, and about 3 or 4 Europeans start laying into me (and of course, I laid into ’em back) about how America is a “criminal nation”, and “the whole world hates America” and “can’t wait for you fuckers to burn”. This is the way they really feel. They do not regard you or me as racial kindred. So fuck them. As far as I’m concerned, they’re all a bunch of spoiled, obnoxious, marxist cowards and they can stay in their own countries and deal with their own messes.

  14. I don’t think Leo said he was coming here illegally for sole purpose of leaching off the welfare..

  15. Heck do I wish I knew all you people in real life. Hurry up with this secession malarkey already will ya, ‘cos i’m a coming!!!

    The secession your refer to, is it the southern seccession?
    If it is, you can bet your ass you won’t be welcome down south.
    Far as I know, they hate the English, they even hate all White Americans from up north, even if our families have been here as long as than theirs

  16. Leo, Southeners hate northern Whites more than they hate niggers. As an Englishman, I doubt you would have a chance down in the dirty.

  17. Chris, I have seen it dozens of times, oh sure, the Europeans hate America and Americans, that is until they think they have a chance to immigrate here.

    Same goes for the muslims, Asians, mexicans, ect, ect…….

    Then once they get here, they fall into their little sub-groups and continue to despise and undermine the US as they enjoy all the perks and fine things available here.

  18. Chris.

    I’m sorry if i’ve offended you. That was not my intention.

    Many Europeans do have a wierd, misguided hostile stance towards the US. It’s not all down to George Bush’s legacy, much of it is pure jealousy. Much of it idiocy and ignorance. Don’t be fooled by online trolls, Europeans that know the US love the US and wish nothing but the best for its (white) people. The haters are the loud ones. They will despise their European neighbours equally I assure you, along with the inhabitants of the next city or village, supporters of rival soccer teams, the guy that lives across the street. Haters gonna hate after all.

    I agree with what you say with regards to staying and defending ones own homeland. I live in possibly the safest, whitest, most beautiful part of England and I love it with all my heart. Unfortunately, half the population of Pakistan love it too and this will not be a safe place for white non muslims within a generation. England is finished, by acts of treasonous destruction. Most are either sublimely unaware of this, or are unconcerned by what awaits in the very near future.

    My GF is qualified up to the eyeballs in her field and she could get us in to any country on earth. Under those circumstances there is only one choice. America, truly the land of the free, home of the brave. And most importantly of all, the land of the right to bear arms to defend oneself from tyrannical government and brown folk of murderous intent. Guns Chris, big ones, little ones, GUNS!!!.

    It has always been my dream to emigrate to the US for countless reasons. It’s a big ‘ol place so I here. I’ll make sure I stay well away from you I promise. From what I can gather, Detroit is pretty far down the list of desirable locations to move to anyway.

    This was, technically speaking, a private conversation between myself and Denise, but thanks for your input. If I somehow manage to persuade my infinitely out of my league, heiress, thoroughbred GF to become my wife and haul ass to the United States, it won’t be in the traditional style of the illegal beaner. We both have much to offer your country and as such would be welcomed by most with open arms. And if by any not, well, as mentioned earlier, haters gonna hate.

    Yours sincerely,

    The Islamic Republic of Englandistan.

  19. “the Europeans hate America and Americans”

    Bear in mind most European media is ultra-liberal by US standards but even more important than that their biggest view of America comes from Hollywood and nowhere is more anti-American than Hollywood

  20. I hear ya, Leo. And I apologize for singling out you personally. I really do wish you and your girlfriend luck, and I don’t want to see good, decent white people from any country, stuck in bad straits.

    Don’t completely give up on your homeland, though. Things are only lost if we lose the will to hold on to them.

  21. Thanks Chris.

    Tricky decisions for difficult times indeed.

    I’d build my own spaceship and colonise the moon if it was guaranteed Jew free but you bet your ass those pesky little buggers are up there already.

    All the best bro.

  22. Whatever you do,don’t move to Detroit,USA. Might as well move to Africa. At least, you can go on safari in Africa every once in awhile and see the giraffes and elephants and the beautiful wildlife.
    Beats getting shot or a knife wound in a boring old shopping mall in Detroit.

  23. Leo, I wouldn’t wish the south on my worst enemy.
    If you get over here, head up north. Absolute beauty. Upstate NY, rural CT.
    No niggers, very few spics and good White folks.
    Other good states are CO or UT. Good White people. Big ranches.
    Stay out of the south. You will see why if you ever get here.

  24. Leo – don’t listen to Sean. I am EXCELLENY pals with a buncha Southerners. Yes they tweak me – and I give it right back. Lemme tell ya though – the expression, in their eyes, when a Damned Yankee White Woman tells them that the South was right all along, and that my own Northerners were FECKIN Idiots, and Nigggers are a NIGHTMARE – and means it….they get this look in their eye. This delighted sparkle.

    It’s wonderful.

    Here’s the thing – don’t tell ’em what to do. They were and are right. Don’t be an insufferable scold, and a noxious bore. They were right. Love what they have to offer. That’s it. It’s not a huge secret. It’s comradery, and respect, And mutual appreciation.

    I have not had one problem. Either has my cohort, Haughty Blonde. She’s made all sorts of friends, right off the bat. The novelty of a Non Southern White, taking up for the South – it’s enchanting and irresistable. As a Limey and a Lady – you’d be welcomed with open arms. You would have no problem at all. American still have a big thing about English accents – don’t let any-one tell you otherwise. By the by – I’ve already mentioned you to Haughty Blonde. You would have NO problems at all. We’ve got a little PLE coalescing. I’m not there yet…but plans are afoot. And you’d meet EVERYBODY.

