Amurrica Series: Django Unchained Trailer


Let’s recap:

(1) Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter – Confederates are bloodsucking vampires, Abraham Lincoln is a vampire hunter, who is himself turned into a vampire for he can attend MLK’s “I Have a Dream” speech in 1963.

(2) Bad Ass – Hollywood turns Epic Beard Man into a Hispanic who beats up two Neo-Nazis on a bus for harassing an elderly black man.

(3) Machete – Illegal aliens kill nativists in Texas.

(4) Inglourious Basterds – Jewish revenge film on Germans.

(5) Django Unchained – Negro hunts down and murders Southern slaveowners.

Noticing a trend here?

Note: I haven’t bothered to watch any of these movies and have no intention of doing so. Chalk it up to my rejection of “mainstream” culture. Hollywood is pathologically anti-White and should be boycotted.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Mosin – White men created the ability to broadcast imagery, all around the world. William Shakespeare, all though fallen from favor, now, due to thw Dead White Genius rep, has had his works seen and HEARD more now, than in his entire lifetime.

    Humans all over tell stories about their experiences. Film and television are simply new formats, for one of THE primary human activities.

    Again – White men allowed themselves to be usurped, and pushed out the door. The media is a critical way to reach people. Carping is just PATHETIC.

    Those who don’t want to watch movies or TV ought to shut up about those venues (but won’t) – because it just makes some WN comesa across as fatuous, dictatorial, and “out of it” blowhard cranks.

    The Hebes would not have gone to extraordinary lengths to own All Media, had not media been essential in promoting their goals.

    When are we going to learn something from winners, instead of whining and mewling and carping about activities that engage and influence MILLIONS of people, all over the world? Talk about coming across as LOOOOOOOOOOOOOSERS……

  2. Re: Hollywood, David Duke gets to the heart of it in this three minute span of “how nations die.”

    3:45 to 7:00

  3. Lew,

    David Duke is a brilliant thinker, and writer.

    So – instead of complaining, when are WE going to create media? Why are Whites so susceptible to Jewish media, and why can’t we seem to do anything else but whine, and complain? Why are we so impotent in the face of Jewish media control, as well as financial control?

    Why have White men allowed themselves to be pushed out of everything they’ve created?

    Was it something in the water?

  4. Acting is an inherently degrading activity, which is why rightists are not drawn to it. A happy society would not have right-wing actors. Instead, it would have actors who would be left-wing in modern society but instead transcend those petty fights and talk about deeper issues, like the Greeks and Shakespeare’s troupes did.

  5. Avery – actors are strange creatures. They are successful when they are “not themselves”. They are chimeras of emotion. The most talented and successful actors I’ve known, in person, sort of have no real personal identity.

    Stars are people possessed of unusual or outstanding personal charisma, and/or physical beauty. Sometimes stars are superb actors – it’s rare – and Johnny Depp is a well known example – but usually they are negations of identity. Walking Zeroes.

    Conservatives/Right Wingers have historically been all ABOUT being Solid Citizens. Yielding identity itself is anathema to a sane and sturdy personality.

    The Right Wingers ceded Civilization to the Lefties, and that’s when actors and performers became the Leaders/Examples/Social Arbiters. In the past – most performers were simply the hired help. The paid entertainment. They didn’t MATTER, and had ot curry favor among the genuine Ruling Elite Their Art mattered – and stil does – but they themselves did not, and would be smacked into oblivion if they violated accepted social mores.The most gfted have been routinely lavishly rewarded – but those are the definite exceptions. Even an overarching genuis had to consider the way his magnificent words affected the sensibilities of his Queen (and God Bless Good Queen Bess, the First, and the BEST)
    and her Court.

    The necessity of currying of favor, among the ability of the Patronage Class was a good thing; it kept the artist in line with promoting healthy values inthe society he or she was reflecting or commenting on.

    Howe many of you are familiar with the works of the Dutch Masters? Mever mind all the heroic and famous painters and sculptors that glorifed Gods and Kings – I am referring to the brilliant painters of a rising Dutch Middle Class of the Baroque Era artists like Jan van Ravesteyn, Floris van Dijck, Daniel Mytens the Elder, Johannes Vermeer and the sublime and immortal Rembrandt

    These painters painted The Routine. They showed us how to “see” the wonders of ordinary life. We know so much about the daily lives of ordinary people, because of the “movies” – single frame “movies” that they have left behind. They told stories, with each work.

