The Democrats’ Demographic Dreams

BRA’s Prospect

Jamelle Bouie writes at The American Prospect:

“If Democrats agree on anything, it’s that they will eventually be on the winning side. The white Americans who tend to vote Republican are shrinking as a percentage of the population while the number of those who lean Democratic—African Americans and other minorities—is rapidly growing. Slightly more than half of American infants are now nonwhite. By 2050, the U.S. population is expected to increase by 117 million people, and the vast majority—82 percent of the 117 million—will be immigrants or the children of immigrants. In a little more than 30 years, the U.S. will be a “majority-minority” country. By 2050, white Americans will no longer be a solid majority but the largest plurality, at 46 percent. African Americans will drop to 12 percent, while Asian Americans will make up 8 percent of the population. The number of Latinos will rise to nearly a third of all Americans.

It’s become an article of faith among many progressives that these trends set the stage for a new Democratic majority. A decade ago, Ruy Teixeira and John B. Judis popularized this argument in their book The Emerging Democratic Majority. More recently, Jonathan Chait in New York magazine made a similar case: “The modern GOP—the party of Nixon, Reagan, and both Bushes—is staring down its own demographic extinction,” he wrote. “Conservative America will soon come to be dominated, in a semi-permanent fashion, by an ascendant Democratic coalition hostile to its outlook and interests.”

The Democrats assume that there will be radical, sweeping demographic changes in America that will destroy the Republicans and ensure their permanent political ascendancy in Washington.

They also assume that there will be no offsetting changes in the nature of the American economy, the political behavior of White voters, and especially in the number of states that are willing to affiliate with the Union.

Note: Democrats have forgotten what happened last time the federal government had a legitimacy crisis in the South. They have also forgotten that it only took a decade of polarization to destroy the Union.

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. It’s as plain as the nose on your face, yet our fellow whites have their head buried in the sand pretending there are no problems. And of course, the Stupid Party is paralyzed by fear and won’t do a damned thing.

  2. Thats a content free article if I do say so.

    The only point that I take away is that 85% of Whites marry other Whites which is great and of those more than half of the rest are married to Asians (I disapprove but its not a real concern for the future) or “Latinos” which isn’t even a meaningful definition of anything and again I think is foolish but is been going on for along time.

    So at most 10% married to low grade people. That hardly matters much in the bigger scheme of things.

    As for what our host says, yep. The union may split And if the next would be Lincoln thinks that his invasion will be a repeat of the last one, I’d seriously think twice.

    This time it will be settled in a short with determined ruthlessness.

  3. A freind of mine is married to a “latino” chick; she has blonde hair, blue eyes and lovely White skin, but since she’s from Argentinian she’s “latino”. I wonder how many others are more or less like that?

  4. ‘They also assume that there will be no offsetting changes in the nature of the American economy, the political behavior of White voters, and especially in the number of states that are willing to affiliate with the Union.’


    Just like how Communists didn’t see the coming Dissidents (Alexandr Solzhenitsyn) and Polish Solidarity movements.

    The Left think they have everything figured out like some mathematical formula, but it shall blow up in their face, like the former Yugoslavia!!

  5. I’d like to know how they think an ethnic hodgepodge of European descendents and Indians will willingly live togther under one umbrella. I don’t see it happening.

  6. I’m pretty sure the White folks how support this shit thing, some how in some magical way their off spring are just super special little snow flakes and will rise above the brown horde.

  7. Cameron Diaz is technically a Latino. So I sometimes wonder about the data at the margins. However they are mostly Indians originating from Mexico.

  8. The problem with the Democrats’ triumphalist demographic projections is that they assume that their share of the white vote will remain more or less static. Gallup just released a daily tracking poll that should make them question that assumption.

    Obama’s overall support, according to Gallup, is now at 46%, compared to 51% just before the 2008 election. His support among non-Hispanic white registered voters (let’s just call them “whites” for simplicity’s sake) is down among all subgroups, whether based on age, sex, educational levels, income, marital status or religion.

    White support for Obama is now at 38%, down from 44% in 2008. Black support for Obama is also down slightly from 91% to 87%, but Hispanic support surprisingly edged up from 65% to 67%. And this was just before Obama announced his administrative amnesty. Overall, non-white support for him is up from 75% to 77%. The gap between white and non-white support for Obama has increased from 31% to 39% in the past 44 months.

