About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Yes, it’s very hot. Ugh.

    By the way, check out this video currently linked on the Occidental Observer home page.

    Declassified: Massive Israeli manipulation of US media exposed

  2. One has to notice that the nigger flashmob activity has been considerably lighter than last year, despite the Africa-like temperatures. As much as I dislike the conspiracy stuff, I’m convinced that the little bastards are being kept on a leash this year by someone in the Democratic party, what with Obama’s re-election hanging in the balance.

  3. Hot as hell in Chicago – but cooler near the lake. I’m 100 yards from the Lake.

    Blacks stay out late and cause trouble in Chicago when it is this hot, they shoot other people, mostly each other when it is this hot.

    I love Chicago when it is #*$&*#*$ cold as Hell – the Lakefront is completely cleansed of Blacks.

  4. having one of our coldest/wettest Junes in a while in the PNW. only place in the country that isn’t hot.

  5. Pleasantly mild here in central Texas.

    Watch out for those heat islands… risky spots for “random” “teen” violence.

  6. It’s 86 degrees in my neck of Penn’s Woods, but it was much hotter earlier. Which I completely avoided by hiding out inside. Nice cool air-conditioned Inside.

    All Hail the brilliant White men that invented AC!!!! High praise unto them! Hosanna!

  7. jack ryan says:
    “June 30, 2012 at 10:46 pm
    Hot as hell in Chicago – but cooler near the lake. I’m 100 yards from the Lake.”


    “Blacks stay out late and cause trouble in Chicago when it is this hot, they shoot other people, mostly each other when it is this hot.”

    So heat waves have their benefits…

    “I love Chicago when it is #*$&*#*$ cold as Hell – the Lakefront is completely cleansed of Blacks.”

    All Hail COLD!!!!

  8. Also in GA … unbearably hot.

    Denise, saw your post to me regarding CofCC. I forgot what thread it was on. Thanks for your kind words. Will probably not be able to go, but will see. I am glad you and HW will be going and will get to enjoy that. Sounds like a great lineup of speakers and some great activities. Just be careful for any unlikely repeat of the unfortunate events in Chicago a few months ago.

  9. Lily – please try to make it if you can. You’ll know where I am – just follow the sounds to the Loud Party Room.

    Lily – don’t worry about any threats…..this is already covered. If any-one tries anything – well – it’s going to turn into a part of the entertainment really really fast.

    Believe me.

  10. I bet it was hotter here in Florida than all y’alls. Plus, the A/C in my truck is broken and I had to mow three lawns today like somebodies beaner.

    You think if whites stay in the South long enough we’ll evolve dark skin and eyes like blacks?

  11. Well, the good news here in sunny South Florida was that the high today was only 90 degrees. The bad news is the A/C in my house broke.

    With the fan blowing in my face it reminds me of my childhood before we had A/C.
    Shade trees, fans, cold drinks, watermelon, and the old swimming hole. If I thought anything decent was playing, I might have to go to the movies. All the the old school ways to beat the heat coming flooding back into my memory.

    It’s hotter than blue blazes.

    Deo Vindice

  12. Next Hitler – Ha!

    I’ll thank Fred Jones after I thank Willis Haviland Carrier, Michael Faraday, and the engineers in Ancient Rome first….

  13. Only an enemy to the USA would think this is a good start to fire season out West.
    So it’s not “( good? )”

  14. “Surely Denise meant to thank African American genius and hero Fred Jones for inventing air conditioning?” Now, now, not so black: Fred was white paternally and his probably black or mullato mother died young, so he was brought up by his white father and also to a considerable extent by a Catholic priest.

  15. In the upper 80’s today in the very green and fertile “Promised Land” of rural Pennsylvania, and we’re planning to start a big fire here — to burn a big pile of tree stumps that have been drying out several years.

  16. I’ve heard from a first-hand source that when it ever (almost never) reaches the 80’s in Wales, people are fainting in the streets. Greenland is nice this time of year.

  17. Cool weather ALL YEAR in the Falklands. They need help there, from loyall white settlers. Good thing about a temperate climate, one can always put on a coat to work, or add layers, and keep working — but toward the Equator where it’s often sweltering hot…well, there’s NEVER any air conditioning outdoors.

  18. I’ve considered moving to the Falklands.

    There are days when I wonder if I will spend my entire life waiting for the demise of BRA. Wouldn’t it be great to live in a normal country and have a normal life? Every single day I wake up with the knowledge that we are doomed if this continues.

    There is no point in moving to another state. BRA exists there just as much as it does here. At least here we have the consolation prize that no one really believes in it.

  19. “At least here we have the consolation prize that no one really believes in it.”

