The Cost of the Union: Southern Governors Vow Defiance To Obamacare


Perry in Texas, Jindal in Louisiana, Scott in Florida, Haley in South Carolina, McDonnell in Virginia … presumably other states, they must be feeling some serious heat from the conservative grassroots:

“Obama’s campaign sought to reinforce that message. Gov. Martin O’Malley of Maryland, on a campaign conference call with reporters, pushed the idea that refusing to arrange exchanges is an idea as crazy as secession.

“Some of our colleagues would like to get out of being members of the union,” O’Malley said. “And by that, I mean the United States, so I think, who can predict what some of the ewoks on their side of the aisle will chase, I don’t know.”

Getting out of the Union is the solution we have advocated all along. Let the Kenyan in the White House send in the troops. He can raise a LGBT brigade in Vermont and Massachusetts. Then he will see who is the real boss.

Update: Kansas and Wisconsin join us in the fight.

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Lily, Barb, and Dixie, and Lynda, Clytemnestra, and all others – I love the gals here. I love most of the male posters, as well – but the gals here are so smart. It gladdens my heart!

  2. yea WN’s are notorious for putting them on pedestals and looking pass their legion of faults

  3. My great weakness when it comes to fellow Whites is I always try to catch them doing something right. Something tells me I’d love to have a beer and play chess or dominoes with you, Stonelifter. You’re a cool crusty old man that has seen the world and raised a family. Bless you.

  4. thanks tamer, but I doubt you’d enjoy the experience; city folk don’t care for my type, and normally the reverse is true as well

    Besides, I haven’t played chess in years and you’d steam roll me. Wouldn’t be an enjoyable challenge

  5. Apuleius said:
    July 2, 2012 at 12:43 am
    “Someday, someone will call into question the Genealogy of Terms here.”

    What a lovely Marxist approach to take.

    Transcendentalism is a natural result of the apostasy that eventually occured following the embrace of Enlightenment philosophy and repudiation of Calvinism in the New England states. The agenda of current multicultural diversity anti-white left derives from this development. Which is why its stronghold is the Northeast.

    Catholics and Jews simply followed the lead and embraced this deadly ideology. Catholics from a misplaced sense of “social justice” and Jews from a natural animus towards all forms of Christianity. Neither group came up with this innovation.

    The “northern euro wasps” in England and New England were the innovators. Which is why after Yankee hegemony was established following WW2, you see this sick ideology spread across Western Europe. WASPs are the most self-loathing group in history. It’s part of their Puritan heritage. Cry me a river….”

    I was thinking of Nietzsche and his “Geneaology of Morals,” not Marx– as that was my first encounter with the idea that something other than genes got handed down, and that there were men who traced ideas in the same way.

    Wasps have hardly always been as “self-loathing” as they are since the attacks on them by other groups, post WWII.

    Health in Christian perspectives seems to rely on how the scriptures are interpreted. Non-self-loathers interpret the scriptures in non-self-loathing ways. Like how British Israeli-ism morphed into C.I., for instance. (The underpinnings being… if jews are best, then we’re the real jews, basically). The healthy born-again makes a case for reality-based thinking not being compatible with PC, and starts pointing to Jesus’s diatribes on separation of church and state, refusal to heal the assistant to the Roman Soldier, caesar caesar’s due and all that.

    If it’s Marxist to point out that people definitely interpret in accordance with their own self-interest, so be it. But I think plenty of people have pointed out this reality before Marx.

    The more interesting question to me in school was why would the PC Religionists (teachers) be so anti-puritan. It’s was the one narrative —about the only one— that they seem to share with factions of the “far right”

    —-Otherwise, about using Marx for analysis: it’s the only education available today, really—even among homeschoolers (who really don’t know how much of their thinking is affected by the legacy of Frankfurt and the “New Left.”

    “Unreconstructed” just doesn’t exist today—- the closest one can come, imo— is a brutal examination of one’s own education, and the will to “outgrow” it. To be conscious of when you’re using the overriding Religion of the Age (which really is PC).

  6. —– in short, I follow Lind and leave the Puritans alone. I’m not up for bashing whites. But that’s just me. There are more protective (therefore in my view, useful) narratives out there about how the mess occurred.

  7. —- “women in the armed forces.”

    This seems the most horrid thing of all. It breaks my heart to see other females on the battlefield with men. Talked to a military father with a little girl— and he was happily seeing this future for her. The little girl, listening, looked sick (standing there, holding her doll, like a normal five year old).

    What on earth has it come to, at this.

    What is done to the girls minds to make them into man-type people first—- that’s the most awful thing. It’s not NORMAL for a girl to want to be in a man’s army!

  8. P.S., the guy was a yankee.

    He was acting like military was like any other job—- and he was a usual metro-sexual, saying ‘he was glad about feminism because it meant his daughter would have “opportunities.” Chilling, really.

    Like I said, the poor little girl was just standing there with her doll, contemplating her future on a battlefield— it was a “moment.”

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