About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. He knows that Israel will never be cut off by Uncle Sam. So he avoids the problem that there’s one rule internally and another for outsiders AFAJK.

    I also tend to think he’s a lover of black flesh. Something not quite right here. He can’t be so alienated from both his “Irish” and Jewish roots as to imperil them unless he’s a fetishistic loon.

  2. It’s not a fetish, it’s a living. To understand Tim, just think “Morris Dees, Jr.” Giving speeches at colleges and churches for big zogbux beats working for a living.

  3. Being “alienated from both his Irish and Jewish roots”? But isn’t such a combination self-alienating?

  4. I learned awhile back that Wise and I attended the same school for undergrad at the same time (Tulane University). It turns out Wise got his start criticizing Tulane for its financial connections to South Africa, still under White rule at the time. Wise probably realized then that anti-White hate was a lucrative market.

  5. I would agree with Freedom Cobra. There was a top Jewish Communist official in the Soviet Union(it might have been Illya Ehrenburg) who was anti Israel. When this jewish communist offical died, he willed all his papers to Israel! So much for being “anti-Israel”.

  6. He’s not Irish, he’s Scottish. Unfortunately, us Irish have Bill Maher and that is f-ing enough!

  7. Snowhitey says:
    June 17, 2012 at 3:33 am
    He’s not Irish, he’s Scottish. Unfortunately, us Irish have Bill Maher and that is f-ing enough!

    Jack Ryan replies:

    Hey Snowwhitey- the schnoz on Bill Maher ain’t Irish. Maher is of….

    the Tribe.

  8. They are all half something or other. It’s typical. No doubt he will end up willing his estate to some ADL type organization or some University in Israel anyway.

  9. no one on the left holds each other to the same morality. He can easily condemn israel and not lose any leftist street cred. they all know the public rules and they know their in group rules and only go after each other when they violate the in group rules

  10. Remember what Reagan said about Communists?

    “…the only morality they recognize is what will further their cause, meaning they reserve unto themselves the right to commit any crime, to lie, to cheat”

    Remember that Communism was created by Jews! (Marx & Trostsky)

  11. The arguments about Israel on places like DKos are entirely phoney.

    Personally, I’d like it if the extreme ethnocentrism of the Israelis were still permissable in places like the US and UK.

  12. He’s probably Eddy Murphy’s leather slave, something beyond the ordinary is going on with this guy.

    Pardon the X rated visual but this fellow is clearly a perv. I had an email exchange with him about scrubbing comments off his block and he launched into a most peculiar spittle flecked tirade about Nordic Aryan warriors. He’s a fetishist and a rank coward.

  13. I don’t know anything about the guy in the video, but I do know that the palestinians never did anyting to harm the West in any way.
    They do not deserve what is happening to them. They are living in squalor, in what is basically a large fenced in camp. They are being brutally murdered, even their children and elderly. Their homes are bull-dozed down, their orchards and food gardens bulldozed, their water has been poisoned.
    It’s disgusting and it’s a giant war crime on the part of the Israeli government.
    The jews in Israel who are opposed to this are just as sidelined and without power to change the situation as the average american is here, sidelined and without power.
    Whether one is a liberal or a conservative, or somewhere in between, there are alot of websites concerning the palestinian issue.
    Please learn as much about it as you can before supporting the agenda of destroying the palestinian people — the issue has nothing to do with who is a leftist or who is on the right or who is in-between, or who is apolitical, even.
    It’s an issue about being human and what it means to be human.
    To those who don’t like moslems, but love christians, many palestinians are christians.
    To those who don’t like moslems and christians, if you are jewish, for example, and are gung-ho for jews, please reconsider this issue as well.
    What is going on with the palestinians– how they are being treated by the israeli government– only serves to foment hatred and animosity towards the jews in the middle east. It is only goading on all the enemies of israel to gather their forces against israel. It is already happening.
    Just like China and Russia are gathering their forces against us here. It is already happening.
    That giant wall that israel built will not protect israel when the cruise missiles start flying.
    Israel is being set-up to be destroyed, just as the USA is being set up to be destroyed.
    Jewish synagogues are just as chock full of freemasons and troublemakers as our churches are. The jews are being played like fools and are being herded around just as we christians are. Their rabbis use their holy books to foment war just as our christian leaders use our holy books to foment war.
    Please reconsider the issue.

