Amurrica Series: Django Unchained Trailer


Let’s recap:

(1) Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter – Confederates are bloodsucking vampires, Abraham Lincoln is a vampire hunter, who is himself turned into a vampire for he can attend MLK’s “I Have a Dream” speech in 1963.

(2) Bad Ass – Hollywood turns Epic Beard Man into a Hispanic who beats up two Neo-Nazis on a bus for harassing an elderly black man.

(3) Machete – Illegal aliens kill nativists in Texas.

(4) Inglourious Basterds – Jewish revenge film on Germans.

(5) Django Unchained – Negro hunts down and murders Southern slaveowners.

Noticing a trend here?

Note: I haven’t bothered to watch any of these movies and have no intention of doing so. Chalk it up to my rejection of “mainstream” culture. Hollywood is pathologically anti-White and should be boycotted.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Not to mention the steady stream of celebrities doing the mixed-race dating-marriage-adoption thing.

  2. Sasha Baron Cohen was in there too.

    I recently explained the various types of conservative in the US to my leftist (SWP) brother. He seemed to to think you are all neo-cons. He hates neocons at least. I was tempted to tell him they are basically Jewish.

    Tarantino is quite clearly from the same stock of people who migrated joined the union and gunned southerners down. A natural born killer of Anglo Saxons.

  3. If you are spending money to watching TV or Hollywood movies, you have a serious problem.

    I stream all my movies for free now. The internet will bury Hollywood.

  4. What did you think of Cold Mountain?

    I quite enjoyed that film. I’d assume watching the Yankees getting slaughtered in the crater was approved.

  5. Tarantino is just trying to make up for his using the word Nigger so much in his older films.

  6. Edmond was the worst.

    There should be a comprehensive reference academic book by now on anti-south/ anti-white/ anti-german images in film 1965-2000. All the work has been done for the ‘freethinking’ writer who will do this; all they have to do is write it all down and marry the text up with still images. Then it will all be official. It would take about two weeks and be dissertation worthy.

    But the thing is— just because you don’t watch these things, doesn’t mean the others do not. This is the stuff that filled their minds, the basis of their realities, the created reality often indistinguishable to them from experiential reality, and on which many emotions and real decisions are based.

    Even people aware of this phenomenon and its implications can’t know how deep it goes, as no one is really media free.

    And what do you do about that, HW? Personal boycott can clear your own head, and keep you grounded in experiential reality (really happening in the real world to you), but one can never gauge what may come of what’s been created inside “the other.”

  7. People need to go to multi plex theaters, pay for some other movie, then sneak in to these hate whitey movies and set off stink bombs.

  8. I have no control over what other people do.

    I do have control over my own behavior. I do own this website. I can use this website to promote the idea of boycotting Hollywood and rejecting “mainstream” culture. There is nothing stopping us from building a counter-culture.

  9. I saw Inglourious… And I liked the Nazi the most. Good villain. Also there’s an SS officer who tumbles the British agent thru hand signals. He was sharp as a razor. “antigerman” is a bit of a stretch. Indeed they had all the fun lines. Brad Pitt’s character was a load of bollocks.

  10. Dixie you could get a phD with that thesis. Modify it so you get tenure though and then pull a Kevin MacDonald.

  11. ” Brad Pitt’s character was a load of bollocks.”

    He’s a load of bollocks in real life, too: Mixed-race dating and adoption – trying to set an example for us all to follow.

  12. Its a fiction so people “think” of it as “entertainment” so the brainwashing is subtle.

    May be Tarantino got the idea from South Africa were blacks are killing white farmers. Of course, Hollywood won’t touch that one because its true and it would have the opposite effect. But this isn’t about education – its about brainwashing.

  13. I have finally convinced my wife to ban media. I had been telling her every time we go to the movies, or pay for media, or watch TV, people we hate and who hate us are making money.

    Her main argument against me was that it didn’t matter anyway.

    Thankfully now, I show her articles about hollywood failing, and CNN having the lowest ratings in 20 years, is because a lot of people just like us, are banning media and ARE MAKING A DIFFERENCE.

