The Dangerous Self-Delusion of Some Conservatives

Kosher Republic

The pushback has begun against the happy talk that Roberts is some kind of grand chessmaster who has limited the Commerce Clause and produced a secret long term victory for conservatives:

“Ladies and gentlemen, there exists no silver lining to this ruling. All of the crackpot, delusional happy-talk from some conservatives in media is designed to make you feel better. You’ve just lost both arms and legs in a brutal assault, but they tell you, you should consider this a happy opportunity to enjoy the comforts of a new wheelchair and mouth-controlled joystick. You’ve just lost your family to a violent home-invasion, but, they tell you, you should view this as a chance to start over. The intention here is to keep you calm. The intention now is to serve a political end, while your country is dying around you. Your most sacred law, the US Constitution, has been crumpled and tossed into the ash-bin of history, and you are told you should do a happy-dance to the calming sounds of “Oh Happy Days.”

I’d like you to inventory the whole of the conservatives to whom you listen, or whose columns and opinions you read, and I want you to take care to note which of them are imploring you to consider some silver lining. They are lying. They have good intentions, many of them, and they have contorted themselves into a formless spaghetti of reasoning in order to find some good in this awful plate of refuse you’ve been handed. Don’t surrender your minds by sprinkling Parmesan on it and wolfing it down. Are there some limited political opportunities as a result of this decision? Yes, but they require the fulfillment of a whole laundry-list of “if-then” statements.

IF Mitt Romney is elected, and IF he doesn’t sell us out, and IF we hold the House, and IF we recapture the Senate(and at least 60 votes) and IF the moderates in either house don’t screw us, and IF Boehner and McConnell have the guts to do in repealing what the villains Reid and Pelosi did in passing the ACA, and IF they can deliver a bill to President Romney’s desk, and IF John Roberts and the other liberals on the court can be replaced, and IF Mitt Romney can replace them with actual strict constructionists, THEN you might have a chance to undo this damage. IF any of these don’t happen, your constitution is effectively dead as a restraint on government.

The danger of self-imposed delusions is that you come to believe them, like a pathological liar. It is by this form of self-delusion that we’ve permitted our country to lose its roots in reverence for the Constitution. We cannot defeat the statists by pretending this isn’t the disaster that it is, if we can defeat them at all. I believe some talking heads know this, but do not want to yield to what will come in the wake of such a monstrosity. They’re hanging on, stubbornly telling us that the stench of smoke reaching our nostrils is merely an air freshener of a novel scent. Rather than screaming “Fire,” and warning conservative Americans that the house is ablaze, the barn is wiped out, the surviving farm animals running loose in a frantic bid to stay ahead of the flames licking at their heels, many are now telling you that it’s all okay. It will be fine.”

“Mainstream” conservatism has been totally and utterly defeated on principle. There is no recovering from this. The “navigators” are dead in the water. You can’t continue on as before.

Don’t Tread on Me? Nothing but talk. Grandstanding.

Note: You are not going to “restore America.” The Union is beyond redemption. The GOP is just trying to capitalize on your anger and frustration to win another election. Even during the Great Depression FDR’s theme song was “Happy Days Are Here Again.”

Democratic politicians have always lied to the public. They have no incentive to tell you the truth about anything. You can’t handle the truth. Notice how even the word “depression” has been banished from the media.

There can never be another depression, even if technically we are in one right now, because acknowledgement of reality would make us feel too bad. What else do you suppose they are lying about?

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Yes, it’s full-blown panic in GOP-ville as the country clubbers and their media mouthpieces desperately do damage control to preserve the last reason conservatives had to vote for a Republican President: judges.

    In the wildest dreams of paleo-cons, the Roberts defection on the ACA could destroy the GOP as we know it.

    However, I suspect it’s more likely that an angry public will swing to the GOP in November, then go back to sleep while the Elephant takes over from the Donkey as the two parties continue to run their train on America.

