Foxman on Israeli Riots



I can’t say that I condemn the Israelis for resisting the threat posed by the Black Undertow. This is actually an occasion where I can say that we ought to “Stand With Israel” and salute their example!

Note: Steve Sailer takes great delight in mocking the hypocrisy of And Foxman. Now whenever the Judeophiles start squawing about “racism,” I will just say that Israel continues to pioneer solutions that we ought to adopt in America.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “Snowhitey says:
    May 25, 2012 at 3:35 pm
    I’ll take an Israeli over an American or European Jew any day of the year. And, I felt this way long before this news came out. I’ve lived and worked among all three varieties and most Israelis (not the Zionists) aren’t too bad. The Zionists all over the world are controlled by the Rothschilds.”

    The only good Jew is a small pile of ashes.

  2. Whites are divided by significant genetic and/or cultural differences; an essential WN position may actually be nonessential to adopting white racialism; Romney is a closet racialist conservative; Denise is normally subtle and unemotional; and truth be told, my own ancestry is half Black Hebrew.

  3. “anon says–The point is to use moments like this to fix the double-standards of the pro-diversity (aka pro white genocide) diaspora Jews in the headlights.

    None of this fixable.”

    fix … in the headlights i.e. fix as in hold still or nail down

  4. 313Chris says:

    Jack, you are WAY off. –

    “Here’s some advice: stop watching “True Romance”, read something besides “March of the Titans, and quit devaluing every white person who doesn’t happen to be a brain-dead, protestant, blonde Nordic miscegenation vessel.”

    Jack Ryan responds:

    OK. And please understand that I think Italians including Southern Italians are some of the best if not THE best Whites for consistently taking the pro White side. Sherif Joe Arpaio, Congressmen Tom Tancredo, Phily police chief/mayor Frank Rizo – the best and, it’s just reality that Italians are White Racists, everybody knows this, especially Blacks. One of the reasons Italians are so RACIST (A good thing) is that parts of Italy, including Sicily were conquered and defiled by NW Muslim Arab Moors. The True Romance scene is correct.

    We covered the True Romance scene (one of the most RACIST scenes in American movie histories) once before on OD, here’s the link

  5. Chris – I am not a blonde. I have…naturally auburn hair. Although the God Bestowed gift of St. Lo d’ Real has permitted me to enjoy near lifetime of a marvelous array of colors and tones….

    I have dark brown eyes. I tried on colored contacts once – but the effect was too creepy. My eyes aren’t as dark brown though, as a fellow I once knew. A Spaniard from the Basque region of Spain. (Celt Alert!)

    My one siter has very dark hair, very White skin, and very hazel eyes. My other sister has naturally blonde hair, and very dark brown eyes. We are Celts. A tried and true Irishman, who could trace his lineage back centuries. once told me that “All true Celts are brown” (meaning dark hair and eyes – but DEFINITELY Caucasian).

    Don’t pay no mind to them Yeller Haired Pritty Boys! They can stand around admiring themselves in the mirror. We get the real work done!