  14. I didn’t see it as entertainment. I was pissed off that ww2 was contextualized as a war to liberate the Jews. I saw that as typical American Public school crap.

    Ww2 was a clash between Fascists and Communists. Russia v Germany. Stalin only turned it round when he got religion.

  15. The new Tim Burton flick, “Dark Shadows” is weirdly Pro White. It’s all about stikcing together AS a family, no matter how strange some of the family members actually are…The Baddies are played by Jews……..

    Burton is married to Rothschild’s Jewess Helena Bonham Carter….so that’s really interesting…

    I always loathed HBC. Absolutely LOATHED her/it. I always thought she came across as a flaky, repulsive troll. I used to call her Troll Woman. This was YEARs before I heard anything about Racialism, or Jews.

    Now I know why I was instinctively repulsed.

    Burton’s married into what is arguably the most powerful family in the world. So he’ll always get his movies made – as long as he casts Wifey in some role.

  16. @ Denise

    Burton is implicitly white to the core. He is one of the few in Hollywood who told the NAACP to cram it up their collective asses when they told him he had to put some ‘people of color’ in his retread of “Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory.”

    On second thought, Johnny Depp claimed to have patterned his Willy Wonka on Michael Jackson, the world’s most famous black pedophile. Wasn’t that enough to make the NAACP happy?

  17. The Cabin in the Woods was anti-multicultural. I can’t believe I haven’t seen a review of that movie here yet.

    Saw a picture of Heidi Klum on Drudge yesterday with her black children. Tragic.

  18. “Noticing a trend here? Note: I haven’t bothered to watch any of these movies and have no intention of doing so. Chalk it up to my rejection of ‘mainstream’ culture. Hollywood is pathologically anti-White and should be boycotted.”

    Bravo, Hunter, my thoughts as well. Thanks for the useful list of movie themes — or one theme, really (demonising, punishing, killing off Whites) — I wouldn’t have known otherwise.

  19. Klum in tops on my Rope Dance List, when the Day of the Rope arrives at last. Her, and David Bowie. I don’t care how old that creep is.

    Heil Hizzle – I didn’t know that about Burton. He survived telling the Nigras to cram it? Wow. Cool. See how easily it’s done? (especially when one is a Rothschild’s spouse)Well done Burton!

  20. I like movies, Mosin. The fault lies within Whites, for allowing ourselves to be displaced in every aspect of life.

  21. Yes, the subtext was — non-multiracial cultures were better capable of warding off demons. It was only the multicult American “team” that fully summoned them. A unified people know better. Mulicult victims are clueless of the occult — just one big mash of humanity with no real beliefs or how to act on them if they had any.

  22. Leonardo DiCaprio is in this too? I used to somewhat tolerate him, because his portrayal of Danny Archer in ‘Blood Diamond’ was somewhat sympathetic to whites, and unapologetic about violence towards niggers.

    I could even overlook his shacking up with Bar Refaeli (for obvious reasons).

    Too bad about this. He ought to know better.

  23. No no no. Dicaprio was in Catch Me If You Can.

    Kind of a clever caper movie about a master of disguise who ended up busting frauds after he was also caught.

  24. “It was only the multicult American “team” that fully summoned them. A unified people know better. Mulicult victims are clueless of the occult — just one big mash of humanity with no real beliefs or how to act on them if they had any.” Yes, Landshark, I see. If it was very explicit, no conflicting, confusing “balancing” message, then it could be a true anti-multi-cult movie that slipped by the censors.

  25. Pulling weeds beats movies, valium and beer (not that I know from experience, other than the weeds).

  26. Oh, yes, I forgot “Zulu”! There was a good one, especially in that scene where they sang “Men of Harlech” while they took aim.

  27. There are LOTS of wonderful movies. Most are old movies. A few slip through Die Judenfilters, though….

  28. “I was surprised how explicit it was, actually. But then aware people see things differently.” Slipped by the thought-censors, then, because not aware.

