The Cost of the Union: Southern Governors Vow Defiance To Obamacare


Perry in Texas, Jindal in Louisiana, Scott in Florida, Haley in South Carolina, McDonnell in Virginia … presumably other states, they must be feeling some serious heat from the conservative grassroots:

“Obama’s campaign sought to reinforce that message. Gov. Martin O’Malley of Maryland, on a campaign conference call with reporters, pushed the idea that refusing to arrange exchanges is an idea as crazy as secession.

“Some of our colleagues would like to get out of being members of the union,” O’Malley said. “And by that, I mean the United States, so I think, who can predict what some of the ewoks on their side of the aisle will chase, I don’t know.”

Getting out of the Union is the solution we have advocated all along. Let the Kenyan in the White House send in the troops. He can raise a LGBT brigade in Vermont and Massachusetts. Then he will see who is the real boss.

Update: Kansas and Wisconsin join us in the fight.

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Fortunately Bev Perdue is leaving the governor’s mansion in North Carolina. Unfortunately a Republican establishment candidate will be replacing her. Not that I want a Democrat to become governor but a Helms Republican McCrory ain’t.

  2. Paying for D’won colostomy bag and wheelchair gratis, isn’t exactly the rallying cry that ending slavery was.

    Men of Connecticut, I say to you, who will die to pay for Deshawn’s reconstructive surgery on his bullet shattered femur!”

    Southern states could well become thoroughly uncooperative now.

  3. Its just ridiculous they are saying, they want to get out of the Union, over the issue of taxation. What occurred with the Arizona laws, is what should have lit the fuse, but it didn’t.

    Clearly all these CONNEDservatives care about, is their personal fiances. They are so hollow, they don’t care what happens to their children and grandchildren.

  4. No it’s that folk don’t want to pay for everything for blacks. You know there’s no benefit here for middle age white guys. Just more black subsidy.

  5. Disappointed Georgia isn’t mentioned in the article. It should be. I was under the impression we would be fighting this monstrosity. Pleasantly surprised to see my home state’s Gov. Christie mentioned in fighting it.

  6. I just called and emailed Gov. Walker. I wanted to remind him why I donated to his recall campaign.

  7. @John
    The CONNEDservatives I know, are every bit as anti-white as the left wing are. They are the origin of:

    “They are doing the jobs Americans won’t do.”

    The only thing CONNEDservatives disagree with the left on, is taxation and business freedoms.

  8. Freaking Perry, what a statesman. We deserve better, but that goes without saying.

  9. This is what I sent him:

    “The recent Supreme Court ruling stated that the Federal Government, through Congress’ taxing authority, has the right to dictate every aspect and minutia of our lives if they so please. John Roberts just gave the Federal Monstrosity carte blanche to run our lives. Now politicians from states that dislike Wisconsin’s policies can dictate to us what we must do. All they need is a simple majority. That’s all that it takes to pass a tax law. Tax law can’t be filibustered. The Republic is dead and the States have been completely neutered unless enough States can band together and say “ENOUGH!”.

    This is the defining moment of a century, and you are in a position to take a stand… Please stand and fight for freedom, Gov. Walker. My children and I are counting on you. ”

    Everybody, send a message. Every day take a moment to dial a phone and send an email or letter.

  10. “Clearly all these CONNEDservatives care about, is their personal fiances. They are so hollow, they don’t care what happens to their children and grandchildren.”

    That’s why this is such a golden opportunity. It’s hard to get enough states to make a stand on principle, but threaten their pocketbook? It’s on! Look at what sparked the first Revolution? What finally sparked the civil war? Financial concerns.

  11. The last 30 years have seen over a score of successful, national secession movements across the globe. Liberals and Yankees will continue to poo-poo the idea and present us as “ewoks” and “ideologues” because they know there’s nothing more natural and reasonable than a consistent political message that unswervingly holds as its banner, to paraphrase Micah, “every nation shall sit under its vine and under its fig tree, and no one shall make them afraid.”