  6. @Denise
    Okay. I apologize if you didn’t mean to undermine or dismiss my post. It happens alot here at Occidental Dissent. Not everyone who posts here has the interests of white Americans at heart. Some who post do so with the intention of deflecting attention from the important issues and try to steer the conversation to dead end streets, so to speak, so we are more confused after reading the main article and all the posts,than when we started out. That is the goal of some of the those who post here. That’s why I’m touchy about it. I’ve experienced it quite a few times.
    More about JFK. The jews are a communistic people. They want communism for America. Many people think communism is dead. It is not. It is alive and kicking,and it’s starting to kick hard here in the States.
    The jews have been working for this goal for a long time. The passing of the Federal Reserve in 1913 was their foot in the door, in a manner of speaking. Unfortunately, Woodrow Wilson and the Christian congressmen at the time were total sell-outs. Wilson admitted that he had betrayed the country before he died, on his deathbed.
    Through this act, the jewish bankers took complete control over the US. It is through this banking power that jews in general have so much power in the country. They use their power to promote communism.
    The Mossad assassinated JFK. He wanted to put an end to the Federal Reserve bank and he refused to hand over nuclear secrets to the Israelis. The Mossad,working with jews (and probably some non-jews in the US government) had him killed. The assassination was a call of arms to jews to start working in earnest to turn America communist.
    Very soon after that, the black panthers appeared on the scene ( a jew commie production), drugs flooded our nation, Christian morality was greatly mocked and disdained, racial tension was encouraged, our borders were opened and massive immigration started. A little later,after Vietnam, we were taken off the gold-standard and handed fiat money, and trade with China was started. Soon after the opening of trade,our industry was shipped to China en-masse and laws were passed in Washington effectively undermining the auto industry and other industries. Uncle Sam pushed alot of productive companies overseas. It was/is all part of the goal to turn the US communist.
    Communism, for those who are not quite sure what it is: Communism is a country ruled by 100-200 jewish gangster billionaires. The jews who are not part of these families serve as enforcers and guards. Enforcement means murder. Brutal murder. It means labor camps. Slavery. No religion. No independent thought. No families, just atomized individuals working for the state: The jewish gangster billionaire overlords. This is communism in a nut shell. This was what the Soviet Union was: A jewish run slave labor camp.
    The black panthers are now back on stage since the turmoil of the 60’s-70’s. They’re back on stage now,along with the Occupy group and the Antifas, more jewish communist owned, controlled and financed groups. The jews are starting to kick for communism real hard now.
    The flooding of the country with immigrants was/is part of their plan to make it alot more difficult to put up an effective resistance to the jews. The racheting up of racial tension between blacks and whites is also a part of the plan to make it more difficult to put up an effective resistance against the jews.
    Unfortunately for us, there are still so many white Americans with blinders on, and so many who work to promote the jewish communist agenda, some knowingly, but most unknowingly.
    With the passing of the Federal Reserve Act, came the 501c tax break for the churches, but only if the churches tow the government line ( the federal reserve bank line in other words). The banks even control the sermons preached from Christian pulpits every Sunday morning. Unfortunately, alot of Christians are sell-outs and would rather have the tax break so they can have an easy life, than the speak the truth.
    I don’t have a problem whatsoever with anyone who is anti-semitic, but the problem we need to focus on now is to get as many white Americans to wake up as possible. The best way to do this is to get informed so one’s anti-semitism doesn’t just sound like nonsense or stupidity.
    We are greatly indoctrinated that jews greatly suffer and that they are wonderful. We can only break that propaganda by being informed.
    That was the purpose of my first post,my second post, and this one I am writing now.
    Everything I mention can be found online. It is not hidden information. We all need to make it our business to learn as much as possible about the situation to better convince others to stand up and protect the country and to know exactly what it is we are struggling against and what exactly we are struggling for.
    Again, I apologize for misreading your post.

  7. Joe, bloody well done. Informative and concise post.

    One small correction– Kennedy wanted to inspect Dimona and Israel(Ben Gurion) repeatedly refused and apparently Kennedy threatened to shut off the aid was not about sharing nuclear secrets per se..

  8. @Joe, bloody well done. Informative and concise post.

    One small correction– Kennedy wanted to inspect Dimona and Israel(Ben Gurion) repeatedly refused and apparently Kennedy threatened to shut off the aid was not about sharing nuclear secrets per se..

  9. @Joe

    “Communism is a country ruled by 100-200 jewish gangster billionaires. The jews who are not part of these families serve as enforcers and guards. Enforcement means murder. Brutal murder. It means labor camps. Slavery. No religion. No independent thought. No families, just atomized individuals working for the state: The jewish gangster billionaire overlords. This is communism in a nut shell. This was what the Soviet Union was: A jewish run slave labor camp”.

    The end game, and most poignant reason to resist it. In one paragraph. If folk want to see the potential future of the West, look to the Bolshevik Russian past. Thanks Joe.

  10. Jack Ryan: The only NWO Muslim propaganda I fear that intended to entangle our white sons in a crusade into Muslim lands to “bring freedom and democracy” while allowing the 3rd world hordes, including “practitioners of the religion of peace”, to immigrate to the West. This is where you line of reason leaves us. Muslims, like other 3rd world barbarians are not forcing their way into our nations, they are being allowe in. Wake up and smell the coffee. When big government starts squawking about Iran or whatever, now that it is to distract us from their own treasonous actions.