    Sean just wants company up North, is all. His “neck of the woods” is DAZZLING. New England is my favorite terrain, in the USA, for sheer physical beauty alone – but the South – I love the people. It’s the PEOPLE.

  25. Chris – the man is just thinking of the best place to raise his future children. I WANT White Breeding Stock to breed! He knows if Englandstan is not good for him, and his future sproglets… we all work together to breed up a White Army one day – and he sees his kids and grandkids take back England. Capiche? Young White’s most important job is to make more young Whites!

    FYI – sparring with Snarky Europeans online – ahhhh – it’s cake. I knew it’s jealousy….I dealt with those types before. FYI – if you know enough about any gven European situation – you just give it right back. You gget really pissed off, Chris. It’s obvious that you get genuinely angry. The Euros just laugh about it. The Brits call it “winding up”. They know they are winding you up. You have to know how to dish it back.

    The English do something called the “studied insult”. They assess a situation, and then spend time and thought on delivering a very very very dry, very sarcastic put down, or taunt, in a very polite and “helpful” way. You can learn to do this! It’s fun! It works on other varieties of Europeans, as well. Once you dish it right back – they usually settle down. I’ve put more than one of them in their place. Gosh – when the Emma West otrage was happening, I spent WEEKS trolling the websites and blogs and JooTube accoutns of “posh” Limeys. The Upper Crust University Types were the WORST. I got banned from at least half the websites in the UK! I really nailed their despicable, ungallant treachery. And I did it in ways that were meaningful to them. You have to really know how to stick the stilleto in – and know where to stick.

    Don’t let them fool you. So many are frightened as Hell. Keep that in mind. Dumping on Americans is a release valve. They know YOU won’t hurt them.

  26. “Other good states are CO or UT”

    NOT (!) CO. Too many spics.

    Come to WY. One of the last Whitopias left. If you are willing to work hard, you can make $100 K in the strip mining for coal / uranium / oil patch. Houses are $100 – $200 K. Laramie, around Yellowstone and Cheyenne, to an extent, are becoming pretty libtarded, unfortunately. Casper, Gillette are the places to be, imh Cowpokette o. If your kids are good students, the Hathaway scholarship can cover up to full tuition for 4 years at UW — and if they are *really* smart, (like 30 on the ACT smart) 4 years’ tuition AND free room and board, an honest-to-gosh full ride. UW does a lot of ag education, petroleum engineering, and engineering in general. Also has an excellent telescope which NSF awarded $800 K a year to study quasars, as rural WY still has dark skies.

    Fair warning, though: The wind blows, which sucks.

  27. Joe, and Chris – when Leo comes to the USA – let’s take him on a Detroit Safari, shall we? I think we wil be able to do this, in the not too distant future…

    FYI Chris, and any one else – Sean, and Joe – the coalescing PLE is open to you’se guys, too.

  28. Leo should get a taste of real Americana before he settles in.
    I recommend the bronx, detroit, anywhere in Los Angeles, of course the good old south.
    Birmingham, Atlanta, Little rock, Dallas and maybe a bit of New Orleans.
    Houston is always fun to look at, as long as your in cab (doors locked and armed).
    Barb is right about WY. ND, SD as well, big money up there now.
    The new money rush is up there. I have an old friend living out of a fifth wheel making very good money up there.
    Leo, ever seen a real thunder strom? It whips up out of nowhere up there.

  29. Califorinians are leaving NV. I go to UT every few months. I have not seen much of that up there. St. George has very few non-Whites. I was there last month. Mostly big White guys and respectful women. Albeit, Mormons, but nearly all White population.
    I go to CO, maybe twice a year. Outside of Denver, solid White folks.
    South of UT is Vegas, where I have been for a few years.
    Complete jew infestation. Just a year left here for me.
    I like the outlaying areas here in the SW. Nothing like NE, though.

  30. “Wyoming is a state that is full of normal Americans. Nevada and Colorado are being overrun by Californians.’

    Yeppers. I grew up in WY. I hated it as a kid, so badly wanted the CA dreamin’ like the old tv show Gidget. Moved to CA in early 80s — and my husband and I watched with horror the Mexifornication, in real time as it occurred. NO WAY were we going to put our beautiful children in CA public schools with those creatures, so moved BACK to WY to raise the kids, been here since.

    The one good thing about the wind is, it keeps the Californians out.

  31. Sean – the Dystopian Dumps you are citing are not “Real Americana”.

    Leo – do you like lobster? I know the best seafood restaurant in New England! We can meet up with Sean. He can beeyich about the South. We can enjoy each other’s company, and shake hands, and bid farewell.

    I will drive you down to Appalachia. In about 4-6 hours, considering the way I drive…I’ll hook you up with the Anise Moonshine, and other interesting things. You’ll choose the South.

  32. HW, just a question. Why is the south pro-English?
    Are not “Yankees” the manifestation of the English?
    The government of that time where, English.
    I can never get the ignorance and thought process of the south.
    You save your hate for the Irish, yet most of you are Scot/Irie?
    Or is it the Germans?
    The Irish under the English were the foot soldiers. And the various Scot settlers up north.
    So what is a Yankee?

  33. Re: “The North and West are predominantly German, Irish…etc.”

    We have MORE Irish (as opposed to Scots) and also more WELSH, than most of the South has, in our part of the North, so we’re really extra Celtic here.

    But no one wants to be associated with the predominant G E R M A N S here, do they?

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