    Shall we decline to look at them?

    Actors, and other artists, exist in a sacred tenemos, between the practical and the Divine. Healthy social orders kept them rigidly in their place. Healthy societies may go watch actors in a play – but NEVER invited the actors home to dine – with RARE exceptions.

    Artists as a rule are sort of collective shamans. We should never have allowed genuine leadership to be supplanted by these wildly unstable creatures, We can only “do something” when WE begin to create healthy culture again.

    Ignoring the problems, and wandering off into the wilderness only allows the infection to spread.

  6. All Hollywood productions should be regarded with extreme caution and Kosher until vetted by responsible White elders in the community. There mind warp, embedded programing, memes and cryptography should all be de-coded so that responsible elders can discuss it from a productive ethno-political perspective with the young.

    The word for actor is hypocrite.

    It is a tragedy that Americans of White nation heritage do not have a national theatre in which we can ‘hold the mirror up to our nation’ and play our stories to ourselves. There are many Whites who have great mimetic gifts for the theatrical arts. Our culture is fundamentally a Bardic culture and we suffer cultural impoverishment that our technology and art has been taken from us and used against us.

    The Jew celebrity cults of movie stars and fashion should be totally boycotted as totally hostile to the Christian faith, anti-White and anti-heterosexual.

  7. Acting is an inherently degrading activity,

    Pure awesomeness right there

    What ever art, actors, movies etc were, they are no longer those things and should be shunned by White men. Never sure why we did those things any way since they add nothing of concert value to our nations, family’s etc. Sure the actors, directors etc make money but the rest of us?

    I don’t get the whole pretend/ escapism thing. Why watch a war movie about heroes when you could join a Ranger batt, or hike your way across Alaska or any one of thousands of things that actually takes balls to accomplish?

    Seems unhealthy or the hallmark of a weakling

  8. I can’t think of a single good Jewish painter. Rothko is okay. All the best are French, German, British or Italians. The Spanish are in another league. Goya, Velasquez, Picasso, Dali, Miro…An unbroken continuum.

    Dutch are no slackers either. Then there are the Cathedrals.

    Jewish people are natural shape shifters. Of course they act a lot. They never stop.

  9. Denise — Your comment rings true. Modern society is dominated by actors and singers as celebrities in the headlines; but a hundred years ago, actors and singers were not fit for dinner parties, and left out of the society pages altogether. I’m doing some historical research on this now which I will post on my blog very soon, and I hope it will get people to think seriously about this issue.

    Stonelifter — I think theater has always been around, but it used to be clear that it was vulgar entertainment that had little to do with people’s important duties in life. Now we are a society ruled by television and film.

  10. I’m starting to think these people sell their souls for fame. The deal is they get what they “want”, but then they have to date, marry, adopt outside their race, etc.. and this is becoming more common.

    There is that other race traitor category, as well, when they knock-up their mexican/mestizo housekeeper.

    And its not all about the subtle brainwashing of movies, music, and setting an example for us to supposedly follow. There is the subliminal messages hidden in video and music, and there tons of stuff on youtube about it.

  11. …an appropriate setting to close his bloody career, it’s been said. In any case, though, conservative homeschoolers who rear lots of children in a conservative community setting in moral purity and innocence without access to TV, movies, internet porn and other internet trash may be looked down on as extremists or cranks, but are doing the greatest possible service to our race. Those rare blessed children who are “trained up in the way they should go” will be able to stand unwavering (against all this evil we’ve been discussing) when they are ready to encounter it. Better for them to have learned lessons of hard work, absolute honesty, science, math, the Bible and other good BOOKS — rather than experiencing various forms of perversion. They have their entire lives ahead of them to marry of like kind and bear more godly children of our people, and prove the present system is a lie.

  12. “You cannot fool an honest man,” is truly said. Those who are brought up from the cradle in a strict moral code of honesty and hard work will not as adults be as susceptible as others to the constant temptation to try to get something for nothing, to vote, apply for or accept subsidies, which are stolen from others, and otherwise participate in the global system of economic parasitism.

  13. Extremism in defense of the virtue of our race is no vice.

    I BEGAN commenting on this thread by quoting Hunter: “I haven’t bothered to watch any of these movies and have no intention of doing so. Chalk it up to my rejection of ‘mainstream’ culture. Hollywood is pathologically anti-White and should be boycotted.”