  11. Chris313: thanks for the link, I bookmarked that. I have often wondered about my Italian heritage, and found that scene from “True Romance” troubling.

    Although I’ve gotten some good laughs about this whole Israeli Somali immigration issue, I have to wonder. HW made some excellent points, as others posting on this thread. I just think that since Jews are so great at twisting things around so that their hypocrisy is unchecked, that they will find a way to kick out the Somalis and send them to a White country. They can always offer the argument that they are a lot smaller than the US or Australia and that we can absorb them and they can’t.

    On another note, check out this video of an Israeli TV comedy show mocking Jesus and the crucifixion. They insult Gentiles several times in the video clip, like this exchange:

    gorilla puppet: I want to assimilate!

    Toffee (cute girl in revealing bikini): Do you even know what it is to assimilate? It means to get fucked up with a goyah (Gentile); this is something neither me or you, obviously, want.

    And it goes downhill from there.

  12. @ Molon Labe
    Thanks for the correction. I’ll do more research about it. There’s so much to this story of jewish treachery and crime against us and their striving for a communist state, it’s sometimes mind-boggling to me.
    I know that there are a few jews here and there who are against the communist agenda, but they are no help to us. If the country goes communist, the jews opposed to the agenda will get brutally murdered along with Christians and other non-jews who are opposed. Still, the great majority of jews do support the communist agenda.
    Right now, my main concern is convincing my fellow whites to open their eyes and see the truth that’s staring them in the face.
    Lenin said after the communists took Russia that if only a few more thousand rebels stood up and fought, that the communists would have lost.Quite amazing. Even our enemies tell us the truth sometimes.
    I appreciate your correction. I’ll do more reading about the subject.
    @uKn Leo
    All we need is a few more thousand people to wake up and resist. LOL/
    Yes, Bolshevik Russia will be our future if more people don’t take off their blinders.
    Thank you gentlemen for your words of support.

  13. “This is actually an occasion where I can say that we ought to “Stand With Israel” and salute their example!”

    Maybe if you changed “salute” to “follow,” but it would still be weak tea.

    Simply cheering Israel on here is a lot like a eunuch cheering on the guy banging his wife – the guy who castrated him. “Yeah buddy! Yeah! At least somebody around here’s gettin’ some! Yeah!”

    Whiskey actually used this one around me, once. Once.

    With all due respect, you’re wrong on this occasion. Until Israel acknowledges that white countries have the right to remain white countries, we should have zero sympathy or solidarity with Israel. I shouldn’t have to repost that article about the Israeli Likud politician getting a Jewish politician in Australia to agree to have Australia take Israel’s blacks. Israel stands in sharp opposition to our goal.

    Talking points should be worked to include the following facts:

    American Jewry is the world’s #1 friend to Israeli Jewry
    American Jewry is the world’s #1 enemy to anything remotely resembling an Israel for Euro-Americans.


    “Let’s start doing what Jews do (make ethno-states for ourselves), and ignoring what they say (‘ethnostates for me, but not for thee’).”

    “Whenever a Jew says “tolerance, diversity, amnesty, or immigrant,” I think “The Israeli-Jewish Anti-Black Progroms of 2012.”

    “We should withhold support for Jews keeping Israel Jewish until Jews start supporting our right to keep our communities and institutions White.”

    “Israel uses the Holocaust to excuse acting like Nazis; maybe White Americans should just skip the Holocaust part, and do the smart thing first.”

    “After all the whining and lobbying American Jews have done for immigrants, open borders, tolerance, and diversity, if Israel can still go ahead and go in the exact opposite direction, I think we all officially have permission now.”

    “Abe Foxman takes a ‘balanced, measured’ approach when his fellow Jews in Israel do it; he bites our heads off and $@!^s down our necks when we do it.”

    “If American Jews allow the Israeli ethno-state to have its racist immigration policies, they have no standing to criticize us.”

  14. Goal: to get Jews to do a 180 and start supporting equal rights for Jews and White Christians.
    Carrot: support for Israel
    Stick: bash them as hypocrites and racists

  15. That’s what I mean by tag teaming.

    It’s called triangulation. Also, pushing the limits of debate (AKA “Overton’s Window,” I think).

