Not Minding Enough


Derb writes:

“The utter failure to appear of any significant political action against mass immigration seems to me to be mysterious. I can think of no explanation for it.”

Let me take a shot:

(1) What does our side have to offer potential supporters? We have the truth, honor, idealism, and racial altruism.

(2) What does the other side have to offer potential supporters? It has material advancement, social status, and bread and circuses.

Suppose we evolved.

In the course of evolution, we evolved a sense of tribalism and altruism, and a sense of individualism and selfishness.

We have a higher nature and a lower nature. Both have evolved because they facilitated our survival in the past. There is a constant tug of war between the two within every person. What’s true of individuals is true of societies.

In modern America, the ruling class (which is disproportionately composed of secularized Jews and other ethnically alienated rabble) ruthlessly suppresses the higher instincts among Whites, while consciously promoting the baser ones.

In such an environment, the noble minority will typically rebel, but in a liberal capitalist democracy where numbers and money translate into social power, the baser Whites are the majority, and thus degeneration will ensue.

In a normal society, say, a primitive tribe of hunter gatherers, or a traditional agrarian society like the Old South, the noble minority rules and can rally the tribe to defend itself (like Stonewall at First Manassas) through religion and the honor system.

The structure of the Yankee-Judean liberal capitalist democracy system is what is driving the decline (in every country where that system is now in place, which exposes it as a systemic problem) by inverting the natural order of things.

The general decline was anticipated by critics of Americanism over a century ago:

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Well put, Hunter, and spot on as always. I believe the left hates Nature and Nature’s God, as everything they peddle to the masses is unnatural.

  2. When one thinks about the positive things that might occur in this country and how we might move forward and is energized by all the politically aware conversation and the turning over of previously taboo topics and becomes convinced we can turn this ship around, the one thing that turns all the dreams into dog shit is the festering issue of the border. The stinking border. The continuous giant neon middle finger to all of us. That we don’t have a chance.

  3. Jews developed Leftism as a way to destroy those cultures who are potential rivals for dominance.

  4. In our society, the perverts and the alienated have been allowed to take over major institutions (universities, the media, finance, entertainment, etc.), and the run the whole country into the ground in pursuit of “social justice.”

    Liberalism is what makes it possible. Why has Detroit been allowed to sink to its present level? Why has a hostile class of alienated Jews been allowed to take over the banks and newspapers?

    Liberal ideology is what legitimizes the status quo.

  5. Romney has three choices: Rubio, Paul, and other.

    What are the implication of Rubio for American demographics?

  6. “Why has a hostile class of alienated Jews been allowed to take over the banks and newspapers?”

    For the record, they didn’t “take them over.” They built their own, and what they built succeeded.

    It wouldn’t matter, just as the Catholics building their own successful schools, hospitals and colleges doesn’t matter, if they weren’t using them as weapons.

  7. Hunter- that’s why I still like this blog, rather than (say) SBPDL.

    You see the necessity for a Christian Hierarchy in life, mirroring that which YHWH God Father set up during our ancestor’s time, in the Mosaic/Davidic Kingdom, and the era of the Judges.

    One Law, One People, One Land, One God.

    Secession is our only hope. Where shall the first battle be enjoined? And will Whites rally around it?

    Thanks for pointing out the obvious.

  8. ” You see the necessity for a Christian Hierarchy in life … ”

    If there is no Christianity, then something else will fill the vacuum.

  9. If we are in a 4 generation struggle, then we should be inciting the “elite” into excessive response. Amongst ourselves we should not act suprised, but to the average American we should be like “Can you believe those people?”

  10. Secession is our only hope. Where shall the first battle be enjoined? And will Whites rally around it?

    Not necessarily.

    The “Holocaust Myth” and the “Haavara Agreement” need to brought to the attention of the masses, then all the left-wing lies will unravel.

    It appears that Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is leading this effort. Who knows, may Iran may save the white culture and the white race.

  11. But obviously “normal” is being constantly redefined. In less than 20 years at the current rate the idea of a national border will seem antiquated, a national currency will seem archaic, and there will be no internal dissonance whatsoever with the idea that nonstop war brings lasting peace or that freedom is slavery.

    They have incredible, near limitless power, they have money and, most importantly, they have time. They are perfectly willing to let us have our occasional tantrums because eventually we will die and our children will think differently. Their abundance of time means they never have to fight a battle they won’t win. In fact they don’t even have to fight. Not that there has been anyone willing to put up a fight for the ancient ways. And even if their were anyone, they would be destroyed, either by weapons or by time.

    They let us have our words. What has it ever harmed them to let us have our words?

  12. Jews developed Leftism as a way to destroy those cultures who are potential rivals for dominance.

    Liberalism came from ideas native to Western culture. Blaming the Jews for them is nonsensical and just makes you look paranoid.

    I’d be the first to admit that Jews play a large role in radical politics that go against the interests of the majority in Western nations, but that is a natural consequence of allowing them freedom to operate in our countries in the first place.

    Basically pluralism doesn’t work, if you want a healthy polity, it will entail driving the liberals, humanists, progress philistines, etc, out and banning their ideologies forthwith on pain of exile or death. Through force, not through dialogue, is how you achieve peace.

    Let’s be honest, how likely is this to happen?

  13. In regard to the generational struggle, the Biblical number of cultural forgetfulness in Judaism is 6 generations. Even if one doesn’t believe it, some people do.

    The South has made it (on this generation) past this number. There are people to the 6th generation who show no sign of giving up their history, heritage, voice… in short, their own reality.

    They made it too far to be forgotten…and still continue and insist on continuing as a people.

    The “Old South” is the right thing to say. That south has little to do with the “New South,” (ideologically) just as the old “Puritan New England” is not (and never was) the “New North” (which is now called “The Northeast”) which was a new group for the Industrial Revolution (i.e. —the people starved in europe, then brought to fight against the south, and then, after the war, to people the factories and consequent military empire that was a result of radical federalization—and the people like them then brought through changes in immigration policy).

  14. By the 6th generation—- meant time has just now reached where the sons and daughters of confederate veterans are at 6 generations. The sort of thought reform and re-education programs as described in places such as the book of Daniel clearly were not entirely effective in “removing the remnant.”

  15. Rhett and Stonewall were right.

    1861 was the turning point: abolitionism, civil rights, Free Loveism, Bloomerism, etc. The destruction of the South, the overthrow of the Constitution, the triumph of free society, and the consolidation of power in Washington is why all these insane reforms finally triumphed.

  16. I agree Hunter, the South had Constitutional government. Before the Constitution could be overthrown, its base in the Constitutional States had to be destroyed. There would have been Rothschild money behind the Civil War for sure.

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