Amurrica Series: DREAM Act By Executive Order

Obama signs an executive order to implement the DREAM Act

District of Corruption

Ultimately, it didn’t matter how many times we defeated the DREAM Act amnesty in Congress.

The political class in Washington (including establishment Republicans like Marco Rubio, Jeb Bush, and Haley Barbour) desperately wanted the DREAM Act.

Now Obama has signed an executive order to implement the DREAM Act in order to pander to Hispanics to boost his chances in the 2012 presidential election. He has to give them something because the Supreme Court is going to rule on Arizona’s SB 1070 by the end of the month.

OD sees this as further evidence that the League of the South is right. It is time to dissolve the Union.

About Hunter Wallace 12409 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Meh, an act of desperation. Nothing more. He’s basically executive-ordered his own defeat in November. This is one the most bizarre things I’ve ever seen an incumbant president do. He might well have inadvertently done the impossible — solidified the white vote into a block.

  2. Meanwhile, across the Pond ….. ” Operation Going Home ”

    ” Israel turns up the heat on African migrants – Panic grips migrant community as many face deportation after being arrested during crackdown ”

    Israel’s Population and Immigration Authority recently arrested scores of African migrants, officials have said. The majority of those imprisoned are South Sudanese nationals while the others are migrants from Nigeria, the Ivory Coast and Ghana. The crackdown, known as “Operation Going Home”, comes in the wake of a court decision last week to expel all South Sudanese migrants.

    ” Operation Going Home ” … it has a nice, warm, fuzzy feel to it, don’t you think?

  3. Mittens needs to counter attack and support legalization of pot and tout it as a jobs creator and tax revenue booster.

  4. Meanwhile, across the Pond ….. ‘benighted racist’ but a proud citizen …

    ” Israel turns up the heat on African migrants – Panic grips migrant community as many face deportation after being arrested during crackdown ”

    Given a choice between being called ‘an enlightened liberal’ without a Jewish and Zionist state, and being called a ‘benighted racist’ but a proud citizen, I choose the latter,” Eli Yishai, Israel’s interior minister, said on Sunday. “The era of slogans is over, the era of action has begun.

    A politician actually said that in 2012?

    I guess its okay for western countries to start saying this, too ?

  5. Any union member, especially construction trades, that voted for Obama ought to be thinking about what he did – he essentially shot himself in the foot.

    They are not employed, or not consistantly employed, because of illegals. In Chicago, on anything but gubmint jobs, it is nothing but unapprenticed beaners doing sub-par work that looks acceptable when finished.

    The guy hanging off the side of the office towers washing windows makes $28 dollars an hour (gross). This job used to pay over $50 per hour. It’s no less dangerous, just illegal beaners that can’t speak a word of English took the jobs at half the cost. All the fast food chains here pay minimum wage because of illegals, don’t try not ordering not by number, they probably can’t handle the request. The nigger orderlies, janitors, nurses aides, and food service workers at the hospitals, schools, office tower cafeterias, etc, well they going to be too expensive now. Obama just fucked every nigger in this country, which is kind of funny because the word is he prefers his men White.

    Yes, Obama just fuck his entire voter demographic ….. for 800,000 beaners.

  6. Our presidents have been issuing executive orders for long time.
    Bush’s executive orders were putrid, I thought ( very military-state type executive orders).
    Obama’s executive orders are even more intensely military-state type executive orders than came out of the Bush White House even.
    As per one of his executive orders, we do not have the right to Habeas Corpus. Very intense military-state type executive order.
    In addition to military state type orders, now this kick in the teeth with the dream act order.
    I’m not an attorney or legal expert, nonetheless, executive orders strike me as blatantly unconstitutional as the president is free to completely by-pass the House and Senate, as the orders do not wind their way through the usual lawmaking procees as required by the constitution.
    Even on the small chance an executive may be considered objectively beneficial, I would think that it would still be technically unconstitutional also as it flaunts the process of lawmaking.
    As far as I know, no executive ever wound up in the Supreme Court either to be reviewed and judged.
    I forgot what number was given to Obama’s executive order that rescinds our right to Habeas Corpus.
    Executive orders are usually just quietly assigned a number and rarely mentioned in the mainstream news. If mentioned at all, it’s usually in passing and that’s it.
    I guess this order was given a name and now widely announced to make sure the hispanics know about it.
    The executive order rescinding our right to Habeas Corpus was quietly given a number and not announced in the mainstream media.
    If anyone knows how presidential executive orders became standard operating procedure in Washington, I’d be curious to know.
    Sounds like something that may have started with Linclon. He loved rescinding citizen’s rights. Alot of northerners who were against the war in 1861 were thrown in jail and their lives ruined because of Lincoln.