    Self-government has been abdicated in the interest of the Union which has given us snivel rights, integration, and miscegenation.

  12. Looks like the Moonbat from Mombasa has finally gone TOO FAR!

    This is the Straw that Broke the Camel’s Back!

    The Answer is Clear,”HELL, NO!!!”

    Obummercare is the New Fort Sumter! Dis-Union it is, and About Time…

  13. Is this the same type of defiance that Southern Governors vowed during desegregation? No thanks then.

  14. Jim says:
    July 1, 2012 at 1:30 am
    “That’s why this is such a golden opportunity. It’s hard to get enough states to make a stand on principle, but threaten their pocketbook? It’s on! Look at what sparked the first Revolution? What finally sparked the civil war? Financial concerns.”

    What is the point of secession, if they are going to take all the brownies with them? Look, these white CONNEDservatives have a gentleman from India, representing them.

    As for the US Revolution, they whined about taxation, but it didn’t really get started, until they started calling for Independence.

    Pre-Civil War, they were arguing over states rights, which is also a weak argument. If they had gone earlier, with a demand for Independence, they would have been set free, peaceably, by the sitting president of the time. Instead they used ineffective methods, until a hostile president was sitting and the rest is history.

    The problem I have with CONNEDservatives is, even if they are secretly on our side, they never talk in a straight forward manner, because essentially they are cowards. It is this cowardice, that makes them easy prey for the left and it is because of their endless failures, we are in this mess.

    CONNEDservatives call their brand of cowardice, “strategy”, but I know different.

  15. “Getting out of the Union is the solution we have advocated all along. Let the Kenyan in the White House send in the troops. He can raise a LGBT brigade in Vermont and Massachusetts. Then he will see who is the real boss.”

    We are a band of brothers and native to the soil
    Fighting for our Liberty, with treasure, blood and toil
    And when our rights were threatened, the cry rose near and far
    Hurrah for the Bonnie Blue Flag that bears a single star!

    Deo Vindice
    1st South Florida Partisan Rangers
    Occupied Florida

  16. The southerners are not going to secede. They love uncle sam’s commie army and Izzyrael more that the yankees do even.
    The southerners trip over themselves to go fight and die in wars for Israel’s benefit. And they love it. They love to fight and to be grunts for commie uncle sam.
    What a joke.
    There’s not going to be any secession.

  17. The average southerner loves Izzrael more than the jews even. American jews don’t join uncle sam’s commie army to go fight and die for Izzrael– but the southern grunts/cannon-fodder do– and they love to die for izzrael.
    So f*ck the southerners.
    I wish the southerners would secede– it would be a great blessing for the north — the southerners can bring their darkies home with them— and then the southerners could elect another Judah Philip Benjamin to be their Secretary of War and their Secretary of State— Judah Be The Man!

  18. GO JUDAH!

  19. I hope I didn’t offend any southerner : I spelled Izzyrael wrong in one of my posts.
    I accidentally left out the ‘Y”.

  20. “Is this the same type of defiance that Southern Governors vowed during desegregation?”

    Exactly! It’s all trash talk. The states are just like half the people in this country. Whores to federal money. All the president has to do is threaten to cut off the state’s funding and they will curl right up next to his feet, like the dogs they are.

    Don’t get your hopes up…………..

  21. “O Homines Ad Servitutem Paratos” :
    (men fit to be slaves) : To Judah!
    Fits the southerners to a “T”.
    Southerner = Venal Grunts and Venal Cannon Fodder 4 Judahland!
    Let’s Do It 4 JE$U.S. —–> JE$U.S.——>Was an I$$Y!!!!!!
    GO JUDAH!!!!!!!!!

  22. How venal are the southerners ?
    Most venal ones in the USA — and that’s saying alot. That’s for sure.

  23. How mercenary does it get?
    Mercenary grunts for judah, the southerners are.
    For the ostensible reason jesus was an izzy– like anyone really gives a sh*t about that.
    Even the excuse they use to be mercenaries grunts for commie uncle sam is bullshit.

