The Cost of the Union: Southern Governors Vow Defiance To Obamacare


Perry in Texas, Jindal in Louisiana, Scott in Florida, Haley in South Carolina, McDonnell in Virginia … presumably other states, they must be feeling some serious heat from the conservative grassroots:

“Obama’s campaign sought to reinforce that message. Gov. Martin O’Malley of Maryland, on a campaign conference call with reporters, pushed the idea that refusing to arrange exchanges is an idea as crazy as secession.

“Some of our colleagues would like to get out of being members of the union,” O’Malley said. “And by that, I mean the United States, so I think, who can predict what some of the ewoks on their side of the aisle will chase, I don’t know.”

Getting out of the Union is the solution we have advocated all along. Let the Kenyan in the White House send in the troops. He can raise a LGBT brigade in Vermont and Massachusetts. Then he will see who is the real boss.

Update: Kansas and Wisconsin join us in the fight.

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “Because Northern Italians — and Southern Italians– are quite capable of doing their own work. For all of our faults : real or imagined ; Real or imagined, and however exaggerated by hollywood and certain a so-called preacherman who post here at “OD” as if he is God himself, I will defend my family and my people if I continue to hear such garbage as I did this morning about Italians here at “OD”.” – Joe

    Oh, you’re a WOP.

    That explains it all. Short, dumpy, dark, and filled with the ‘evil eye,’ a monstrous ego completely out of proportion to your intrinsic worth, a unknowing ‘knowing’ dismissal of the cultic Roman faith that has corrupted your entire race, and a sense of entitlement for something you didn’t do, but merely because the Nordic races of Northern transalpine Italy accomplished so much, from the days of the Etruscan takeover on down, you presume this is YOUR heritage, YOUR racial accomplishment, even though the descendants of the plebs class could only be minor functionaries, back when your nation hadn’t even heard of Garibaldi, Verdi, or Manzoni.

    Joe, I know you now, and all your paesane. You’re a schmuck.

  2. don’t be an ass joe, if that’s possible, I understand running away when it prudent, but to call yourself tamer of savages and then run puts you the lie to your handle

  3. Lewis and Louvetreau Reporting for Duty General Stonelifter Sir !!!!!!
    Yes Sir !!!!!!
    We Want to Die For Dixie, Judah and Je$U.S. Sir, Yes Sir !!!!!!
    Lewis and Louvetreau Want 2 Follow You Sir General Stonelifter
    to ACACIA !!!!!!
    Unwards Men to Acacia !!!!!!
    It’s Right Over That Hill Up Yonder !!!!!!
    Take That Hill Men !!!!!!
    ” Yes, Let Us Start With ARDOR, And Let Us End With ZEAL” !!!!!!
    ARDOR & ZEAL 4 J*dah – Je$U.S. and The Great Architect !!!!!!

  4. Thank God for Manzoni — I am “Bethrothed” to Manzoni — all Italians are.
    Thank God 4 + Fr. Vincenzo Gioberti +
    He Saw “A Resurgence” while at prayer one blessed day in a church garden blooming with “Lilly” : Beautiful Lily !!!!!!
    In the Year of Light 5843 A.L . ; Or was it the Year-of -the- World 5603 A.M. ?
    I always get confused about my historical dates.
    Thank God for Mazzini, Garibaldi, Cavour, and The Rothschilds !!!!!!
    Viva Rothschilds !!!!!!
    Viva Vicissitudes !!!!!!
    ” I Promessi Sposi” to Rothschild’s Italia !!!!!!

  5. I know if Fr John + gives his holy blessing to the southerners in that video– then Dixie will be free once again.
    Bless them Fr John + so the southerners in that video, and all southerners, will never know ” The Vicissitudes”.

  6. Not that I am a fan of his, (we have serious theological differences) but John de Nugent’s 22 points have some good to them. Open discussion toward mutual edification- unlike Joe’s soliloquies into outer space?