  14. palestinians did not exist as a people until after iseral was formed. they were various forms of hajji ethnics, and had a chance at their own state when the un set up israel but turned it down. they have themselves to blame on that one. But what i really find…. is once again joe drags out the anti White anti Christian rhetoric when the topic has nothing to do with hajjis. there are all kinds of ways to say hajjis got a raw deal without tearing us down but the anti White/ anti Christian joe can’t pass up the chance of trying to make us look bad

  15. The palestinians just appeared from the clouds in 1948. They never existed before then. Just appeared out of nowhere to give us a hard time and make our lives difficult.
    Heathens! Troublemakers! Hajii- Smajiis!

  16. Speaking up on behalf of the USA and Israel a little bit so neither country is destroyed by the forces in the world who want a one world government
    ( rothschilds,rockefellers, all the big bankers, all the big corporate heads,etc) is hardly being anti-white.
    When and if war comes, there will be great bloodshed in both countries. While the whites die in large numbers ( many will die before ever reproducing) much white blood will be lost for eternity.
    It’s hardly worth this great loss of blood for a relatively few big-shot families who are so determined to make us all — both christian and jew– peasants and laborers in their world prison system where our water is poisoned, our food has been genetically altered, where we are constantly goaded on to hate and mistrust one another, where our countries are flooded with thirld world foreigners who hate us ( for the overwhelming most part) and who are a great bane on us, where all our books are abridged, where we have absolutely no say in how we are to be governed, where our cities are uncivilized and violent shit-holes, where everything is poisoned: our air,our water, our educational material, our cities, our farms,etc : And a world where we are constantly encouraged to rip apart our families and spit on our heritage and culture and our true faith ( whatever little true faith remains) and, of course, constantly spy on our neighbors to make sure they’re with the program.
    A world with executive orders: The Right of The King. No Habeas Corpus. Nothing.
    Nothing but mindless work, no family, no heritage or culture, no god, gods, or God (whatever your religion is). There is to be no true art, literature, music, poetry, philosophy, or any true independent thought.
    And we are actually expected to give our very lives for this agenda. Our rulers and leaders who want this horrible type world actually want us to spill our blood, and our children’s blood , for this type of world.
    Count me out.

  17. no they lived there but didn’t call themselves palestinian, they were variours hajji tribes and clans, mostly anti turk and saud. can you be more dense?

  18. Who cares if they called themselves by another name in the past.
    They, the people we now call palestinians, were there– and they were there since the time of Jesus. They have been habitating the land we now call Israel for at least two thousand of years. They were there. They are human beings. They are a people who never did us any harm.
    The actions of the Israeli government is goading on Israel’s enemies to attack Israel. The actions of the Israeli government is intentional and planned to foment war. The plan is to destroy Israel ( like the US is being destroyed) and bring Israel into the one world government.
    Israel has a treasonous and traitorous government just as we do.
    The policies of both governments are intentionally being put in place to cause eventual destruction and the elimination of both sovereign countries: The USA and Israel.

  19. …let’s mail him a new testament then he will learn and be inspired to be forthright and honest like all of us christians. The Spirit of Righteousness will descend on him and lead him down the straight and narrow path to paradise where all we “good” and “innocent” christians are headed.
    Maybe we can add some biblical commentary ( exegesis) so tim will understand the word better and in a really,really deep and profound way, just like us christians understand it all in a really,really deep and profound way.
    End of problem…..

  20. He knows that Israel will never be cut off by Uncle Sam. So he avoids the problem that there’s one rule internally and another for outsiders AFAJK.

    100% correct. It takes nuanced thinking to get over the “Jews like Tim are just honest, consistent anti-racists” hurdle and finish the race. You have to be able to consider goals, priorities, and degree.

    Let’s play with numbers for a moment. Let’s assign scores to Israel’s violation of Tim’s values, vs. America’s. Rather than dither over precision, I’ll use numbers that let me make my point most clearly:

    Israel: 100
    USA: 5

    Now let’s assign scores to Timmy’s responses to those national violations:

    Timmy vs. Israel: 5
    Timmy vs. USA: 100

    I mean, Timmy doesn’t write books about Israeli racism, does he? No. He makes quick, throw-away statements for the White rubes in America and goes back to what he enjoys most; bashing White rubes in America.