    Agreed Hunter! This is exactly the same point I tried to make here a few days ago and was called a moron, kikenvermin and spawn of satan for doing so. I trust you will fare better but you might loose some of the more extreme Church of Evil Jew Worshipers.

    Don’t forget “dumb fuck.” Which I regret, btw. But it wasn’t because of your position, it was because of your obtuse statement. And my foul mood.

  16. Nuance, schmuance. Give Jews back their sharp elbowing and watch them freak out. Nuance nowhere to be found. The knives come right out, aimed for the vitals via the blind spot.

    You try nuance. I’ll try fighting fire with fire.

  17. The moment the Jew realizes he’s dealing with “one who can see,” i.e., someone like himself, bye-bye, nuance. It’s Hulk-out time.

  18. Joe – thanks for your reply. I started my journey, to here, right after 9/11/01.

    I used to think it WAS “The Muslims”.

    I know the source, now.

    I know about all the things you’ve written about. I was initially disbelieving, when I began my formal Racial Education in Stormfront University (I had begun my practical racial reality education when I first moved to Philadelphia, as wee lass, and discovered that the real Negroes are NOT like those nice ones, on TV!). My initial response to the JD (Jew Disaster – it’s not a Question) on SF was “Why do they all hate Jews?” I thought they were crazy…..

    Ahhhh….time and tide……

    The thing that still boggles my mind is their relentless industriousness, in service of absolute evil. Greed, lust, treachery, theft, fraud, rape, every sort of depravity, and murder murder murder. The moment they are allowed to run loose – it’s always the same malevolence, against their host populations. Always. With out fail.

    You are right about Jew World being a Jew Run Commie Slave State. Flawless summarization. Communism, fyi, is right outta the Talmud.

    You and I may have different slants – but we’re on the same page. My impatience stems fomr the fact that The Hour Groweth Short. We don’t have time to amble along. They are VERY advanced in achiving their goals. Oh – they will collapse under the weight of their own evil; I’m simply worried that our Beloved Race may go first, is all.

    Listen to Svigor, though. The SECOND they realize they are dealing with some-one who is one to them – the rueful smiles disappear, and the fangs and claws appear. Give it BACK. That’s what they understand. That’s the only thing they understand.

  19. “Svigor says:
    May 26, 2012 at 3:10 am
    The moment the Jew realizes he’s dealing with “one who can see,” i.e., someone like himself, bye-bye, nuance. It’s Hulk-out time.”

    I love you, Svigor!

  20. @Denise and
    Yes. You’re correct ( and so is Svigor). As per the jews: One should be either unaware of jew treachery, or if aware, just keep one’s mouth shut and pretend one doesn’t know.
    In the Soviet Union, anti-semitism was illegal. One couldn’t say anything negative about jews in general, or any jew in particular. Punishment was death. Death by the slashing of the throat. That’s the talmudic punishment.
    They are very intense. It’s a deep sickness deep in their blood. I’m at a loss to explain where the sickness comes from.
    I mentioned the black panthers is a jew commie financed and controlled group. I know this because I grew up in the Bronx in the 60’s when the South Bronx was torched to the ground. The black panthers were on the jew mobster payroll. They were payed to riot and burn the Bronx. My uncle was a detective in the Bronx and my family has a long history there. My father knew alot of Bronx cops,as well. I heard all the horror stories about the destruction of the Bronx. It was not spontaneous.
    One aspect of this story that will never be told in the mainstream press and on tv. The black panthers main goal was to attack middle-class blacks who owned their own little mom and pop stores. They were greatly attacked, even more than whites were.Blacks are afraid to speak the truth of this because they are surrounded by so many of their criminals and truthful blacks will be murdered if they speak about this.
    So many blacks were destroyed by this violence, in the Bronx and all over the NYC area, that many fell into poverty and were herded into the welfare system to make the middle-class blacks dependent on the government. It is a little known aspect to the racial violence in the 60’s. The goal was to herd as many blacks into the welfare system while also assaulting and attacking whites. Kill two birds with one stone. It was very insidious and it was planned by the jew communist gangsters in NYC. After the South Bronx was destroyed, the same jews then bought it up for 10 cents on a dollar and the government then payed the jews top dollar for the land to build housing projects. Non-jews had their land confiscated under “eminent domain” and were not reimbursed at all. A housing project was built on what was once was my father’s business (auto-salvage).My father lost his business and his land and had to start all over from scratch. My father was not the only one.
    Also, as more and more black criminals were being thrown in prison in the 60’s, the jews in New York City and State started agitating for conjugal rights for felons.They got that. They are truly a putrid tribe.
    I love nuance LOL/ so I just had to relate that aspect of the story : I threw that in for some comedic relief because it is an intense story.
    9/11 was another giant wake call for me, as well.And you are correct: The hour grows short. I hope more white Americans wake up so they can save themselves and go on to prosper.
    The crimes that the jews have committed in America and continue to commit can fill a set of encyclopedias.
    A prayer resides in my heart that war won’t come to this land. The more whites that wake up now, the less chance of war and great bloodshed.
    Many times when I respond to posts, I keep in mind those readers who may have just found this website. Many regular readers know already many things I say. I repeat things sometimes for the new readers so perhaps they’ll get a deeper understanding if they hear something repeated. They too have been propagandized and indoctrinated. Sometimes repetition is beneficial to help break the brainwashing.I don’t mean to insult anyone when I do this.
    P.S.- Philadelphia would be my favorite city in America if it weren’t overrun with black criminals.