    I really don’t know local-born rural people who believe in it here, either. But we’re out-numbered state-wide by millions of liberal, amoral urbanites, and suburbanites, and we’re also being invaded by them as they flee the blight of the dark-skins in the cities.

  20. 138 at sea level; 106 where I had to work yesterday…. butch up nancey pants….

    On a more serious note, my son said it’s hot enough in NC that the horse walked into her pond and set up camp. She’s not done that before

  21. “Only an enemy to the USA would think this is a good start to fire season out West.
    So it’s not “( good?”

    I grew up in Wyoming. Us Wyomingites know that fires, particularly when they are small and not too hot, is good for the grasslands and forests. Fire renews forest, small burns help seeds germinate, keep fuel from building up to end in extremely hot, deadly disasters like 1988 Yellowstone.

    Mild grassfire knocks down the sagebrush, leading to more good forage for cattle raising.

    It’s the lunkheaded CA liberal transplants too stupid to know where not to build that demand fire suppression that ultimately results in million-acre wildfires and loss of homes.

  22. Glad you didn’t skeedaddle, Hunter. That’s something Yankees do.

    You’re doing good work. Take yt’s advice and read that book.
    It’s too hot to go outside, anyway.

    Thanks, yt.

    Deo Vindice

  23. Barb, I’ve heard the pine bark beetles are much worse than fire now, in some parts out West.

  24. “Glad you didn’t skeedaddle, Hunter. That’s something Yankees do.”

    I agree, Apuleius, too many of them are rootless, have no ties to their own land.

  25. “You think if whites stay in the South long enough we’ll evolve dark skin and eyes like blacks?” – We’re not that far south, and further those two adaptions won’t help in a heat bubble, global warming or other general temperature rise, those adaptions are to deal with radiation more than heat. still there are other temperature related adaptions that might pop up after tens of thousands of years, assuming civilization disappears.

  26. I’m outside of Jacksonville, FL, and it was in the mid to upper 90’s today. Like Apuleius, we lost our a/c about 3-4 hours ago. Must be those damn darkies stealing the copper…

  27. “Mosin Nagant says:
    July 1, 2012 at 2:21 am
    I’ve heard from a first-hand source that when it ever (almost never) reaches the 80?s in Wales, people are fainting in the streets. Greenland is nice this time of year.”

    Are you sure you didn’t mean Iceland? Or, maybe you did. Remember, Iceland is green and Greenland is ice.

  28. “Barb, I’ve heard the pine bark beetles are much worse than fire now, in some parts out West.”

    This is true.
    I understand that pine bark beetle infestations are knocked back by a week of lows in the -30s in January. Most winters we get one, but this year was exceptionally mild. Perhaps it’s a good thing that the fires are going pretty good already. Burning off quite a bit of old, slow growing trees might be our only hope for this year of not ending up incurring new losses of immense swaths of forest.

  29. The massive fire fires that have been happening in the West for the last ten years ( in California massive forest fires for the last 10 years) is Mainly and Mostly From Arsonists.
    Russian jews and their mexican criminal friends on the payroll of the communists.
    All the horesh*t in the world can’t change that fact.
    The fires are not about “liberal californians” or “bark beetles”.
    The Fires Are About Communist Arsonists: “perhaps it’s a good thing” say some.
    Anyone who even suggests that the massive fires* are somehow good ( good?),
    is not a friend to white Americans– or any kind of American period.
    The Air Force Academy is under threat from the fires: ” the fires are going pretty good already” ; I guess the fires are going “pretty good” if one is a communist.
    Read the article I posted. Or go online and read what’s really happening.
    Nothing good about it. Unless you’re a commie.
    * the extraordinary massive forest fires like the kind happening in the US in the last 10 years are natural to the ecosystem. I know fire is used to clean out “dead forest”, but these massive forest fires are not a natural part of how the ecosystem works: The fires are too huge, too widespread, and too ( during the last 10 years) numerous to be natural. The massive widespread forest fires are arson.

  30. The Air Force Academy and Colorado Springs was targeted by arsonists.
    There is fire right up to the border/fence-line of the Air Force Academy and in parts of Colorado Springs itself.
    No, the massive fire is not “going pretty good” unless one is a communist.

  31. Sorry I missed this thread when I went OT earlier. If there is one thing that Charles Johnson did well it was “open threads”. Would love to see them here more often so comments on articles aren’t derailed.

    It’s a Holocaust in Jew York. It’s like 6 million degrees outside.
    Tell me more about the Falklands, guys.

  32. “Iceland is green and Greenland is ice.”

    No, I meant Greenland, Snowhitey. Much of the coast of Greenland is green this time of year, with sheep farming, reindeer herding, hay, some vegetables, even some trees growing and being planted. Settled by Vikings who were killed off by earlier, Asian settlers during a long period out of touch with the homeland.

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