Joseph Farah on 2012 Election


H/T Vox

Joseph Farah has been scared into voting for Romney in November:

“I won’t be voting for Romney because I think he will save America or reverse our dangerous course. But I will likely be voting for him to buy America the time it needs to avoid catastrophe. It’s just that simple – and sad.

I still believe in the important principles I laid out in 2008 in “None of the Above.” I think they are right – for normal times.

But we are not living in normal times. America has been invaded by a foreign enemy just as surely and just as deadly as the one we see each week on the “Falling Skies” TV show. It’s time to fight back – for our survival.

That’s what the 2012 election is to me. We’ve got to drive out the alien invaders. Then, maybe, we can focus on re-establishing America as a functioning, self-governing constitutional republic that strictly limits federal power.”

Vox responds:

“If you truly do not understand that a non-vote for Romney is absolutely not a vote for Obama, you are an astonishingly stupid individual. 1+0!=2. A vote for Obama is a vote for Obama. Not voting for Obama cannot, in any sense, be considered a vote for Obama. Political applications do not alter mathematics. If you cannot master basic addition, I not only don’t want to hear your opinion about the election, I don’t think you should be permitted to vote. Negative, “pragmatic” voting is an inherently self-defeating concept that only guarantees the very results it is supposed to oppose.”

The results of OD’s Far Right Focus Group show pretty clearly that White Nationalists aren’t going to vote for Romney in November … unless they live in the swing states, where even there it is doubtful he will win many of their votes.

For the record, I don’t want to preserve America. The existence of the Union is the force that is driving our racial and cultural decline. It seems pretty clear to me that as long as the Union exists – whether it is under Romney or Obama, or the Republican or Democratic faction of the Beltway establishment – our decline is a foregone conclusion.

The only solution to Cook County as America is secession, revolution, or emigration. The Republican Party had forty years to “reverse our dangerous course” and squandered its electoral majorities on things like cutting Lady Gaga’s taxes.

What does electing Mitt Romney solve? He wants more free trade. He wants more legal immigration. He wants more neocon wars. He wants to send blacks in “failing schools” to White schools in the suburbs to “close the achievement gap.”

The only discernible consequence of Mitt Romney winning in November will be more job opportunities for Republican party hacks in the Beltway who will do nothing for the next four years but cause us to regret voting for them.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. He says:

    “…I believe 2012 is one of those rare election years in which freedom-loving Americans will, out of necessity, be forced to vote defensively….”

    Wiki says he’s of Syrian and Lebanese ancestry— and from the extreme Northeast, New Jersey, which might explain such a strange comment.

    It’s why (Generational) Americans should have some voice in media, or governance—if only because they’re the only people who can explain things to others.

    Many people never engaged after the war, then in 1965, a whole other group was dispossessed. We IMPORT the voters.

    If you’re recently from Syria, that might not occur to you.

    And, in an effort to legitimate yourself (this is how they see it), you will then go on and on about LEGALITY—- the ILLEGAL aliens, and saying, “I’m an immigrant, but I had to wait…” or “I don’t mind the people, just that they broke laws…”

    But the law is whatever the “elites” say it is. So, if they just change the laws, then they are not broken… right?

    The constitution says, the country was “For us and our posterity.”

    But us and our posterity no longer set the tone.

    How can there be “freedom” or “freedom of religion” in a state that even t.v. talking heads call a WELFARE STATE?

    If wealth is Redistributed against the people’s will (and it will always be against someone’s will, especially at today’s taxation and inflation rates)—- then how is there religious freedom; this means money is appropriated, paid to others from other ethnic groups, and they “tithe” and pay their leaders with that money.

    Example: a white nationalists money is appropriated via taxes, paid to a black person, who tithes to a black nationalist group with it; or catholics tithe to protestants and vice versa.

    Nobody has their own money, not really, if 60% is on some form of direct redistribution, (like welfare or military pensions)

    I just don’t understand what people like this are even talking about.

  2. Farah says:

    “It’s our only chance to avoid chaos, economic collapse, a continuing war on civil liberties and religious freedom and, quite possibly, a complete breakdown of civil society.”

    That’s exactly what we need! We don’t want this to happen under Obama’s watch? Why?

  3. “If you truly do not understand that a non-vote for Romney is absolutely not a vote for Obama, you are an astonishingly stupid individual. 1+0!=2. A vote for Obama is a vote for Obama. Not voting for Obama cannot, in any sense, be considered a vote for Obama. Political applications do not alter mathematics.