  7. Graham has always given me the impression that he’s john Edwards twin. Neither have any ideology or core beliefs to speak of. Only thing that matters is dropping the right sound bite at the right time depending on the most recent poll numbers.

  8. I spoke too soon. Sorry about that. I googled ” history of executive orders”.
    Executive orders are constitutional after all ( still think executive orders go against the spirit of fair and true legal representation, however).
    I went to :

  9. Joe: You will find on examination of the Constitution that there are few things that are Unconstitutional. The Constitution was 100% about the centralization of power in an energetic central government at the expense of the states and had absolutely nothing to do with individual or states rights. Words by the Federalists describing the Federal government as small, unintrusive, or limited were nothing but lies and half truths to get it ratified.

  10. @Wayne
    Thank you for that. I sometimes have a tendency to be naive, to this day. Not many times, but sometimes.
    I still got some of that patriotic spirit in me from when I was a boy and believed all the things I was taught about this country in school and in the movies, from my parents, from everyone around me.
    As it all sounded great, it was easy to believe, I guess.
    I came to the conclusion a long time ago, though , that the constitutional convention was
    about empowering the federal government at the the expense of the individual states (as you explained) but I didn’t know the bullsh*t was so deep as to include in the constitution the legal right of a president from issuing “executive -order” laws like a king.
    Thanks for “splashing some cold water on me”. I needed that. LOL

  11. I know how you feel, Joe. My uncle lost a leg in WW2 France–4 amputations over 15 years before they got all the gangrene, my cousin died in Vietnam, and for what?
    I was lucky. I only wasted 10 years of my life in the army. The patriotic illusions we learn in childhood die hard.

    We’re totally screwed. Between this mulatto Lincoln wannabe and his carpetbagging Republican predecessor, we won’t have any rights left to “defend.” At least all the Yankees got their “moral superiority” fix. Cold comfort that.

    Who’s left to pander to? Blacks, check; women, check; unions, check; queers, check; spics, check. He’s got all his bases covered. I shudder to think what might be next.

    Deo Vindice

  12. @Apuleius
    Yes. I think at this point we are totally screwed. I don’t know what’s next, but I have a feeling something really huge is coming down the pike in this country.
    My guess is that it will hit us around election time.
    Uncle Sam’s military state is in complete and total preparation for massive civil unrest and violence and a total lock-down on us. ( all americans of every background)
    I’m sorry your cousin was killed in vietnam, and what your uncle went through, it sucks.
    I know two young men who were killed in vietnam. Two guys from my old neighborhood ( I was not of draft age during vietnam). They used to take me to the park and teach me football and baseball ( or at least how to be a better player lol).
    I still think about them and their families to this day.
    Whatever happens next, it is going to be big.
    That’s why I many time post about the importance of being prepared for massive violence. I know that many here are aware of that.
    I usually mention it for people who are surfing and may be reading “OD” for the first time.

  13. the Founding Fathers that didn’t support the Constitution were written out of or down played in the history books.

    Many would not support the Constitution unless G. Washington was the president. While that shows much respect for a great man, it was a pretty short sighted opinion. Some who supported the Constitution lived to regret supporting it. Most of what we bitch about today was in the making at/ during the Revolution. There were “levelist” who wanted to redistribute wealth after the Revolution; dumbass yankees who wanted to free the negros and make them equal to White men; men who wanted soft money, men who wanted gold and silver only etc etc etc.

    the only thing new about all of this is the technology but the basic issues where always there, people have been arguing these sort of questions since before there was a large number of Whites in the New World.

  14. “I still got some of that patriotic spirit in me from when I was a boy and believed all the things I was taught about this country in school and in the movies, from my parents, from everyone around me.”

    Brutus simply grunts.

  15. “Who’s left to pander to? Blacks, check; women, check; unions, check; queers, check; spics, check. He’s got all his bases covered. I shudder to think what might be next.”

    Child molesters. That is what is next. The groundwork is being laid now; the goal has been set a long time.

    The first step that is going on now is giving it wide publicity by way of a show of cracking down on it. This is to get everyone used to hearing about it, to make it commonplace, like hearing about the latest shooting death during a robbery. Next comes indifference on the part of the population. Then comes acceptance.