    The only age group of whites that gave Obama majority support in 2008, 18-29 year-olds, has fallen the furthest, from 52% to 43%. So younger white voters are the most disillusioned with his term in office. Democratic strategists definitely won’t like that trend.

    Post-graduate whites who strongly supported Obama in 2008 are disillusioned as well, with support among women falling from 61% to 52%, and men from 50% to 45%. It looks like the college brainwashing is starting to wear off.

    Obama’s support among unmarried whites can no longer be taken for granted either. Support amongst unmarried white men has fallen a whopping 12 points from 51% to 39%, while that of unmarried white women has also slipped from 53% to 46%.

    The only income group of whites that supported Obama in 2008 has also fallen the furthest. Those making under $24,000 a year now give Obama only 42% support compared to 51% in 2008. These poor whites have been most negatively affected by Obama’s economic mismanagement and anti-white racial bias.

    Churchgoing white Christians are the least likely group to support Obama, with churchgoing Protestants giving him a paltry 24% support, down from 28% in 2008. The conservatism of these ordinary white churchgoers contrasts with their leadership, which, as we recently learned here at OD, supports a “comprehensive immigration overhaul” ( National Association of Evangelicals) and a “just, fair immigration reform” that “passed with at least an 80 percent vote” (Southern Baptist Convention).

    Non-churchgoing white Christians are somewhat more supportive of Obama, Catholics more than Protestants, but their support is dropping as well. Whites who profess other religions, mainly Jews and Muslims, still support Obama, but that support is way down from 72% to 60%. Whites with no religion, agnostics and atheists, have seen a similar cratering of support, from 71% to 61%.

    So the nation is becoming more racially polarized, with white Christians (aka real Americans) increasingly supporting the Republicans, and blacks, Hispanics, Asians, Jews and Muslims (aka anti-Americans) doubling down in their support for the Democrats. About the only sizable subgroups of white people who still support the Dems are atheists, feminists and homosexuals; the deviant whites. It sure will be interesting to watch the Dems try and keep their ragtag coalition of misfits together in the coming years.

    The good news is that an ever increasing percentage of whites are coalescing together in the Republican party. The bad news is that the Republican leadership could care less about the interests of white people.

  9. It is an article of faith among DWLs that postcolonial African states failed because the Europeans drew artificial borders that grouped together various peoples who had nothing in common.

    Then all these different ethnic groups were supposed get along under Westminster-style first-past-the-post parliamentary democracy. I’m reading about it now in postcolonial Uganda.

    The result was military coups and “Big Man” rule. Milton Obote was overthrown by Idi Amin. Then Obote was restored to power.

    What failed in Africa will work in the United Ststes though.

  10. It might have worked if the blacks were not outrageously racist against Indians and the remnant English who were skilled workers and admin.

    The cannibals just can’t help themselves once they gain a bit of power.

  11. There are solutions to the problem, but they won’t come about through electoral politics.

    The “numbers game” forgets that an anti-white majority already exists in enough areas to give them a veto over any roll-back legislation. Similarly, the Federal Government will be among the more “diverse” sectors of society, especially the military. Will a federal military consisting of approximately 50% blacks and Mexicans follow orders to roll-back their demographic ascendancy?

    The solution is fragmentation of the US followed by quasi-voluntary relocation along racial lines. This is very similar to what happened in India following the collapse of British Control; separation into a Hindu India proper, a Muslim Pakistan, and eventually a split of Pakistan into Pakistan proper in the west and Bangladesh in the east. The parallels to the US are striking, except for the fact that our differences are much more profound than India’s petty religious bickering.

    It saddens me that even on a racially aware website, folks are still clinging to a democratic hope; that is why Romney et al. have to lose. Once that hope is gone, the fracture of America will begin.

  12. Not the terrible news it seems – or is hoped by parasites. Any decrease in population share of Negroes is great news.

    Every racial group besides the Negroes has the capacity to at least get by on their own contributions to the economy. Thoughout history new races have polevaulted into mainstream society over the hurdle of Negro Lumpen. Humanity is juxtaposed to the Negro and will be that way until the Negro race has been allowed to go extinct.

    White Democrats and Negroes are the only real alliance. The Negro brute always needs
    just one more program or law or check…. Then everything would be fine.

  13. “…is staring down its own demographic extinction…”

    Is that a nice way of saying genocide?

