Foxman on Israeli Riots



I can’t say that I condemn the Israelis for resisting the threat posed by the Black Undertow. This is actually an occasion where I can say that we ought to “Stand With Israel” and salute their example!

Note: Steve Sailer takes great delight in mocking the hypocrisy of And Foxman. Now whenever the Judeophiles start squawing about “racism,” I will just say that Israel continues to pioneer solutions that we ought to adopt in America.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. This is actually an occasion where I can say that we ought to “Stand With Israel” and salute their example!

    DAMN, I was just begining to take this site seriously.

  2. “This is actually an occasion where I can say that we ought to “Stand With Israel” and salute their example!”

    With all due respect, you’re wrong on this occasion. Until Israel acknowledges that white countries have the right to remain white countries, we should have zero sympathy or solidarity with Israel. I shouldn’t have to repost that article about the Israeli Likud politician getting a Jewish politician in Australia to agree to have Australia take Israel’s blacks. Israel stands in sharp opposition to our goal.

  3. Standing with Israel is definitely nuanced. Maybe we should Game them on their own level seeing as how the Jewish state can not handle any form of a nonJewish ethnic presence, especially the minority presence of the traditional population of Palestine. So how are they going to cope with Sudanese and Somalis.

    Time for all the Jews who are so great at conducting the vibrant symphony of multicultural and ethnic diversity in European nations and North America to make alliyah and assist their co-ethnics in Israel with the life skills needed to enjoy a diverse, ethnic population. I see conferences, I see workshops, I see media, I see net-net, symposia and forums. No one knows how to sell the razz a ma tazz like the Jews. I say let them go for it.

  4. You don’t ever want to make an argument for racial integration. Do you want to make the anti-racist’s arguments for them?

  5. I’m familiar with the WN position that Jews are the source of all our misfortunes:

    1.) That’s not my position.

    Neither Jews or Whites are monolithic blocs. There are important differences among Whites and among Israelis and the Diaspora.

    2.) What are Africans doing in Israel in the first place? Why is Foxman criticizing Israel? Why is this a controversial issue?

    3.) IMO, the biggest obstacle that ordinary White people have to becoming racialists is the WN stance on the Jewish Question.

    To the average White person in America, Jews are these magical beings they have read about in the Bible, or victims of the Holocaust they saw in Hollywood movies.

    4.) The polls show that Whites are great admirers of Israel.

    5.) Whenever Israel does something that is defensible, like say, base citizenship on ethnicity, build a massive wall on the West Bank, repress minorities, or riot against Black Undertow, that’s a good thing.

    6.) We can turn to the philio-Semites and say to them: look what those Israelis are doing, those magical Jews, whom you admire so much. They are setting a good example. We should follow their example here in America.

    7.) It is sensible to divide Jews, divide Israel from the Diaspora, and praise Israel whenever it does something that we can imitate in our own countries.

    Is it a better idea to unite Jews and polarize the White majority against us? What does that accomplish?

    There is a crucial difference: the typical White person interacts with blacks and Hispanics, but because Jews are predominantly urban and wealthy, they don’t interact much with them in their daily lives.

  6. I think this is great.

    In fact, I might sign up a Free Republic account just to go over there and tell the philo-Semites it is okay to riot against the trayvons because the magical Jews have done so.

  7. Come to think of it, this divides Jews, polarizes blacks against Jews, and signals to the philo-Semites that rioting against the Black Undertow is kosher, and doesn’t lose you Jesus points in Heaven.

    It would seem to be win-win-win.

  8. Thank you Miri Regev!

    This is clearly what Jews have generally thought about blacks. And possibly taking Sontag’s cue this is what Jews think about whites as well. If a few Republicans can be prompted to echo her sentiments. If Emanuel were perhaps questioned about illegals in Chicago? What would the fuck say?

  9. This is actually an occasion where I can say that we ought to “Stand With Israel” and salute their example!

    Don’t cheer too much because I’m sure as we speak/read/type, some insane western far-left group is going to try to get them into the US, Canada, Europe, Australia or New Zealand.

  10. Oh by the way in case anyone here is confused and I think some are, if a hoard white, anglo saxon episcopalians refuged to Israel the Israelis would violently riot about that also.. They hate whites as much as blacks.

