Rich Lowry: “Assimilation, Now More Than Ever”

Jewish World Review

The “non-entity” of National Review has penned another insipid column on the demographic tidal wave that will bury Conservatism Inc:

” In the most predictable demographic revolution ever, the Census Bureau reported that nonwhite babies now make up a majority of all births.

This shift was inevitable as long as the basic architecture of the 1965 Immigration and Nationality Act remained in place. It ended the old system of per-country quotas and –together with subsequent liberalizations — unleashed a flood of immigration from Latin America and Asia. So long as about a million new immigrants entered the country every year, a demographic transformation was assured as a matter of mathematics…”

Who would want to assimilate into BRA’s degenerate culture anyway?

In thrall to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the GOP had 47 years to reverse the damage, but spent all those decades gleefully attempting to make the matter worse. The die is cast now.

Countless future generations of Whites were sold down the river for the scum that controls “mainstream” conservatism could pocket a few extra dollars. A fitting end to the Party of Lincoln.

Note: Perhaps Derb or Buchanan can explain to Richie for the umpteenth time why Hispanics are not going to be assimilated?

Update: Selwyn Duke is too smart to be a “mainstream” conservative.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. How many more mexicans does California need to have a permanent non-white voting class? Well the answer of course is that they are already there. They aren’t going to go where they are unwanted. The blue will become bluer and the red redder with few exceptions. He tries to give it an air of inevitability to force whites to resign to their fate, but whether it happens is not the issue. It’s not if is happens, whites are already a minority world-wide, it’s where it happens. By creating no-illegal zones in certain states, it forces them to already non-white areas. So they may as well say the birth of non-whites in India spells the end of the white majority.

  2. What does “assimilation” even mean? Conservitards have been going on about it forever. Can anyone show me an example of any a single non-white group over the last 50 years being “assimilated” and becoming just like white conservatives? It’s another failed project like the Iraq War.

  3. The idea of assimilation is a product the old fallacious trope of universalism. It’s the thought that because German and Chezch immigrants to America assimilated, those from Kenya or Bangladesh will as well. An immigrant is not an immigrant is not an immigrant. But than again, that was common knowledge AND official policy till 1965. The frankfurt jews lobbied hard for that law, and the degenerate Kennedys were happy to oblige, as they were easily convinced the new immigration policy would result in lots of loving subjects for their new liberal Democrat party.

  4. The “assimilation” thing goes back to getting Irish, Germans, Italians, Jews etc to speak English and identify as Americans 100 years ago. Even then, many of those white ethnic groups still hold on to their identity today. A lot of the reason the northeast is liberal is because of those groups. If you can’t make Irish and Jews conservatives, you ain’t gonna make Mexicans and Arabs.

  5. Third World corruption will overtax White producers and lead to Secession of the Hearts and Minds of Whites.

    Secession of Hearts and Minds means the End of Soft Control.

    The End of Soft Control means that Hard Control will then be required.

    ZOG has not been able to implement Hard Control in Iraq or Afghan; if they manage to do so here, it will be the beginning of their end. Because if they have to use Hard Control, it means they failed; they lost legitimacy; the Civil War is only a matter of time, and other countries will probably get involved on the side of the Rebs.

  6. I disagree that other White groups assimilated and I think part of why yankees seem so foreign to me is because they are so foreign, Italian, Polish, German vs Anglo/ Scots-Irish

  7. Let’s see blacks have been in this country for about 400 years. Are they ‘assimilated’?

    If anything whites are assimilating to the undertow than the other way around.

  8. It’s not if is happens, whites are already a minority world-wide, it’s where it happens….”

    that is smart. It has always been the case and the question has always been whether that group can map out a space in which to grow, create the unique things it does and prosper and reproduce.

    The article is a statement of genocide, without any question.

    The Latin and Asians (the Latin being a huge architect –back in reality– of the Change IN LAW to create a society better to their liking)— have apparently been the beneficiaries.

    The Latin/ romanized and Asians are receiving the U.S., while Jews who helped with the acts got Israel in the deal.

