The Strange Career of Juan Crow


In The New York Times, Diane McWhorter wails about her “alienation” from Alabama because of our popular new immigration law:

“The depth of my alienation from home hit me last January, when Alabama shut out Louisiana State for the college football championship. Even in the familiar afterglow of ’Bama’s second title in three years, I had to ask myself, what right did my state have to brag, about anything?

The pride of the Crimson Tide fan is just the relatively fun side of the state’s reason-blind tribalism, the same hard-wiring that produced its other recent superlative, the “toughest in the nation” immigration law that made criminal suspects of an entire class of human beings — and turned those who tolerated their presence into felon accessories. Thanks to H.B. 56 (the “Beason-Hammon Taxpayer and Citizen Protection Act”), passed a year ago by the state’s first Republican Legislature since Reconstruction, I am ashamed of being from Alabama. . .

As the court seemed to cast a benign eye on the linchpin of the Arizona law — the requirement that the police determine the immigration status of anyone they stop who invites “reasonable suspicion” of illegal residency — I realized how dismayingly reliable Alabama remained as the country’s moral X-ray, exposing the broken places. . .

“I had really hoped Alabama would be a place that could learn from its mistakes,” Mr. Lacey warned me, “but it doesn’t want to be that.” In May the Legislature passed an “improved” bill sponsored by Mr. Beason, even more severe than the original. It forced the police to obtain papers from passengers as well as drivers, and it ordered the state to maintain a database of known “illegals,” recalling antebellum ads spotlighting runaway slaves. The law still exempts domestics, observing the plantation hierarchy of “house Negroes” and “field hands.”

Good, that means you can stay in New York City with Howell Raines, where DWLs like you can happily live among your own kind. Hopefully, Morris Dees will close the SPLC in Montgomery, drop a few millions dollars in an offshore bank account in the Cayman Islands, and head to the Big Apple to join you in exile there some day.

Then we can finally start rebuilding Birmingham and Jefferson County, which were brought to their knees by the preaching of Martin Luther King, Jr. and the Civil Rights Movement, and which declared the biggest municipal bankruptcy in American history last year after 32 consecutive years of black rule, corruption, and financial mismanagement.

You described the tragic decline and fall of The Magic City in your Pulitzer Prize winning book, “Carry Me Home: Birmingham, Alabama: The Climactic Battle of the Civil Rights Revolution,” although you made the slow motion collapse of civilization in Jefferson County sound like it was a good thing.

Isn’t “home” supposed to be where you live? How come DWLs like you never choose to live in cities like Detroit or Birmingham among the disaster you have created there? If the Civil Rights movement was so great, why don’t you move back to Birmingham and put your own children in the integrated schools there?

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. After all these years and all their failures, they are still trying to use the civil rights movement to justify their power and money that they do not deserve. They have no legitimacy or right to rule any longer


    I hate this Andrew Marr guy. He now host’s the BBC’s equivalent of Tim Russert’s/Dave Gregory’s Meet The Press. He’s interviewing Mandelson right now. Greece is a big topic. Then a mulatto looking Pakistani is discussing the Anglican Church’s homophobia. Samira Ahmed.

    I hope the Anglicans hold their ground here. It would be a first.

  3. Isn’t “home” supposed to be where you live? How come DWLs like you never choose to live in cities like Detroit or Birmingham among the disaster you have created there? If the Civil Rights movement was so great, why don’t you move back to Birmingham and put your own children in the integrated schools there?

    This is exactly the point I have made since the early 1990’s about libs/anti-whites. What they do, DOES NOT WORK. It makes things worse, and the worse becomes like an advancing flood-tide of sewage that we constantly flee from (so-called “white flight”).

    There is no question that the US is in decline, that people are feeling it, and as the momentum of past prosperity slows, people will start REALLY feeling it.

    A meme to use when people say, “America used to be great,” ask them “what changed?” See what they say, let them say a lot of things, like brainstorming.

    What changed? Here’s the answer to give them: America turned against it’s white people. We were the people who made the country work; now we are hated by the Establishment and oppressed by affirmative action and open borders to import millions of people to take our jobs. Many many corporations now prefer to hire foreigners and won’t even look at an American’s application (source below).