    22-Point Presidential Platform
    from his website

    1. BAN PARTIES, DEBATE ISSUES. Fulfill the desire of President George Washington, the Father of our country, in his Farewell Address, that all political parties be banned. He wrote that instead of “will of the nation, the will of a party” is uppermost in the minds of politicians. He saw them as organizations that exist to promote themselves, get political jobs and big salaries for hacks, and divide the country into feuding groups that hate each other. What we need is to discuss specific issues on their own merits, not on whether they advance a political party. Thus we need only what we already have now — campaigns by various advocacy groups on their specific issues: taxes, immigration, health care, foreign policy, crime, drugs, road construction, energy policy, etc. Every issue must be considered on its own pros and cons, singly and separately. Parties start off idealistically but always end up existing to benefit their own group and fight the other group, with even deep anger and resentment, even sometimes hatred getting involved. Caught up in their mutual loathing, they ignore the disastrous effect on the country. Example: the Democrats favor illegal aliens because they will vote Democrat; Republicans favor tax cuts for billionaires because they will contribute huge sums to the Republican Party. Both policies are good for the parties yet disastrous for America. The question must never be: will this position aid the conservative or the liberal cause, the Republican Party or the Democratic Party (as if either party had all the answers), but instead: What is good for our country? But parties end up existing mostly to get their own people ahead by demonizing the other group. Thus the will of George Washington must finally be fulfilled and the political party system be abandoned and banned by law, with only specific issues being promoted and debated, or our country and its freedoms simply will not survive in the critical times ahead.

    2. WE, NOT ME. The basic principle of patriotism is that we must evolve upward from selfish, short-sighted individuals – which is the divide-and-conquer plan the government and materialism-pushing media uses – and live for a team spirit, a folk community, where all live and feel as brothers and sisters — in one big, caring, protective national family. In a folk community, founded on practical idealism, no one is lonely and neglected, neither young nor old, neither single nor married, neither parent nor childless, for we all ARE our brother’s keeper. And every generation must build a better world for the next, just as our ancestors once left a better world behind for us by their work and sacrifice. Only a folk community can be called civilization – and not a jungle where the ruthless unite and prevail over the decent individual. This is social nationism: people of the same blood caring for each other loyally through life and death, enjoying a life worth living, remembering we are souls sent by God to learn, grow, and study, and work, love and care. And it is only in togetherness that any of our people will survive the searing trials that are coming, like the vast iceberg the Titanic suddenly saw dead ahead. We are one folk and one community; we will survive and thrive — through WE, not ME.

    3. WHITES TOO HAVE RIGHTS. White productive people have rights in this country we built, not just billionaires, foreigners, minorities and illegal aliens [picture of white family]

    4. CANCEL ALL DEBTS AND START FRESH. The $15 trillion debt mountain is too high to ever pay off. We must cancel ALL debts like ruined Germany after the catastrophe of WWII – canceling, across the board, all debts, personal, corporate and public. We must start over completely FRESH. Stop printing the debt-enslaved US dollar (with trillions of dollars held hostage by a hostile China). We must establish a new debt-free “Jefferson” banknote to replace the dollar and free us totally from Wall Street and Asian control. (China, Japan and Korea have made a huge pile of money already off us at the expense of our jobs.) We can never get out of this Mount Everest of debt! Canceling the debt is how Germany got back on its feet, and look at it today! Destroyed then and booming now! Iceland in Europe is doing the same thing, and its economy is again flourishing! Let the crooked bankers go bankrupt, not the American people!

    5. END THE FEDERAL RESERVE. The Fed (the Federal Reserve) is legally a completely PRIVATE, New York-run mega-bank consortium, and, incredibly, is legally NOT a federal agency at all, as the Fed admits if you write them a letter. Then create a new, non-profit “National Bank for Working Americans” to lend money to struggling businesses and families at zero interest, plus a small lending fee. No one should make money just off lending printed money, and that is what “interest” is, non-productive living off money. “Interest” was considered a crime and a sin against God and man for thousands of years before the 1600s, and whom did Jesus throw out of the Temple 2,000 years ago?

    6. GOOD JOBS, WAGES AND BENEFITS. We need again good jobs and good wages, with good benefits and working conditions. They come from making products again in America, not driving wages down through foreigners or illegal aliens (who are basically, to be blunt, scabs). We must keep our money circulating around in our own economy; CHARITY BEGINS AT HOME, where millions are suffering right here.