  29. “Burton is married to Rothschild’s Jewess Helena Bonham Carter….so that’s really interesting…”

    Actually, they’re shacked up together with two children out of wedlock.

  30. I am still amazed that Little House on the Prairie and The Waltons ever saw the light of day on TV..

  31. I have no control over what other people do.

    I do have control over my own behavior. I do own this website. I can use this website to promote the idea of boycotting Hollywood and rejecting “mainstream” culture. There is nothing stopping us from building a counter-culture.

    Preach on Hunter. Every time a White man watches that shit he’s thinking is affected, it gains ratings so others assume its good to go, every time he pays for that filth the enemy is rewarded and lastly why the hell would men watch TV, movies etc simply to be ridiculed and ran down by his “entertainment”? It perverse how Whites keep watching that trash

  32. Apparently in the Abe Lincoln movie he is gunned down by the greatest Confederate vampire of them all, John Wilkes Boothe. I’m gonna have a drunken, riotous time rooting for the vampire rebels at the drive-in this summer. Loud.

    Have you noticed how many shows/movies have Confederate vampires in them? Is it the disengaged air of natural superiority, the class, the accent, the subdued violent nature that cause Confederate vampires to make women cream?

  33. I avoid movies and TV totally unless I know in advance what I’m seeing. Some recent movies that portray whites and Western culture in a postive way and somehow made it past censorship are: LOTR (all), Troy (I thought this was very well done), Black Hawk Down, Narnia, Braveheart, Master and Commander, Good Fellas, and the best war movie ever made, Das Boot (in German with English subtitles). Have watched all of these with my kids.

  34. Re: “Popular entertainment”: I agree, “every time he pays for that filth the enemy is rewarded” and once we have wasted our time and money, we can never retrieve our foolish investment. It is truly filthy, abominable before God. Babylon is fallen!

    Re: The popularisation of “vampires”: What does this rage mean, and portend? Does it prepare the sheeple to accept any “religious” and cultural practices of blood-drinking and cannibalism? A bit off topic, I’m sorry.

  35. I think the popularity with vampires is based on anne ric. She recast them into the perfect men for modern women, wealthy, effeminate, hair always just right yet super bad ass, super sexy, in touch with their feminine side, their bite is sexual pleasure beyond orgasm etc. Its all the silly shit that gets women wet rolled into one package

    and it’s part of the war on Christ. The 1st vampire story people know about is; he became a vampire when he cursed God and now he’s “free from morality” and near God like in power himself

    which makes sense because feminism itself is part of the war on God and Christ

  36. Molon – the stars of Little House were Hebes. They love implanting themselves into White Roles. In every venue.

  37. Wayne – oyu have EXCELLENT taste! All of those movies are wonderful. “Master and Commander” is a thrilling adventure, and a wonderful study of genuinely healthy masculine culture.

    Art and performance, theater, and now films, as an extension of theater, are integral to ALL Human societies. The childish abandonment of Theater is a sign of cultural fatigue, and spent imaginations. Art can be a wondeful venue, and reveal all sorts of fascinating things.

    Behold what one (or 2 – I have no idea of how any were actually involved) playful, imaginative White guy can do, to utterly dispel the decades worth of Judaic agirprop, regarding Negro bravery and physical superiority.

    Over TWO MILLION HITS! A Jew Tube vidoe is worh more than a million carping words!

  38. Oh – look – some-one’s have delusions of Grandeur! Tsk tsk. I thought Hunter owned this blog.

    Oh well – those who don’t know what they are talking about flay their keyboards about works they’ve obviously never read, and expose their ignorance yet again. What else is new?

  39. Though I haven’t seen many movies myself, it does sound like there ARE SOME better-than-other choices, Wayne. I agree, despite my foregoing hyperbolic but TRUE statements against popular entertainment in general.

    LOTR is one better choice that I DID see, but even that wasn’t really worth the time compared to an equal amount of time spent READING the real thing, which is much better! God gave us books, it is said, not movies and TV.

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