    You can’t get a job because of immigration and affirmative action, and immigrants who are entitled to affirmative action (most of them). It is an attack on American white people, as if we are somehow bad guys that need to be destroyed. Are we really “bad guys.” Or maybe the people doing this to us . . . are the bad guys. – Get the Facts on Nonimmigrant Work Visas

    Click the Glut Statistics if want to know how many visas are granted in order to glut the labor market.

    Glut Statistics

    Since 1985, over 17 million visas have been issued to allow aliens to work in the United States. These nonimmigrant visas, or NIV, are company sponsored visas that use a variety of different names including H-1B, H-2A, H-2B, J-1, L-1, and TN.

    In the year 2001, 9 out of every 10 new job openings for computer/IT were taken by H-1Bs, and despite record unemployment the INS issued 312,000 visas in 2002.

    By the year 2003 the total number of H-1B visas for high-tech workers issued was greater than the total number of high-tech jobs eliminated. Negative job growth in Computer/IT for U.S. citizens can be directly correlated with the huge influx of H-1B visa holders. If it wasn’t for H-1B the unemployment rate for Computer/IT workers would be 0%.

    H-1B is used to import workers for jobs that American employers claim can’t be filled in the “tight American labor market”. Their claim is a lie because there are more than enough Americans to fill these jobs. L-1 visas have no yearly quota and may one day surpass H-1B as a means of importing skilled workers.

    NIVs such as H-2A and H-2B are being used to import blue collar and agricultural workers and J-1 visas are used by educational and governmental institutions to import foreign workers. TN (NAFTA) visas are used import Canadian and Mexican citizens to work in the United States.

    The promiscuous “guest worker” immigration programs for work in the United States allow foreign terrorists and espionage agents easy passage into the United States. Given the tragic events of September 11, 2001, all nonimmigrant “guest worker” visas should be immediately halted in the interest of national security.

    Listed below are some of the jobs that H-1B visas are being issued for.

    Accountants and Administrators

    Executives, Managers, Administrators

    Software programmers and computer scientists

    All engineers and Technicians

    Research Associates and Scientists

    Lawyers and Tax Analysts

    Teachers and college professors

    Postdocs and Fellows

    Sports Instructors and Physiologists

    Doctors, Nurses, Med-Techs, Therapists, Pharmacists

    Surgical and Dental Assistants

    Fashion models, Secretaries, Clerks

    Architects, Musicians, and Artists

    Youth Counselors, Day Care, and Cashiers

    The List Goes ON and ON and ON and ON ……..

  4. While it’s true, as the article says, that Alabama ranks low on ed— in fact even on lists of states ranked by IQ. It’s due to years of Central Planning committee Policies that impoverished regions where cheap land deals can later be got, and that sort of thing—

    Be that as may, though—- have NEVER seen a list that ranks IQ for NY even in the top ten, often not the top fifteen.

    So, why should people nearly in the lower half of the IQ curve think they should be the seat of the Central Planners?

    They seem so incredibly stupid that their head of state is currently trying to teach them how not to drink sick huge syrup drinks– that’s apparently how stupid NY is.

    Frankly, I think I’m going to start praying for B-berg, the youknowwho yankee. Yes, let’s pray he can somehow help these low IQ people of NYC in any way possible. Once they are helped, maybe they will get a grip on where they fall on the REALITY-BASED U.S. IQ bell curve (i.e. way down) and on the basis of this cease to be so highhanded and learn something from flyover country for a change.

    If they had not kept flying over, maybe the markedly higher IQs from places such as Iowa and Nebraska might have rubbed off on some of them.

  5. “….I hate this Andrew Marr guy. He now host’s the BBC’s equivalent of Tim Russert’s/Dave Gregory’s Meet The Press. He’s interviewing Mandelson right now. Greece is a big topic. Then a mulatto looking Pakistani is discussing the Anglican Church’s homophobia. Samira Ahmed.

    I hope the Anglicans hold their ground here. It would be a first….”

    It’s astonishing how their offshoots got nearly cooked in the u.s.

    But vilifying Wasps in the u.s. will not serve any of them well in the end. First, because it’s just natural law—you don’t do in the founders and keep feeding off them (or pretending to be them) and get good results. And second, the newly created u.s. will be no good for any of their children—the country produced by all the newcomers trying to “legitimate” themselves (be top dog, whatever).