    Mathematics is mathematics. So what? If every White person sat at home – Obama wins! I don’t care how you slice it, dice it, or use an abacus to prove a point.

  4. A close controversial result would bring on the day of reckoning with the blacks. It’s a good if Eomney narrowly wins in questionable circumstances. Like Bleeding Kansas…

  5. Well said:

    “What does electing Mitt Romney solve? He wants more free trade. He wants more legal immigration. He wants more neocon wars. He wants to send blacks in “failing schools” to White schools in the suburbs to “close the achievement gap.”

    The only discernible consequence of Mitt Romney winning in November will be more job opportunities for Republican party hacks in the Beltway who will do nothing for the next four years but cause us to regret voting for them.” —Hunter Wallace

  6. The Republicans will slowly poison you to death, while the Democrats will line you up and shoot you in the back of the head. The analogy holds. Now tell me, who is the most sincere?

    There was a time I would vote Republican because they were the lesser of evils. But now I can no longer support the party. I’d rather have Obama for another four years, and just get the thing done with. The panty and ammo can are stocked.

    It’s almost over folks. And that is a good thing.

  7. John says:
    “Imagine for a moment a series of large riots day after the result. It’s a target of oportunity.”

    You think so? Seems like everytime nigs go on a rampage Whites flee the scene if droves and acqcuiesce to more demands.

  8. OK, so don’t vote in the Presidential election.

    But, please make damn sure to vote in state and local elections – recruit and find new young talent as any secession movements will need experienced, political leaders, not aimlessly, unconnected individuals speculating about world, economic collapses, peak oil stuff.

    Everyone reading OD should know:

    Who’s their state rep, ward committeeman, chairman of the county board, sheriff.

    What’s the alternative to hateful, frustrating national politics?

    Go local.

    And this means getting off the Net and getting to know your neighbors.

  9. When is our own Hunter Wallace going to run for State Rep. in Alabama?

    I will help fund, organize phone banks, design excellent, campaign literature, do PR.

    I was credited with running the most effective/negative campaign for Juvenile Court Clerk of Davidson County Tennessee back in the mid 1990s. I’m a Lee Atwater looking to win.

    Run Hunter run!

  10. I wonder how many people on here who are cheering for the big collapse into chaos and disunion, are actually even remotely prepared for it?

    This summer, I’ve sunk several grand into fortifying my house and property in anticipation of any violence come November, and there are still further reinforcements I would pursue. I have adequate means to defend myself, extinguish fire, and generate electricity for a limited span of time, but long-term is uncertain.

    I’m human, and the unknown genuinely scares me, and I’m not ashamed to admit that — and I say this as someone who has lived in Detroit since 1977. I hope people understand the seriousness of what may be ahead.

  11. @John

    You live in the UK, don’t you? I’ll bet it’s very easy to root for someone else’s country to be violently torn apart, when you comfortably live an ocean away from it.

  12. I am done voting for the lesser of two evils. By consistently voting for whoever the Republican presidential candidate is, we keep getting candidates who are further and further to the left and pander more and more to those who would have our destruction.

    Some may holler that a third party vote is a wasted protest vote but we will never get a candidate that advocates for White interests by voting for the Republican presidential nominee. But then again I’m a Southerner who advocates for secession from the American empire. I hate the Propositional nation that is known today as the United States.

  13. I see ODs Romney supporters in this thread and others have delivered their standard unsupported assertions.

    Vote Romney!


    To buy time, stave off collapse, help people can find jobs, and get rid of Obama!

    What will Romney do or not do to accomplish those things?


    What will Obama do or not do compared to Romney that is so important we get rid of him?


    I guess if pulling the level for an atrocious, foul, despicable man like Mitt Romney will make you feel better, go for it. You won’t accomplish anything.

  14. If the thought of an Obama second term scares him, what will an actual Obama second term do?

    This is why I liken the second term of Obama to a racial 9/11, or the first election of Lincoln.

    In my calculus, it is imperative that whites of EVERY class wake up on November 7th realizing that there is no electoral path to our national salvation.

    Even now, look at how many whites DON’T realize that! That scares me!

    If Romney wins, whites will wake up into a comfort zone that has been our undoing since Nixon promised to make it all better after the radicals scared us in the 60s. Nixon didn’t do jack shit, and neither will Romney.

    If Romney wins, whites will attribute the election Of Obama to the unique anti-genius of George W Bush, rather than as the portend that it really is. Even now, more anti-whites are born than whites. In 18 years, they hit the polls.