    Worked out nice for a lot of people— (and they don’t seem to mind in the same way about living in tiny sweaty rooms in cities, or cookie cutter tract housing with strip mall suburbs with invasive weed plantings that look nice long enough to ‘sell high and buy low,’ and the crime rates, ethnic race baiting to keep it all going, etc, etc. )—

    — i.e. Everything the Southern Agrarian School was bitching about.

  9. Secession would solve the problem – with our own government, we could slash the welfare state, slam the border shut, and impose apartheid laws that would drive out minorities.

    The Northeast and West Coast will block all attempts at reform as long as the Union exists. In November, the Northeast and West Coast will try to reelect Obama.

    We can either dissolve the Union or find ourselves thrust back into the tyranny of the Reconstruction South.

  10. “….The “assimilation” thing goes back to getting Irish, Germans, Italians, Jews etc to speak English and identify as Americans 100 years ago. Even then, many of those white ethnic groups still hold on to their identity today. A lot of the reason the northeast is liberal is because of those groups. If you can’t make Irish and Jews conservatives, you ain’t gonna make Mexicans and Arabs….”

    When Pat Buchanan talks, I think of that. He clearly felt he’d “assimilated,” and in many ways he had.

    But until the “Fair Housing” (when various populations, not just non-white were all put on top of each other, without the “neighborhood” structure of before) everyone had a “place.”

    The change Buchanan feels is largely due to him now mixing with others, including other whites with different (although less visual/visible) folkways— our own writers/artists, scholarly traditions and schools, trajectory to the country, different circumstances in europe that caused us to leave— an endless WORLD unto ourselves that even other whites do not guess at, an unspoken voice that simply is not broadcasted or heard.

    Irish have no sense of themselves as Romanized, (in other words, being subjugated by Rome, which never really did make them more Irish), and the things they are taught about the English (while true enough) were also transferred DIRECTLY onto the real blood relatives of the Founding Fathers (which, absurdly, they simultaneously CLAIM as their own sometimes).

    Not that they can’t do that—- it’s just, if you’re going to CLAIM yourself as LIKE the “south” or like the (real) children of the founders (wasps)— then you should probably grapple with the “Irish Need Not Apply” Images from t.v. in some new way.

    (That Image—- is flashed simultaneously with the black-water-hosing and Rosa Parks images.

    Hate me for saying it— but think about it. How often have you seen the MLK/ Rosa Parks/ black-water-hose/ water fountain Image –there are about four of these images— on t.v. BACK TO BACK with the “Irish don’t Apply” Sign Image?

    Sometimes, it’s good to step way-way-way-way-way Back, and think about these juxtapositions and how they happened and why and so on.

  11. “…I disagree that other White groups assimilated and I think part of why yankees seem so foreign to me is because they are so foreign, Italian, Polish, German vs Anglo/ Scots-Irish…”

    Of course they didn’t— and why should they? They should be able to still reference their cultures: recall their unique trajectory to the country, their travels, their music, their writers, their folkways, their manners, their “ways of being,” and so on.

    No one should have to give that up— it is a SIGN OF SUBJUGATION to do so.

    But when people are of the same race, they seem to be able to meld these things better into households, but in reality, never without tension, or a “dumbing down” to cover over the differences as if they do not matter.

    At this time, WASPs should certainly be aware that they DO NOT EXIST in the big cities and going there will mean never meeting anyone like one’s self, so there is no possibility of community on that level in those places.

    Some of the Jews and catholics (Irish-Polish-Italians especially) have bonded in the big cities, in their own groups— and it can actually ENHANCE their group identity. Like, NYC is 4% wasp, so any wasps going to a place s/a that should be prepared for the reality of it. The other groups (white ones) may be ok, or may be harboring historical grievances.

    All have been raised on movies such as The Help, and have laughed heartily at blacks feeding Southern Women the excrement pies they deserve in hollywood-speak. (Or Mississippi Burning, Mandingo, Roots, Whatever).

    This is their culture.

