With so many White American conservatives and libertarians insisting on playing nice and fair with all non-White groups including Muslim invaders, it is nice to see some of our folks in Tennessee using open religious bigotry to resist the Muslim invasion.
The Atlantic reports that the local White Christians in Murfreesboro, Tennessee have delayed or permanently enjoined completion of a mosque under the legal argument that Islam really isn’t a “religion” that deserves 1st amendment protection under the U.S. Constitution. Instead, Islam and the proposed Tennessee mosque is said to be:
“A Shariah-compliant facility… a political organization with Shariah-compliant rules and regulations. Shariah and the U.S. Constitution cannot coexist.”
Not bad.
I would have liked some direct insults against the polygamist, pedophile founder of this death cult plus some strong accusations that Muslim immigrants should be banned from the United States to protect Christian American girls and boys from being raped and groomed for Muslim sex slaves.
Maybe that would have been asking a bit too much and our side wouldn’t have won the (soon to be reversed) legal ruling to stop the Murfreesboro mosque.
Non-White Muslim immigrant rights group CAIR is appealing to Eric “My People” Holder’s Justice Department to go after the evil Islamophobic White RACISTS in Tennessee.
Here’s a quote from the CAIR press release which looks to be a good, long fight:
“WASHINGTON, May 29, 2012 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ — The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) today called on the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) to protect the religious rights of Tennessee Muslims after a judge in that state blocked completion of a mosque that has been targeted by anti-Muslim bigots for the past two years.”
Editor’s Note Here’s some clips from the PBS Independent Lens documentary “Welcome To Shelbyville” which addresses changing demographics in neighboring Bedford County:
Tip – Desecrate potential mosque sites with pig carcasses. Sand N*ggers won’t build mosques on pig soiled land.
No vulgar curse words JR 🙂
Yes… the “immigrant debate” has only been framed by the left (oppressed by the west and owed a life in their country) or the “right” (respectable paid controlled opposition…) —“doing jobs americans won’t do” or cheap labor or a necessary byproduct of the necessary globalization or…
What kind of people allow their opposition to FRAME THEIR RESPONSE?
It shuts down all other avenues… such as the Religious reality. Or anti-whiteness or… anything other than oppression/cheap labor (the only way it is ever spoken of)
won’t work, they’ll bless the building site and all will be well.
This does make one proud to be a Southron
Stonelifter says:
June 1, 2012 at 3:47 pm (Edit)
won’t work, they’ll bless the building site and all will be well.
This does make one proud to be a Southron
Jack Ryan replies:
Agreed. Southern White folks should be very proud indeed. What other group of White folks remaining on planet earth have the b*** to give the middle finger to over 1 billion NW Muslims in the world by making (and winning) a legal case that Islam isn’t really a legitimate religion deserving of protection under the US Constitution 1st Amendment protecting religion?
Wow – that was really great!
Wouldn’t it be great if these same (honest) White RACIST, religious bigots in Tennessee turned around and filed legal cases that the whole 6 Million Jewish Holocaust was a fraud and world Jewry has to apologize and reimburse the governments of Germany and Switzerland for $ billions in fake Holocaust settlements?
Well, we can only dream on that one. But, it’s a great day for White RACISTS in the beloved US Southland. Please sing a chorus of “Dixie” for all of us here in the (not so great) state of Illinois – Land of Lincoln and now Obama, also too many no fun White career women – wow, some dying Confederate soldier sure put a curse on me and my state.
On the plus side, my Chicago White Sox are doing great! We have lots of hard working White boys on the team. Even Adam Dunn is hitting well.
@Jack Ryan Who has done more damage to Tennessee, the Jews or the Moslems? I’m sure you would have to say the Jews.
I’ve added some clips. Saw a documentary about this at the gym.
Are Muslims homophobic? Yes they are.
Jews are a national problem. Blacks, Hispanics, and Muslims are the local problem in the Nashville area.