    Scott Brown, a Massachusetts Romney-clone who seduced the Tea Party, promised to filibuster Obamacare. He didn’t do jack shit. Yet some of our fellows think that somehow Romney, the Author of Obamacare, will overturn it, rather than accidentally-on purpose let the Democrats filibuster any overturn!

    But what you can guarantee Romney will do is push though Amnesty.

    As long as the GOP is the party of the white upper class, it cannot be the party of the white working class, and hence cannot be a vehicle for our genetic salvation.

    The sooner it is abandoned, the sooner we can get on with the nasty business of saving our race.

  15. If you hear crickets, i’d suggest reading Romney’s books to get an idea of what he is all about. Basically he’s a pragmatist. Obama is an ideologist.

    Anti-elitism doesn’t serve the interests of Whites. The key value of the white working class is their historical respect and reverance for White elite such as Romney. Rapprochement begins with Whites accepting their most succesful members as legitimate. If the White working class eschews this exceptionalism that sets them apart from the envious lumpen(nigger) horde, they are of the horde.

  16. @Lew

    Explain to me, in detail, with a timetable, exactly how Obama is going to cause “the collapse” or “the chimpout” or whatever bullshit people like think is going to get the federal heel off of white peoples necks?


    What would Lew do if tomorrow there was no law, no government, just mobs of niggers looting everything and killing anyone they come across?


    What is Lew going to do to help middle-class white people when they’re getting fucked-over during a second Obama term?


    What happens if Obama gets re-elected and there’s no “collapse”? Can Lew make a case for another four years of Obama, with no “collapse” in sight?


  17. School Vouchers are about crushing public schools and only the top centiles of ghetto students have even the opportunity to apply to discerning private schools. This turns public schools into underfunded babysitter’s clubs for shit teachers and shitskin students. School vouchers are racially correct but the argument for them is disingenuous.

    Too often Whites focus on the argument and who makes it. Instead of the policy and its results. There’s nothing wrong with implicit racism and soft supremacy.

  18. Vouchers are a waste of time. Whenever you have black students you have bad grades. Unless the school vomits fraud.

  19. Tamer of Savages says:
    July 12, 2012 at 1:16 am

    Those are vague generalities with no substance. What is it specifically in Romney’s books or on his web sites that show he plans to help White folks?

    The anti-Romney side of this argument has repeatedly given specific reasons for voting against Romney. I’ll run through some of the major ones again. Among other things, Romney supports:

    – The Paul Ryan budget, an anti-middle class economic program (who here isn’t middle class?)

    – Globalization, free trade agreements, offshoring, outsourcing and more H1Bs

    – The Zionist agenda, putting Israel First, war on Iran

    – More legal immigration, more pandering to Blacks and Hispanics

    – No credible plan for turning around the economy. To the extent Romney has a specific plan that be analyzed, it’s a rehash of GWBs economic polices (we see where that got the country).

    Beyond the problems with his policies, there is also substantial evidence Romney has a defective character and lacks integrity. For this reason, nothing Romney says can be trusted.

    – He flip-flops and reverses himself as it suits him. When he ran against Ted Kennedy in the 90s, Romney was pro-abortion. He boasted about running to the left of Ted Kennedy on social issues. Now, he styles himself as a social conservative. He was once in favor of gay marraige; now, he is against it. He has no principles.

    – He signed the model for Obamacare into law, and now opposes Obamacare.

    – He took a strong stand against illegal immigration during the primaries only to do an immediate180 as soon as got the nomination.

    – He said it’s important Republicans do more reaching out to Hispanics, but he said it when he thought no one was listening, not out in the open.

    – Romney’s position on gun rights might help our kind of Whites, except as recently as a few years ago he supported gun control.

    To sum it, Romney is anti-White on every issue that matters and has a long record of lying that proves he can’t be trusted even if he says he will do something that might help.

    Now, regarding Obama, I will make a few quick points about him too because it’s not entirely correct to say he is ideological. While Obama is ideological to some extent (which president wasn’t), he is also very much a pragmatist.

    – He renewed the Bush tax cuts for people making over 250K even though he promised not to.

    – He renewed the Patriot Act and signed the NDAA.

    – He ordered a new war in Libya.

    – He reversed himself on closing Guantanomo Bay, and on holding terrorist trials on American soil.

    In point of fact, Obama has made numerous concessions to the Republicans and to the neocons to advance other parts of his agenda. This is the definition of pragmatism, and it shows Obama discards ideology fairly often. It is not correct to say Obama is operates solely on ideology.