  14. Extremism in defense of the virtue of our race is no vice.

    I’m starting to think there is no left or right, per sa. The left was created by Jews, and by default there was a right manifestation to counter it. Its a false paradigm designed to confuse and divide most people. Now they are infiltrating the right with the Judo-Christina tradition with kosher conservative news sites like newsmax, jihadwathch, frontpage, thereligionofpeace, etc.. just to confuse things even more. Hitler was a manifestation of of the left, but it got turned into the right-wing smear campaign industry by Hollywood – more twisted brainwashing.

    The Occupy Movement recognize who the bankers are; the conservatives recognize who Hollywood and the bankers are; but yet, the Occupy Movement and conservatives are opposed to each other – at least, for the time being. Even most muslims recognize that the Zionists are the real problem.

  15. “Extremism” in my comment above referred to such as: homeschooling without TV, boycotting Hollywood movies, etc., in defense of virtue. I didn’t mean POLITICALLY extreme, as in “the Left/Right paradigm,” Outlier.

  16. I don’t want to depart from the topic of this thread by commenting on “Hitler was… Left.”

  17. yep, theater has always been around, and my guess is, Men have always thought very little of it.

    Good point about lincoln. I fully support negro loving, liberty hating tyrants going to the theater without armed escorts. Now that I think about it, doesn’t sound like much has changed

    That was my goal with homeschooling Mosin, now its time to see if it carries over into their adult life; so far it’s worked for 2 out of 3 of my adult children. Hell even my wayward daughter returned to the fold before she went to far wrong so maybe its 3 for 3. Either way, won’t really know for another 20-30 years if it pays off

    There is no left vs right at the national level because the new right is a twisted version of the old left, and the new left is way the hell to the left

  18. Extremism in defense of the virtue of our race is no vice.

    Hitler saw the same thing as you. He took “extreme” actions/proposals to counter it. He was neither left nor right, but a one-off hybrid of socialism and industrialists – really a temporary police state to correct things, but presented by mainstream as extreme right and that’s what most people believe.

  19. extreme right would be anarchy.

    it’s like a number line with the far left being 100% state control and the far right being no state at all

  20. Left is ultimately about one-world government and conservatives are opposed to it.

    Hollywood and music businesses pushes the left agenda – particularly now with many celebrities doing the mixed-race thing.

    Like Lennon wrote: “Imagine there’s no countries” (i.e. “Imagine one world government”); “And no religion too” (i.e. “Imagine there’s no Christianity”, because only westerners were listen to it); “Imagine no possessions” (i.e. “Send all your money to Africa or Haiti”, because only westerners were listen to it); “And the world will live as one” (i.e. “Racial mixing with no countries”). Of course, Lennon lived the racial mixing thing.

    My favorite Lennon video .. … hilarious …

    “John Lennon Gets Trolled by Al Capp”

  21. “Imagine” really means “Imagine there’s no white people”, and most everyone in the Hollywood looks up to Lennon.

  22. Avery – thank you for “getting” my point. Why develop civilization – technology, art, architecture, and ideas, when you can wander around Alaska?

    Building a civilization, and keeping it, takes no effort at all. Wandering around in the woods – stuff of Ubermenschen. Too bad no one knows about the Godlike glories wandering around inthe woods, though – there’s no one to tell the tale…

  23. Lynda says:
    June 5, 2012 at 6:57 am

    The word for actor is hypocrite.

    It is a tragedy that Americans of White nation heritage do not have a national theatre in which we can ‘hold the mirror up to our nation’ and play our stories to ourselves. There are many Whites who have great mimetic gifts for the theatrical arts. Our culture is fundamentally a Bardic culture and we suffer cultural impoverishment that our technology and art has been taken from us and used against us.

    The Jew celebrity cults of movie stars and fashion should be totally boycotted as totally hostile to the Christian faith, anti-White and anti-heterosexual.”

    Umm – that was sort of my point. Whites have ceded everything to aliens. Wandering off doesn’t solve the problems. Dis-engaging allows the problem to grow.

    Whites gave up on asserting healthy standards. Is it wholesale racial exhaustion?

    Denuncing the EXISTENCE of theater, film, literature, music, is stupid. White used to create them ost glorious works of Art, as well as everything else, for…ever…..

    Yet we are now reduced to mere complaints.

    It’s stupid, an embarrassing.

