The Cost of the Union: Southern Governors Vow Defiance To Obamacare


Perry in Texas, Jindal in Louisiana, Scott in Florida, Haley in South Carolina, McDonnell in Virginia … presumably other states, they must be feeling some serious heat from the conservative grassroots:

“Obama’s campaign sought to reinforce that message. Gov. Martin O’Malley of Maryland, on a campaign conference call with reporters, pushed the idea that refusing to arrange exchanges is an idea as crazy as secession.

“Some of our colleagues would like to get out of being members of the union,” O’Malley said. “And by that, I mean the United States, so I think, who can predict what some of the ewoks on their side of the aisle will chase, I don’t know.”

Getting out of the Union is the solution we have advocated all along. Let the Kenyan in the White House send in the troops. He can raise a LGBT brigade in Vermont and Massachusetts. Then he will see who is the real boss.

Update: Kansas and Wisconsin join us in the fight.

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. A bridge isn’t an idea Joe it’s an engineering feat.

    I have an idea for a bridge from NYC to La Rochelle Joe. I have an idea for a Chunnel from Ligorno to Alexandria.

    You might as well say that the Dover Calais Chunnel is Napoleon’s idea. He was a Corsican. The Channel tunnel is Italian! Forza Italia Joe!

  2. Joe: My ancestors left to build a new country, which they did. Yours came to live in the country mine build.
    Ask your ancestors Joe, they probably had no problem with the founders of this country.

  3. And I never said, nor implied, that the Golden Gate is the longest or biggest bridge in the world.
    I said the bridge is beautiful.
    What do you think about the chinese government owning the port of Long Beach,Ca?
    That was one of my main points– overlooked it seems.
    The other point: Southerners are not going to secede so quickly– it’s going to be a very long process– if indeed it ever does happen.
    My points are very obvious to those who are objective readers and are not out to deflect and distract from the truth.

  4. Wayne and Stonelifter
    Go tell it to all the sell-outs your founding stock produces who opened up “your” country to massive immigration in the first place.
    The Italians didn’t open “your” country up to massive immigration– your own founding stock leaders did that. Go cry to them

  5. on my fathers side, mine where sent to put down indians in Appalachia/ keep other Whites safe from the native threat. We came to conquer a new land and get away from the English to be free people

    my mothers people came to make money in large scale farming in the Tide water area

    both lines got here before there was an America

  6. Joe: That’s not the issue and you know it. The issue was that MY ancestors came as settlers and built as nation from wilderness for them and THEIR posterity. YOUR ancestors came as immigrants into a country already built by mine. Obviously they couldn’t cut it in Italy (if indeed you are Italian), or they thought MY ancestors had built something better. Which is it?

  7. yankees did that joe, so they could reduce the value of White labor in their yankee factory. yankees aren’t my people

  8. Go build a bridge to Valhalla and then you can all indulge in your dreams of glory in some bright and shining all-white Aryan/Nordic/Celtic world of perfection and rectitude and fortitude, and where you can all look down upon the mere less -than- perfect -mortals who inhabit the united states, and the whole world for that matter.
    Please don’t forget to bring the darkies with you when you leave.
    You’ll need slaves around to row the Viking man-of-war long ships.

  9. Joe, nobody’s crying here but you. Probably a reaction to your meds, or the effects of unpurified bong water.

  10. Your either a nig or a Jew. Can’t tell which.

    No Italian I know talks like you. None with a sense of pride anyway.

    Aryan? What’s that supposed to mean?

  11. boo hoo hoo hoo hoo
    we don’t live in all white paradise
    boo hoo hoo hoo
    go tell it to all of your founding stock sell-outs
    They’re the ones who opened the country up to massive immigration.
    It’s the truth: Tough shit. Deal with it.
    Learn to suffer without complaining– like Oculus III, Apuleius, and Fr. John tell you to do.
    End of discussion.
    Happy 4 for Je$U.S. Go Judahland!

