Send Human Rights Activists To Prison Camps


H/T Walter Russell Mead

I know there are White Nationalists who browse this website who hate Israel for the behavior of the Diaspora, but I continue to be impressed by the growing militancy of the Israeli Right, which is engaged in a struggle for racial and cultural self preservation within Israel with the Jewish Left:

Kadima MK: Send human rights activists to prison camps

“If given the opportunity, some Israeli human rights groups “would be the first to put haredim and settlers on buses and transfer them,” Knesset Member Yulia Shamalov Berkovich said Tuesday during a heated House Committee debate of on the influx of foreign migrants into the country.

“Those hypocrites,” the Kadima member said of human rights activists who are aiding foreign migrants, “I would imprison them all for incitement and for pitting Jews against Jews.” . . .

“All human rights activists should be imprisoned and transported to camps we are building,” she said, referring to detention facilities Israel is constructing in which African infiltrators will be held. . .

During a recent demonstration in south Tel Aviv against the government’s handling of the infiltration phenomenon, Regev described Sudanese migrants in Israel as a “cancer.”

Shamalov Berkovich later told Ynet, “I toured south Tel Aviv and witnessed the deplorable conditions in which the infiltrators live. It pains me a lot, and I ask – how did we reach a situation whereby in the Jewish State of Israel people (foreign migrants) are living like animals?” . . .

According to Shamalov Berkovich, the human rights groups are forcing Israelis to “illegally employ infiltrators,” adding that they are “compromising the security of the state and its citizens and should be locked up.”

I am willing to stand with Israel on the Negro Question. These same blacks are allowed to live like animals and terrorize White people in Detroit, New Orleans, Memphis, Atlanta, Birmingham, Philadelphia, St. Louis, Richmond, etc.

If Israel wants to take the reins of leadership on this issue and start transferring the blacks, arresting Jewish human rights activists, and imprisoning them in detention camps for compromising national security, then I say, we ought to Stand With Israel and follow their inspiring example, starting in Montgomery with the SPLC bunker.

Note: Diaspora Jews and Israelis do not have the same values.

A recent poll found that 46 percent of American Jews believe that “a commitment to social equality” is the most important value to their sense of Jewish identity. 20 percent cited “support for Israel” and 17 percent cited “religious observance.”

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. We know why Jews suck on immigration

    The reason why Jews support Third World immigration into every country except Israel is because it is a highly effective way to undermine white gentiles.

  2. Perhaps JFK and Ted Kennedy supported the “we are a nation of immigrants” claptrap because lots of Irish Catholics also treasure “the immigrant experience” like the Jews?

    Maybe that’s why they find common ground with them and vote with them on the DREAM Act?

  3. I’m playing devil’s advocate here.

    Maybe I am averse to conspiracy theories. I don’t think that Jews are fundamentally different from other populations. It is a difference of degree. You will usually find about 7/10 to 8/10 Jews supporting liberal immigration laws.

    This is consistent with the values surveys. The same surveys would show that large numbers of Yankees and Northern Catholics also support civil rights and liberal immigration laws.

    Within the South, there is also a liberal minority. There are more liberals in the Upper South than the Deep South. There are more liberals in the transplant states (FL, NC, GA, TX, and VA) than elsewhere.

  4. Perhaps JFK and Ted Kennedy supported the “we are a nation of immigrants” claptrap because lots of Irish Catholics also treasure “the immigrant experience” like the Jews?

    Apparently, the only thing you know about Irish Catholics is what your Jewish friends tell you about them. If you actually knew some Irish Catholics you would know that few of them support non-white immigration.

  5. Maybe I am averse to conspiracy theories. I don’t think that Jews are fundamentally different from other populations. It is a difference of degree. You will usually find about 7/10 to 8/10 Jews supporting liberal immigration laws.

    This is consistent with the values surveys. The same surveys would show that large numbers of Yankees and Northern Catholics also support civil rights and liberal immigration laws.

    So are you saying that Jews are simply part of a geographical cluster of liberalism in the North? What about Jews of the South? I don’t think that your theory holds up.

  6. Hunter, I think Jews *are* fundamentally different.

    Jews are a hybrid of Middle Easterners and Europeans.

    I think the impulse for taqqiya” and jihad and ethnocentrism which is a genetic expression of Middle Easterners, so obvious in Muslims, is also present in the Jews.

    I think that the high IQ of Northern Europeans is also present in the Jews.

    But whereas the low IQ of Muslims cause them to be less effective at disguising the jihad against Europeans, the Jews *have* got the necessary brainpower.

    So you have a particularly noxious hybrid vigor that results in a population that is, at once, ethnocentric, secretive and hostile AND smart enough to fool the average unsuspecting European. And with the hybridization, you get an unusual vigor which gives Jews their accursed high levels of energy to be about all this subversion.

    Powerful combination. Unique combination. Dangerous (to us) combination.

  7. I think that the high IQ of Northern Europeans is also present in the Jews.

    Their Euro admixture is Southern Euro/Med.

  8. Lew,

    I support multiculturalism for Israel because the majority of Jews both inside and outside Israel want multiculturalism for us. Simple as that.

    You are playing “nigger thy neighbor.” The temptation is obvious in the case of the yid, but I think it’s a game we’ll all lose.

    While the opportunity to point out the screaming double standard should not be passed up, a more pragmatic move would be to do so in a way that supports their actions/rhetoric, suggesting that all peoples might benefit from the same. After all, no population on this planet stands to gain anything from negrification (nothing at all, it’s all downhill, a total, total zero), yet with two billion of the fuckers on earth in a few decades, negrification will soon be coming everyone’s way.

  9. Apparently, the only thing you know about Irish Catholics is what your Jewish friends tell you about them. If you actually knew some Irish Catholics you would know that few of them support non-white immigration.


    The typical Irish catholic man might not, but their church sure as hell does. The catholic church here in NC is full on and in full support of the mexcian invaders,even going so far as to work with the mexican govt to help the invaders get around state and federal law. The catholic church went from dying out in NC to having to build new churches….

    It’s not about Catholics as individual men, my opposition to the catholic church is the church and the way it acts in the world, the way it is attacking my people and supporting foreign ideas and foreign people over us original stock.

  10. The catholic church here in NC is full on and in full support of the mexcian invaders

    I don’t dispute this. What I have problems with is Hunter’s apparent defense of the Jews.

  11. While the opportunity to point out the screaming double standard should not be passed up, a more pragmatic move would be to do so in a way that supports their actions/rhetoric, suggesting that all peoples might benefit from the same.

    The problem is that the Jews have always been a do as we say, not as we do people. Look at how they have defended nationalism in Israel – Zionism – for decades while denouncing it in Europe. The Jews will continue to defend the Africanization of Europe and the United States while opposing it in Israel.

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