    The Rainbow coalitions— and including the europeans here with their Euro-Gripes– have given the u.s. wasps a true beating, so one can only guess the strength of the God (or devil as others often claim) behind those still standing.

    Trying to make a case that the Appalachian Ulster-Scots (LMAO) are the same as the monarchy’s “anglo saxon banking elites”— and transferring anger over that onto the Bible Belt (even as their coal mines and farms are wiped out by policy). Or worse, actually expecting to be taken seriously at such claims (like any collegiate textbook) that the Puritans are still the Yankees, circa 1652.

    Perhaps all these folks just deserve what’s coming.

    At this point, I think only feel sorry for the American wasps, the American Germans and the German-Germans and the South. Oh– and for the working class of the now disgustingly termed “Rust Belt.”

    If any term makes clear that the Big Planners don’t give a flying f about Americans, it would be an awful term such as that. How would it feel—to have that applied to one’s home that was RUINED? It’s every bit as ugly, unfeeling, unempathic, as terms like “redneck.”

  6. @….. “What changed? Here’s the answer to give them: America turned against it’s white people. We were the people who made the country work; now we are hated by the Establishment…”

    Idk— in reality, many of the most Generational Americans WERE ALWAYS hated by the european establishment.

    That’s why The War between the States is so pivotal, imo. The army was nearly half foreign born (and please, this is not the cue AGAIN to go on about the Irish couldn’t help it and were so badly used and how oppressed they were and so on)—

    The Army was half foreign born, period. After the war, Industrialization brought a different kind of life, based in European Dependency of the punch clock, the factory line, the old Sweat Shops of Europe on new soil (but as labor stepped in, with a decent salary, safer conditions, etc.)

    Be that as it may— The Industrial Revolution brought the euro sweat shops to the u.s.

    Now— if you listen, the “leaders” campaign on “Attracting Jobs,” and so on. In other words, their IDEA OF HOW TO LIVE AND GET MONEY is “bringing in big factories” (The Industrial Revolution Model).

    They are not imagining living in another way.

    I’m not even saying this is bad. (Big Business is good to attract and will feed people in company towns).

    But as I said before, the real difference between blacks and whites in detroit is mostly that the whites (acclimated to factory labor) moved to where “work was.”

    There is a sense of Dependency in this. This is not governance that takes a good look at their town –WHAT THEY HAVE, (people, resources, etc.). Then works with that. Which is more independent way of going at the downturn. — A way more based in the EXISTING community.

    I mean, what are whites going to do if they do get their Reservation (and they should be trying that, imo, not secession). Why should Indians get that??? And not the children of the founders?

    Face it, the children of the founders have been beaten… right? Isn’t that what they are told daily, right there on t.v.??? So, shouldn’t their movement just be for a nice piece of land to retire on?? Where they can practice their “has been culture” like the Indians? Shouldn’t the “New America” help them with a subsidy for their nation-within-a-nation? Obviously, it’s time has come!

    But I digress.

    America changed when the People decided they should actually take all their cues from an Establishment…. not when the “establishment” turned on them.

    The core population HAS FOUGHT THE POPE, and fought THE QUEEN, also.

    Why WOULD IT HAVE endeared them? The People should not expect to be LIKED, for heaven’s sake.

  7. …why don’t you move back to Birmingham and put your own children in the integrated schools there?

    If she had kids, which is doubtful since DWLs don’t like to have children, she wouldn’t dare put them in a predominantly black school in Birmingham. It’s hypocrisy on steroids.

  8. part of the north’s opposition to expanding slavery was… they lured European workers to the north with the promise that they could work in the factories for a few years and save up the money to buy a farm in the new territories. Which was pretty much a lie, but scams like that are as old as time

  9. So what is the political atmosphere like in Alabama? Is the support for this law strong? Do you see the political will there being strong enough to tell the pro-mexican invasion feds to get bent?

  10. I wouldn’t say it was a lie, my family came to Wisconsin in the 1830s and 1840s, worked as miners at first, then many of them did buy land and settle down as farmers. But they were skilled hard-rock miners from England, they may have made a higher wage than the average factory laborer.

  11. Hey Hunter,

    Are you familiar with this R.N song “Rednecks”?