  12. Joe said “Go build a bridge to Valhalla and then you can all indulge in your dreams of glory in some bright and shining all-white Aryan/Nordic/Celtic world of perfection and rectitude and fortitude, and where you can all look down upon the mere less -than- perfect -mortals who inhabit the united states, and the whole world for that matter.
    Please don’t forget to bring the darkies with you when you leave.
    You’ll need slaves around to row the Viking man-of-war long ships.”
    That NYC talk for “I just got my ass handed to me in a debate”.

  13. Excuse me. I SHALL correct myself. “That’s NYC talk for “”I just got my ass kicked in a debate”” Damn, you’re funny, Joe.

  14. joe seems like an italian to me, I’ve not meet one yet worth a damn. Course I’ve not yet meet one who didn’t hail from some yankee city and that never speaks well for a man

  15. Guiseppe Pontifex Minimus Italus.

    Joe Minor Bridge Builder, Italian.

    The stunning absense of Italian engineering in the suspension bridge field
    makes me think Joe either makes it all up or has partaken of the herb.
    He comes off like nig who learned his Italian impression watching Sopranos when the dumbass Mobster states that everything was dreamt up by Paul, Peter or Tony.

    And I say this as a man who likes the Basilicas, Forums, paintings, cars, clothes, women etc of Italy. They are a great people, but Joe just went ahead and Italocentrized just like a dumb Afrocentrist about Egypt and Greece.

    I call bullshit on this one.

  16. I don’t know about suspension bridges, but them German’s sure knew how to build a rocket. Just got done watching a docu on Von Braun and Co.

  17. The only people who talk about Aryans, like Joe, almost always turn out to be Jewish.
    Except there’s a black twang in there with the imagined bridge history. Jews tend to be reasonably accurate with verifiable detail.

  18. Re: Jindal

    Sorry for the OT guys but a Hindoo just saved my life tonight from a savage Negro. The taxi had a flat tire and I was helping him change it when a Nigger savage tried to offer to change the tire for a free ride, we told him no thanks. Then he tried to start a conversation with me ie try to beg before mugging. The Hindoo gentleman lept to my defense, hailing me a cab immediately and distracting the Nigger beast by calling him over to the curbside of the immobilized car. When I began my way to the cab the Nigger grabbed my shoulder and I turned and shoved him. His nostrils flared and I dashed to the awaiting taxi, I said “go!”.

    No matter the immigration currents or even the temporary tides of tourism, Humans have a MORAL obligation to themselves, one another and CIVILIZATION to protect eachother from wild Niggers. They are not HUMAN. I cannot stress that enough. They are NOT human. The White race has legitimate political, economic and social qualms with other ethnes. There is no such nuance to our relationship to the Negro beast. Nothing short of extinction can be the solution.

  19. You’re definitely on to something John.

    Maybe Joe is a half-Jew, half-nigger mulatto.

    That’s why he claims he’s “Italian” (looking). Or so he has been told.
    That’s why he hates white Southerners and Catholics.
    That’s why he cheers/gloats about Judahland.
    That’s why his Latin verbs are never properly conjugated.

    Crazy Nigger Joe.
    He’s only half a species away from chewing someone’s face off.
    If only it were kosher…

    Deo Vindice

  20. Indians are not so very different from us. Indeed, they kept some of the old gods. Make sure you find the gallant fellow and reward him.

  21. @Tamer of Savages

    I don’t get it. You were taking a cab and it had a flat. While you and the Hindu were changing the tire a nigger came over and started talking. You shit your pants from fear and freaked out to such an extent the Hindu had to stop what he was doing and get you another cab to get out of the area. Then the nigger touched your shoulder, probably wanting to know what the fuck was wrong with you, and this really made you shit. You RAN then to a cab to get the hell out of there and to safety.

    I would not have told anyone that, if it had been me.