    7. END TRADE WITH HOSTILE COUNTRIES. No more trade specifically with scab-wage China – now building a huge offensive military with our dollars and our purchases of cheap Chinese junk – and no more computer jobs and help desks going to India, or factories making goods for America in Mexico! (The average Mexican is getting paid miserable wages; the profits go to Mexico City billionaires and the New York jewish banks where they stash it.) [picture: Chinese aircraft carrier]

    8. STOP BRAINWASHING SCHOOLKIDS. Strict public schools with a) prayer, b) Pledge of Allegiance, c) reading from a sacred scripture, teaching we are “One nation UNDER GOD”; d) drug-free kids; e) light corporal punishment for out-of-control pupils; and f) teach the truth, not political correctness, and g) stop playing “the race card” and the “blame game” against whites, especially white males, for everything bad in the world. We white Americans built a great, proud, prosperous, law-abiding country – that is, before the 1960s culture hit us!

    9. PREPARE YOUTH FOR REAL CAREERS. a) High school, before it was dumbed-down and became politically correct, had no easy grades, and it prepared millions of bright kids for life, with a high school diploma considered a great honor, not a right, so restore standards and discipline in our high schools; and b) introduce a massive apprenticeship program for a proud, skilled working class as in Germany, and no more delusional, wasteful “every kid goes to college” mania that discourages kids sitting behind desks who could instead become excellent workers in the trades, as in Germany, and make a good and proud living doing useful work for wages that support a large and happy family;

    10. RESTORE TRADITIONAL MORALITY AND FAMILIES. Promote big, happy families with mom and dad, not porn, gender war, homos and divorce; this means no more filthy movies, music or TV and thus, to be blunt, restoring what we had for 340 years, local community CENSORSHIP of the garbage in our media; and CUT TAXES so families can afford to have kids – by ending the mountainous plague of debt, the drug and other social problems at home, and the stupid, wasteful, eternal wars abroad, bringing democracy to others when we have no democracy right HERE AT HOME!

    11. BRING OUR TROOPS HOME TO DEFEND OUR BORDERS. Bring all our brave troops HOME to protect OUR BORDERS from job-stealing, drug-dealing, foreign-language-using Third World immigrants; pull our boys OUT of the insane Middle East hornet’s nest; let the Muslims and Israelis kill each other to their heart’s content for another two thousand years; for we can never solve their problems, their tribal hatreds and vicious religious wars.

    12. SMALL FEDERAL GOVERNMENT, STRONG STATES. Restore the constitutional, small-government America the Founding Fathers and Thomas Jefferson fought for: a federal government that only protects our borders and issues money; bringing back strong states, counties, towns and cities – and local control of everything possible, WHERE THE PEOPLE LIVE, not the New York, L.A. and Washington bureaucrats and media moguls, insulated from our world in their mansions, luxury condos, with their bodyguards and limos

    13. PUT MOST OF THE ARMY AND AIR FORCE INTO THE NATIONAL GUARDS. As per the true and original United States Constitution, reassign 70% of our military to the National Guards of the states, under the control of the state governors; only the Navy and Marines, as a sea force, stay federal; in this way the Army cannot be quickly sent off by the President at a stroke of the pen to foreign conflicts, nor can it carry out martial law for a dictator, because ships (the Navy and Marines are a naval service) obviously cannot occupy the land area or its people; when George Washington had to put down the Whiskey Rebellion in 1794 (farmers refused to pay a federal tax on whiskey, a law later repealed), he ASKED the governors of Maryland, Pennsylvania and Virginia for fifteen thousand National Guard (state militia) troops, and the three governors AGREED to do so after he had made a good case to them; for we did not fight in 1776 to replace a royal king in London with a presidential king in Washington! And no war without a Congressional Declaration of War!