    Anti-elitism doesn’t serve the interests of Whites. The key value of the white working class is their historical respect and reverance for White elite such as Romney. Rapprochement begins with Whites accepting their most succesful members as legitimate. If the White working class eschews this exceptionalism that sets them apart from the envious lumpen(nigger) horde, they are of the horde

    The elites and their agenda are killing us. They’re killing Whites in the south, Whites across the USA, Whites in Europe, and Whites in every other nation of the European diaspora. How does anti-elitism not serve White interests? Opposing the elites, their ideas, and their agenda are the most important steps White folks need to take.

    One of ODs main goals is in fact opposing the east-coast, northern, left-wing elites that dominate policy in this country. This includes the elites in banking, finance, academia and media, essentially the entire gamut of elites in every institution that matters. OD provides excellent reasons daily to oppose elites like Romney.

    Accepting the legitimacy of the today’s elites means accepting subjugation, especially if you favor Southern secession, have conservative values, or support any form of White racialism, separatism or nationalism.

    There is no doubt that anti-elitism serves White interests. It makes little sense to suggest otherwise. This fact, however, doesn’t make White folks who oppose the present set of elites anti-elitist in general. If this is part if what you’re suggesting, it’s simply not true.

    Many here, for example, admire the old Southern elite (now vanquished). Many here would like to see a new Southern elite come to power one day. Basically, all the various strains of White dissidents on the right share one goal in common if no other: displacing the current elites and raising up new elites in their place. This, by definition, makes all White dissidents on the right pro-elite, not anti-elite. Anti-elitism among dissident Whites does not exist.

    Finally, what has Romney done to earn his place among the elites? What has he done that makes him legitimate? He was born into money, his Daddy was a governor, he spent the Vietnam war in a mansion in France. Romney got established on Wall Street because he had the right connections, and he made his fortune through speculation and by investing in companies that put Whites out of work, not by producing a good or service.

    Like the rest of the elite class, Romney is closer to a parasite than an authentic elite like Robert E. Lee.

    There is nothing there with Romney. Nothing. OD readers in swing states who plan to vote for Romney really ought to reconsider.

  20. Right, Sam: “Mathematics is mathematics. So what? If every White person sat at home – Obama wins! I don’t care how you slice it, dice it, or use an abacus to prove a point.”

    I do the math like you, Sam, and I noticed there were a LOT of committed Romney voters who responded so on that “Far Right Focus Group” poll thread, and most of us indicated we are NOT doing so “to stave off collapse,” but to make a very slight but importantg adjustment, in favour of the white candidate, and to reject the haughty incumbent, which is really the MOST that our little votes can accomplish. In case of a guaranteed Romney landslide in a given state, a coordinated, send-a-message third party or write-in-vote movement would be in order in that state, I think. Wherever the result is uncertain, we want to actively support the white candidate. NONE of us has any illusions that Romney is good for us, or “could stave off collapse” or change his spots. Too many of us (not I!) — and even one was too many — actually voted for him BEFORE, in the primaries!

  21. @313Chris:

    I don’t believe Obama’s policies in a second term will lead to the kind of collapse you’re describing. That’s not why I advocate a vote against Romney.

  22. I guess it’s my job to do your research.
    That being said, White folks don’t need ‘help’. We need freedom. That’s the first flaw in your approach. Now I need a nightcap and will read your e-book here.

  23. TOS, it’s not a big deal if you can’t get back to it. I have read his web sites a good bit. Been following him for two years. It’s a big part of why think so little of him. I do respect differences of opinion and am just genuinely puzzled what people see in this guy.

  24. “Too often Whites focus on the argument and who makes it. Instead of the policy and its results. There’s nothing wrong with implicit racism and soft supremacy.”

    Yep, countless times I’ve heard Republicans frame their argument with, “well it’s good for the niggers”.

    Fuck that, what about what’s good for my kids?

    “Minorities and women hardest hit.” Rush Limbaugh laughs about it, then he does the same damn thing.

  25. By consistently voting for whoever the Republican presidential candidate is, we keep getting candidates who are further and further to the left and pander more and more to those who would have our destruction.

    Yep. It really is that simple. BRA has grown in size, scope and power under the GOP as well as the DNC, and grown at the expense of middle class/ working class White men.

    Romney has a track record at bain capital and as governor. He’s a leftist and a globalist.