When does Israel reccompence Ukraine for the activities of Trotsky and Kaganovich? Not happening.
moslems are all types of into homosexuality. and bestiality. Doesn’t take much time in the moslem world to figure that out
The greatest enemy of our people in these areas: Ourselves.
No one is more adept at ‘breaking racism’ as our own, deracinated folk. Of course Islam is a ‘religion’…it has been around for the same amount of time as ‘christianity’; if the case can be made, then judaism must also receive the same brunt of our feelings, in the same public fashion. Where were these grafitti artists when semitic synagogues were placed in our neighborhoods next to our churches?
It is high time to simply put out all of our delineated points to our folk – in our homes, our schools, our streets, our political venues.
Earlmundo Armand Pitts III says:
June 1, 2012 at 4:29 pm (Edit)
@Jack Ryan Who has done more damage to Tennessee, the Jews or the Moslems? I’m sure you would have to say the Jews.
Jack Ryan replies:
Make no mistake We (US Whites) have huge Jewish problems. Not all Jews are bad, please be fair with individual, decent Jewish people in America and of course fair to decent, individual Muslim people, decent Blacks, Hispanics, Indians, decent gays etc.
That said, THE most destructive Jewish program against us/White Americans is the American Jewish community’s overwhelming drive to replace the White American population with non White 3rd world immigrants, and strange as that seems, that includes NW Muslim immigrants. The White hating Jewish power structure wants that Mosque built in Murfreesboro TN, just as they want to flood Minnesota with barbaric “Muslim” Somalians. NYC Jew Mayor Bloomberg even supported the in-our face Mosque at Ground Zero to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Muslim extremist terrorist attack on 9/11/01.
We (I) wrote here on OD that virtually every single Jewish US Senator and Congressmen have immigration grades of F from NumbersUSA (link)
Yes Virginia, Jews Suck on Immigration
So my advice is to try to reach the hearts and minds of regular White people in places like Murfreesboro TN by telling them what they want to hear (stop the NW 3rd World Muslim immigrant invasion) and strongly avoid alienating regular Whites by telling them what they don’t want to hear:
When you go down this route of ranting and raving about THE JEWS, you come of as crazed nut case kook, and NASCAR Nation Whites will beat your A** for taking the side of invading NW Muslim immigrants.
Just take the White side in all issues. Be aware of jewish, especially Neo Conservative Jewish intrigues to get US/White America to fight wars against Muslim nations, but don’t be a fool and get suckered in to supporting the NW Muslim immigration invasions of the US, Europe, Australia etc.
14 words
The time for anything but violent protests (what Limbaugh said was the definition of war- things get broken, and people get killed) is now.
Secession. Now. Today. Forever.
Deport them all. Or kill them all. Deo Volente. God’s will.
2nd video @ 55 sec
Leftard says: “Overall, the one thing I discovered in the entire series was: the lack of cultural orientation the refugees are given when they are brought over here.”
Does the leftard actually think that after years of praying 5 times per day, etc., that an “orientation” is going to make any difference?
And “the lack of cultural orientation” spin puts the blame squarely on the host country – in this case, white America.
“tyson foods”
“I came here to take your job, why do you hate me you racist. Death to the Infidels!”
And vets are returning and can’t find work.
Nothing is going to change for white America until family life is given a place of honor and respect in our culture and until there is a return to holy matrimony and love for children.
The white race went overboard in the 6o’s with do your own thing immorality and now we are a greatly divided race.
The communists jews and their supporters are ascendant because white America decided to flush it’s heritage, faith, history, and culture down the toilet in the 60’s.
It’s very easy to rule over an incontinent people. I think Plato said that. It’s true.
We make it very easy for the communists.
Violent protests aren’t going to help much as our race is so divided. Violence is not going to help much at this point.
The white race is so divided right now, white Americans aren’t in much of a position to take the offensive,in terms of fighting with violence.
I commend the Southerners who are standing up and protecting their heritage,however. I respect that.
@Fr John- the white race in America is in no position to deport them all or kill them all, god’s will or not.
If white Americans want secession we better get out house in order. Secession means war, lots of it, and we are too divided to go on the offensive at this time in our history.
