Post-Racial Farce

New York

If you have missed Frank Rich’s race-baiting diatribes against White America at The New York Times, you can find his latest column on the falseness of our post-racial society at New York Magazine.

“The so-called liberal national media didn’t report on the case until three weeks after it happened. Once they started playing catchup, reporters and commentators alike flew into a tizzy trying to figure out how to shoehorn Zimmerman’s Hispanic ethnicity into the rigid black-vs.-white racial grid the narrative demanded…

After the Herminator’s candidacy finally did implode under the weight of the aggrieved women coming forward (five proved to be the tipping point), his farcical journey through the entire racial spectrum of the presidential race came full circle. He went from being a figurative clown to a professional one, reemerging as a popular comic partner for white liberal comedians like Stephen Colbert, Bill Maher, and John Oliver of The Daily Show, playing Richard Pryor to their Gene Wilder in delightful segments of neo-minstrelsy. Only in America! The GOP, meanwhile, liberated from its expedient shotgun marriage to a black front-runner, could return to its racial business-as-usual—its campaign to depress minority turnout on Election Day by pushing onerous new voting requirements in any state legislature they can.”

See also in Buzzfeed, “In Conservative Media: A “Race War” Rages” about the recent uptick in dog-whistling and Negro Fatigue.

“Indeed, the irony of the race war narrative’s latest flare-up is that it comes at a time when national crime rates have reached historic lows — including reported hate crimes against whites. According to a report released by the FBI, there were 575 anti-white bias crimes reported in 2010 — up slightly from the 545 reported in 2009, but distinctly lower than the 716 reported in 2008. Overall, the past decade has seen a downward trend in anti-white bias crime. What’s more, hate crimes against blacks have continued to outstrip those against whites by about four-to-one: In 2010 alone, there were 2,201 reported. Violent crimes across the spectrum reached a four-decade low in 2010.”


Could that possibly be because there is a far greater reluctance to charge blacks with committing “hate crimes” than vice versa?

Might that have something to do with the falsification of crime statistics in black-run cities like Detroit and Nashville?

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Use their language against them, the term is “lynching” as in whites are being lynched by black mobs.

  2. Just finished a new book about this called White Girl Bleed a Lot: The Return of Racial Violence to America and How the Media Ignore it.

    It this book, the author documents — with pictures and YouTube — hundreds of episodes of racial violence in more than 50 cities over the last two years.

    Now either these videos and pictures are true. Or they are not.

    White Girl Bleed a Lot: The Return of Racial Violence to America and How the Media Ignore it.

    So who are you going to believe: Frank Rich? Or those lying videos you see with your own eyes?

  3. Let us look at the numbers and the consequence of hate crimes. Numerically, perhaps white against black is greater than the converse. Regarding consequence, a rude word is equal to a murder. Let us then look at the numbers and the consequences of violent crime. Numerically, black against white always and everywhere is greater than the converse. Regarding consequence – death. Comparing hate crimes to violent crimes is a deceptive argument.

  4. No one other than hardcore liberals listen to psychotic Jews like Frank Rich and Tim Wise. He’s a professional choir-preacher. Your average whitey will listen to one Rich or Wise screed and think, “these guys are nut cases” and then move on. The prevailing attitudes (as seen in many recent polls) in this country seem to suggest that whites are more self-interested than ever and less likely than ever to buy into this nonsense.

    I’m fairly certain that whites who are committed leftists are a dying breed.
    1.) Libs don’t have enough children.
    2.) The main sources of propaganda dissemination, such as the tv and print media or the educational system, are failing.
    3.) “Millennials” are more self-absorbed than other-centered, and actually less liberal in aggregate terms than either “Boomers” or “GenXers”, i.e. the younger generations are even less likely to care about the “white privilege” message forwarded by rich Jews and self-hating Germanics.

  5. The anti-white antifa attacked a gathering this weekend and they were comprised of young whites. But they are a small cult and I think I can safely say that we have reached Peak Antifa. Even if Romney is elected and the left goes full retard with its incitement these halfwit white kids are just bait for all the law enforcement agencies looking for a budget enhancer.

    I mean really they are a soft political target, they are white, they are violent and they are dumber than the dressups who at least by now realize that when a kind hearted stranger shows up with cash and talking about violence that person is a law enforcement officer. Three “antifas’ got busted in Chicago this weekend and the North Shore Yuppy Left Facists at the Trib made them out to be Abu Nidal with dreads.

  6. But they are a small cult and I think I can safely say that we have reached Peak Antifa.

    They are a small cult. Most young whites do not share their attitudes. What you must remember is that, despite how vocal and active the antifas are, they’re a small minority. The key is getting the middle-of-the-road young whites to our side, and that’s something that still eludes us. But trends are more favorable than before.

  7. RobRoySimmons says:
    May 21, 2012 at 4:43 pm

    “The anti-white antifa attacked a gathering this weekend and they were comprised of young whites. But they are a small cult and I think I can safely say that we have reached Peak Antifa.”

    I was on the comment sections, and they sounded like they were having a hard time defending it. I smelt fear to be honest. I think this is the beginning of the end for them.

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