Blaming Yankees



Okay, if I were on the jury, I would vote “not guilty” on this one …

Note: It wouldn’t surprise me if that class of DWL that watches MSNBC and supports the Duluth white privilege campaign finds the charge plausible.

I would also point out though that Yankees are responsible for abolishing slavery, repealing the Illinois ban on free negroes, passing state civil rights laws, and making ridiculous excuses for black social dysfunction.

Was the Fugitive Slave Law really that bad?

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Well, the pilgrim’s great great great grandchildren did free the Negro. This lead to Negroes moving north and shooting lots of guns at each other.

    No Pilgrims no free blacks. QED.

  2. 200-300 years… He’s off by about 50 years. It’s more 300-375 years ago.

    By his calculation the Mayflower got here around the time of the French-Indian War. They must have hit a space time wormhole.

  3. Was this a clip from the film Idiocracy? Because this was the dumbest thing I’ve ever seen a Top Cop say. The dipper has to know the murder spree is about young nigs with a chip on their shoulder. It’s all about a lethal concentration of chocolate essense.

  4. Wake me when the intra-racial, even intra-ethnic (in the case of the evil English Pilgrims) blame fest is over.

  5. What a hoot! Typical example of Yankee ethnomasochism and self-loathing.

    They would do anything to appease their negro masters.
    They give them their daughters to rape and their sons to murder.
    When the savages ask for more…
    They grovel and apologize and prostrate themselves before their dark gods.

    Then they wonder why we don’t want to be in their pathetic union.

    Deo Vindice

  6. Fast forwarding from three centuries ago, it was not only northern Germans and northern “Yankee” English who voted for the northern Neocons and for the southern Neocons, in this year’s primaries.

  7. Hunter,

    Thick Mick’s comments though dismally funny do have a wiff of Blarney about them. “Ah see T’was the bebuckled English Hun y’see so t’was my fine Ebony man. Good Crac.”

    Paddy and Herman inherited the white man’s burden after 1865 and simply don’t know what to do with it.

  8. “(W)e don’t want to be in their pathetic union” assumes that true conservative whites in the northern states consider it to be OUR union. But we don’t own it either, and we also consider it pathetic, too. No, worse than pathetic.

  9. redux version:

    “Black bros be shootin each uvah in haaagh nummers. Let’s ax this honky whuh he things about it…over to you Mick Mac Paddywhack.”

    “It’s Cotton Mather’s fault!”

  10. You are still a young man Hunter. Good Lord willing, you’ll live long enough to see things different about yankees and walk away from your soft hardheartedness

  11. The 2008 election is a vivid illustration of the problem:

    (1) In Alabama, Whites voted 9 to 1 against Obama.

    (2) In Michigan, Whites voted 1 to 1 against Obama.

    It is not that there are no conservatives in the North. It is that the Whites there are almost evenly divided between Republicans and Democrats. Throw in the black and Hispanic vote and it looks like the whole North is against the South.

  12. On a more serious note, this is representative of what a chief cop thinks. I’m seriously worried. I know that he couldn’t have said it’s the black’s fault there and then, but this indicates a lack of brains.

    Does Chicago stand a chance of destruction comparable to Detroit?

  13. Thanks, Hunter. I’ve taken the view that this site pertains to natives of southeastern states primarily, and that the rest of us need to concentrate on learning whaever we can here that is useful for us in our extra-southern situations, rather than trying to change or correct the position of the website from our outside points of view, or display our regional differences or chauvinism.

  14. It wasnt always this way.

    Back in 2010, OD used to be a WN website. That’s why it was “Occidental Dissent.” The original goal was to raise all boats and work together to solve common problems.

    There were multiple contributots. The speed with which that fell apart destroyed whatever faith I had put in WN. I drew the conclusion that WN was too heterogeneous to go anywhere.

  15. Mosin,

    I think the Confederacy has a lot to teach us today. Rather like Rhodesia or French Algeria or events like the Spanish reconquista. The mining of more obscure Confederate publications here is quite brilliant.

  16. John, absolutely; and yes, the obscure citations are very enlightening, and useful. Hunter, as a relatively new REGULAR visitor, I’m beginning to understand the Why now.

  17. We have improved upon WN.

    I’ve taken the abstract concept of a “White ethnostate” and given it flesh and bones: the ethnicity it is based upon, its geographical location in the real world, grievances that justify disunion, historical legitimacy, even its proposed name.

  18. Didn’t an NYT columnist claim that blacks are violent because they learned Honour Culture from Southern Aristocratic Duelists? Butterworth or something.

    I remember it distinctly. Hilarious stuff. Anyone who reads that paper without Irony is a complete fool.

  19. I don’t think there is a core problem with white nationalism, any more than there was a core problem with Muslim nationalism in India even though it lead to Pakistan and Bangladesh; it’s just that I don’t the benefit of a Superstate when several regional confederacies will do.