If I were Pilate I’d have nailed him up. Troublemakers in imperial provinces should be dealt with quick.
I like Jesus’s style but if I were an imperial I’d have shoved him in a dungeon and forgot him.
Anyway, keep Somalis OUT! They are another annoying gibsmedat special pleading.
“John says:
June 1, 2012 at 4:47 pm
When does Israel reccompence Ukraine for the activities of Trotsky and Kaganovich? Not happening.”
Don’t be too certain about that. Things take time…
@ Fr John
A collective Attende Domine needs to be said, and needs to be prayed in a sincere and heartfelt way, an Attende Domine that emanates from deep within the collective heart of white America, before “Deo Volente” comes to pass.
I know The Faith just as well as you.
Jack – fyi – just for the record, since we don’t know each other in person – I get my Spawn of Satan energy shucked off here. It’s OK, too. When I first hit SF my initial reaction was “Wow! Why do they hate Jews so much?!” I asked, and was:
2) the JD (Jew Disaster it’s NOT a Question) was carefully, patiently explained to me. I was given info, and then pursued my own course of Spawn of Satan studies,
I can be a Raver, in venues like this. I may spook the colts – but to my Bad Cop you and others can be the Good Cops.
It’s OK. The best Newbies will stick around, and find their own place on the turf.
Meanwhile, in 3D world….I am the patient, soft-spoken, sympathetic, I Just Want What’s Best for Everybody….”Errrr….there’s a problem with our Jewish pals” type. For those not yet exposed to facts. To those that I meet that already are hip to the JD – woo hoo!
Stonedloser – Islam and you are a perfect match!
commie jews are not jews at all they are just commies who worship marx and stalin.ragheads are uncivilized barbarians and pisslam is not a religion it is a death cult that should be banned in america.
Joe at 5:55 has the correct view.
Trotsky was a total Jew. For heavens sake, he acted like a Joshua.
Btw Charley fights the Reds in the Russian civil war. He gets to tangle with a commissar over a bullion shipment…Geld geld geld!
What has most impressed me during my decade on the Arabian Peninsula is the happiness and good manners of the children. I have seen only one instance of a child striking another child. I have never seen an instance where a father or grandfather was other than very loving to his daughters and granddaughters. I have never seen teenagers acting like Amican hip-hop gangster wanna-bes. Children here are surrounded by love. If I want to see misbehaving, unhappy looking, undisciplined and gangbanger immitating teens, all I have to do is visit compounds that are exclusively American military installations. One golden memory was at a fourth of July party in an American military compound where ten alcoholics stripped naked and dove into the pool at three in the afternoon in front of the children of all ages.
Borat said it best: “Our leading social problem is jew”. That said, Our Leading Social Problem acts by proxie by importing and creating other woes.
The Muslims would be an example of an imported woe. They were brought here under the Senator Jacob ‘open the floodgates’ Javits plan to destroy the majority demographic of White America. The bought and paid for Congressional politutes who collaborated with Our Leading Social Problem made it possible by passing the necessary legislation. The bought and paid for Media presstitutes hyped it and mandated its political correctness.
The Muslims can always be depended upon to do their Muslim thing: build mosques, work for Islamisation of the nation they have invaded, enforce Sharia (which is just a little imitation of the Talmud), form gangs and vice rackets and strong, segregated communities that protect those rackets.
They have always been White slavers. From the time they kicked off about 4th century A.D. their ships were plying the coasts of NW Europe. And Europe underwent successive invasions from them for about a thousand years.
In France they are now creating huge dramas over all those monuments to the Crusades. And the Jew media never lets up on how offended are the poor persecuted Muslims as the prayer sirens wail over the loudspeakers. For some reason they can’t do this caper over in Arabia.
I see just up the Mississippi – St Louis named for the Crusader King St Louis IX 1214-70. This would be a very good chapter of European history for the Americans to discover.
There weren’t going to be any mosques in France on St Louis’ watch.
To all Southerners,
I respect all of you who are standing up and willing to defend your culture.