  11. Agreed. They would slaughter the Anglicans in the street. The Queen would be battered like a fugging pinata.

  12. Most black people I have a casual conversation with seem to be deeply anti semitic. Little do they know my own views on them but still, they do not get on at all.

  13. And further to the point if they send the refugees to the USA the Israelis will not shiv one git about it. All they care about is themselves, even, in spite of the fact that the taxpayer of the USA foots their bills..let the refugees stay in Israel, I’m sick to death of their double standard bullsh&t.

  14. I suspect Bloomberg is setting up every place but NYC to take these immigrants off of his holy nation’s hands and place them in GOP leanings states’ cities like Kansas City or Omaha. And the extremists who are destroying the churches in the name of “diversity” will be there helping as long as the checks keep coming.

  15. Ratcheting up his controversial proposal for revitalizing America’s cities, Mayor Bloomberg yesterday suggested that the federal government “deliberately force” large municipalities to take in immigrants as the only hope for salvaging their battered economies.

    Bloomberg caused a ruckus last year during an appearance on “Meet the Press,” where he proposed opening the door to immigrants on the condition that they agree to live in Detroit for five to 10 years, restoring that struggling city by starting new businesses.

    But that’s the reason they are failing in the first place (i.e Detroit). Why bother pushing this unsustainable idea further?

    Latinos and blacks don’t get along and apparently the Latinos gang bangers are gradually ethically cleansing blacks in LA. Blacks and Asian don’t get along (eg. Rodney King riots). And for that matter, blacks don’t get along with blacks. Mike’s “bright idea” is hopeless.

    But, I’m sure any Latino reading Mike’s idea will be “concerned” about the prospect of being “forced” to live in a war zone with blacks and move back to Mexico – and may be that’s whole the idea; or may be its a stupid idea with favorable unintended consequences.

  16. “Why is Foxman criticizing Israel?” He isn’t. that is an extremely weasel worded piece. He calls the africans migrants, which clearly means something different from the flood in our nations of what he would call immigrants. He is fundamentally agreeing with the Israeli position that they have no place in Israeli society.

    “6.) We can turn to the philio-Semites and say to them: look what those Israelis are doing, those magical Jews, whom you admire so much. They are setting a good example. We should follow their example here in America.”
    Unfortunately this may not be possible. They have declared that while America is a proposition nation, Israel was founded on an ethnic basis(ignoring the fact that both are the opposite of what happened). That is the center of the argument that must be countered with such people. They already have a custom cut argument for the double standard here, because it has existed long before now.

    “I suspect Bloomberg is setting up every place but NYC to take these immigrants off of his holy nation’s hands and place them in GOP leanings states’ cities like Kansas City or Omaha. And the extremists who are destroying the churches in the name of “diversity” will be there helping as long as the checks keep coming.”
    States can opt out of the refugee resettlement scam, and Wyoming has already done so. Hopefully more states will.

  17. “IMO, the biggest obstacle ordinary White people have to becoming racialists is the WN stance on the Jewish Question.”

    Agreed Hunter! This is exactly the same point I tried to make here a few days ago and was called a moron, kikenvermin and spawn of satan for doing so. I trust you will fare better but you might loose some of the more extreme Church of Evil Jew Worshipers.

  18. @Hunter Wallace

    Some interesting tactics you’re coming up with here. It would be difficult for the rank and file to counter any of what you are saying.

  19. “…To the average White person in America, Jews are these magical beings they have read about in the Bible, or victims of the Holocaust they saw in Hollywood movies….”

    The implication is that if one isn’t on the “jews are the only problem” bandwagon, it’s for these reasons. Back in Reality, many of the protestants (which was the American base, without any question whatsoever, and the founders, etc.) simply view jews like any other white group. They SEE people who look white, and who sometimes do not act in the interests of themselves, JUST LIKE OTHER people who look white and who are in other religious or political groups. Other groups of white folks, DO NOT ACT in the interest of the others, not just the jews.

    Actually, many intelligent and educated people whose reality IS NOT created by “zionist churches” OR Hollywood movies see it that way.