    We must admit that we aren’t getting to the desired end state without white nationalism and a meaningful submergence of anti-national controversies.

  20. WN is an inorganic, disembodied thing; it means too many different things to too many different people. There is just nothing common to rally around. Not to mention the crank factor, either.

    Southern nationalism is different. There is a specific culture, people, and place that already exist. It has an established history. There is something to build on.

    Hunter, the way I see it, you simply stopped looking elsewhere and found out your WN state was waiting for you all along. Right in your backyard.

    It might not be the perfect, most ideologically consistent one, but it is a damn good place to start. Right at home.

    It is our Dixie.

    Deo Vindice

  21. WN will never work in the way folks think. All the White tribes have their own unique way of living and thinking and feeling. What it took to survive and thrive in the Highlands of Scotland is not what it took to do so in Germany. I see no reason why we shouldn’t strive for common ground after we break up into smaller more organic nations states. With that said, no Southron man should ever trust a damnyankee in any way or on any topic. We have a long track record of their words and actions to base any future dealings. It would take generations of separation and right behavior on their part to be anything but distressful of them vipers.

    Women, children and yankees (yea I know same/same) never take responsibility for their actions My guess is, when we do secede (which won’t be my lifetime) the north will ramp up its anti Southron rhetoric and actions, and mutual cooperation will be less likely, but I don’t see why we could have good ties with the South west and other White nations of Europe.

    Also favor more but smaller White nation states for another reason. If we live in one great White nation and shit goes bad there is no other White govt/ people to set things right; to support dissent Whites in a variety of ways. But if there is a dozen plus White ethnic states there would be a possibility of a dozen righteous govt’s to support White dissents living in unrighteous nations.

    Right at home and in your own back yard is always the best place to look for solutions to our problems Apuleius. Southron secession isn’t about the South being perfect, its about making the South ours again

  22. That article about a Holy European Empire is insane for the very reasons that Stone points out. The Advent of the EU and the supercharged BRA seems to have come at the same time as a general decline of population. It’s connected. White nations are fractious and diverse for good reason.

  23. I never watched the video, I just assumed from the extracts I read that he was black. Occam’s razor is not infallible, it seems. For a White man to talk such tripe is inexplicable. For such a stupid White man to be in such a responsible position is criminal.

  24. Stonelifter is right, my yankee side is pure Tory refugee from the Revolution and while they bloviate at length about morality it is basically that of an adolescent’s thinking that god whispers in their ears. When said morality becomes PC it then degenerates into militant stupidity and by that time they refuse to accept any blame.

    If I were to put my church going Wisconsin relatives into BRA central of either Milwaukee or Chicago they would probably commit suicide within a year.

  25. @Finn, 040712/1551
    Thank you for the referral. I have just ordered the latest edition hereof, from the Public Library.

  26. @Hunter Wallace:

    “It is not that there are no conservatives in the North. It is that the Whites there are almost evenly divided between Republicans and Democrats. Throw in the black and Hispanic vote and it looks like the whole North is against the South.It is not that there are no conservatives in the North. It is that the Whites there are almost evenly divided between Republicans and Democrats. Throw in the black and Hispanic vote and it looks like the whole North is against the South.”

    It’s more like a choice between John McCain or Mitt Romney, for that matter, and Barak Hussein Obama is no choice at all.

    Half of the Whites up there voted for McCain, because they could abide the thought of Obama. The other half of the Whites voted for Obama, because they could not abide the thought of a RINO like McCain. I held my nose for all it was worth and voted for McCain, but a member of my family voted for Obama, because he loathed McCain and calculated that it would be better to have a black face pursuing an Anti-White agenda, rather than the usual White race traitors. He also told me that he thought that Obama getting elected would tear up the race card as far as most Whites were concerned.

    I met a mixed race woman who told me that the Whites of Michigan and Ohio are far more bigoted against Negros and Mestizos than the Whites of the South. They are armed to the teeth and they drill in militias up there to prepare for when that EBT card stops working. Whites don’t talk to people of color unless they absolutely have to. Civility is a Southern tradition, not a Yankee one.

  27. “Whites of Michigan and Ohio are far more bigoted against Negros and Mestizos than the Whites of the South. They are armed to the teeth and they drill in militias up there to prepare for when that EBT card stops working. Whites don’t talk to people of color unless they absolutely have to. Civility is a Southern tradition, not a Yankee one.”

    Pretty broad generalisation, some overstatement, pertains more to rural whites, but they generally DO have civility.

  28. “It is not that there are no conservatives in the North. It is that the Whites there are almost evenly divided between Republicans and Democrats. Throw in the black and Hispanic vote and it looks like the whole North is against the South.”

    Whites see it in their economic best interest to vote Democrat. It’s a union thing. They’d vote for their own father’s murderer if the union told them to. But we are slowly changing that. Look at what Scott Walker’s done in Wisconsin. Such a thing would have been unthinkable a decade ago.

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