    14. MILITARY DRAFT FOR BOTH YOUNG MEN AND YOUNG WOMEN. I demand obligatory military service – putting people into the STATE National Guards, both young men and young women: to learn to defend America’s borders, to defend themselves and their families; to learn to defend our freedoms with firearms if necessary against tyrannical government; and to learn again as young people, now ruined by TV, drugs, and the destruction of the family, the ancient and solid virtues of discipline, respect, honor and perseverance until the job is done, and done right; the military has straightened out many young people, and the National Guard IS military

    15. NO MORE FOREIGN AID TO THE THIRD WORLD. Most foreign-aid recipients are dictators and countries that are black-holes for our money, and breeding factories for huge families — while millions of Americans cannot afford (more) children, suffer want, foreclosure, lousy diets, overwork or no work at all, and despair and worry what the next week will bring; KEEP OUR MONEY HERE

    16. DEATH PENALTY FOR HARD DRUG DEALERS; DECRIMINALIZE MARIJUANA. a) Televised death sentence for hard drug dealers within 30 days; b) end the hypocrisy and criminalization of most of the American people by decriminalizing marijuana except, of course, while driving and working; alcohol is legal, yet millions know it is far more dangerous and infinitely more violence-causing than pot; have you ever heard of a “potten brawl”? And thus legalize the growing of hemp, as Thomas Jefferson and George Washington did, a marvelous crop for making clothes, rope and many other useful things, even a cancer-fighting oil.

    17. DEATH FOR CHILD MOLESTERS. a) Televised death sentence for actual child molesters (90% of whom are proven to be incurable repeat-offenders), and b) 20 years in prison for all who fail to report to the police immediately these sickening atrocities against our kids – just to avoid some brief bad publicity for their school or business.

    18. END THE DESTRUCTION OF RECESSIVE WHITES. Think how whites disappear in any race mixing, because our valuable genes are recessive, and look at the offspring, always brown. Under the 1974 Federal Endangered Species Act and the UN Genocide Treaty any policy that genocides any race is ILLEGAL; but whites in America are now just 49% of their own country, and there are massive hate crimes already committed against whites every day (which the media cover up)! What is our future if we become a tiny minority in a Third-World America that is taught to hate us?

    19. SECOND AMENDMENT GUN RIGHTS. a) Automatic right (from God), as our ancestors all had until the 1960s, to own guns for our defense without any government paperwork – unless forbidden by court order for violent crime or involuntary confinement for long-term insanity; b) no combat vet should lose his gun rights because he has PTSD from serving his country; c) there must be mandatory counseling for all who return from the war zone and the trauma of killing other humans or seeing buddies blown up.)

    20. RESTORE TRADITIONAL IMMIGRATION. Bring back federal policy from 1790 to 1950: all immigration once again must come only from Europe and other white countries (Canada, Australia) with people similar to us in their appearance, their values, their civilization, their treatment of women, and a proud white work ethic; we whites make things; we do not take things, and we did not build up America by talking, complaining or stealing!

    21. STOP THE POISONS. Ban a) all true junk food as lethal poison that causes obesity, diabetes, misery and eventual death; b) ban all toxic vaccines that cause autism and Tourette’s; c) ban floride in drinking water, a poison used to kill troops in World War One that does not help teeth but makes people DOCILE; d) ban “chemtrails” that are sprayed from planes into our sky every day, the gray ribbons we see of exhaust spreading out that contain barium, aluminum, and arsenic – all designed deliberately not to “make cell phones work better,” or stop the mythical “global warming,” but to make us TAME, passive, weak, asthmatic and too sick to fight for our freedom — if the government declares martial law

    22. RELEASE THE PATENTS. Declassify most of the 5,000 amazing scientific patents the military (Pentagon) has confiscated, especially relating to the almost free, non-polluting sources of energy such as Tesla (or scalar) waves, now being misused by the government itself as the Alaska HAARP project, which is pulling free energy down from the ionosphere right now, concentrating it, and sending it right back up to cause harm at will around the world as a top-secret weapon; Tesla energy is being used NOW – to harm countries by weather change, setting off earthquakes, and just testing the weapon. Why are we paying $60 a fill-up for a tank of gasoline, when gas is 1890s technology?

  7. Viva Arya !!!!!!
    Viva “The 14 Words” !!!!!!
    That’s Very Important : Remember “The 14 Words” !!!!!!

  8. Nugent makes very important points– I agree for the most part.
    Not sure about women in the military though.
    The white race needs children.
    Women should be at home having children, I think.