  2. I suggest that we are in the beginning of the “Never-ending Depression” fictionally presented in Robert Silverberg’s novel, Hawksbill Station; this is the time-frame hypothecated in the novel. That ended with the explicit ovrerthrow of the Constitution of 1787 and installation of a collective dictatorship by a “Council of Syndics.”

    For this same time-frame, Robert A. Heinlein predicted, in the 1950s(!), a brief era he called the “Crazy Years,” ending in a religious dictatorship by a church that appears half- derived from Roman Catholicism ans half-derived from Mormonism.

  3. Great post. This especially resonates: “There can never be another depression, even if technically we are in one right now, because acknowledgement of reality would make us feel too bad. What else do you suppose they are lying about?”

  4. So voting democrat is the answer?

    No thanks.

    I know this ship is sinking, but I’ll take all the time I can get while I teach the little ones to swim.

  5. There has never been a better time for the idea of seceding from the disease that inflicts us. A mongrel president, troops tied up in illegal wars and pissed off, a depression and a government completely out of control.

    We need fire eaters right now. And this time around, if it’s not peaceful, NO ONE in the enemy society should be allowed to carry out their business as in the last civil war. No more Horace Greelys, Henry Beechers, Thaddus Stevens or the Secret Six types.

  6. “Amanda says:
    July 1, 2012 at 12:36 am
    So voting democrat is the answer?

    No thanks.

    I know this ship is sinking, but I’ll take all the time I can get while I teach the little ones to swim.”

    Amanda – bless you and your little ones. In addition to teaching your babies – who we love, and wish the best for – about swimming, teach the wee ones about eye/hand coordination, and “aiming”.

    It’s never too early. And the kiddies love that sort of thing,

  7. Thank you Denise.

    I was referring to swimming being “preparing” in general.

    They are both homeschooled and will be well versed in all manner of arms.

    Their father (my husband) is a man among men.

  8. The troops aren’t, for the most part, pissed off about the war. Most signed up to test themselves in war, and know their time in the military will be short. At most they are disappointed the war isn’t what they thought it would be but angry, ready to bolt etc isn’t so

    From talking to a few people, Dave seems to have the right of it. Most folks I’ve talked to are fired up to get a GOP landslide to repeal obama care. Not sure that will happen or not, but if it does, they’ll go back to sleep. Life is to busy, the living is still pretty damn easy for most folks, and the thought we can change all this with voting to well engrained to expect anything serious in the short term

  9. Another awesome post, Hunter. Everything is very well stated. I hope that you and those like you will be the ones the people turn to for conservatism by the millions, and let the O’Reilly’s, Pawn Vanity’s, Mitch McConnel’s and the rest go to hell.

  10. That’s why a Republican victory in November will be disastrous for WN and those who truly understand the situation. All talk of secession will cease while our march to minority status will continue. If the Republicans do win, it will be one of the last elections in which they do and after that the opportunity will be lost and difficult to recover.

  11. regardless of if they do get obamacare repealed, everything is going to continue to get worse, which tends to make going back to sleep unworkable.

  12. I am not deluded. I never would have gotten any form of Obamacare under a Paul administration. Or, The Civil Rights Act of 1964, or The Immigration Reform Act of 1965, or The Great Society, or The New Deal, or WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Desert Storm, Desert Shield, Operation Enduring Feedom, Operation New Dawn/Iraqi Freedom, 9/11 (or, you would have gotten a genuine investigation), the TSA or all that other crap that makes many Americans believe they can’t live without their damn corrupt goverment!

  13. Amanda, it’s lovely that your husband is also your kids’ dad.

    Man, that’s getting rare, anymore.

  14. Snowwhitey: Agree 100%. I think as president Paul would have refused to enforce unconstitutional laws and refused to fund illegitimate executive agencies. I think he would not hesitate to shut down government either.