  21. Svigor, I missed that one and glad I did. I’d seen enough after kikenvermin.

    Sorry if I came across as obtuse. My intent was not to insult or mystify anyone.

  22. HW, your strategy won’t work. At least not in the time that’s left before the good ole USA implodes financially. What would you like to bet that once we’re no longer able to send Israel its check our great democratic ally in the middle east will accuse us of holocaustin’ ’em while using their whisked-out-of-America funds to arm, say China or some other potential tool, to uh, Germanize us?

    They may not be the source of all of our problems but they are our biggest tumor at the moment. Without their influence, in ownership of most of the big media and our politicians, their control of our university, not to mention Wall Street and the Fed, the negro problem would take, let’s see, about five years to be gone.

    I’ll admit that cheering on Israel, for whatever reason, does comport well with supporting Romney.

  23. Joe- reading your post about the BP’s, was like going back in time to a discussion my mom and dad were having somewhere about 1967. My mom iterated everything you just confirmed, from merely reading the (then, still more or less free) press.

    And to think. She never finished high school, because she had to go to work during the Depression- like any decent white would have done, rather than ‘go on the dole.’ What a genius that woman was. I realize this more and more, as I see the TRUTH of the era of my childhood deconstructed by the writers on this blog.

    Thanks, Joe. Thanks.

  24. @ Joe, r.e. the 5:11 comment –

    Perhaps the following explains the psychopathy of the Judaists:

    “And Adam knew that his wife Eve had conceived from Sammael the angel (of death) and she became pregnant and bore Cain. And he was like those on high and not like those below. And she said, ‘I have gotten a man from the angel of the LORD.’”

    – Targum Pseudo-Jonathan, Gen. 4:1.

    (Here comes Fr. John with guns ablazing)

  25. BY
    “HW, your strategy won’t work.”

    We’re being destroyed by x and y therefore x and y are the problem? No. We’re being destroyed by our inability to react to x and y. Our inability to react is caused by being mentally chained by a genocidal culture. It’s just like people in a cult but on a larger scale. Therefore the first step in any strategy needs to be cracking the culture.

    The way to put a crack in the culture is
    1) Identify a weak spot
    2) Kick it till it breaks

    There are multiple weak spots and they will all have a camouflaged anti-white double standard behind a facade of universal morality. Bob’s mantra, BRA etc all work on the basis of knocking away that facade and showing the anti-white agenda underneath.