    I love how easily the Leftist coalition uses terms like that and gloats that “Conservative (read White) America will soon come to be dominated…”



    Not exactly playing their cards close to their chest are they?

  14. It is entirely possible that any black-brown alliance within the Democratic Party will come apart. They don’t particularly like each other, and the brown side of the alliance is encroaching daily on the perquisites blacks thought they had.

    We look at the situation and see anti-white schemes and efforts.

    But someday blacks will look around and discover that the piece of salami cut off the loaf to satisfy them is a very shrinking share.

    I predict that, contrary to all the rosy scenarios sketched by the Anti-White Narrative that political warfare will first break out between blacks and browns on a very serious level. Blacks feel themselves to be unique and so special that in casual conversation many of them will use the otherwise valuable term “diversity” as another name or label for themselves, e.g., “That job should be a diversity job.” or “That office should be a diversity office.” — meaning that job or that office should belong to a black. It’s quite striking when you overhear their discussions.

    In one large city, browns exploded into a rage against blacks’ effort to rename a long street already named “King Road” (named for a farmer 85 years ago) to state “The Reverend Martin Luther King Road.” The white Americans in residence didn’t oppose it…the entire opposition was by Mexicans who felt they had re-settled the area and that the name “King Road” was THEIR road! Down went black aspirations for a Martin L. King road in that city…thwarted by browns who didn’t even know the history of the region or roads. That’s probably the future.

  15. I know that the rate of marriage btwn whites and blacks is low ( thank God ).
    I know that although low it is increasing but what no one ever seems to provide info on is simply the number white girls that have babies by them, aka Barry Obama. I see a good many white girls with their nigglets. Are they included in the married count? If not there may more mixing then one suspects. Some times I come on them all the time as I go about and it can ruin my day. There is certainly a strong cultural campaign to encourage it. For example all of the white actresses who have adopted black babies.

  16. “Will a federal military consisting of approximately 50% blacks and Mexicans follow orders to roll-back their demographic ascendancy?” – blacks and mexicans don’t form any demographic ascendancy, they are in conflict with one another, and the end of the welfare state will throw that conflict into stark relief.

  17. The leftists think this: (1) Whites are too stupid and brainwashed with red, white, and blue propaganda to break with the Union. (2) If they become desperate enough to become radicalized, the MSM can reeducate and shame Whites back into silence. Whites are so stupid that even if the country turns into a hybrid of the Soviet Second World politically and the Third World economically and racially they’ll believe the idiot box before their eyes and stomachs.

    (3) If Whites radicalized and can’t be corralled again then the Government will use violence to suppress them. Violence before secession can take the form of extralegal attack (ARA and One Peoples’ Project thugs being told they can commit all the crimes they want and the police will not arrest them but will arrest any White who successfully defends themselves), IRS harassment, false criminal arrest and judicial railroading, and perhaps even strange deaths suddenly occurring. (4) If all else fails, BRA will use dictatorship, warfare, internment, and genocide to stop White Americans. Leftists, being largely just old fashion Bolsheviks in new clothes, seem to long for the chance to unleash 3 and 4.

    I think the leftists are consumed by hubris. The arrogance of these people seems to know no bounds. I think they are simply day dreaming and dehumanizing whites if they think 1 and 2 will come to pass. Propaganda without prosperity doesn’t work long. (See Germany in 1944-1945 and all communists countries throughout history.) 3 can just as easily blow up in BRA’s face. A brutalized people may turn even more radical and more desperate even faster. I don’t know the outcome of 4 but I hope for the best and clearly both I and the leftist trash have totally opposite idea of what a good outcome of 4 would look like.

  18. More black vs hispanic bs. Sorry, but that’s mostly a right wing myth. They don’t hate each other, regardless if a couple gangs in LA are killing each other.

  19. Isn’t this how planet of the apes began? Bring in a subrace to serve as a supportive underclass to the elites, then they overthrow the elites and install the monkey king.

  20. demographics on a global scale predict negro extinction

    miscegenation does produce anticipated higher intelligence

    brazil presently anticipates the future, it leads the world intellectuality or in football?

    exceptions always prove the rule

    as throughout history power and wealth decide for a time

    then the deluge

  21. “brazil presently anticipates the future, it leads the world intellectuality or in football?”

    No, Brazil leads the world in annual production of Brazil nuts.

    By the way, superior recessive traits like intelligence are never improved through miscegenation.

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