    The technological acievements of mass communication allows MILLIONS to be iunfluence and moved. But hey – let’s wander around Alaska, instead,

    I’m so tired of STUPID.

  24. “Avery Morrow says:
    June 5, 2012 at 10:36 am
    Denise — Your comment rings true. Modern society is dominated by actors and singers as celebrities in the headlines; but a hundred years ago, actors and singers were not fit for dinner parties, and left out of the society pages altogether. I’m doing some historical research on this now which I will post on my blog very soon, and I hope it will get people to think seriously about this issue.

    Stonelifter — I think theater has always been around, but it used to be clear that it was vulgar entertainment that had little to do with people’s important duties in life. Now we are a society ruled by television and film.”

    Avery – study the trajectory of Roman civilization. There are eery parallels, on this topic.

  25. Why have White men allowed themselves to be pushed out of everything they’ve created? – – – Denise

    They haven’t. In her new book, “Boston Radio: 1920-2010,” media historian and author Donna L. Halper explores Boston’s rich history of radio. Comment:

    Kassandrasduplex Collapse

    Donna Halper covered for David Sarnoff in her propaganda piece from 1998 about Edwin Armstrong. David Sarnoff drove Armstrong to suicide (stole his FM and denied Armstrong any royalties). People like Sarnoff are why others harbor the stereotype of the ruthless greedy Jew. Ms. Halper covering for Sarnoff by ignoring his contribution in the destruction of Armstrong compounds that stereotype. Sorry to get ugly in perhaps the wrong venue but this needs saying. David Sarnoff drove Edwin Armstrong to suicide. Ms. Halper tried to downplay that apparently to make Sarnoff less monstrous. One wonders why…
    7 months ago

    TV was basically invented by farmer Philo Farnsworth. This was also stolen by RCA/Sarnoff. Remember , everything already belongs to jews.

    Real free enterprise was like the Wright brothers and Ryan aircraft in San Diego (builder of Spirit of St. Louis). To-day the Rutan brothers do space out in the Mojave desert. They hate NASA.

    During the New Deal the economy was cartelized. The plan was the Swope Plan, emanating from the brain of jew Gerard Swope- CEO of General Electric. From then on, the brainy people would have to whore out their smarts to the Corporate State and Banking Cartel (. . .and the Corporations which will grow up around them- Jefferson). Everything is jew property- surely that includes White Genius.

    Did Preston Tucker (The Tucker automobile) “allow” himself to be pushed out?

    The cancer eating us out is government enforced monopolies. Mainly, the information and money monopolies. There are others.

  26. Last week, the Islamists booted Lady Gaga and her “Born This Way” tour out of Indonesia. Gaga calls her fan base “her little monsters”.

    The “Born This Way” singer has come under fire by conservative groups like the Islamic Defenders Front, whose fiery public protests have trashed the pop superstar for her “Satanic lyrics” that threaten to “destroy the children’s sense of morality.’

    Read more:

  27. This is distributing … not only movies, music, fashion, but kindergarten ….

    “Evil under mask of love”

  28. Denise, glad to see you don’t take the Puritanical attitude toward the theater or the arts in general. Writing some great stuff here and keeping the Jew in proper perspective.

  29. I agree with Denise. I love the arts, and they can be used to our advantage. Somehow. I despise the liberal takeover of the arts, but love the arts apart from it being a liberal/multicult/pro-fag mouthpiece for the most part.

    I did love it when the Muslims stopped the odious Lady Gaga tour in Indonesia. Haha.

  30. What’s up with Madonna?

    “During that show, she wrapped herself in an Israeli flag and called Israel the “energy center of the world.”

    then …

    “Madonna’s Marine Le Pen Nazi Depiction Lands Singer In Hot Water”

    Madonna/Ester is the worst-of-the-worst.

    But no “Gaga-like” protest from ultra-Orthodox Jews?

  31. Good point, Outlier. I think it has to do with Madonna’s weird Kabbalism religion. Interesting that a lot of celebs either adopt Scientology or Kabbalism.

    Yeah, it is funny that no orthodox Jews speak out against her harlotry.

    And Madonna can’t even dream of being half the woman Marine Le Pen is.

  32. And Madonna can’t even dream of being half the woman Marine Le Pen is.

    Madonna’s position is odd.

