Send Human Rights Activists To Prison Camps


H/T Walter Russell Mead

I know there are White Nationalists who browse this website who hate Israel for the behavior of the Diaspora, but I continue to be impressed by the growing militancy of the Israeli Right, which is engaged in a struggle for racial and cultural self preservation within Israel with the Jewish Left:

Kadima MK: Send human rights activists to prison camps

“If given the opportunity, some Israeli human rights groups “would be the first to put haredim and settlers on buses and transfer them,” Knesset Member Yulia Shamalov Berkovich said Tuesday during a heated House Committee debate of on the influx of foreign migrants into the country.

“Those hypocrites,” the Kadima member said of human rights activists who are aiding foreign migrants, “I would imprison them all for incitement and for pitting Jews against Jews.” . . .

“All human rights activists should be imprisoned and transported to camps we are building,” she said, referring to detention facilities Israel is constructing in which African infiltrators will be held. . .

During a recent demonstration in south Tel Aviv against the government’s handling of the infiltration phenomenon, Regev described Sudanese migrants in Israel as a “cancer.”

Shamalov Berkovich later told Ynet, “I toured south Tel Aviv and witnessed the deplorable conditions in which the infiltrators live. It pains me a lot, and I ask – how did we reach a situation whereby in the Jewish State of Israel people (foreign migrants) are living like animals?” . . .

According to Shamalov Berkovich, the human rights groups are forcing Israelis to “illegally employ infiltrators,” adding that they are “compromising the security of the state and its citizens and should be locked up.”

I am willing to stand with Israel on the Negro Question. These same blacks are allowed to live like animals and terrorize White people in Detroit, New Orleans, Memphis, Atlanta, Birmingham, Philadelphia, St. Louis, Richmond, etc.

If Israel wants to take the reins of leadership on this issue and start transferring the blacks, arresting Jewish human rights activists, and imprisoning them in detention camps for compromising national security, then I say, we ought to Stand With Israel and follow their inspiring example, starting in Montgomery with the SPLC bunker.

Note: Diaspora Jews and Israelis do not have the same values.

A recent poll found that 46 percent of American Jews believe that “a commitment to social equality” is the most important value to their sense of Jewish identity. 20 percent cited “support for Israel” and 17 percent cited “religious observance.”

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Yeah. I see your point, more like see your “hope”. But, the reality is that all but a tiny percentage of Right Wing, anti NW immigrant Israeli Jews support massive NW immigration in to the US, Europe, UK, Australia etc.

    It’s just the two hats the Jews wear. It goes along this idea:

    “What’s mine (Israeli Jewish ethno state) is mine, what’s yours needs to be multicultural”.

  2. jack,

    If you can find some polling data, it would be appreciated. It is easy to see why American Jews and WNs clash when “a commitment to social equality” (46 percent) is the most important value to their Jewish identity.

    The demographics of Israel are very different. Israel is a Jewish state, but it is very different from the Diaspora. It is far more religious, less secular; less sympathetic to “the immigrant experience,” which is very important to American Jews.

  3. Israel is a Jewish state, but it is very different from the Diaspora.

    Not really. Jews both inside of and outside of Israel hate gentiles which is the motivation for everything that they do. When Jews talk about “social justice” and “social equality” what they really mean is undermining gentiles by turning their countries into multiracial hellholes.

  4. “Stand with Israel” would be ok if it just meant, hey, I like what you’re doing, and that’s the end of it.

    But it’s not. The Christian Zionists and their Zionist-controlled pastors think “Stand with Israel” means White American boys do the dying to advance Israel’s interests in the world.

    Also, American Diaspora Jewry is very powerful. Us American-Americans have very little we can use as leverage to pry them out of their positions as hostile elite, but telling them, “You stop it with the anti-White-American program or we cut Israel loose,” is probably the only thing they’ll pay heed to. When you’re being made war on, sometimes holding the family hostage is the only weapon you have.