  22. You’re right again, Tamer of Savages.
    Glad you managed to get out of that situation.

    We often lose sight of the biggest problem we have–the nigger problem.
    Every other problem is peripheral. No other group made Detroit what it is today.
    The single common factor that caused almost all our inner cities to become the hell holes they are today–niggers on the loose. Emancipated niggers with “civil rights.”

    They aren’t human. That is the crux of the matter.

    All other races have had civilizations with monuments, writing, and other artifacts that provide evidence and testimony of that civilization.

    Except the negro.

    “They are NOT human. The White race has legitimate political, economic and social qualms with other ethnes. There is no such nuance to our relationship to the Negro beast. Nothing short of extinction can be the solution.”

    Truer words have never been spoken.

    Deo Vindice

  23. Brutus, I’m just curious.

    Have you, or anyone you have ever known, been attacked by a nigger? What reason does any strange nigger have to approach you, let alone make physical contact with you, usually? How does a violent encounter with a nigger usually start?

    Deo Vindice

  24. No, Apuleius, you are not “just curious,” you are being stupid in this case.

    (1)From the description, that is not at all what happened. What actually happened was a big nothing.

    (2)Even if it were like the scenario Tamer tried to imply and thought, his actions were in no way respectable.

    (3)Your question “what reason does a nigger have to even approach you” is precisely why so many pro whites and ALL of our points are still ridiculed by too many when there is no reason they should be except for the statements of people like you. Folks that understand what I am talking about need no elaboration.

    According to you, when I went out of town to eat tonight and saw that nigger come up and then casually speak to me, I should have whirled around and struck him with a whatever was handy. I should have immediately started shouting nigger and savage. I should have then furiously told all and sundry that they all must do the very same thing.

    Or even worse, I could have did what Tamer did and when the nigger spoke, shit my pants and needed someone to help me get away as fast as possible. Then come on here and tell everyone how I narrowly missed being killed, and it was only someone who happened to be near and helped me to a getaway car that saved my life.

    Nothing, absolutely nothing, about any of this in any way is positive with respect to pro white activity and being a man. Folks who understand what I am talking about will not need further elaboration.

  25. Not the same situation and you know it. Don’t ever try to talk a white out of being on guard around niggers. It’s people like you that cause many whites to wind up as victims of nigger crime.

    Here’s to your next round of “knockout king.”

    Deo Vindice

  26. Hi Brutus.

    I didn’t want to get too detailed but here goes: the negro started talking to me about how he was “paid fuh dirty urine” by a “chick wit a dick that wanted to be on the phone when I had sex and tie me up and make me watch for 10,000 dolluhs an she pay my rent” so he “only has six dollars on my debit card but the girl just won the lottery and was in a hit and run in the Bronx.”. He needed my money because “the chick wit a dick sent money but it had a test question.”.

    I didn’t claim to act courageously. I don’t enjoy being approached by Niggers in Harlem at 2 am.

  27. “Folks who understand”
    What, you mean your SWPL Yankee friends, Mr. Brutus Guendelsberger?

    “precisely why so many pro whites and ALL of our points are still ridiculed by too many”
    Did they make fun of you and call you names?

    “I could have did what Tamer did and when the nigger spoke, shit my pants and needed someone to help me get away as fast as possible.”
    What’s your point about Tamer, anyway, tough guy? What would you have done?

    You don’t get it. Maybe you’re the stupid one.
    Stupid people like you get people killed. Stay out of my AO, puss-in-boots.

    Deo Vindice

  28. Howdy Apuleius!

    Clearly you have known life among the beasts too. Didn’t think I had to fully dive into the details but some good pro-White people still have a bit of naivete and are embarassed by Whites that react in the natural fight or flight mode to Nigger animals. I see Niggers the same way I see chimpanzees or other dangerous creatures.

    Not ashamed. Not a victim.

    Cheers brother!