  24. I share much of the doubt that’s been raised before in this thread. However, I see no other option but for the States to begin to take back their rights. Perhaps a little at at time, or perhaps through major change. I don’t know, but State’s rights are the only way by which liberty will once again be had….MAYBE.

    Joe: Time to take your meds?

  25. I shall stop the “bollocks”.
    Just wanted to “bust some chops” :
    NYC expression meaning : “Let’s debate”.

  26. Funny you mention Jessie Helms, White& Confed. Lately, I’ve been thinking about him often and how proud I was to vote for him, have him as my senator. Can’t recall anyone else I can say that about

    Seems to me, they had to send in federal troops to stop some of them Southron Governors y’all are bitching about

  27. @ Wayne
    I do agree with you, as a far as your above post goes — so you know I’m not on meds– I’m just making fun of those who seem to get misty eyed for Robert E Lee and Judah Philip Benjamin.
    While pointing out why there’s not going to be any kind of massive resistance to uncle sam done south, especially armed resistance.
    It’s going to be as you say : “A little at a time”.
    ( no meds– but I just finished a glass of delicious Northern California white wine).
    The wine industry in Northern California was started by Northern Italians.
    And the Northern Italians did their own work– No slaves.
    They paid their help– both Italians and Mexicans.
    ( and the Italians are not the ones who let the Mexicans into California– speak to the founding stock/jews about that).
    The Northern Italian/California wine growers are the ones who raised the money to build the Golden Gate Bridge. It was their idea and their money. That’s why there’s a beautiful bridge at the entrance to San Francisco.
    Sonoma County and Northern California wine country is still very beautiful. Hardly any darkies around– unlike the precious southland.

  28. Because Northern Italians — and Southern Italians– are quite capable of doing their own work. For all of our faults : real or imagined ; Real or imagined, and however exaggerated by hollywood and certain a so-called preacherman who post here at “OD” as if he is God himself, I will defend my family and my people if I continue to hear such garbage as I did this morning about Italians here at “OD”.

  29. Italians had nothing to do with destroying Oakland– go speak to the jews/founding stock/ and the blacks about that.

  30. Derry: Agree with you. I was much more pissed off about the Arizona ruling, which in my opinion is much more dangerous.

  31. @Wayne
    Well. You do make a certain point– maybe I am crazy after all because I agreed with you, at least to a degree.
    I shall never mix meds and wine again.
    Good advice. I wouldn’t want to wake some day and find out I’m thinking exactly like you do.

  32. Well, it’s true the Chinese government owns and controls the Port of Long Beach, CA.
    The Chinese are running weapons and drugs into the country big time.
    The Chinese are very much invloved in the underground/black market of weaponry in this country.

  33. Hey Joe, then why, pray tell, did your ancestors leave that wonderful paradise called Italy to come hang out over here? Why did they not stay there and build a bridge from Rome to Sicily or something? My ancestors, Joe, carved this country out of wilderness, because my ancestors were settlers, not IMMIGRANTS like your. Yours was the wretched huddled masses, Joe that MINE were either kind or naive enough to take in.
    Now I have no beef with any Italians, all I’ve known are hard working and smart and pretty conservative. If you have any issues with specific people on here, settle it with them and don’t try to shit on the South.

  34. The same reason the founding stock and everyone else’s ancestors left their respective “paradises” in Europe.

  35. I know the engineer was a German. I never said the Italians engineered the bridge:
    I said it was their idea : And I said they are the ones who raised the money for the bridge.
    Never said an Italian was the engineer for the bridge.
    Learn to discern what you read.
    Less chance of looking like you’re deflecting from the point.

  36. John, that’s what I’ve been wondering for weeks. He talks like he’s happy as a pig in shit in N. Cali where everything is perfect, but for some reason he’s on a Southern Nationalist website in the wee hours of the morning. I still think he’s popping meds. Probably a old hippie overdue for extinction.

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