  12. Hunter,

    One thing that is never taken up, is just basic MENTAL survival skills.

    Just knowing that one is an “Out-group” is helpful. That juxtaposition of being taught “we own the world” and the reality of really being crapped on in what was once your own country (in the sense you could thrive, prosper, adhere to your own narrative, etc, etc,) is more problematical, maybe, than anything else.

    What could a Southerner have EXCEPT Cognitive Dissonance? And why are some able to cut right through that crap without evolving a divided mind?

  13. — while others walk around either subjugated (appeasing, adopting foreign kids, openly degrading their own families, whatever)— or very confused (shutting down, going on psychotropics, blocking out reality by various strategies, or “minimizing” what is happening as insignificant, blinding moving to higher ground, etc…

    Why can some deal with reality— even crave it?

    Southern by Grace, indeed.

  14. Finally, idk—

    Even in freaking Reconstruction, they didn’t show the whole country films of Southern Women eating excrement Pies.

  15. I mean—

    this is the big entertainment of these people.

    And this is why complaints about movies s/a The Eternal Jew or something just cease to register in some people.

    Excrement Pie movies are on t.v. right now. Semen in blonde hair (what was her name? some white hispanic, carmen diaz I think, something like that?)

  16. Kosher-con thread

    Waste of breath over there, tripping over themselves not to be called racist. But still the weak point of the establishment is that they favor by race and anyone can viruently and legally oppose that. That issue will force our Field of Blackbirds moment when we can be like the Serbs and be ourselves and not some social experiment in empire building.

    And then we get what MW calls “hard control.”

  17. “Perhaps Derb or Buchanan can explain to Richie for the umpteenth time why Hispanics are not going to be assimilated?” – He knows, but what else can a paid shill do?

    “What does “assimilation” even mean?” – It means that the European immigrants from 100 years ago regressed to the European mean over the course of generations, so non-Europeans should be easily capable of doing the same. Respectable conservatives must assert that this was purely cultural, and had nothing to do with any other factor. They are insane.

  18. 1)Third World corruption will … lead to Secession of the Hearts and Minds of Whites.
    2)Secession of Hearts and Minds means the End of Soft Control.
    3)The End of Soft Control means that Hard Control will then be required.


    and even if we lose at stage 3) i’d much rather go down fighting so it’s still better

  19. “It means that the European immigrants from 100 years ago regressed to the European mean over the course of generations, so non-Europeans should be easily capable of doing the same. Respectable conservatives must assert that this was purely cultural, and had nothing to do with any other factor. They are insane.”

    Bingo, most European immigrants to America did not degrade the aggregate iq, in the case of Germans for example they generally enhanced it. Mexicans do reduce the the population’s mean intelligence. Significantly. If one thinks this will not have an effect on culture they are as you said, insane.

  20. I’m as Irish as you can get, and I hate what the living hell has gone on in this multi-racial shithole as much as anyone out there or on here.

    One certainty is that the “No Irish Need Apply” philosophy during the heavy immigration period from the mid-1840’s to the 1880’s by the dominant English set in stone the course for what followed. Actions don’t have results? Well, the result of the policy caused the Irish to understand that to survive they had to maintain a strong ingroup status that eventually played out in both the political and civil service spheres, resulting in the election of their own to office as well as filling the ranks of the police and firefighting forces with their own. Quite naturally, the hiring patronage in the mid-west and northeast followed which we are still witness to today.

    So who caused this? The Irish or the so-called “Nativists” whose visceral antipathy towards their immigration was damn near inexcusable? What exactly was to be expected? The last time I looked the Irish were as “white” and Celtic as any other “white” in this country. They sure as hell weren’t Slavs, Italians, or the degenerate antiChrist Jews who immigrated in such numbers from 1880 – 1920. Frankly I find it almost unexplainable that the Scots, and in particular the Highlanders, who were run out of Scotland and to the North American Continent by the same Judaic/British machination that indeed destroyed the Irish could not find common cause with them upon their arrival. Pope or no pope, the damned common enemy was and remains the Judaized British and their descendents who evolved into the damned Yankees.

