Touré: Obama Disrespected Because He Is Black


H/T Newsbusters

Since Obama was elected president in 2008, the middle class has seen its net worth plummet back to 1992 levels, two decades of wealth accumulation has vanished under America’s “first black president.”

Note: This is consistent with “the first black” precedent rule. Touré’s rant on MSNBC can be seen here.

Quiz: Just off the top of your head, how many times can you associate social and economic collapse with the phrase, “the first black president”? Here are just a few examples of “first black presidents” that have left their countries in shambles:

Sékou Touré (Guinea), Jean-Jacques Dessalines (Haiti), Kwame Nkrumah (Ghana), Patrice Lumumba (Democratic Republic of Congo), Robert Mugabe (Zimbabwe), Julius Nyerere (Tanzania), Francisco Nguema (Equatorial Guinea), Kenneth Kaunda (Zambia), Mengistu Haile Mariam (Ethiopia), and Agostinho Neto (Angola).

What about “second black presidents”? Some of my favorites include Mobutu Sese Seko (Democratic Republic of Congo), King Christophe I (Haiti), and Emperor Bokassa (Central African Republic). Great “third black presidents” include Idi Amin (Uganda) and Siad Biarre (Somalia). Michael Manley was the fourth black president of Jamaica.

Samuel Doe, who was publicly executed on national television by a Liberian warlord drinking a Budweiser, was the 21st president of Liberia. He was succeeded by Charles Taylor as the 22nd president of Liberia.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Will somebody please tell these fresh-off-the-boat talking heads that Americans HAVE NEVER respected politicians. There is a very strong anti-authoritarian strain in the country (and yes, it dates to protestantism and frankly, I think it’s HEALTHY)—

    This idea that people should “respect” governance is nuts. If they ACT respectfully, then they will have earned it, and people will offer it. It’s really that simple.

    Where are these peoples’ home countries? That info might illuminate.

    —- my favorite was the hispanic guy they took off awhile back, Rick Sanchez, who had run over the other guy, while drunk, in miami (Smuznick)— got out, said he had to leave the scene because staying would ruin his career (which it didn’t), and then later, saw him on t.v., making jokes about “driving while hispanic” to a hispanic guy (bitching about not getting liscences for illegals) —-apparently, not knowing that most americans watching were well aware of his own “dwh” incident, in which the guy died.

    seriously— outside “the third world” are other countries like this?

  2. HW, Your insights are original and interesting and consistently so. A lot of your formulations, things that you say, seem to be things no one else ever thinks to say. This notion that “the first Black president” is a marker for decline is great. I’m going to use the idea the next time I argue about Barack Obama. We got our first Black president; look what happened to South Africa after they got theirs!

  3. Hey remember, Ancient Egypt started its decline as well when they got their first Black Pharaohs!!

  4. The 25th dynasty (blacks) signified the end of 3000 years of a powerful independent state.

    Beware the jive Pharoah.

  5. In order to have a black president the decline must already be well advanced. The rot must have set in earlier, but his presence indicates a new phase.

  6. Whenever you have a first ‘black’ anything it means the elites running the show, usually from behind the scenes, are done with the place..

    When Barry was running for pres I told a friend that if the elites allow Barry to ascend to the office it was a signal that our elites(banking, jews, redundent I know) were done with us..

  7. Samuel Doe, who was publicly executed on national television by a Liberian warlord drinking a Budweiser, ….

    If that would happen to Touré, I would buy the Budweiser, because here in Chicago it is sold by the distributorship that Jesse Jackson shook-down from A-B.

  8. “Lynton Fredrik says:
    June 17, 2012 at 8:23 am
    Hey remember, Ancient Egypt started its decline as well when they got their first Black Pharaohs!!

    John says:
    June 17, 2012 at 8:29 am
    The 25th dynasty (blacks) signified the end of 3000 years of a powerful independent state.

    Beware the jive Pharoah.”

    ONigger SHOULD be “disrespected” because of his racial status.

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