    There are many white groups—- not just jews and then everyone else. And that sort of black and white thinking, unsupported by reality, is just seen as dumb (and EVEN in the full light of day, knowing very well about Hollywood, propaganda, zionist influence in christianity, etc.)

  20. I’ll take an Israeli over an American or European Jew any day of the year. And, I felt this way long before this news came out. I’ve lived and worked among all three varieties and most Israelis (not the Zionists) aren’t too bad. The Zionists all over the world are controlled by the Rothschilds.

  21. At least the Jews fight back. During the race riots and massive racial violence here in the sixties, white Americans ran to the suburbs. Big mistake.
    If race riots happen again and white Americans run, white Americans wil lose this country for good.
    In the last 50 years there has been massive immigration. If whites run now, the newly arrived immigrants will see clearly that white Americans don’t want, or are too weak, to defend the country.
    The new immigrants will step in to fill the void left by white American abnegation, and take over. They did not come here to be ruled by black criminals.
    For all of the immigrants complaining about white Americans, in their hearts they want us to stand up and protect the country. They know fully well that it is white Americans that have built this country and are responsible for all the good things that they love.
    White Americans had the luxury to run during the sixties because the country was predominately white. It no longer is. We do not have the luxury of running away anymore.
    Many times,when racial issues are discussed, the issue is seen solely as a white/black issue. Very rarely mentioned is the very large numbers of immigrants in this country and how all this racial disturbance affects them or what they think about it. It is an important dynamic to the story as they now comprise a considerable proportion of the population.
    If white Americans run again, (if there are race riots and massive racial violence), the immigrants will not sit by silently. They now have vested interests here in the US and they are not going to give up their vested interests. If white Americans run this time,the immigrants will take control and we will lose whatever power we have.

    They will step in and take over,whether they want to or not, simply in order to protect themselves.
    If white Americans run this time, we will lose whatever say we now have ( which isn’t alot, but it will be a whole lot worse if we run ).

  22. Oh please! For those of you capable of “nuance” (I’m not. I’m a subtle as a flying brick though a glass window!) – you plat the Good WN Cop. I’ll play the Mean Bad Auntie Semite Cop! We can tag team!!!

  23. If you want to understand the Jewish question read C.S. Lewis’s Narnia books.

    Yes seriously. The Dwarves in that book are basically allegorical Jews.

    Many of them are bad, some serve the White Queen, some are good people, there are even Mischlings (literally a half dwarf ) who are good, brave, honorable people (Dr. Cornelius in Prince Caspian) .

    In the end, most of them are consumed by greed and tribalism and as it says in The Last Battle, “The Dwarves are for the Dwarves.”

    Real world Jews, anyone full blooded or any partial who is raised by Jews IME is probably a lot like this and when you deal with them as long as realize for them its all about ethnic interest and that they a vindictive streak (c.f Romans 12:19 etc ) bad enough they wouldn’t listen to Jehovah you’ll have few problems.

    Heck if we Whites did the same stuff, played the same way with Non Whites we’d be better for it and more respected.

    As I see it , this is a rare case where understanding can be of use at reducing hate.

    An understanding of the Jew issue in the US (very different than in Israel or Europe) of the typical ways the other party behaves and what both parties want (the same thing, preservation) This won’t bring trust, its not justified in the hearts or minds of either party but it can allow one sore spot to be defused and as always the enemy of my enemy.

  24. As far as I am concerned jews as a whole, in the aggregate burned their bridge with me with a long, long time ago. I refuse to cut them any slack..