  5. That’s the WN theory.

    The problem with that theory is that the same debate that goes on in Europe and America goes on within Israel: like other countries, racial demographics within Israel are changing due to immigration, and there are Jewish human rights activitists there who side with Africans and the Palestinians.

    Jewish liberals are a fifth column within Israel, too. They define their Jewishness as support for social equality. This leads them to clash with the extreme Orthodox Zionists just as they clash with WNs in America.

  6. If the magical Jews in Israel start deporting blacks and imprisoning human rights activists, it makes it a lot easier for the Christian Zionist crowd in America to support racialism in America.

  7. This is a factor that hasn’t been properly considered … Israel is facing a demographic crisis too, the Orthodox Zionists there aren’t as timid as Euro nationalists, and as the crisis escalates it puts Jewish liberals in a very uncomfortable position.

    It is not far fetched to imagine Israel being the first country to go full racialist and stsrt expelling blacks and Arabs and imprisoning human rights activists. With Israel taking the lead, it makes it far easier for European nationalists to follow in their footsteps.

    They can say: we’re not Nazis, we’re just following Israel’s example, and this has nothing to do with the Holocaust because magic Jews are doing it.

  8. Hunter,

    White Americans “in the know” on racial matters have been hoping and praying good Jews would come over to our side on the immigration issue, Black crime etc. The whole “neo Conservative” thing was supposed to be that great thing, when former American Jewish liberals learned that the 60s was a huge mess, Communism was bad and America and Israel needed strong national defenses to fight against real enemies like Arab terrorists. What happened with Neo Conservatism?

    The Jews were accepted and then took over our magazine and our Conservative think tanks and put in place their pro Jew Neo Conservative program:

    1) Invade the world for Israel – endless wars against Iraq, Iran etc
    2) Invite the world – open borders immigration in to the US – the worst of the 3rd world, including NW Muslims
    3) In hoc to the world to pay for #1, #2

    That’s what happened the last time we welcomed the Jews who supposedly saw the light and came over to our, good White side.

    Back to Israel and immigration, dealing with nasty Arabs/Muslims.

    The “liberal” Jewish writer/editorJeffrey Goldberg at The Atlantic Magazine is a classic example. He’s a standard American Jew Liberal from the University of Pennsylvania (That’s as Lib Jew as the come).

    Goldberg goes over to Israel – does another Jewish thing. Only this time Goldberg does a bit more, he serves as an IDF prison guard of captured Palestinians during the 1st Intafada. OK, so now is Goldberg a Right Wing Israeli Jew – might be coming over to our side?

    While being an IDF prison guard he forms friendships/associations with captured Palestinians, they discuss politics and life and Goldberg uses his Lib/Min connections back in the United States to get some of these Arab POWs to get to come to America, attend Left/Lib colleges and become Lib/Min (anti White) Americans.

    So there really is no contradiction for American Diaspora Jews to be strongly for Israel as a Jewish Ethno state and then turn around and be the standard, hated Lib/Left Jew in America who force non White immigration, multiculturalism, homo marriage, Hollywood Lib *$(*% on us.

    That’s just what Jews do.

    Hunter, yes there are many individual, good Jewish people in America, on our side. But never, ever make the mistake of thinking the Jews are changing, seeing the light, coming over to our side. Jews have been pulling this scam forever.

  9. jack,

    (1) You are conflating Israelis with the Diaspora. Then you are assuming that all Jews are the same when that is not the case.

    (2) Couldn’t the same be said about Yankees?

    Yankees supported the Immigration Act of 1965, the IRCA amnesty, the Bush amnesty, the Civil Rights Movement, and the DREAM Act. They put Obama in the White House. Most Yankees will turn out in November to reelect Obama after 4 years of Eric “My People” Holder.

    (3) It would be a mistake though to assume that all Yankees are the same on immigration or that all Southerners are opposed to gay marriage and passing the DREAM Act.

    (4) 7 in 10 Jews say that “the immigrant experience” is somewhat important or very important in forming their political beliefs. Obviously, the same is true of a lot of Northern Catholics.