Please keep in mind: The black panthers declared war on white America in Sanford.
No one in authority said anything. Silence. Silence= GREEN LIGHT.
The upcoming election is going to be chock full with racial tension. The communists got their black panthers in place and they have already declared war. People who declare war usually mean it. The communists can and will use their black panthers if it benefits them to do so. Please keep that in mind.
This is what to watch out for, at least until the election is over.
The immigrant issue can wait until the election is over.
Don’t let side issues, however important, distract you from forgetting that the black panthers have declared war against you.
Please take measures to prepare to protect your families.
Possibility: If the Mossad/CIA assassinate Obama ( a possibility), their black panther army is already riled up, angry, and ready to go to war.
To All Southerners: Please don’t forget about this possibility and prepare for it.
After the election, you can focus on other matters.
I’m not downplaying the problem of immigration. Just don’t want you Southerners to forget that the black panthers have declared war against you, against white America, and that should be your main focus for now.
The immigrant issue can wait until after the elections.
I concur, Robert Oculus III. Joe at 5:55 has the correct view.
Just finished googling this controversy and saw the Independent Heartland Baptist Church crowd demonstrating against the mosque while waving American flags. It made me sick to see people from the Confederacy waving American flags like damnyankees. Of course, it is a tradition for moronic Southern white boys to die for a country that is outlawing them from employment by affirmative action, flooding their towns with immigrants of very dark hues, and making sure their wives can steal their house, their children, and their incomes by the vicious divorce laws.
Third world Immigrants, welfare, affirmative action, divorce, censorship. Why fight?
I find it hard to see why a white guy takes any pride in his America anymore.
Somalia is the breeding stock for a Al-Shabaab. The US needs to think very seriously about importing this into their country.
I think at this point the only reason to fight is to protect oneself, one’s family ,and friends.
Secession is just pure fantasy at this time. The only reason to fight is to protect your family.
See what the force of history has in store. If there is massive cvil urest in the country, and the more Americans fight for their families,the better.
After the giant mess, and the smoke clears, we can all talk about secession with at least some kind of reality behind our words.
That’s pretty much the situation the white race is in today.
“civil unrest”, “not cvil urest”.
Always happens when I don’t wear my glasses. LOL
Jews are a national problem. Blacks, Hispanics, and Muslims are the local problem in the Nashville area.
Jews may have been a driving force behind leftist causes since Marx (himself Jewish) with the Frankfurt School, human rights activists, Russian Revolution, etc., but now it all seems passe.
It appears they have now created a kosher-neo-con alliance – the “Judo-Christian tradition.”
There are several popular websites that list jihadi activities (that I won’t list here). Actually, there’s a steady diet of it on some news sites. So, what are the actual purpose(s) of those websites/news sites:
1) warn the west of the perils of mass muslim immigration? (But how did we get mass 3rd world immigration in the first place?);
2) character assassination of Palestinians to the benefit of Israel? (But how did the Pales get into their situation?); or
3) build support for a major military attack against middle eastern muslim countries? (And who would benefit the most from this?)
The point is: how did this mass immigration get created and why are the same group now warning us about it? Its like ping-pong.
We both know what alien religious cult was first to break White Protestant resistance to foreign cults, and open the door for the Jews & Moslems to enter the American heartland!
The same religious cult whose politicians vote in lockstep with the Jews in Congress, and are supportive of bringing more of their own cult members and other foreign cults into the US.
These guys have done a series of ten vids highlighting Muslim Brotherhood infiltration into the US. Part one here (there is an overview vid that should be watched first):
“”Joe says:
June 1, 2012 at 6:44 pm
To all Southerners,
I respect all of you who are standing up and willing to defend your culture.””
Hey Joe are you white, if that’s a yes then it’s your culture too.
And Robert the Arabian, how’s that trolling going, caught any big one’s today. And it’s the negroes that’s treat everyone like crap.
@ Leo
These guys have done a series of ten vids highlighting Muslim Brotherhood infiltration into the US.