  26. @Fr John
    There was a little bit more truth in the news back then, but still, alot of things were not reported and never mentioned. Your mother knew how to read between the lines and how to put the snippets and snappets of what was reported together in a cogent fashion in order to have come to her conclusions ( which were/are the truth). Very intelligent.
    Alot of people then had no idea what was going on, even very well-educated and well-informed (or what passes for well-informed). I have great respect for your mother that she could read various articles about the subject ( all of them containing omissions to one degree or another) and was able to fit the pieces together to figure out the truth.
    I mention this out of respect for your mother. She was very intelligent in order to do this. Most people then, again even those who were well-educated, had no idea what was going on.
    True intelligence comes from the heart, anyway. Your mother’s heart was in the right place. Now that you told me about your mother, I have more respect for her than alot of people I knew back then who never gave the situation much thought,or just didn’t care, or who were so busy coming up with all kinds of “intellectual” reasons for what was going on as a way to impress everyone with their education and “theories”. Theories were more important than actual truth to them.
    Your mother’s heart was in the right place and from her heart sprang her intelligence.
    Thank you for telling me about your mother. It lifted my spirit.

  27. @John ( other)
    Yes, I think it all has to do with spiritual matters. I’m not very good at understanding what I read in the Bible, but there definitely is a spiritual component to this issue of jews and communism and nihilism.It’s very deep-seated.
    I agree with what you are saying, and the verse that you quote. I’m still trying to figure out that aspect of the story as best I can. It’s a great mystery to me.
    I should start reading the Jewish encyclopedia ( have never done so). I’d probably learn alot more about the situation we’re in today.

  28. Just as an aside, there are serious differences between White Nationalists as well.

    No one can argue that Jared Taylor is not a White Nationalist or doesn’t care about Whites or anything of the sort. Yet for him it seems to be Jews, Meh, close enough.

    Until we deal with the big issues, the, the cans (Afri, Mexi, Puerto Ri, Jamia etc) and the Cultural Marxists we ought to have a full truce. After that, we’ll we can have an honorable fight if thats called for.

  29. I’m about one cunny hair away from Nordicism at any given moment, so consider your words before you speak about Nordic women or them yellow-hairs, Meds; when you lash out at all Nordics to retaliate against all Nordicists, you offend the Nordics trying to get along with you.

    It’s kinda fucking dumb, really.

  30. Joe says:
    May 26, 2012 at 5:11 am

    Wow Joe, that’s quite a story.

    Svigor, I missed that one and glad I did. I’d seen enough after kikenvermin.

    Sorry if I came across as obtuse. My intent was not to insult or mystify anyone.

    I’m assuming you’re “Fed Up,” too – my comment was directed at one of his. If you’re not, disregard.

  31. Denise, have you ever run across that psychotic Jew commenter calls himself “Yellow” over at Alternet? He’s like the caricature of the caricature. I’ve never seen a Jew that Hulks Out quite as blatantly as “Yellow.” He’s so awful, he’s useful. Can’t stop Hulking out. I used him for what seemed like days on an Alternet thread once. He can’t stop himself, shoots himself in the foot over and over.

  32. “Svigor says:
    May 26, 2012 at 3:03 am
    That’s what I mean by tag teaming.

    It’s called triangulation. Also, pushing the limits of debate (AKA “Overton’s Window,” I think).”

    The Hubster sez that I am always pushing for the limit. Always. If I find the limit, I take it a few steps beyond.

    Why not, sez I?

  33. “Svigor says:
    May 26, 2012 at 6:45 pm
    Denise, have you ever run across that psychotic Jew commenter calls himself “Yellow” over at Alternet? He’s like the caricature of the caricature. I’ve never seen a Jew that Hulks Out quite as blatantly as “Yellow.” He’s so awful, he’s useful. Can’t stop Hulking out. I used him for what seemed like days on an Alternet thread once. He can’t stop himself, shoots himself in the foot over and over.”

    No! Send me a link, as an example, will you? We’ll triangulate him. Sounds like fun!

    By the by – I’ve found that is you want to really freak out online Hebes – start talking about a Jubilee. A global Jubilee. “The debt is all-made up phony baloney crap! Fractional reserve banking? Fractional reserve bite my assets!” Global cancelation – RESET!”

    They go full on Hulk Mental.

    You can then start in with “You’re a Jew, aren’t you…….?”

    Mwah hahahahaha!!!!