  25. Doesn’t matter to me who’s anti-semitic and who is not. What matters is saving this country.
    If white Americans run this time, we will lose the country.
    Sometimes, one can learn alot from other groups of people, even from one’s foe.
    I know that Jews support massive immigration into this country while they try to keep Israel for themselves. I know this is two-faced bullshit, and I don’t like them in the least for it.
    My post was directed to white America, not Israel.
    Simply being anti-semitic is not enough to save the United States. Understanding “nuance” is very important because the world, and the country is nuanced. Especially now with with so many various groups of immigrants. The country now is very nuanced, and if one is interested in saving it for white America, one has to understand the nuance in order to figure out the best, or the most effective way, to do so.
    I am not playing anything, including “good WN cop”.
    Just wanted to explain to my fellow white Americans the present situation in the country and the importance of not running away in case of possible race riots.
    The dynamic of the millions and millions of new immigrants in this country is never talked about in the mainstream news, and it is never mentioned for a very good reason. Our enemies, most of them Jews, do not want white Americans to realize that if they run from riots this time the immigrants will step in and take over . The immigrants then will work with the Jews against our best interests and we white Americans will then lose the country.
    I am not the good WN cop that you imagine me to be.
    The very reason that the Jews support so much immigration into the United States in the first place is to make it that more difficult for us white Americans to mount an effective resistance to the whole Jewish communist agenda. That’s the very reason our borders were opened in the first place and why we have been flooded with immigration for the past 50 years.
    The great Jewish communist move to take over the USA was put into action immediately after JFK was assassinated. His assassination was the first shot and a call of war to the Jews to take over the US. Our borders were opened two years after his death.
    I’ll tag team with you, but you’ll have to show some respect for my work and my words and my support for my fellow white Americans. I don’t appreciate having my post so dismissed and so disdained.
    My explanation of ” nuance” can only help us. My post brought no harm to any white American. My post gave us all some more information so we’ll be on a better footing to resist. Alot more information than your, ” Oh, please!”.

  26. The trouble is we just can’t trust the greatest manipulators to ever walk this planet or any other. And, that will not change anytime soon. If we can’t trust them, why on Earth would we want anything to do with them?

  27. “I will just say that Israel continues to pioneer solutions that we ought to adopt in America.”


  28. “As far as I am concerned jews as a whole, in the aggregate burned their bridge with me with a long, long time ago. I refuse to cut them any slack.”

    The point is to use moments like this to fix the double-standards of the pro-diversity (aka pro white genocide) diaspora Jews in the headlights.

  29. Joe: What exactly do you mean by “nuance”? Do you mean walking on eggshells and PC? I like your train of thought but can’t see how nuance will get us anywhere because, when it comes right down to it, Whites are and always will be the enemy numero uno of the Big Jews until maybe we as a people are totally done in so that they do not see us as competitors any longer. Example: Pam Geller. Used to read her site and post all the time. However, scratch the surface and you will find not a pro-European/White thought or care in any of here work. Her only issue is Islamization of the West, in her mind filling the West with coal black Christians or Jews is aok. Moreover, any comments along the lines of England for the English, Germany for the Germans, etc will be met with hostility, condemnation or censorship. She pitched a fit with the English Defense League was leanig toward becoming an pro-Ethnic English organization. Sadly, the EDL caved and is Britian’s version of the Rainbow Confederates.

    I agree totally, however, with points made by Hunter–namely that we should use Israel as an example for the West.

  30. Westerners need to understand this: Islam is a major problem but not the root problem. It is the wolf closest to the sled at this point (at least for Europe), so must be addressed immediately, but it is still not the root cause. There would be no issue with Muslims (or Mexicans for that matter) in the West were it not for a hostile minority enemy within. But why would Jews want the West to be flooded with Muslims? I never saw the anlgle on this until I saw a comment (I think it was on this site) that cleared it up for me. Flooding the West with Muslims puts the West in the same danger as Israel is in. That way, the arsenal of the Western nations would be forced to address the Muslim world, essentially fighting Israel’s wars for them. Makes perfect sense now.

  31. anon says–The point is to use moments like this to fix the double-standards of the pro-diversity (aka pro white genocide) diaspora Jews in the headlights.

    None of this fixable..

  32. @Wayne
    Ask Denise about “nuance”. She’s the one brought the word this board. I simply mentioned the dynamic of the large immigrant population here and how this affects the racial situation and how white Americans will lose the country if we don’t stand up for ourselves and fight in case of possible race riots. The immigrants will step in to fill the void left by white America to protect themselves and their vested interests.
    Nothing nuanced about that, but Denise thinks so. Ask her.
    For someone who doesn’t like nuance, she sure did use “nuance” to dismiss my post. She seems to be an expert at “nuance”.
    I am not. I spoke straightforward and to the point.