The political/religious expansionist doctrine of islam isn’t a secret. The US had its first taste of it in 1785. From wiki:
In March 1785, Thomas Jefferson and John Adams went to London to negotiate with Tripoli’s envoy, Ambassador Sidi Haji Abdrahaman (or Sidi Haji Abdul Rahman Adja). Upon inquiring “concerning the ground of the pretensions to make war upon nations who had done them no injury”, the ambassador replied:
It was written in their Koran, that all nations which had not acknowledged the Prophet were sinners, whom it was the right and duty of the faithful to plunder and enslave; and that every mussulman who was slain in this warfare was sure to go to paradise. He said, also, that the man who was the first to board a vessel had one slave over and above his share, and that when they sprang to the deck of an enemy’s ship, every sailor held a dagger in each hand and a third in his mouth; which usually struck such terror into the foe that they cried out for quarter at once. [12]
Why is it that only in past few years – long after the flood gates were opened – we now have this steady daily multi-media diet of jihadi warnings about muslims?
Letting the enemy in, and then constantly warning us about is very screwed up. Don’t you think?
Whites often show the right instincts at the state and local level. This is encouraging. Unfortunately, the federal courts and the US “Justice” department can be used to invalidate any productive action they take.
“Tennessee Muslims” You can’t imagine how disgusting this sounds to my ears.
Someone mentioned above “Tyson”. Since when have Godless, nationless corporations been running roughshod over the citizenry? The people working at Tyson, not just the Somalis, need to feel the wrath of the locals, I’m talking the management and white collar positions. Give them AND their families the cold shoulder, make life very hard for them, make them feel unwelcome. They are traitors to your way of life, Tennessee! Are you willing to sacrifice your heritage for a min wage job or a tasteless piece of overprocessed chicken???
Tyson needs to feel the heat here. So do the Republican Party. I so sick of this corporation-chamber of commerce worship thy the loser party.
Agreed Outlier, but most here know who let the Muslims in and why.
I thought those vids might be of interest to anyone who wants to see how far they’ve penetrated into US gov.
In the UK we have this problem too, possibly more severe. Anyway, gotta run. Off to the mosque for Qu’ran recitals and rape class.
Al’ahu Akbar!!!
An old-time school teacher advised me often: “Always look for the instigators who may be working behind obvious troublemakers!” So let’s consider first of all WHO is RESPONSIBLE for these infidels being here?
Of course we pretty well know.
Whereas those who brought the slaves here are no longer with us, those who are responsible for the ongoing influx of Muslims are near at hand.
I’m so white I don’t even know what skittles are, and I don’t give a shit.
This is screwed up, but it should set a precedent for the west …
Israel to begin migrant deportation amid rising hostility -1 June 2012
In recent weeks, African migrants have become the target of violent attacks by people in Israel, who blame them for a rise in crime and anti-social behaviour.
Israel will move to deport hundreds of South Sudanese people over the coming weeks.
One of my neighbors here in Northern California is an old-fashioned gal originally from North Carolina. We complain about the damn yankees all the time. LOL
We have a very good time together.
Youtube “Rebel Son” excellent music
Yes I have listen to “Rebel Son” excellent music and love it. And by the way I am a yankee in exile here in south Florida. I had enough of the nanny state and over taxation. Also make as much fun of us yankees as you like we deserve it.
@ Roger
Me and my neighbor go at the yankees all the time. I grew up in New York City, so I have plenty of stories to get her going. We sure do deserve it.
I almost moved to North Carolina, but there were so many new yorkers and people from new jersey there, I couldn’t take it. They reminded me of a swarm of locusts. They acted like a swarm.
I didn’t want any Southerner to think even for a minute I was a part of that.
The Southerners don’t deserve it. The yanks swarm all over No Carolina, disdainful of the native Southerners, and always trying to change everything to suit their yankee tastes. I don’t know why they don’t just stay in NY and NJ. I don’t get it.
I live in Northern California now. CA govt is very corrupt,but everyday life here is alot more easy-going and hassle-free ( if you avoid San Francisco and the whole Bay Area).