    I enjoyed it when I first heard it (I was around 13) and felt it was a nice comeback to all the anti Southern propaganda I was having to put up with at my PC Lib Northern School.

    Here’s the video of RN’s Rednecks and the lyrics – my take is RN was just pointing to the hypocrisy of the Northern people who put the working White man/Rednecks down in the South, yet keep their own Blacks in terrible states in Black ghettos in Northern cities.

    “Last night I saw Lester Maddox on a TV show
    With some smart ass New York Jew
    And the Jew laughed at Lester Maddox
    And the audience laughed at Lester Maddox too
    Well he may be a fool but he’s our fool
    If they think they’re better than him they’re wrong
    So I went to the park and I took some paper along
    And that’s where I made this song

    We talk real funny down here
    We drink too much and we laugh too loud
    We’re too dumb to make it in no Northern town
    And we’re keepin’ the niggers down

    We got no-necked oilmen from Texas
    And good ol’ boys from Tennessee
    And colleges men from LSU
    Went in dumb. Come out dumb too
    Hustlin’ ’round Atlanta in their alligator shoes
    Gettin’ drunk every weekend at the barbecues
    And they’re keepin’ the niggers down

    We’re rednecks, rednecks
    And we don’t know our ass from a hole in the ground
    We’re rednecks, we’re rednecks
    And we’re keeping the niggers down

    Now your northern nigger’s a Negro
    You see he’s got his dignity
    Down here we’re too ignorant to realize
    That the North has set the nigger free

    Yes he’s free to be put in a cage
    In Harlem in New York City
    And he’s free to be put in a cage on the South-Side of Chicago
    And the West-Side
    And he’s free to be put in a cage in Hough in Cleveland
    And he’s free to be put in a cage in East St. Louis
    And he’s free to be put in a cage in Fillmore in San Francisco
    And he’s free to be put in a cage in Roxbury in Boston
    They’re gatherin’ ’em up from miles around
    Keepin’ the niggers down


  12. Greek Election to close to call.

    Golden Dawn received same support or higher. So much for the last election being a “fluke”. The media needs to accept the nationalist right in Europe is here to stay. There is no other option for ethnic Europeans.

    “There are no rules, however, governing a country’s exit from the eurozone. A Greek exit could cause economic chaos in Europe, prompt investors to flee stocks in the U.S. , and spark a panic that other debt-strapped European nations — Portugal, Ireland, Spain and Italy — might also have to leave the eurozone.”

    No rules governing a country’s exit? What do they think they are? The American Federal Government?

    Why do all “unions” fashion themselves after the “Hotel California”? If they were all so beneficial to their members, why not make membership voluntary?

  13. Americans fought the British crown, but then the Americans ( the big-shots at least)included the right of a president to issue executive orders in the constitution : In other words, our presidents have the right of a king inscribed in law.
    Pretty much one step forward, 3/4 step backwards.
    Pioneers were lured out west by the Homesteading Act. It really happened. It is not a lie.
    The pioneers who went out west were independent-minded and didn’t want to drag around a bunch of slaves they would have to baby-coddle and always watch out for them in case of slave revolt. They had enough to deal with considering the indians.
    Only a handful of southerners ( mostly big-shot types) who had issues/concerns being able to do their own work wanted slaves in the new territories.
    Thank god, there were enough independent-minded southerners around who didn’t want slavery in the territories.
    The first pioneers out west were the Scot-Irish from the western part of Virginia and the state of West Virginia ( which broke off from virginia proper over the slavery issue).

  14. “XYZ – I know! I love good news stories….”

    And of all the ways to die. Drowned himself in his pool. Talk about confirming stereotypes:
    Negra too dumb to know he can’t swim.

  15. if we’re comparing IQs of states, shouldn’t we compare genetics as well? Let’s plot the IQ of a state against the percentage of negroids living there.

  16. I’m fair certain that song is anti White Jack

    that some factory workers made it out to there own homestead is true; the vast majority did not

  17. ““I had really hoped Alabama would be a place that could learn from its mistakes,” Mr. Lacey warned me…”

    Oh, Mc WHORE-ter, they have, they have. You trash your race, you become a ‘ho.’

    And as the rest of the nation follows suit in starting to ” think racial, act local,” you’re going to find that 24 miles of Jew-infested waters on the Hudson to be a smaller and smaller idological hole to hide in- and deservedly so.