  15. would paul have been a king to have his way? or would he have had to work with congress? and really the more liberal parts of it? no paul supporter ever takes the actually reality of dc into consideration but act/ think as if paul would have his way on all things and in the manner they wish it to be

    that’s what makes y’all delusional. that and paul being soft on the race question, the border etc.

  16. There is not going to be a repeal of Obamacare anytime in the foreseeable future. Even if the raw numbers where there, a situation so problematic that I wouldn’t bet over a nickle on its happening, there are too many venal Republicans. There are too many Democrats representing fanatical liberal whites and the non-whites.

    There are too many liberal judges. There are too many judges that have been born into, raised, educated and thoroughly indoctrinated in the current ideology we speak of on this site. This goes for far too high a percentage of the educated segment of the population as a whole. It matters little whether or not they are Republicans or Democrats on this matter.

  17. Conservatives weren’t defeated on principle. They were defeated by ignoring the Constitution. But that was back during Andrew Jackson’s time when the most brilliant guarantor of liberty: property enfranchisement, was excised by a political class hungry for low class votes.

    We left a small gaggle of borderline acceptable and in some cases odious Jews and Catholics with a Negro for good luck to stand against a tidalwave of a socialist Nigger president and a Senate and a House of Rep. and millions of true believers in the streets.

    And we dare say they abandoned US?

  18. SC Justice John Roberts is GAY, his marriage is a sham and his children are adopted.

    You morons voted for George W. Bush, who surrounded himself with homosexuals like Condi Rice and Lindsay Graham, and are now surprised that the Democrats, liberals, and the Jew media have blackmail power over them?

    Look at your “conservative” elite!

    I’m not even being anti-homo. The religious fanatics are the ones that freak out over homos, so you’re easily fooled. Of course Roberts was blackmailed into changing his vote and went for the libs. Of course gays like Lindsay Graham are basically owned by the Connecticut Yankee Jew Joe Lieberman.

    How is your John Hagee/Zionist pro-Jew “Christian” “Promise Keepers” (miscegenation is fine! Homos bad, niggers f-ing and marrying White women is a-ok!) thing working out for you? Clarence Thomas sleeps with a White woman every night, but that’s a-ok because he’s a “conservative Republican.” Morons.

    George W. Bush had more homos in his administration than Obama does. The entire Republican party is run by homos. What sort of self-respecting Southern Dixiecrat would vote for the party of Lincoln anyway?

    Dixie was never fanatical, Puritan witch-burning bible-thumpers before the War of Northern Aggression, it was the Yankees. But the South adopted Puritanism after we lost, and now you send your kids to fight and die for Yankee Judea, cause you know, YHWH hates fags.

    Congrats, no really.

  19. Not a snowball chance in hell of repealing Obamacare. There are more John Roberts than just on the so-called supreme court.
    Obamacare is a nightmare come true and you can’t wake up.

  20. If you read the comments on the Freerepublic article, you’ll see that the majority of the Freepers are still deluded enough to think that they can win, and they’re accusing the eminently sensible writer of this article of defeatism.

  21. It’s time to start thinking of realistic, alternative political/economic models to the mess that we have now – but think of models that are realistic – the South isn’t going to simply go back to the Southern Confederacy of 1861 complete with Negro slavery.

    One model to strongly consider is the “city state” – a nation, economic entity based on one dynamic City state. Singapore comes quickly to mind (there are clear racial components to Singapore’s success), Amsterdam, New Amsterdamn/New York, Rome – the Roman Papal states, Beirut.

    City states have their own police/security forces and in New York City’s case – the (overwhelmingly White) police force is very effective – they do things like stop and frisk Black late teens, spy on Muslim immigrants ie, just do the common sense things that must be done, but that whiney liberals and idiot Libertarians insist must not be done.

  22. “Amanda says:
    July 1, 2012 at 1:50 am
    Thank you Denise.

    I was referring to swimming being “preparing” in general.

    They are both homeschooled and will be well versed in all manner of arms.