  29. It’s YOU, Apuleius, who provides so much to SWPL’s and who get’s called all the names and made an ass of.

    That’s why you are strictly limited to speaking only to the choir and not influencing other whites because DWL’s make short work of anything you have to say.

    We have enough Bill White’s and the kind of rejects one sees in documentaries narrated by Morris Dees and Mark Potok.

    I didn’t try to talk anyone out of being on guard around niggers. I said that just seeing a nigger walk up or speak does not automatically mean you have to immediately explode into action. Your posts, however…

  30. “I don’t enjoy being approached by Niggers in Harlem at 2 am.”

    Um, why…?

    Never mind.

    Where are you having your contact with niggers, Apuleius? Some other Coonesville at 3:00 am?

  31. Brutus.

    I am a SWPL. Guess what dumbass, we hate Niggers. They rob and rape us.
    I come here to talk openly. I educate my friends in person and I write under a different name on a prominent “Hipster” site.

    Apparently I’m of more value in your warped view as a martyr or something. Next time i’ll be sure to take one for the team. J/k.

  32. what do you expect a SWPL to do besides run? They aren’t armed, usually never done much in the way of brawling when they were younger etc and live in places where they’ll face as much legal hassle as the feral negro, maybe even more.

  33. No, Tamer, you have just proven yourself a liar. My posts spoke nothing about not defending yourself (which you never did, anyway. You just ran as soon as a nigger approached. And as for the nigger’s talk, about all of them talk that kind of mush. It’s typical nigger jive. It doesn’t sound like he was going to do anything. Niggers who are going to attack, attack and not say much of anything. ) My post said nothing about making martyrs or getting killed. My post DID address idiots who make dumb comments that a lot of white people find stupid and make them think pro whites are stupid. Dumb comments like “why would any nigger even walk up to or speak to a white?”

    I’m well aware of the savagery of niggers. I also know that every nigger one sees out in public is not getting ready to bust down on you right that second.

    You “hate niggers,” huh? That’s why you are in Coonsville at 2:00 am? Most white folks who don’t like niggers are not found in niggerville in the middle of the night. NOR DO THEY ALLOW THEMSELVES TO BE DRIVEN THERE AFTER DARK.

    You hang out on a “hipster” site, huh? I see. And you “educate” these people, huh? Hmm, in Harlem at 2:00 am. Freaked out easy. Ran away as fast as he could. Hipsters. SWPL. Deep concern about becoming a nigger kill statistic.

    You educating young whites on how to score dope after midnight? I can’t think of another fucking reason for a white man to even consider chancing a trip going to Harlem at 2:00 am.

  34. You live in Harlem?

    This just keeps getting better and better.

    Why the fuck do you live in Harlem? I want to hear this. It better be damn good.

  35. Obviously I thought I was addressing somebody sane. My comments were meant for white people not living in Harlem, of course. Nor were my comments about over paranoia meant for people out in the prison yard in San Quentin and the like.

    I never dreamed I might be talking to someone in that kind of environment.

  36. Thank The “Great Architect” for Stonelifter :
    His Great Strength and Bravery , Knowledge and Opinions , and Know-How is Going
    to Save Dixie from Oblivion!
    Apuleius for President of Dixie !!!!!!
    Stonelifter for General/Commander of the Holy Resurrected Confederate Army !!!!!!
    Benjamin Philip, Judah for Secretary of Everything !!!!!! – !!!!!! – !!!!!!
    Go Men!!!!!! Take The Hill!!!!!! Do It For Judah !!!!!!
    Do It For Mammie !!!!!!
    Do It For Je$U.S. !!!!!!
    Judah and Je$U.S. Are From The Same Tribe !!!!!!
    My Bible Tells Me So !!!!!!
    Die For Je$U.S. Like He Died 4U !!!!!!
    Kill and Die For Judah/Je$U.S. !!!!!!
    And Sing Dixie Unto Eternity !!!!!!

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