    Besides, since 1962 the Judaists have owned and controlled the papacy and American Irish Catholics have fled the “Church” in droves. Has there been any encouragement for them to join the various protestant sects or have those too been so Judaized that they are but a mere shadow of their former selves? Indeed they have, so where’s the attraction? Frankly, look at the disgusting, pathetic state of Christianity in the South, with its “Dominionism”, the insanity of the Baptists and Pentecostals, the slicked-back hair of the faggy-looking preachers and the Mega-Churches preaching the “Prosperity Gospel” and the “Rapture”! It’s shit and it attracts nothing but assimilation-loving, crap-eating flies. Where in the hell have the Mighty Men of God gone, whether Catholic or Protestant?

    You’ve got liberals and whatever the hell passes for conservatism in every Christian “religion” there is outside of Christian Identity, and in regards to the former, damn near all the “leadership”, regardless of geography, is as liberal as it can get. Where are those Southern Preachers or yore?

    I don’t live anywhere near that disgusting northeast, have never been there and never want to go. The mid-west isn’t much different and I cannot stand flat ground anyway. To the contrary I’ve lived my entire life in the Central and Northern Rockies and I’m all for secession, for the South as well as up here, and to hell with those damn Jews and their damn Jew banking when we all tell them to go to hell. That will end this crap right then and there, and it’s way past due.

  21. They aren’t going to go where they are unwanted.

    They’ll go where the money is, and that’s around whites. So the blue states will stay blue and the the red states will turn blue, that’s already happening. The only way to keep your territory is to actively defend it, at the very least make outsiders living there uncomfortable, and that can’t happen until centralized political power is broken, at least to the extent that “Civil Rights” and “Affirmative Action” become null and void. Or else actual revolution.

    A scholar wrote a book in the 1990s suggestively titled “How the Irish Became White.” – Lowry

    A scholar? That was the notorious white-hating, genocide advocating Jewish racist Noel Ignatiev. That a leading so-called conservative would would positively cite this genocidal lefty and buy into his hate-motivated crackpot theories tells you all you need to know about the modern “conservative” movement.

    If we are to avoid the racialized politics that tears at the fabric of other multiracial societies, we’ll need a revival of a patriotic assimilation that long ago fell out of style. More pluribus demands more unum. – Lowry

    Avoid racialized politics like we have already? When we’re more racialized we’ll have less racialized politics, eh Rich? All through the magic of “Patriotic Assimilation.” Modern conservatism has rightly been compared to a telemarketing scam, where people like Lowry sell worthless assurance policies to the victims of the system’s genocide in exchange for cash and access to the system. Lowry fully understands that mass immigration is the destruction of America as America, that it is the destruction of anything that can remotely be called conservatism or traditionalism, he just doesn’t care. These crooks only care about money and servicing their rich patrons. They’re hoping to find some angle that will allow them to continue to be of value to those patrons after the destruction of the real America, something to keep the con game going, to allow them to elect a President with a veto-proof Senate that allows them to service Wall Street. But they don’t believe in assimilation and they don’t believe in the abilities of most of these minorities. You can bet that Lowry lives his personal life along the pathways laid out by John Derbyshire.

  22. Actually research has shown that widespread notices of “No Irish need apply” is an urban myth. I’m of Irish descent myself. Let’s face it, the immigrant Irish represented cheap labor. There’s no reason to think that the business boys of an earlier era loved low cost cost workers any less than today’s cheap labor hogs.

  23. RRS – I’ve been fighting with Libs online. And YES I installed the mantra. Several times.

    They are seriously CRAZY. Most are technically White – but they HATE Whites with an unhinged passion. Really deranged. I doubt those sorts of creatures are ever going to be salvagable.

    I returned here as ever, to inhale some Cyber Sanity.