  9. excuse the typo : themselves
    Massive rape/and promiscuity going on in uncle sam’s military now that women are serving.
    And yes, white men are partaking along with all the “minorities”.

  10. That was/is and always has been one of the central goals of communists:
    To Draft Women Into The Military.
    GOOGLE: ” communist goals”
    ” communist platform”
    ” communist agenda”
    ” communist goal for the USA”
    ” communist agenda for the USA”

  11. massive rape, what horseshit the bitches all have guns; its rape when people find out what whores they are

  12. I stand corrected– but you got my point. Massive promiscuity in the military now that women are serving– rape or not rape.
    And yes. Most of the women serving are whores.
    That’s why the commies want to draft women into the military. To turn women away from home and children and to liberate them so they can be whores.

  13. While all you ideological dreamers are dreaming of the pure ideology/theology I direct you to alt-right and Colin Liddel’s piece “Snowball meet Hell.”

    All the “isms” whites are assaulted by are scams to induct you into a cult where by your money is seperated from your pocket while you are debating the shlock on page 356 of the great book. See the Libertarian party run by lunatics as goofy as any stereotype of middle ages theologian.

  14. Great way to destroy a people– a race. Turn the women from home and family and children and encourage them constantly to be whores. The women are destroying themselves– and the white race– with this behavior (though the white men aren’t acting very morally either).
    Nugent is very wrong about the matter of drafting women.

  15. The feral Negro’s unpredictable disposition is legendary. They should be avoided or dealt with by threat and force of arms. Without a whip or a pistol trained on him, the Nigger is a wild pack animal. Whites should be prudent.

    I have a family I adore, a job I’m thankful for, upcoming desperately needed vacations and a second date tonight with a freckled Scottish-American lass. I enjoy my life and don’t want to risk throwing it away unnecessarily. We have things to look forward too, Niggers don’t. That makes them dangerous dead-enders.

    Have a nice day, Gentlemen.

  16. @ Fr John
    Your above post about Nugent is alot better than your usual posts which are usually
    “soliloques” unto religious clouds meaning nothing.
    Finally, you gave us readers something substantial to think about about besides vague religious sentiment.
    As all regular readers to “OD” know– if the regulasr reader is objective and fair-minded– I have many times posted hard info, and have made very good points, intelligent points, for all the readers to think about.
    Substantial info; And substantial intelligent points and commentaries about matters discussed here at this website.
    For example: Check out my post, and my commentaries under “Heat Wave”.
    I included a link to the massive forest fires in Colorado.
    And I talk about the matter of all the massive forest fires in the USA during the last 10 years.
    My soliliques are not without substantial info, as well — if a reader is discerning ; The points I make in my soliloques have a substantial message — just like all my many, many posts containing links and/or hard, substantial information and facts.

  17. your action isn’t the issue, its your actions and your handle that makes it so funny is a pathetic kind of way. you can’t tame shit when your running away

  18. Nugent makes very good points that would help white Americans alot if the goals were to somehow come to fruition : Yet, he undermines all the goals by undermining the very foundation of a race — in this case, the white race — by wanting to see white women taken from their homes and dragged into the military ( to become whores for the most part and ruin their lives and ultimately drag down the white race with them).
    So everything good about his goals will be undermined and ruined by drafting women into the military.
    Ultimately, in the final anaysis, I reject Nugent for the above reason.
    But thank you anyway @ Fr John for giving me something substantial to think about than your usual “soliloquies about vague religious notions.

  19. My handle is a reference to both the inner struggle against atavism and the greater outside “burden” beared by our race in the context of a multiracial New World society. Interpreting it to mean the curb outside my house should be chipped from Nigger teeth says a lot about you and nothing about me.

  20. perhaps it does tamer of mice, in your weak run away from trouble SWPL world. it also means your fucked when your wonderful diverse yankee city comes knocking on your door

  21. “women in the military are a huge waste of resources”

    I would LOVE to see a cost benefit analysis someday, but that will happen right after they do one on negroes.

  22. and personally I think we need to revert back to our older ways of thinking, like before we allowed negros to be citizens and the like. atavism would be a good thing for our people

  23. View with suspicion anyone on here that criticizes us for being explicity white , overprotective or xenophobic. The list of sites that support colorblind multicultural “conservatism” are endless, they are free to head over to them. American Thinker is a good place to start. There are also several sites that cater to the multiculti minus blacks “conservatism”.