    As I said, the numbers are fast and loose, but they illustrate the general pattern well. Timmy’s like a guy from a major arms-exporting country awash in guns who moves to a country with few guns and screams at the locals constantly about their abhorrent lack of gun control (and once a year takes a break from raising money so he can scream louder at the natives, to condemn his former countrymen); if he really gave a shit about arms control, he’d spend all his time trying to get his own country cleaned up, and very little screaming at the natives of his adopted country. In short, his priorities would reverse. But he’s actually more interested in fucking over the natives of his adopted country; in this light, his priorities make perfect sense.

  21. palestinians did not exist as a people until after iseral was formed.

    American Indians didn’t exist as a people until after the US and Whites steam-rolled them. What’s your point?

  22. I would agree with Freedom Cobra. There was a top Jewish Communist official in the Soviet Union(it might have been Illya Ehrenburg) who was anti Israel. When this jewish communist offical died, he willed all his papers to Israel! So much for being “anti-Israel”.

    Yep. A carney act for the rubes. “Plausible deniability” is a related term.

  23. Whites’ biggest mistake in dealing with Jews (and other Levantine or Middle-Eastern population) is projection; they project their own sense of honesty and propriety onto Jews.

    B-I-G mistake.

  24. Pardon the X rated visual but this fellow is clearly a perv. I had an email exchange with him about scrubbing comments off his block and he launched into a most peculiar spittle flecked tirade about Nordic Aryan warriors. He’s a fetishist and a rank coward.

    He’s a psychotic Jew, nothing unusual about that (Rahm Emmanuel is another psycho-Jew who springs to mind). Google “Birdman vs. Tim Wise” for a good echo of your email conversation with Timmy “nobody here but us evil Whites, nossiree” Wise.

  25. I run into his type before with the antiApartheid stuff. Someone very similar to him was a faggy sub. they actually want to see white men in shackles. No one could abase themselves like this without a deeply perverse and wicked streak in them.

  26. Jack Ryan says:

    June 17, 2012 at 3:49 am


    Maher’s father is Irish. Wise’s mother is Scottish. Yes, both are Jews but that damn European blood was polluted nonetheless.

  27. Svigor, your posts on the Timster are just stellar.

    A quick word on the ethno-politics, the Jews are from the Caucasus. They are a Turkic or urgaritic people of the North – the Ashkhenaz. They were never in Judea or Palestine except as migrants or invaders – that would be the Edomite branch of the Tribe.

    All their horseshit about being the ‘holy people of the book’ and the ‘heirs of Abraham’ etc is just that. More of their horseshit. Or as you better phrase it – “a carney act for the rubes”. Carney is probably shortened form of Khazar. Same group. Same “toxic lozenge” if you trace their migrations as in The Iceman Inheritance.

    Plausible deniability is game strategy to them that exploits the White tendency to give the benefit of the doubt to the suspected party.

  28. …..white americans are not originally from hawaii, but that didn’t stop americans from taking over the hawaiian islands.
    all the horsehit about white americans wanting a nation of small independent yeoman farmers is just that, horseshit.
    white americans are from the tribe of the Valhallaites from the Odin Mountains, they were never in Hawaii or the Philippines except as migrants or invaders– that would be the Anglomite branch of The Tribe.
    All their horseshit about being heirs of abraham and defenders of the holy book is just that. more bullshit…..

  29. my point is, they could have gone to other nations where they had tribes men or taken up the offer to have their own state at the time israel was formed but elected to do neither. no real point but its an historical fact and they have made their own bed. the hajjis have their share of the responsibility

    the west got weak, islam has gained strength and thats the reasons for the clash. would happen with or with out israel. but now we have a place to send jews. I have 0 regard for either group, let them kill each other in the most horrific ways and I’ll still sleep like a baby, but our problems with hajjis stem from the balance of power becoming to equal. that’s the way islam has been since its founding and blame all the West vs hajji problems on the West and israel is false and… what the enemy of White people do

  30. The 1948 blockbuster cowboy-and-indian movie, “Fort Apache”, starring John Wayne , is on TCM teevee tonight.
    Talk to you all tomorrow.

  31. “…palestinians did not exist as a people until after iseral was formed.”

    It doesn’t matter what you call them, they were the people who were living on that land before the Jews ethnically cleansed them, a process that continues today.

  32. Who cares? Why should I care about non Whites killing each other? The more they kill and fight each other the less strength they have to aim at my people. The fact is they had a chance to have their own state or join their tribes in other nations but elected not to. Their ancestors made the decision and now they have to pay the price for it. It’s the way the world goes.

    Personally, I’d cleanse the whole area and give it to the jews if it get the jews out of the West and Eastern Europe.