    (5) Did the Jews ever really take over National Review or did it instead remain in the hands of the Irish Catholic William F. Buckley who aligned himself with them and purged racialists and anti-Semites to curry favor with them?

    (6) The Immigration Act of 1965 was passed before the neoconservatives became disillusioned with the McGovern Democrats.

    (7) We can look at the actual numbers and see that 46 percent of American Jews consider social equality the most important value to their Jewish identity. 10 percent of Jews say that “welcoming the stranger” is not at all important and 17 percent say it is not that important.

    (8) Are Yankees and Northern Catholics coming over to our side? There are plenty of good individual Yankees and Northern Catholics, but how many of them will turn out in November to reelect Obama?

  10. You are conflating Israelis with the Diaspora. Then you are assuming that all Jews are the same when that is not the case.

    Looks like you have figured out that you can make more money by working for the Jews than by speaking out against them.

    Did the Jews ever really take over National Review or did it instead remain in the hands of the Irish Catholic William F. Buckley who aligned himself with them and purged racialists and anti-Semites to curry favor with them?

    Buckley was a whore for the Jews and is hopefully burning in hell right about now.l

    Are Yankees and Northern Catholics coming over to our side?

    I guess that all depends on what you mean by “our”? It sounds like you have decided to sell out to the Jews.

  11. It is not far fetched to imagine Israel being the first country to go full racialist and stsrt expelling blacks and Arabs

    And guess where they are going to send those blacks and Arabs? To Europe and the United States, that’s where!

  12. “If the magical Jews in Israel start deporting blacks and imprisoning human rights activists, it makes it a lot easier for the Christian Zionist crowd in America to support racialism in America.”

    I’ll believe that when I see it.

    I have CZ-tard relatives, and near as I can tell, they are pretty representative of how an American CZ thinks, confused theology and all.
    I recently argued with them, just this weekend in fact. I pointed out about the Israelis wanting to keep Blacks out. They blinked and came back with that’s a good thing, the Jews are God’s Chosen people and Israel is their Promised Land and God wants his Chosen People (i.e., not Blacks) in their Promised Land.

    Later I brought out about White American babies now being a minority.
    I got from them blinking, that it didn’t matter, that so long as they’re “saved,” it’s all good, and the thing about “neither Jew nor Greek, but we are all one in Christ Jesus.”

    Naw. The CZtards are utterly *fine* with the double standard, an ethnostate for Jews and a multicult for *us.* At least at this point, that’s *exactly* what God’s will is, to their way of thinking.

  13. “That’s the WN theory.”

    Well, like any good theory, it needs to be tested.
    Let’s find out.
    Let’s remove Jews from their overrepresentation in positions of power: Media, academia, banking, gov’t/law, education,
    just see
    how much things spring back in a pro-White direction.

  14. (1) I don’t work for anyone but my own amusement. There are no fundraising thermometers on this website.

    (2) Did the Jews ever really take control of National Review? Who owns it now? I thought Buckley owned it while he was alive.

    (3) Selling out?

    I’ve simply noted that there is a spectrum of opinion in every community. It just so happens that WNs never condemn Yankees and Northern Catholics for supporting the very same behaviors that Jews are accused of supporting.

    The point is that there is a spectrum of opinion in every community. That’s just reality. Just as there are Yankees and Northern Catholics who don’t support multiculturalism and race replacement, there are Jews who don’t support it.

  15. I’m sure that states like Vermont and Minnesota (or the Netherlands) would taken them. They would take them because the Whites there really and truly believe in liberalism, not because they are the victims of a conspiracy.

  16. Israel deserves to be attacked for the same reason white nationalism does.

    It is to quote “thomas777” (not to endorse) an intentional state, and intentional states don’t work.

    The Jews who are complaining about blacks are just spoiled rich brats.

  17. Hunter,
    If the Jews in America are no more an issue, have no more impact than, say, Lutheran Minnesotans,
    then why is “Standing with Israel” even something we Americans waste time debating?

