Are Republicans Worthless?


It may surprise you but my answer is still “no.”

No, Republicans are not entirely worthless: the South voted against the election of Obama, against Obamacare, for the repeal of Obamacare, against the DREAM Act multiple times, against “comprehensive immigration reform,” against DADT repeal, BRA’s stimulus, etc.

The problem is not a party label that will be solved with another party label. The South has voted against everything from the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to Obamacare to the DREAM Act. We have desperately tried to appoint conservative justices to the Supreme Court to reverse the decline of America.

Here’s the rub: Dixie is a nation submerged within a state, a perpetual minority in a consolidated despotism, and in a country governed by “majority rule” we are never going to “take our country back” by any means short of secession.

I have no doubt that hundreds, if not thousands of White Southerners have been elected to state, local, and federal offices, who are sincerely opposed to our national decline, and who have resisted that decline in good faith.

We have seen that spirit of resistance manifest itself on multiple occasions … and it would have worked too, as when the South filibustered the Civil Rights Act of 1964, but the existence of the Union has thwarted every single effort at reform through the system.

If the Union were dissolved, the system could be reformed and free government could be restored. Alternatively, the preservation of the Union will inevitably result in the total loss of all freedom and the acceleration of our descent into a Third World country.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Here’s the rub: Dixie is a nation submerged within a state, a perpetual minority in a consolidated despotism, and in a country governed by “majority rule” we are never going to “take our country back” by any means short of secession.


  2. Over the last 40 years, at the Federal level, they have been worthless to Conservatism. They have been a great benefit to the left, always guarding their “back door”.

  3. Right team, wrong playbook.

    There has to be that irrational “moment” when the playbook is abandoned.

    Without a doubt folks that I thought were apolitical were initiating conversations with me today after this health care decision; but enough will not have that “moment” until Obama is reelected.

    In their despair and disillusionment they will ask what they got for selling out to Country Club Father of Obamacare Romney? They will ask how they can win elections when the anti-whites or voting along tribal lines, no matter the performance of the government. Can they win by appealing to Hispanics via Rubio? Then what the hell is the point?

    When their back is against the wall and they have to fully face the Brown Out, something will click.

    Obama’s reelection could be the racial 9/11.

  4. “Here’s the rub: Dixie is a nation submerged within a state, a perpetual minority in a consolidated despotism”

    Not to mention the fetid tropical climate not fit for white men.

  5. It’s only a matter of time. Once the government is sufficiently negrified, the system will begin to fail.

    After all, we’ve all heard the joke about how niggers hoe cotton:
    Two comin’, two goin’, two shittin’, two hoeing.

    Just like what happens in neighborhoods. Could someone please remind me what is the percentage of black occupancy that makes an neighborhood uninhabitable?

    Seems like the federal government is getting close to the percentage now.
    Obama is Coleman Young on the national scale. Bye, bye Amurrica.

    Deo Vindice

  6. The Southeast will be a majority black area by 2050. The South will never rise again. New Nigeria may rise but nothing White will. When the whole anti-White apparatus known as the USA collapses due to dollar hyperinflation, terminal industrial outsourcing/export and blood poisoning the Southeast will become a black ethnostate, the Southwest will become Aztlan and hopefully we White can salvage ourselves a White Republic out of the northern part of his carcass.

  7. “After all, we’ve all heard the joke about how niggers hoe cotton: Two comin’, two goin’, two shittin’, two hoeing.”

    I thought they were such good workers that Southrons couldn’t prosper without them.

  8. “Once the government is sufficiently negrified, the system will begin to fail.” But there might not be enough negroes to do that, with their percentage remaining stable while Asian Asians, “land-bridge” Asians, and Muslims all increase.

  9. I listened a lot to some vinyl with that “Detroit City” song on it, decades ago. Brings back the memory, still have that record somewhere.

  10. johnking,

    (1) That’s a ridiculous assumption. 44 percent of blacks live in the North and West. 56 percent of blacks live in the South.