  33. I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again: The Jews are their own worst enemy! Israel is completely dependent on the United States for its very survival and by weakening the U.S. via mulitculturalism and diversity, not to mention the financial looting that has crippled our industrial base, the Abe Foxmans of the world are slowly destroying their own bandit state in the Near East. It’s practically impossible for Hymie to preach post-modern dogma to the West and not practice it themselves. The hypocracy in it is just too blatant! In the end, the nature of the Jew is DEATH and by taking us down, they take themselves down too!

  34. Wayne writes:

    “There would be no issue with Muslims (or Mexicans for that matter) in the West were it not for a hostile minority enemy within. ”

    Jack Ryan replies:

    Wayne – that’s just ridiculous nonsense. White Indo Europeans have always had huge problems with non White, barbaric people – especially NW Arab Muslims, Turk Muslims. The naive, unshakeable belief of some Whites that the non White Muslim people are just like us and just want to be left alone in their own countries – that flies in the face of 1,400 years of White experiences with hostile NW Muslims. Arab Moors conquered Sicily – raped the White Italian women and messed up the White gene pool. That’s why so many Sicilians today look swarthy, look like – well, like non White, Arab Muslims.

    Arab Moors conquered Spain and occupied Spain for…..

    700 years!

    There is a reason White Greeks, White Serbs curse at the word “Turk”. The Ottoman Turks invaded, conquered and occupied Greece and Spain for how many hundreds of years? Ever hear about the Jannisaries – that’s where the Turk Muslim Sultan has the right to go in to White Christian villages and grab any boy he wants to be trained as his slave warriors. The Sultan also gets his pick of our girls for his harem/concubine. So the filthy Pakistani Muslims in England are just doing a modern variation of this same old sad story when they gang rape poor English girls and “groom” them for lives of prostitution to old Pakistani Muslim men.

    Sorry Wayne – we’re not accepting pro NW Muslim propaganda here.

    We are well aware of the real Jewish threats/dangers – the worst being the Jews’ concerted program to flood White nations with the worst non White 3rd worlders, including NW Muslims. This all got played out at least twice in the Spanish Re-conquest (we won year 1492) and the French Algerian war in the 1950s (our side won the war, lost the peace settlement).

  35. Re: “Neither Jews or Whites are monolithic blocs. There are important differences among Whites and among Israelis and the Diaspora…IMO the biggest obstacle that ordinary White people have to becoming racialists is the WN stance on the Jewish Question.”

    What are the important differences among whites? Is the WN stance referred to essential or nonessential?

  36. Joe – boy are you touchy! I did not dismiss your post – and I certainly appreciate any-one who can be more subtle. I can be subtle for maybe….15 minutes tops – but then when I get going – I GO. If Annie Oakley shows up – ask her. She’s seen me in action, in 3-D world.

    A good portion the time, when I’m writing – literally sitting here typing – I’m laughing. I’m having a grand time with this Israeli Race riot thing. It’s a hoot! I am imagining all the fun I can have with this.

    Now think about it – if a handful of us are running around whooping, “Look at those GOD Damned Jew Rat Bastard HYPOCRITES of all time! FIRE UP THE OVENS!” – you Reasonable Thoughtful guys can say, “Now look – we don’t have to be unreasonable…etc”. And make headway, after the Over The Top Crowd softens ’em up….

    That’s what I mean by tag teaming. I do this with my spouse. I make some outre statement, throw a conversational political “bomb” so to speak, to say… one of the Tea Party folks, for example – and after the “target” is in total shock – Hubby moves in, in a very calm, sincere, rational way -and explains….in a nice way…that….things aren’t what you’ve been…’s quite a bit different…etc.

    Works great!

  37. “But why would Jews want the West to be flooded with Muslims?”

    See under: frog/scorpion.

    It’s really that simple.

  38. @jack ryan

    “Arab Moors conquered Sicily — raped the White Italian women and messed up the white gene pool. That’s why so many Sicilians today look swarthy — look like, well, non-white, Arab Muslims.”

    Jack, you are WAY off. –

    Here’s some advice: stop watching “True Romance”, read something besides “March of the Titans, and quit devaluing every white person who doesn’t happen to be a brain-dead, protestant, blonde Nordic miscegenation vessel.

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