  34. Re: reducing long, extended Thought Symphonies into Sound Bites:

    1) I can be pretty long winded my self. Most people don’t want ot hear it. Modern folks have VERY busy lives. Our heads are overstuffed with al kinds of thngs we need ot remember. Phone numbers, acocunt numbers, passwords, time tables, etc….mopst humans, during the course of history, have NO EVER EVER EVEER had to mange so verey much information.

    2) We live in a Sound Bite Age. I’m interested, first and last, alpha and omega, in COMMUNICATING. I want our ideas to get across. I just got a rather influential young lady, in her social sphere, ,who inquires as to who I wil vote for, for POTUS. I told her that I am FOR Ron Paul – which elicited an ECSTATIC response (OMG!!! I LOVE HIM!!! HE’S THE BEST!!!! All my firedns LOVE HIM!!!) – but I tols her the Global Overlords are already stealing his delegates – she knew about this – and that she should vote for her race. (HT Kack Ryan. Jack Ryan Sound Catchy Bite). I told er I will write in Ron Paul if it’s not close – but if it is – I’m voting for Rommey.

    Romney will not have us all gunned down. Obama will go all ANC (I told her about the ANC, and the slaughter of Whites – and that if Obama is re-installed, he and Holder wil go after Whites in EARNEST).

    I am quoting myself directly. These are all simply sentences. That she certainly understood. She’s a very bright and talneted, and very well like young lady.

    “Vote for your Race”

    “Vote for my Race”, she repeated.

    “Vote for your Race.” I re-stated. “Tell your friends to do the same”.

    “Vote for my Race. I will”.

    Message sent. Message received.

    A million words of blather aren’t as critical as that last bit.

  35. @Joe

    On the spiritual element of the Jewish question and world leadership in general.

    Listen to what Fr. John and Denise have to say about it. They have it pinned 100% I am convinced.

    The source for this level of evil is non-human, it just has to be.

    I don’t follow anybody or anything as a rule. On the Jewish question I would follow Fr. John and Denise to the ends of the Earth.

    What they know is the missing piece of the jigsaw.

  36. (just to clarify – I have no frikkin idea what Fr. John is talking about half the time, but I know he’s right)

  37. No! Send me a link, as an example, will you? We’ll triangulate him. Sounds like fun!

    No, sorry, it was a long time ago. I don’t even remember what the conversation was about. But he was great, because he couldn’t stop digging. It gave me an excuse to keep helping him dig. And his mouth kept getting frothier and frothier.

  38. @uKn Leo
    alot of of religious/spiritual stuff goes over my head too. I know how it feels. LOL.

  39. There is no doubt that Bibi is one of the sharpest pencils in the box. Referring to 1,000s of Blacks that the Israelis call ‘shooks’ , Bibi warned that “illegal infiltrators flooding the country” were threatening the Jewish identity and security of the Jewish state. This is a correct assessment. As 1,000s of illegal infiltrators would threaten the identity and security of any demographic.

    Because the Jews are a war (as a hostile elite) with the White nations wherein they reside, the Jew money is behind “illegal infiltrators flooding” the White nation as in Senator Jacob ‘open the floodgates’ Javits triumphant imperative.

    So count on it, this grave threat to the social fabric of Israel will be offloaded and exported to White nations or a White nation. They won’t be going to the BRICs nations, they will be going to Europe, Canada or America or Australia. Indeed, Australia is already in the news as the proposed destination for 1,000s of Israel’s cultural enrichers and diversity agents.

    Bad as this is, it is also a great opportunity to get through to the semitically correct and de-racinated Whites. This is their opportunity to quaff a little race realism neat from a true racial supremacist and realist. This is their opportunity to draw the arrow across from ‘our ally’ Israel to their own nation which indeed has just as much right, if not more so, to maintain its borders, social fabric and demographic.

    And it will be fun for the Whites who understand the Game to apply some semitic correctness to the Jew leverage.

  40. HAHAHA! The hypocrisy and brass of these “chosenites”. Personally, I hope they do get over run with Africans. They deserve it. For as long as I have been on this earth, these people have promoted non-stop non-white immigration to White countries, and ensured their media would condemn the first White man who spoke out against it.

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