    (2) In 1870, the South was far blacker than it is today. Entire states were under black rule. Yet the South became whiter for 100 years.

    (3) Deflation is more likely.

    (4) LOL at the Northern ethnostate … good luck with that. You might want to shoot for a smaller, more doable goal like not voting to reelect Obama in November.

  11. “It may surprise you…”

    More like…frustrates.

    You cite various enterprises of the left that have been stymied by Southern Republican over the last five decades. But 1965 is a universe of difference from 2005.

    For example when in your lifetime (or mine) have you heard a R. Congressman speak in a race-realistic vein. You can count on them all – Southern or “Yankee” to sound the same here. Miserably, even the “arch”-conservative senator from South Carolina is all-out MLK speechified.

    Yes, I am surprised that after seeing the results of 50 years of Republicanism that you still see that entity as worthwhile.

  12. At a certain point, there are too many blacks in an area and then the whole municipality or region fails. So I do not think they will get to run anything ever again.

    However there are other real scenarios. With a 50 white 30 Hispanic 10 Asian and 10 black population who runs things? Where? and how?

    It’s going to be like Yugoslavia.

  13. More like Mexico. Huge swaths of chaotic out of control territory. Sounds like the right opportunity for the right people with the right mindset.

    Deo Vindice

  14. “Sounds like you’ve never been South, Rudel.”

    I’ve spent plenty of time down south and except for the high Appalachians it’s a fetid semi-tropical climate almost year round. The white race did not evolve in such a climate and no true white man can really thrive there. Niggers on the other hand love it (listen to MLK talk about his beloved “Southland”) and are moving back down South in droves.

    I love snow and the four seasons.

  15. True. Republicans aren’t totally worthless. Palin and Bachmann might make good lap dancers at a third-rate club in a crappy part of town.

    I personally cannot find much difference between the Red and Blue teams. I’m pretty sure that both crews get together with the Federal Judges, SCOTUS and a couple of Vince McMahon’s former wrestling choreographers to arrange the performances they put on for the deeply concerned Eloi.

    Bullets, not ballots.

  16. @Rudel

    “The white race did not evolve in such a climate and no true white man can really thrive there.”

    But they HAVE thrived there for over 4 centuries. Not to mention the English and Dutch in South Africa, the Scottish and English in Rhodesia, the Germans in Namibia, the Belgians in the Congo, and the Portuguese in Mozambique and Angola. The British and Dutch were in India for for over 400 years. The French were in Indochina since 1787. Whites have lived in Australia since 1688.


  17. Today’s Republican elites (political and pundit class) are worse than worthless; they’re among our worst enemies. State and local Republicans are a different matter. So are select congressmen and senators depending on the issue and where they’re from.

  18. “But they HAVE thrived there for over 4 centuries. Not to mention the English and Dutch in South Africa, the Scottish and English in Rhodesia, the Germans in Namibia, the Belgians in the Congo, and the Portuguese in Mozambique and Angola. The British and Dutch were in India for for over 400 years. The French were in Indochina since 1787. Whites have lived in Australia since 1688.”

    The white areas of South Africa have a Mediterranean climate, not a sub-tropical one.
    Whites are pretty much non-existent in Zimbabwe nowadays.

    Belgians in the Congo died like flies from tropical diseases such as yellow fever and malaria. It was known as “The White Mans Graveyard.” In fact, it still is. We need so many shots before we go there that they alone make us sick. Same for Mozambique and Angola.

    The Brits who thrived in India made sure they lived in the uplands (what is now Pakistan) especially in the summer months.

    I can assure you from personal experience that living in tropical Indochina is detrimental to your health if you don’t have an air-conditioned hotel room and stay out of the boonies.)

    Whites in Australia cluster in the southern region of the eastern coast. Again, a Mediterranean climate.

    BTW, still awaiting your email upon arrival in Portland you pussy. Bring yo’ mama. Lots of opportunities for super cheap whores to service the niggers out on 82nd Avenue.

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