    Their father (my husband) is a man among men.”

    Amanda – thank YOU. Thank your husband as well.

    Go bless you and your family. May God protect and keep you safe and well. You are literally the Mother of Our Race, for if our Race is to survive, it will be due to the intelligence, vision, fortitude, and courage of people like you and your husband.

    THANK you both from the bottom of my heart, and the scope of my soul.

  23. Romney could win, and then the rank-and-file will consider Obama gross aberration caused by the peculiar ineptitude of George W Bush. They will consider everything to be back to normal. The uncomfortable future of white minority status will be be pushed out of their minds.

    Romney will get maneuvered into more foreign adventurism on behalf of the Jews.

    Commodity prices will inflate up and grind the global economy to a halt yet again.

    All third party independent types will shift to the left in order to counter Romney setting up GOP collapse in 2014 and the election of a Hispanic President in 2016.

    The alternative is much much better: the GOP torpedoed by a rebellion from white radicals; the economic collapse will have a black face attached to it; there will no longer be talk of “tea parties”, Romney, Ron Paul or any other illusory electoral reversal of our national decline.

    Whites will be right where we need to be: still the majority, united, and focused on practical politics.

    While pulling a lever for Obama is a distasteful notion, and supporting a third party would be infinitely preferable; the white mindweapon must be prepared to do what is distasteful in order to achieve the optimal outcome for 2012 in these desperate times.

  24. Stonelifter: None of the actions I mentioned that Ron Paul would have done require support from Congress or the Judiciary. They are within the scope of the Exectuive Branch.

  25. Afterthought: Great post. Agree 100%.

    Also concur with the opinion that Obamacare will never be repealed. The Repubs/Loser Party just doesn’t have the guts or the will to do what needs to be done. When Mitch McConnel ran the Senate he spent his time reaching across the isle, being the ever-polite gentlemen. When Pelosi took over, how was ole Mitch rewarded? Answer: he and the Republitards were railroaded, backdoored, tread over, backed over, and ran over again.

    Repubitards are the problem.

  26. paul wouldn’t fund shit; that’s up to congress not the POTUS. He could veto the spending bill but congress could over ride it

  27. “Romney could win, and then the rank-and-file will consider Obama gross aberration caused by the peculiar ineptitude of George W Bush.”


    Obama wins, he thinks he has a mandate to do absolutely any despotic thing he wishes and black “youfs” see themselves as being handed a license to murder, rape and loot.

    Romney wins, White Americans go back to sleep will their slow genocide by imminvasion continues apace.

    I know the old adage of being careful but you wish for, but the only “out” of all this is for Romney to win and Obama refuse to acknowledge the results and/or severe black rioting, so that White Americans CAN’T get back to sleep. Total polarization and gridlock of gov’t. Sounds good to me!

  28. Bob Chapman often said Washington is LOADED with homosexuals and he was 99.99% on target. He also broke the news that Ronnie was one, too. He said he was invited to a screening when he ran his brokerage firm out of LA. He said there is no way he could be straight and do the things he saw in this film. He said there were 24-25 other people at this screening. Bob was a former military intelligence officer. He understood the human psyche. I went to bed laughing at that one but woke up crying. Bob didn’t bullsh*t. Ronnie didn’t talk manly and that could be an indication of a bisexual at the very least. And, we all know what the “queer look in the eyes” is but that is something you have to observe in person. John Roberts could definitely be a fag. With me, he is now!

  29. I know the old adage of being careful but you wish for, but the only “out” of all this is for Romney to win and Obama refuse to acknowledge the results and/or severe black rioting, so that White Americans CAN’T get back to sleep. Total polarization and gridlock of gov’t. Sounds good to me!

    The Obama wouldn’t acknowledge the result is zero.

    Also, nigs don’t chimp in cold weather, so we not get any benefit there.

    I still say the best path is: Vote Obama/third party/stay home and GOP at the local/local/congressional level when it makes sense.