  18. “. . .if we’re comparing IQs of states, shouldn’t we compare genetics as well? Let’s plot the IQ of a state against the percentage of negroids living there. . .”

    Of course I have this on a spreadsheet, awaiting this request:

    I have, starting with Population (millions), %White, Overall IQ,White IQ (!),% Catholic. %Nigger, %Mexican, %Other, % HS grad, % 4 yr degree.

    ALABAMA 4.7 69 95 99 3 27 3 1 75 19

    ALASKA 0.7 66 98 102 9 4 6 24 88 25

    Arizona 6.5 59 96 101 16 4 30 7 81 24
    Arkansas 2.9 76 96 100 4 16 5 3 75 17
    California 37 43 95 100 29 7 36 14 77 27
    Colorado 4.9 71 99 103 15 4.2 20 5 87 33
    Connecticut 3.5 74 101 102 39 10 12 4 84 31
    D.C. 0.6 33 91 107 22 55 8 4 78 39
    Delaware 0.9 69 99 102 18 21 7 3 83 25
    Florida 18 61 98 100 13 16 21 2 80 22
    Georgia 9.7 59 97 101 5 30 8 3 79 24
    Hawaii 1.3 35 96 99 11 3 8 64 85 26
    Idaho 1.5 86 99 101 10 1 10 3 85 22
    Illinois 13 65 99 101 30 15 15 5 81 26
    Indiana 6.4 84 99 100 12 0 5 2 82 19
    Iowa 3 91 99 102 17 3 4 2 86 21
    Kansas 2.8 81 100 102 15 6 9 4 86 26
    Kentucky 4.3 88 98 99 10 8 2 2 74 17
    Louisiana 4.4 62 96 99 26 32 3 3 75 19
    Maine 1.3 96 99 100 15 1 1 2 85 23
    Maryland 5.6 58 100 102 17 30 6 6 84 31
    Massachusetts 6.5 80 102 103 43 7 8 5 85 33
    Michigan 10 78 97 101 21 14 4 4 83 22
    Minnesota 5 86 101 102 22 4.5 4 6 88 27
    Mississippi 3 59 94 99 4 37 2.1 2 73 17
    Missouri 6 82 99 101 15 12 3 3 81 22
    Montana 1 88 100 102 12 0.6 2.8 8 87 24
    Nebraska 1.8 85 99 102 21 4.4 7.5 3 87 24
    Nevada 2.6 58 95 99 28 8 25 9 81 18
    New Hampshire 1.3 93 101 101 24 1.2 2.5 3 87 29
    New Jersey 8.7 62 101 103 41 15 16 7 82 30
    New Mexico 2 42 95 100 21 3 44 11 79 24
    New York 19 60 99 102 38 17 6 7 79 27
    North Carolina 9 68 98 101 4 22 7 3 78 23
    North Dakota 0.6 90 101 102 22 1 1.9 7 84 22
    Ohio 11 83 100 102 19 12 2.5 3 83 21
    Oklahoma 3.6 72 96 99 5 8 7 13 81 20
    Oregon 3.8 81 99 101 12 2 11 6 85 25
    Pennsylvania 12 82 101 102 29 11 5 2 82 22
    Rhode Island 1 79 97 100 59 6 11 4 78 26
    South Carolina 4.5 65 97 102 4 29 4 2 76 20
    South Dakota 0.8 86 100 102 21 1 2 11 85 22
    Tennessee 6.2 77 97 99 3 17 4 2 76 20
    Texas 24 48 98 102 29 12 36 4 76 23
    Utah 2.7 82 99 100 8 1.2 12 5 88 26
    Vermont 0.6 95 102 101 19 0.8 1.3 3 86 29
    Virginia 8 67 99 103 8 20 7 6 82 30
    Washington 7 76 100 101 12 4 9 11 87 28
    West Virginia 1.8 94 95 97 5 4 1 1 75 15
    Wisconsin 5.6 85 100 102 29 6 5 4 85 22
    Wyoming 0.5 87 99 101 10 1 7 5 88 22

    Population (millions), %White, Overall IQ,White IQ (!),% Catholic. %Nigger, %Mexican, %Other, % HS grad, % 4 yr degree

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