  33. And Stonelifter sounds like John Wayne .
    yes sirre bob, they don’t make movies like that anymore.
    chomksy sounds like a gatekeeper, cause’ that’s what he is.
    “Joe” sounds well-informed. How annoying is that?
    HEY! let’s cleanse california of californians and give it to the nazis! that’s the ticket.
    yes sirre bob.

  34. for someone who claims to have studied Machiavelli, and Sun Tuz, you sure don’t seem to get the point of power, gaining it, maintaining it or using it, etc.

  35. Remember these hateful words from Time Wize?

    “So party while you can, but mind the increasingly loud clock ticking away in the corners of your consciousness.?The clock that reminds you how little time you and yours have left.?Not much more now.?Tick, tock.?Tick, tock.?Tick.?Tock.”?

    – Tim Wise, An Open Letter to White people.?

    Here’s Wize celebrating his humanity by justifying, looking forward to and CELEBRATING the genocide of the White race!

    American Indians didn’t exist as a people until after the US and Whites steam-rolled them. What’s your point?


    Anti-Whites like Wise ALWAYS find some excuse or another to JUSTIFY White genocide. They say ‘This history or that history ‘proves’ that White People have no right to a homeland’, and if anyone objects, they’re called a “Nazis.”

    Here’s another quote from Ronald Reagan:

    “I know how to deal with communists, I still wear their scars on my back from Hollywood.”


  36. “…palestinians did not exist as a people until after iseral was formed.”

    This is an excuse and lefty tactic, which is to deny the identity of people they see as their opponents (i.e. the people they want to destroy).?

    Jews routinely say that there is no such thing as the Palestinian people, that they’re a social construct, that they never existed as a people, and that therefore they are not being wiped off the map because obviously you can neither oppress nor eliminate a people who do not exist.?

    Time Wize advocates the same with Whites. In the USSR they murdered millions of Ukrainians under the pretext that ‘Ukrainian’ was just a social construct that didn’t exist. Now they’re doing the same in all White countries.?

    To Time “Whites” are a social construct, and hence to him we do not exist and because we don’t exist then we can be wiped out (he desires this and has said this) for all the bad things we have done. Whites don’t exist, but everything bad in this world is because of Whites.

    What kind of circumstances create such a monster that desires and calls for the eradication of White children?


  37. I know the leaders of our country understand it well — that’s why the USA is headed off the cliff.
    Big part of the destruction is the so-called “empire” the corporate heads of the US wanted so desperately — except they built the empire all wrong– one mistake after another– ( that is not hindsight and I’m not going to write a long post explaining it). It is obvious to anyone who studies the subject of how the empire came about and how it was/is held together that the policies of our government concerning the empire is disastrous.
    I wouldn’t have a problem with empire so much ( though I don’t really think any empire is really necessary) , except the policies of our government concerning their empire is blatantly wrong– all of their empire policies always rebound to the undermining of the USA proper.
    If the purpose of an empire is to strenghen the nation– then the american empire is a disaster— because we are now overrun with the third world here in the states and our industry was dismantled and moved to China.
    The two above examples are policies uncle sam put into place with foreign leaders as compromises and “diplomatic strategy” to help maintain the empire with less friction and less hindrance from foreign leaders : “Tit-for-Tat” type policies to maintain the empire at the great expense of white Americans

  38. These half-Jews always claim the Jew side because it is more beneficial – socially and financially. Being a part of a “persecuted” minority brings celebrity these days. They are loyal to no group other than themselves. If Jews were at the bottom of the ladder, little Timmy would be speaking with a Scottish brogue.

    Does anyone know if his wife is a Jew, too?

  39. His wife is one-third jewish, one-third eskimo, one-third french parisian beauty from Cos Cob, Connecticut with a degree in Italian Renaissance art from the University of Padua, and a master’s degree in business administration from Vassar, with legs that make Rita Hayworth look like a chicken.
    She has an under-degree in radical feminism from Columbia and now works for the CIA at Langley as an interpreter of Aramaic in the CIA’s “hajii” deptartment.

  40. I mean, Timmy doesn’t write books about Israeli racism, does he? No. He makes quick, throw-away statements for the White rubes in America and goes back to what he enjoys most; bashing White rubes in America.

    Who knows, maybe he’ll start. I can see it: “Kike Like Me: Reflections on The Tribe from a Privileged Son.”

  41. ….. and the good ole boys were drinking whiskey and rye singing this is the day we’re goin’ to die….

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