    We may never realize the goal of a true white homeland, probably won’t. But that should be the going in argument and we should shoot to land as close to it as possible.

    Bobby Jindal seems to be doing very good work for us. Honestly, the fact that he’s not white just illustrates the lenght of anti-white propaganda the South has endured. White conservatives feel the overwhelming need to find a conservative minority skirt to hide behind. In their minds whites alone have ZERO legitimacy. This has got to change.

  24. The war that we should study is the Spanish Civil War because the right side won that war, unlike every other war of the last 200 years.

  25. Great article over at Chechar’s blog, “The West’s Darkest Hour”. The website is about what’s best for white Americans– the whole white race really.
    The article is entitled: “There’s Nothing Wrong With Us”
    Its about Yankees and Puritans– and about “Yankee Transcendentalism”
    Don’t let the title keep you from reading the article, however. The author thinks Yankee Puritan/Transcendentalism is a disaster for white Americans. I concur.
    Worth a read.
    The site can be found by googling: “checharwordpress” ( .com)
    The web master also has put up very beautiful examples of white, European art. The kind of art that inspires and uplifts, unlike the modern art of today which is nihilistic and ipso facto ugly and depressing.
    One of my favorite websites about what’s best for the white race.

  26. @ Jedediah
    I’m busy having Sunday brunch at the present time– finishing it off with some coffee and a couple of cannollis.
    I can not be bothered to respond to your very compelling, and very informative post you were so intelligent to write.
    A post, I’m sure, that will greatly help white Americans.

  27. “Marconi did the radio thing. ”

    Not exactly. That was actually Nikola Tesla, “the Man who Invented the 20th Century.”

    “Otis Pond, an engineer then working for Tesla, said, “Looks as if Marconi got the jump on you.” Tesla replied, “Marconi is a good fellow. Let him continue. He is using seventeen of my patents.”

    But Tesla’s calm confidence was shattered in 1904, when the U.S. Patent Office suddenly and surprisingly reversed its previous decisions and gave Marconi a patent for the invention of radio. The reasons for this have never been fully explained, but the powerful financial backing for Marconi in the United States suggests one possible explanation.

    Tesla was embroiled in other problems at the time, but when Marconi won the Nobel Prize in 1911, Tesla was furious. He sued the Marconi Company for infringement in 1915, but was in no financial condition to litigate a case against a major corporation. It wasn’t until 1943—a few months after Tesla’s death— that the U.S. Supreme Court upheld Tesla’s radio patent number 645,576″

    Tesla was quite possible the smartest man in the world (far above Einstein). Good-looking’ too. The ladies thought he was fine, indeed. Tesla never gave them the time of day — too busy inventin’.

    Too bad Mr. Tesla failed to reproduce.

    That incredible combination of genetics may never appear again. Who knows what a Nikola Jr. would have grown up to do. Our loss.
    Let that be a lesson to you manosphere accolytes.

  28. Yours was the wretched huddled masses…

    Minor aside— but in case all don’t know, which I’m sure they do, but Emma Lazarus, (Jewish) who wrote the poem was from a slave holding family that lived on Fifth Avenue in NYC. In Emma Lazarus in her World, is the tale of Moses, her dad, and his plantation in Louisiana, and how he tried to keep slavery in Lousiana, and how he got called up by the Negro Board of Labor (whatever it was called) for abuses to slaves at his plantation….

    It cracks me up when ‘leftists’ (or whatever they really are) go on about that poem. She otherwise wrote countless pro-zionist and zion-state poems, as well.

  29. “…..Its about Yankees and Puritans– and about “Yankee Transcendentalism”
    Don’t let the title keep you from reading the article, however. The author thinks Yankee Puritan/Transcendentalism is a disaster for white Americans. I concur….”

    yeah, it does seem from your posts that you are incredibly well read in that religious history.

    —-Someday, someone will call into question the Genealogy of Terms here.

    Keith Preston’s April 19th show on VOR was more interesting on that. (Ideology of Totalitarian Humanism) I think that’s also the one where he discusses the north-south at about 45 minutes, but could be wrong.