    We don’t hop about hyperventilating about Standing with Norway (even though Muslims are flooding into Norway to such an extent that the number of rapes in the Norwegian capital Oslo is six times as high as in New York City. And ALL of them were perpetrated by Muslim men.)

  18. Did the Jews ever really take control of National Review? Who owns it now? I thought Buckley owned it while he was alive.

    But who was he working for? Certainly not for the whites of America.

  19. Just as there are Yankees and Northern Catholics who don’t support multiculturalism and race replacement, there are Jews who don’t support it.

    Jews are only against multiculturalism and race replacement in Israel. They actively promote it in the United States and Europe. Why do you think over 70% of Jewish voters supported Obama in 2008?

  20. “Israel is facing a demographic crisis too”

    Nope. The orthodox jews have 7 plus children per family, which is more than the palestinian birth rate. The Orthodox jews continue to grow. The Israeli jewish population is not facing a demographic crisis at all.

    Geert Wilders, a top Dutch politician, is a big supporter of Israel. Totally kisses their butt. Guess what percentage of Dutch Jews voted for Wilders? Two to three percent! Most Dutch jews voted for the leftish party, which supports the continued mass immigration of muslims and blacks into the Netherlands.

  21. Geert Wilders, a top Dutch politician, is a big supporter of Israel.

    He also talks up the European Judo-Christain tradition. Actually, the first time I heard that expression was when he said it.

  22. It is fair to say that most American Jews are for immigration and race replacement. It is also fair to say that a significant number of Yankees and Northern Catholics are for immigration and race replacement.

    It is all about ratios. 7 out of 10 Jews supported Obama. Something like 63 percent of Whites in Vermont and Oregon also supported Obama. In any community, there is a spectrum of opinion.

  23. I agree with Hunter on this one. Let’s practice some real politic here. The way I see it they have come around to our way of thinking to some extent, at least in Israel. Let’s snap up the opportunity to claim the same right and moral highground, and make the leftists defend the blatant and gross double standard.

  24. I think WN’s make the Jews out to be 10 ft tall and bulletproof. They are not. As Hunter pointed out there is much disagreement amonst themselves, they have the same problem with marrying out as we do (take Zuckerberg for instance, shacking up with an Asian woman), and their birthrates are as bad, if not worse, as our own. What they do very well is maintain enough ethnic/cultural/racial solidarity to network and defend their own interests at our expense. Whites need to learn from them, not just whine about them. Let them be the example we point to. And remember, the Jews could do NOTHING without the support of white liberals, regardless of their positions of power. That said, we need to recognize that Jews owe us no allegiance, we whites should just stop expecting it. Our ancestors knew the score and for this reason were very, very careful in their dealings with them.

  25. Apparently, Mein Kamp is a big seller in the Middle East …

    ” Nazi propaganda website starts operation in Iran, government censors do nothing”

    A pro-Nazi association now operates a Persian-language website in Iran, promoting anti-Semitism and memorializing Adolf Hitler, apparently with the approval of the Iranian government and its censors.

    The site,, features videos of Nazi leaders and pictures of Hitler, and praises the Third Reich for nearly conquering the Western world. It also includes a public forum whose members routinely discuss their hatred of the Jewish people.

    The site’s primary goal, its administrators write, is to confront the “story of the Holocaust, which without a doubt has been taken advantage of in contemporary history.”

    Read more:

  26. That said, we need to recognize that Jews owe us no allegiance, we whites should just stop expecting it.

    Really? Who was it that let the Jews into the United States? The blacks? And who was it who fought against Nazi Germany?

  27. The way I see it they have come around to our way of thinking to some extent, at least in Israel.

    No, they haven’t. They want to keep Israel pure while turning the rest of the world into a multiracial toilet.

  28. As much as I resent the influence Israel holds over our foreign policy, and its treatment of Palestinians (especially Christian Palestinians), an Israel overrun by Blacks would help no one (including Blacks; how long do you think Israel would stay so wealthy if it were Black?) Then both the Jews and the Palestinians would be without states!