    Le Pen is anti-immigration (i.e. anti-muslim) and muslims and Jews are in constant conflict. Plus, Israel has been kicking out Pales and Christians. But mass immigration to France and the west is design to undermine these countries, so may that why she protesting. Modanna may know bullshit Hollywod history but she probably doesn’t know what the “Haavara Agreement”. Hilter’s legacy was ruined by Nostradamus who labelled him the “2nd anti-Christ” – and he was Jewish, go figure.

    When the French king, Louis XII ordered all Jews to be baptized, Nostradamus’ family complied, but continued to secretly follow their religious tradition.

  33. 313 Chris wrote:

    I could even overlook his (DiCaprio) shacking up with Bar Refaeli (for obvious reasons).

    From Wiki:

    Her relationship with DiCaprio caused one nationalist Israeli organization to send her a letter, later leaked to the press, in which she was asked, for the sake of “future generations of Jews”, not to marry a “non-Jew”, a request similar to the one made, a few years previously, to Israeli Miss World winner Linor Abargil.

    Odd that Frankfurt School/Hollywood/etc. encourages it for Europe and the west, but Israel doesn’t. Another one of those double standards.

  34. With smartphones and HD small video cams one can almost film anything. Even with my little ‘ole blackberry I can record a pretty decent video.

    I take pictures of the homeless and the economy all the time and put it on my blog. I get a ton of hits because of those picture. Our young kids can and will make their own media.

    Alternative media sites are propping up all over the place.

    If you go onto YouTube you’ll see tons of young kids with a pro-white political message that they recorded on their time.

    There is one young man who makes Dr. Pierce videos with imagery that is quite compelling. So Denise my dahling, our young kids are doing that now.

    I don’t have cable TV. I watch my stuff online.

    I’ve recently read that there is some group of kids who are putting together an Internet II.

  35. Denise, the 5:56 post was one of the most brilliant things I’ve ever read about the craft of acting.

  36. re: Gran Torino.

    The movie wasn’t Anti-White in as much as pro family. Its certainly was not anything for a WN of course but its basic “no pearls for swine” message was pretty conservative with a small C

    The Asians, Hmong to be precise were the only people who actually cared for Walt (Eastwood’s character) and both the boy and the girl actually worked and strove as he did. He decided since they acted more like his people than his biological kin did (he even mentions it in character) they were better Americans. I am not a Universalist but a great many Christians especially Catholics are. Its part and parcel of the faith and a residue of the Enlightenment Era thinking that founded the US

    Given that his family treated him badly and were trying to take away his freedom and stuff I don’t blame him for seeing it that way . There weren’t any White people around who needed it or were worth it.

    I also think there was a certain amount of coming to peace with his hate in there too. This is liberal idea but hate is a big burden to carry and I can easily imagine that kind of thing in an old Catholic man.

    As for his sacrifice, well he was terminally ill with lung cancer. One way to go is as good as another I guess.

  37. Greetings All! I huffed off in a snit fit- but I cannot long away.

    The Arts MATTER.

    See how the discussion of same inspires love and passion?

    By wandering off we abdicate one of our GREATEST sources of power and influence. Why do we want to do this?

  38. More of the Same – I’d rather have fun, than be a Puritan.

    Although – do oyu know about Puritan Church?

    The Good Puritans would go to Church, and confess their sins to the entire Congregation hour after hour all day long. They TELL each other about their most sinful thoughts, and all the wrongs they did, and all the things they THOUGHT about doing.

    All day long. In Church. All the Sinful and Evil things. Every little thought.

    Think about that.

  39. This looks like a funny, if irreverent movie. It will definitely be worth going to see. Tarantino is insane.

  40. It’s incitement to murder and it will get more and more feverish and extreme as White people become more of a minority and YKW can unleash their genocidal nature without any restraints.

    (People in Japan, Taiwan and Korea take note – this will be happening to your minority descendents in a 100 or so years.)

  41. Puritan- one believing that having fun is a moral obligation, to be practiced with selfless devotion.

  42. None of these comments (that I noticed) were about the movie and what Duke said.
    Just high toned bloviating. I go on the streets at Academy Award times with signs
    saying: HOLLYWOOD (YEAR) PROPAGANDA DISGUISED AS ENTERTAINMENT. Then I cite one or two such movies. Django and Lincoln will be in
    my sights. Mulling over what to put on my placards and what flyers to hand out.
    Any ideas? Zan, the Wise Old Man. On youtube. try /1wom

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