    He traces the PC origins to the Frankfurt School (following Lind) then mentions the recent pushing of the Degrade Puritans narrative, (hopefully we can blame northern euro wasps for absolutely everything, eventually, since they are such little hitlers, lol).

    Then he skips back, to Ancient Times.

    In other words—- these narratives say more about the speakers and who they want to blame for what— than they will ever say about truth and reality.

  30. Fr John: Great ideas all expect for women in the armed forces. Women need to be raising children. Motherhood, nature’s highest calling for any woman, is immeasurably more important than becoming grist for the corporate millstone.
    Moreover, Nature or Nature’s God has endowed women with ability to produce one child every 9 months, while men are virtually unlimited in their mating potential. Therefore, women are the more limited/valuable when it comes to reproduction. But Marxists hate Nature and Nature’s God.

  31. “Someday, someone will call into question the Genealogy of Terms here.”

    What a lovely Marxist approach to take.

    Transcendentalism is a natural result of the apostasy that eventually occured following the embrace of Enlightenment philosophy and repudiation of Calvinism in the New England states. The agenda of current multicultural diversity anti-white left derives from this development. Which is why its stronghold is the Northeast.

    Catholics and Jews simply followed the lead and embraced this deadly ideology. Catholics from a misplaced sense of “social justice” and Jews from a natural animus towards all forms of Christianity. Neither group came up with this innovation.

    The “northern euro wasps” in England and New England were the innovators. Which is why after Yankee hegemony was established following WW2, you see this sick ideology spread across Western Europe. WASPs are the most self-loathing group in history. It’s part of their Puritan heritage. Cry me a river.

    Deo Vindice

  32. See northerners, I didn’t even use the word Yankee once above. Even though we all know that people from New England are “Yankees.”

    Now I know you negro worshipping sports fans thought that the Yankees were from New York. It just isn’t so.

    Deo Vindice

  33. Barb — thanks for your post about Tesla. As soon as I saw it posted in the thread that Marconi invented radio, I knew it to be wrong. I am a big fan of Tesla. Read his biography years ago. Fascinating stuff. I wish he had married and had offspring as well. The conclusion I drew from what I read made it seem he was way too eccentric to marry as well as being too busy. There’s a film biography about him on Netflix. I have yet to watch it, but plan to soon.

    Joe: It seems you started out here as being argumentative, then you settled down some, and now your posts are trollish at best, and disruptive at their worst. What motivates you do that?

  34. Nice little piece. The new Confederacy would easily whip Obama’s LGBT army (and bands of flash rob marauders). Butt I wouldn’t want to risk being a POW to the gay army–a fate far worse than death, I can well imagine!

  35. OT/Re: abuses of federal power…

    Mississippi passed a law restricting abortion. The law has been thrown out by a FEDERAL judge (who else?) appointed by a Republican president (GWB).

    My intent isn’t to start a debate on the ethics of abortion but to give another example of two principles we are all familiar with: 1) Washington DC disregards any state-level action it doesn’t like, and 2) an establishment Republican/conservative spit on conservative base voters. The judge who did this was appointed by W, not Clinton or Obama.

  36. @Lew
    Its not that he was appointed by a Republican that is important, it is the fact he is unrepresentative. No one votes for judges, no one can fire them and they interpret the Constitution any way they see fit.

    The more I think about it, the more I find unelected judges are to blame for everything that has gone wrong in white countries. These people have got to go.

  37. Spot on, Lew.
    A rather common pattern among our “saviors” in the GOP. To be sure.

    Deo Vindice

  38. Derry: The Anti-Federalists were very, very, very concerned that the constitution did not allow for elected judges. They predicted that impeachment would be nearly impossible.

  39. Derry,

    Yes, true enough. I think most conservatives would say in response they vote Republican with the expectation they will appoint judges who interpret the law in ways that are in sympathy with conservative positions. See Scalia, Alito, Thomas. You never see this phenomenon happen in reverse. I can’t think of an example of a Democrat-appointed judge upholding/striking down a law or principle wildly out of step with left-wing philosophy/worldview/jurisprudence.

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