    Putting Romney in the decision making chair has no upside.

  30. Love this site. Hunter’s commentary and analysis on important issues is much needed.
    I was a perpetual doom and gloomer and turned my back on the Republicans for obvious reasons. However, Hunter’s many articles about the progress being made in many states by anti-immigration forces and Tea Party activists have given me hope.
    I live in the lefty tax-hell known as Wisconsin and finally the stranglehold on our throats by the progressives has been broken!
    Never thought I’d live to see the day.

    Obama is destroying us. One more term and our fate will be sealed. Every area of our government will be turned against us!
    We must defeat him. We know Romney is not the greatest thing since sliced bread, but he is our only hope at this juncture.
    The internet has been HUGE for us the last few years. We are starting to change minds. Even my liberal neighbors are beginning to see the light.
    Just look at the comments being made at various news sites concerning immigration, blacks, etc. Unheard of a couple of years ago.

    Voting third party has always been a waste. Making a statement? Ha ha. No one cares a minute after the election. To the winners go the spoils.
    Why can’t we take over the GOP and really make it the “White people’s party.”

  31. Stonelifter: The Constitution, though not designed to protect individual rights, but to establish a powerful central government, does provide limits if followed. No branch is to be able to do anything with out the concurrence and support of at least one of the others. Congress can pass laws and raise taxes/control the purse strings, but it is the executive that executes the laws and makes appointments. The SC is not the only entity to decide on Constitutionality. The president should not enforce any law he believes to be Unconstitutional, and the Legislature should never pass any law that they believe to be unconstitutional. The “Rule of Law” Republitards don’t seem to understand this. What Obama has ordered regarding immigration is perfectly legal (of course he’s doing it for the wrong reasons). Ron Paul as president could simply tell the DHS, Dept of Education, Dept of Energy, etc etc not to enforce whatever law. Moreover he could simple refuse to appoint heads of those agencies/departments and refuse to fill vacancies that come up during his tenure. The Congresses’ only antidote for this behavior would be impeachment. This is the way it was all supposed to work. It was supposed to be hostile, it was supposed to be near impossible to get unconstitutional laws passed, and if they were passed, it was supposed to be able to get them enforced. Ron Paul understands the Constitution. Ron Paul’s policies would have been the most pro-white of any candidate, under the guise of state’s rights and libertarianism. He was a clear threat to the establishment, so neither side would touch him with a 10 ft pole.

  32. Wayne says:

    “Ron Paul as president could simply tell the DHS, Dept of Education, Dept of Energy, etc etc not to enforce whatever law”

    JR replies:

    And just imagine what Ron Paul could do as….


    Kalkan the 10th avatar of Vishnu!

    The 2nd Coming of…..


    Let’s hope RP makes the transformation really soon, otherwise RP is going to be a very, very old King of Siam, Vishnu, Jesus – little children are going to be a bit disappointed if Jesus?Vishnu ends up being a 95 year old man, with a squeeky old voice who drones on and on about wnating to end Social Security benefits for other old people.

  33. “(N)o paul supporter ever takes the actually reality of dc into consideration but act/ think as if paul would have his way on all things and in the manner they wish it to be that’s what makes y’all delusional.”

    I find most Paulists are fully aware that he couldn’t “rule like a king” — and they are generally MORE aware than most political factions of the many powerful forces that would have prevented or reversed his decisions were he elected.

  34. Re: “a squeeky old voice who drones on and on about wnating to end Social Security benefits”:

    The oldest generation didn’t vote much for “VERY OLD!” Paul.

  35. Jack Ryan: Look, I understand fully that he never had a snowball’s chance in hell. Neither party really truly wants to abide by the Constitution.

    Mosin Nagant: Why couldn’t Ron Paul do just like Obama is doing now, except in a way that is Conservative? A president doesn’t have to be a king, he need only demand the Constitution be followed. Again, Congress’s only response is impeachement, which is nearly impossible.

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