    Orthodox Jews are enemies of the Christian West, but they do have iron strong mores. In a hypothetical world where the United States stopped aiding Israel and Western Christians became more censorious when Jews spit on them, I could see them chastening Israel of her liberalism and transform her into a more traditionalist nation.

  29. “jack ryan says:
    June 2, 2012 at 6:15 pm

    Yeah. I see your point, more like see your “hope”. But, the reality is that all but a tiny percentage of Right Wing, anti NW immigrant Israeli Jews support massive NW immigration in to the US, Europe, UK, Australia etc.

    It’s just the two hats the Jews wear. It goes along this idea:

    “What’s mine (Israeli Jewish ethno state) is mine, what’s yours needs to be multicultural”.”

    Agree 100%. Also agree with Joe W’s comment, that when you “Stand with Israel” you get stabbed in the back.

    I just think Israel can always make the argument that their size and their hostile relations with neighboring countries precludes them from accepting any non-Jewish immigrants. But, hey, White countries all over the world should accept anyone who wants to relocate there, because that would be “rayciss” if they didn’t.

    I posted this on another thread about this issue, it bears repeating. This is what the Israelis think of non-Jews:

    check out this video of an Israeli TV comedy show mocking Jesus and the crucifixion. They insult Gentiles several times in the video clip, like this exchange:

    gorilla puppet: I want to assimilate!

    Toffee (cute girl in revealing bikini): Do you even know what it is to assimilate? It means to get fucked up with a goyah (Gentile); this is something neither me or you, obviously, want.

  30. Hunter Wallace says:
    June 2, 2012 at 8:31 pm

    (1) You are conflating Israelis with the Diaspora. Then you are assuming that all Jews are the same when that is not the case.

    (2) Couldn’t the same be said about Yankees?

    Yankees supported the Immigration Act of 1965, the IRCA amnesty, the Bush amnesty, the Civil Rights Movement, and the DREAM Act. They put Obama in the White House. Most Yankees will turn out in November to reelect Obama after 4 years of Eric “My People” Holder.

    (4) 7 in 10 Jews say that “the immigrant experience” is somewhat important or very important in forming their political beliefs. Obviously, the same is true of a lot of Northern Catholics.

    (5) Did the Jews ever really take over National Review or did it instead remain in the hands of the Irish Catholic William F. Buckley who aligned himself with them and purged racialists and anti-Semites to curry favor with them?

    Jack Ryan responds:

    Hunter Wallace is playing devil’s advocate here – or more accurately “the Children of the Devil’s advocate” (John 8:44).

    There is no comparison between North Eastern White Catholics and Jews on the immigration issue to the US, to the West. While individual groups of North East White Catholics (Boston Irish) are nostalgic for their own ethnic group’s immigration history and don’t want WASPs in New England or the South to bash working class Irish Catholic immigration, Italian Catholic immigration – few if any Northeastern Catholics want to flood the United States with NW Muslims, Haitians the 3rd world.

    With American Jews – open borders immigration to the US and to any White country is a near fundamentalist religious belief. From that cursed E. Lazarus poem put on our Statue of Liberty, to the organized Jewish effort to end the pro European immigration laws to the US in 1965, to NYC Bloomberg, Tamar Jacoby and virtually all New York Jewish intellectuals from Left to Right, Jews are really really bad on immigration from a White American perspective.

    Our/my OD article on this subject “Yes, the Jews suck on immigration” shows the facts that virtually every single Jewish Congressman and Senator in the US has an F immigration grade from NumbersUSA.

    Now, you are right that most regular folks in the South, in places like Murfreesboro TN don’t want to listen to people ranting about THE JEWS or just saying anything negative about Jewish people.

    So, those of us in the know just have to pick our spots – focus on bad immigration like Somalian Muslim stone age refugees pushed in to Tennessee and now building Mosques.

    I would say that only ~ 5% of White Americans can handle discussing the Jewish issue, so be careful, but also…

    Don’t be a dumb goy.

    Jews are at least 8 to 2 against us on the immigration issue.