  24. Our white leadership in both the democratic and republican parties sold us white Americans down-the-river.
    The newly arrived immigrants know fully well that white America has been sold out. They have no incentive whatsoever to assimilate. What are they going to assimilate to?: A sold out people. Doesn’t make sense and it’s not going happen.
    In the meantime, the democrats give them free everything from food,housing,education,medical care,etc : Even the ones with jobs are entitled to benefits, even illegal aliens with jobs get free everything. They do here in California,at least.
    On the other hand, the republicans/democrats give the illegal aliens amnesty from time to time.
    In the meantime,our media in Hollywood and Madison Ave celebrates diversity and multi-culturalism 24/7. The immigrants can see that very clearly. Again, they have no reason or incentive to assimilate.
    The days of immigrants trying to assimilate are over. The mainstream conservatives are either severely deluded or outright liars. Either way, they don’t look so good and they’re not people I would take advice from.
    With republicans and a lot of the so-called conservatives (who haven’t conserved a goddamn thing) who needs communists and who needs enemies?

  25. Secession of Hearts and Minds

    That is what I mean by ethnopatriotism. Secession of Hearts and Minds.

    The End of Soft Control means that Hard Control will then be required.

    ZOG has not been able to implement Hard Control in Iraq or Afghan; if they manage to do so here, it will be the beginning of their end. Because if they have to use Hard Control, it means they failed; they lost legitimacy; the Civil War is only a matter of time, and other countries will probably get involved on the side of the Rebs.

    The Beast will fight hard to maintain that soft control. I think the battle for soft control will be the peak of the conflict, in terms of money and effort expended. They know a transition to hard authoritarianism is likely to trigger their decline, too.

    They’ll concede a lot to keep it soft, I think.

    Secession would solve the problem

    Heart and Mind secession will solve the problem. Once Hearts and Minds have seceded, physical secession is simply a matter of time and energy. Heart and Mind secession will put us on the playing field with the Jews (Judaism and Jewishness are essentially Heart and Mind independence and sovereignty).

    John says:
    May 22, 2012 at 6:43 pm

    One long apologia for the guest, and rant against the homeowner. I.e., leftism.

  26. What they mean by “assimilate” is to breed with othe races, which in turn means the end of whites. In the perverted mind of the DWL, it’s the responsibility of the white race to breed up the lower IQs. Of course, this means sacrificing our race, but isn’t that the Christian thing to do? That is, sacrifice for the little man? It’s the ultimate in BRA–giving them our genes. Understand this clearly, in the mind of the DWL the white race is but an egg to be broken into the New World Order omelet.

  27. I will NEVER assimilate. And neither will my children. I’d rather die… and if I do, I die a Martyr to the Adamic race- the race of which Christ is the Last Adam.

  28. @Svigor-

    Would you mind clarifying your comment (“One long apologia for the guest, and rant against the homeowner. I.e., leftism.) regarding my post? Are you insinuating that you are the “homeowner” and I am the “guest”?

    My ancestors arrived here first from Britain in 1656 and later fought for our independence from the British monarchy, as well as the Irish side landing in New Orleans in 1860, and they sure as hell didn’t fight for the Yankees.

  29. John at 6:43 that was beautiful. As a woman of Irish descent, I couldn’t agree more. First of all, didn’t all these Protestants have Catholic forebears? They’re all the descendants of converts. Yes, some Irish have delusions with liberalism but I can tell you all that some of the most virulently pro-white people I have ever met were of Irish descent.

    Blood should ALWAYS trump belief!

  30. The Good Book has some advice for those who want to help others. And this includes idiot assimilationist types

    Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you.

  31. Hadenuf is right about those urban-legendary ‘No Irish Need Apply” signs of yore. I’ve blogged about that a few times and it’s been debunked, but some people still love to believe it really happened, so it’s probably useless to try to dispute it.

    As to the other urban legend mentioned above, the idea that ‘the Irish were not considered White’, — if that were really true, then shouldn’t the near-universal miscegenation laws have prevented the intermarriages that took place on a wide scale with other European groups?