    Notice this mirrors precisely the homosexual revolution.

  16. “…….a very informative and intelligent post…. how compelling…..”

    Inform and compel what?

    I just grunted when I read that, because it is what we have all been raised on for generation after generation while it was all so much bullshit. Boob bait.

    Little comment was necessary. A grunt sufficed.

  17. “I was lucky. I only wasted 10 years of my life in the army. The patriotic illusions we learn in childhood die hard.”

    Many nights when I can’t sleep and can’t stop thinking about the guys who didn’t make it, I thank God I escaped with my life.

  18. “Uncle Sam’s military state is in complete and total preparation for massive civil unrest and violence and a total lock-down on us.”

    This is one thing that is not true, the military hasn’t been a bigger fuck-show since the late 70s. It’s a mess, and couldn’t fight its way out of a paper bag. Good soldiers are quitting, its all queered up, and the only thing keeping the experienced guys in who haven’t jumped ship for a contractor job is either the shit economy or they’re waiting for their 20.

  19. right now the army is very combat effective, but it is becoming less so all the time. On purpose I think, because the “elites” do fear the armed and trained White man. Who makes their domestic terror watch list? And the White men with the combat experience and training are overwhelmingly rural and Southern, and that becomes more true the higher up the “special” food chain you go.

  20. ‘This is one the most bizarre things I’ve ever seen an incumbant president do.’

    Obama is floundering, thrashing about in the water looking for something firm to hold onto for his re-election chances. He thinks he has found it with the squat brown mestizo vote.

    Evidence: “Obamas bad week”

    ‘Past week
    Search Results

    News for obamas bad week

    Christian Science Monitor
    President Obama’s Bad Week – 2 days ago
    President Obama’s Bad Week included terrible economic news and national security leaks.
    Bad week for Obama, national security leeks, slowing job increases, gaffs
    Amsterdam News? – 1 day ago
    Can Obama recover from his ‘horrible, no-good’ week?
    Christian Science Monitor? – 5 days ago
    neo-neocon » Blog Archive » Obama’s bad week: losing his turns
    3 days ago – 35 Responses to “Obama’s bad week: losing his turns”. expat Says: June 12th, 2012 at 2:23 pm. For the past few days, I haven’t been able to get the Beatles …
    Can Obama recover from his ‘horrible, no-good’ week? – CSMonitor ……/Can-Obama-recover-from-his-horrible-no-go...
    5 days ago – President Obama’s bad week included weak jobs numbers, the Wisconsin recall vote, less-than-helpful comments by Bill Clinton, and his own verbal gaffe’.

  21. ‘This is one the most bizarre things I’ve ever seen an incumbant president do.’

    Obama is floundering, thrashing about in the water looking for something firm to hold onto for his re-election chances. He thinks he has found it with the squat brown mestizo vote.

    Evidence: “Obamas bad week”

    ‘Past week
    Search Results

    News for obamas bad week

    Christian Science Monitor
    President Obama’s Bad Week – 2 days ago
    President Obama’s Bad Week included terrible economic news and national security leaks.
    Bad week for Obama, national security leeks, slowing job increases, gaffs
    Amsterdam News? – 1 day ago
    Can Obama recover from his ‘horrible, no-good’ week?
    Christian Science Monitor? – 5 days ago
    neo-neocon » Blog Archive » Obama’s bad week: losing his turns

    3 days ago – 35 Responses to “Obama’s bad week: losing his turns”. expat Says: June 12th, 2012 at 2:23 pm. For the past few days, I haven’t been able to get the Beatles …
    Can Obama recover from his ‘horrible, no-good’ week? – CSMonitor …

    5 days ago – President Obama’s bad week included weak jobs numbers, the Wisconsin recall vote, less-than-helpful comments by Bill Clinton, and his own verbal gaffe’.

  22. Cry Havoc

    Push your state politicians to fight the federal laws, as in follow AZ’s immigration law and FLA’s purge of voter records, and speak to your neighbors.

  23. “and that becomes more true the higher up the “special” food chain you go.”

    Any Group is like 95% white, I was talking about regular army.

  24. yea and the last negro I worked with from Group didn’t like other negros…. I still didn’t trust him any, but he could post here and no one would think he was a negro

    the military is a caste system; skilled and dangerous jobs are done by Whites, with the occasional mexian and the very rare negro. The shit work, the mundane and routine work has the occasional unfortunate White who was conned into a shitty job or didn’t do well with the genetic lottery or NAM’s.

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