  31. I think you will find that the Yankees and (no) Catholics and all who support the Jews on ‘it’s good for the Jews’ social policy are shabbos goy Freemasons. The Masonic Lodge is part of the social masonry and Agentur of the Judaic Imperium.

  32. Joe Walker: 1) Jews are not white nor European. The majority of them, like other minorities and unlike whites, have a predisposition to favor their tribe over others. I think this is natural and healthy. What is unnatural and unhealthy is that large numbers of whites no longer have the same allegiace to their race/culture/heritage. I’m saying we should stop expecting any allegience from Jews and focus on the allegience of our own people. 2) Our reward for allowing their “huddled masses” into our nation was to have our culture/heritage picked apart and raped, the reward for our grandfather’s sacrfice in WWII was to bludgeon their grandchildren with the club of white privilege and white guilt. 3) I know they want a double standard (culturally pure Israel and multi-culti West), but what I mean is that we should capture this doublestandard and use it to demand cultural purity for the West as well, making Jews and DWLs explain why this shouldn’t be the case.

  33. There are handfuls of HardRight Jews, in Israel and America, who can be…useful. I regard Ilana Mercer as “useful” because she wrote a readable book telling the truth about the ongoing destruction of Whites in Black-ruled South Africa, and predicting same for multi-cult America. A handful. Useful. That and no more.

  34. “That said, we need to recognize that Jews owe us no allegiance, we whites should just stop expecting it”

    Oh, they owe us pllllleeeeennnnty of allegiance. My great-grandpappy, and the other American-Americans alive in America then, let in these Jews’ great-grandbubbes on the condition that they would swear, swear, promise, hold out to be be true kind of swear, allegiance to us. They took the Nationalisation Oath of Allegiance, but then:

    So what did these Jewish immigrants, who were holding allegiance to their own secretly, all the while swearing and affirming allegiance to MY forebears, do? They raised the most traitorous generation of utterly swine-ish Anti-American subverters ever seen, the Red Diaper Babies.
    McCarthy was NOT wrong about the Communist infiltration. And they were, by and large, Jews.
    Also, see K-Mac’s series Memories of Madison.

    They OWE us allegiance, and we should not only keep expecting it, we need to start DEMANDING it or DEPORTING them for treason.

  35. Hunter- to paraphrase- “The only good Jew is a dead jew.” Because Communists are nothing more than secularized Jews, anyway…..

    Even the Jews believe that first statement. They crucified Jesus, didn’t they- and He was the ONLY ‘good Jew’ in the last 2000 years, now, wasn’t He?

    No, seriously, as one poster noted, the CZ heretics consider EVERYTHING the Khazars do, as somehow suffused with ‘divine approbation.’ That’s THEIR myth.

    Our Myth is that Christ is the Kinsman-Redeemer of His People, the White Race of Christendom. Has been our operating credo from AD33, at Pentecost, until around 1945-1948. (Gee, what happened then?). Since then, heretics have co-opted our Chosen People status, and now, only the proditors consider the CZ heresy to be a ‘social good.’

    Of course, Lynda would say that the collusion between Rome and the ZioNazis is as a result of Masonic infiltration. In her eyes, the older prohibition against Catholics not becoming Masons, doesn’t jive with the reality of that documented collusion of the REAL RC ‘Church’ (Vatican II cult) in her (and our) lifetimes.

    I’ll even include an apologist or two that Lynda can concur with, as corroboration of that fact.

    Trouble is, the Vatican II church IS the Roman Catholic Church today. And the intellectual schizophrenia that besets RC ‘Trads’ is such that, were I still of that accursed body, I would have to be admitted to a mental institution, in holding to the tenets of Rome, which confers all authority into the office of Supreme Pontiff, knowing as I ( and they) do, that one cannot be an RC, if one does not follow the Pope- yet the last five popes have been antichrists… so, where does that leave the ‘faithful’? Like Shirley MacLaine, ‘out on a limb.’

    And the jews continue to furnish saws to the Godless, to hack down what remains of that dying tree. And the Papal Church is merely blessing the whole thing, sitting astride the Beast, like the Whore she is.