    Back in those days, the idea of ‘race’ was conceived differently; ethnicities were sometimes referred to as races. The Irish were considered of a different stock than the Northern Europeans of Germanic origin — and isn’t it fashionable even now for those of Irish and Scots descent to emphasize their ‘Celtic’ origin, to distinguish themselves from the (closely-related) Germanic peoples?

  32. “Frankly, look at the disgusting, pathetic state of Christianity in the South, with its “Dominionism”..” – John

    John, excuse me?

    What the HELL do you know, as an Irish RC, about the Christian Reconstructionists, and how they alone have kept alive the flame of white racial consciousness in the Christian blogosphere, since Rushdoony has died?

    Do you read, or go to, Spiritwaterblood? Do you read the Kinist Review? do you have ANY clue as to the utter IMPOSSIBILITY of engaging Die Juden, WITHOUT a comprehensive Religio-Political Worldview?

    The Anabaptist wing of the Protestant sub-culture (the Falwells, Robertsons, Swaggarts, etc.) with their ‘moral majority’ tried to impose the Principles of Godly Dominion, from the top down, via legislative fiat. In that, they were completely at odds with North, Rush, DeMar, Jordan, Chilton, et al. The TRUE CR folk said all along, that regeneration of the heart preceded regeneration of the culture. The first is the act of God, the second the outworking of that grace, in the physical world.

    Perhaps you are ignorant of all this. Perhaps you only have seen the ‘name it and claim it’ types that presume to speak Reconstructionism, without the familial, kinist, and COVENANTAL elements undergirding it… and, if such are Baptists, that’s pretty much a given.

    But DON’T diss the CR folk. It was their vision that gave LEGITIMACY to the BS of the neo-pseudo SF, VNN white Pagans out there, by showing that, contrary to the Odinist cult fringe, Christendom once actually had their own Legal, Political, and Cultural order, that was suffused with the piety of the True Faith…. which Rome abandoned wayyy before 1962. Try, 1054…. frankly.


  33. @ Fr. John –

    As a daily visitor to your site “White Christ…”(and regular supportive commenter I must add), and as such am quite respectful of your intellectual acumen on these subjects. That being established, I find it rather odd that you make the assumption that I am “an Irish RC”. Where in my writing, pray tell, did I ever make that claim, let alone even insinuate such was the case? With a moments review of my entries on your part you shall find no statement that even remotely argues that I am a Roman Catholic.

    Sir, you have made an assumption that is as erroneous as was the filoque. In black and white terms, you are dead wrong. If you wish to either label or accuse me of great heresy according to your standards, then do so with accuracy. To be correct in this matter you must use the accurately descriptive term Christian Identity to define my faith, rather than Roman Catholic. If you wish to throw stones, then I would suggest that before you drag me in front of the Elders that your accusations be accurate. In this case you are little more than a Pharisee indicting the ham sandwich.


    Insofar as being a visitor to the websites you mention, indeed I both have and do, and you may include Faith and Heritage in that list, T.O.O., as well as Cambria Will Not Yield amongst several others. And no, contrary to your suppositions, I am not ignorant of what has gone on with Reconstructionists. Further, I am quite certain that I understood that “Die Juden” was both my enemy and that of Christ for at least as long as you have, for I came to this clear understanding in 1979.

    As an aside, you may wish to revisit the last paragraph in your screed. In one breath you argue that one should not diss the CR folks, yet in the very next cycle you make the following argument: “It was their vision that gave LEGITIMACY to the BS of the neo-pseudo SF, VNN white Pagans out there, by showing that, contrary to the Odinist cult fringe, Christendom once actually had their own Legal, Political, and Cultural order, that was suffused with the piety of the True Faith…. which Rome abandoned wayyy before 1962. Try, 1054…. frankly.”

    Excuse me? The phraseology you employed surely posits that the “vision” of the “CR folks” gave “LEGITIMACY to the BS of…”.

    One can only conclude from your exposition that what the C.R. people did was provide upper case “LEGITIMACY” to BULLSHIT. That’s quite an accomplishment, one of which they should be quite proud of.

    Legitimate bullshit.

    I’ll have to write that one down. Harrumph.

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