    Trust the Catholic Church? Not any more.
    Trust the jews? Never.

  36. We American-Americans *are* the victims here.
    The Jews broke their vows of loyalty to us.
    We are the jilted spouse here and the American Jews are guilty of cheating,
    starting with when they made nookie with the Bolsheviks (Jews) in Communist Russia, and they’ve been serial philanderers since, the latest with that Jewess strumpet Israel.

  37. Throw the Jew down the well.

    Hunter – I understand what you are theorizing about.

    The word “theory”, just like tragedy” has a very narrow definition. Both words have been wholly corrupted, though, their meaning debased, and diffused.

    “Theory” is a scientific word. A theory is supposed to be based on loads and loads and loads of verifiable, REPEATABLE data.

    Do you know what that means?

    The commentaries of every-one else on this thread, Jack, Lilly, Barb of course, and the others, to varying degrees, are more theoretically sound, and justified, based on loads and loads of verifiable, tragically repeating historical data, than your…wish fullfillment speculation.

    I’m sorry. I think you are normally brilliant – but every-one has their lapses.

    Go back to being typically brilliant. Throw this one back. Let this one go……

  38. Wayne – you are usually right on the money – but the Real Politik will not work to our advantage, unless done within SEVERELY Naming Die Judendevil parameters.

  39. jack,

    I disagree.

    (1) Every negative thing that can be said about the Jews (they are anti-White, they are liberal, they support Third World immigration, they support PC and multiculturalism, they supported the Civil Rights Movement, etc.) can also be said to a lesser degree about other populations, particularly Yankees and Northern Catholics.

    (2) Wasn’t the Immigration Act of 1965 moved through the Senate by Ted Kennedy? Didn’t Ted Kennedy support every awful piece of immigration legislation for decades afterwards? How many times did we hear that “we are a nation of immigrants” babble from Northern senators in the debate over the DREAM Act?

    (3) If there are no Yankees and Northern Catholics that babble on about how “we are a nation of immigrants,” then explain, say, Tom Harkin or Dick Durbin or Patrick Leahy, and all those debates we saw on C-SPAN over the DREAM Act.

    (4) Like I said above, the point I am making here is that in every community there is a spectrum of opinion: even in the South, we have Howell Raines and Morris Dees and Tim Wise and Lindsay Graham..

    (5) Every time we have a fight over an immigration bill most of the Northern senators line up in favor of expanding immigration.

    (6) We know why Jews suck on immigration … Jews say that “the immigrant experience” is very important to their political beliefs. 1 out of 10 doesn’t believe in welcoming the stranger.

    What percentage of White Northerners believe in welcoming the stranger though? What percentage of them value “the immigrant experience”? Have you seen that commercial with Chris Matthews?

    (7) Most Whites can see that all the behaviors that WNs find so offensive about Jews are also present in the White population to varying degrees

  40. Ted Kennedy was the Goy mask worn, by the 110% authros of the 1965 Foriegn Darkies Flood the USA Act. They still needed masks, then.

    Johnny had just been shot, ya see. I’m certain Ted, after Mary Jo, could be easily twisted into doing anything.

  41. Wasn’t the Immigration Act of 1965 moved through the Senate by Ted Kennedy? Didn’t Ted Kennedy support every awful piece of immigration legislation for decades afterwards? How many times did we hear that “we are a nation of immigrants” babble from Northern senators in the debate over the DREAM Act?

    Ted Kennedy was a puppet for the Jews. In return for supporting their destructive policies, the Jewish-controlled media agreed to downplay some of the more seedier aspects of his family’s activities.

  42. Every negative thing that can be said about the Jews (they are anti-White, they are liberal, they support Third World immigration, they support PC and multiculturalism, they supported the Civil Rights Movement, etc.) can also be said to a lesser degree about other populations, particularly Yankees and Northern Catholics

    You obviously don’t know many Northern Catholics. You should visit NYC sometime. Here, white Catholics are seen as being more racist than the KKK.

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