    Tamer, if White “elites” want our respect the bastards best be about earning it. Until then, I’d just as soon impale them as negros. We use to have elites like Washington and Lee. Men with balls, brains and faith. Men who understood the duty they owed to their subordinates because they understood their responsibility to their Superior. Where are our “elites” like that today? Romney? A half fag yankee with no balls and a mind only toward money and “business” and no mind toward his responsibility to those below him on the economic food chain is our “elite”? If that is true you really don’t know shit about the world or men despite your fancy book learning and big city urban living. Actually you probably don’t understand the world or what makes a man worthy of respect because of your book-learning and big city living.

    You’re in a tough spot Chris313, and concern like yours is rational. However, all nations collapse and BRA is doomed. I’d prefer for that to happen in my time instead of kicking the can down the road to my descendants. We’ve done enough of that.

    We’re only a fool to your unprepared eyes Amanda

  26. @ Jack Ryan: “But, please make…sure to vote in state and local elections – recruit and find new young talent as any secession movements will need experienced, political leaders, not aimlessly, unconnected individuals speculating about world, economic collapses, peak oil stuff. Everyone reading OD should know: Who’s their state rep, ward committeeman, chairman of the county board, sheriff. What’s the alternative to hateful, frustrating national politics? Go local. And this means getting off the Net and getting to know your neighbors.”

    Very, very good statement! But I recommend voting for a President as well. Romney and Obama are not the ONLY twin bad choices we will all face at the polls; similar dilemmas will appear on state and even county levels. We must identify, and support or at least vote for the very few pro-white candidates who can win, AND the “lesser evils,” and actively oppose known evil incumbents — or we will be wasting our little voter power.

  27. “By consistently voting for whoever the Republican presidential candidate is, we keep getting candidates who are further and further to the left and pander more and more to those who would have our destruction.”

    But the voting in the Presidential elections does NOT cause the movement toward the left so much as the pro-left voting in the primaries and caucuses (whoever voted for Romney in the primaries has no right to complain about him now!) and the lack of involvement of pro-white conservatives in the party committees on the local and state levels.

    Of course the moral decay of our people has something to do with it. The sin must stop, if God is to be with us again. Degeneracy is bound to move toward the left.

  28. TOS: I guess it’s my job to do your research.

    No, don’t put the burden on me. Tell us why Romney deserves White support using something other than vague generalities. I can go to for the talk radio, talking points version. I’m familiar enough with Romney. If you want to get into policy details, I’m pretty sure I can rip his and the GOPs position to shreds on every issue that matters.

  29. As a group, it’s imperative that we develop the same racial solidarity as the other races. Blacks will vote for the black guy whether democrat or republican. Convict (Marion Berry) or socialist (Obama). Its a bit much that this discussion has gone on so long in my humble opinion. We have to play the hand were dealt. Notice Joseph Farah speculation about what would be the outcome of the previous election . We can’t make our decision’s on assumption, or speculations, or wishful thinking. This will happen if candidate A wins, or this group will wake up and put or interest”s first if candidate B wins, foolishness. I’m certain of one thing, and that is my awareness of unintended consequences.

    The first step to regaining our greatness is racial consciousness and solidarity.

  30. Romney deserves our support because he is White.

    Of course that comes with conditions, but he is no worse than any other mainstream white politician. A vote not for Romney , whether third party or write in, is a vote for Obama. And is as much a vote against the white race at present.

  31. Stonelifter,
    I too mourn the loss of our traditional minded elites. Despite my best-friend since 4th grade being direct descent of R.E.L (by way of Arkansas). and the fact I chose a gray kepi as my youthful souvenir at Gettysburg, had R.E.L’s photo laser-etched into my retainer by my orthodontist and flew every flag from Bonnie to Battle in my childhood room I can’t claim your Southern elites. If I could, I would. We have different elites and my previous post left that unsaid, but not unfelt.

    Possessing so great an attachment to your respective regions is sublime. I join in wishing you down South and Chris out West all the best in your pursuits. As a New Worlder of English descent I look to Paine, Kipling and Hemingway as role models for leading a life everywhere and nowhere. The desire to fully immerse oneself in the world – all the while aware of the chasm between him and “the Other” is one of the great contradictions of life.  And will be – I suspect, my downfall.

  32. Not voting for Obama cannot, in any sense, be considered a vote for Obama.

    Actually it is a vote for Obama. All Obama has to do is get more votes than his opponent and he will be reelected president. It is as simple as that. The only candidate who can beat Obama is Romney. Therefore, not voting for Romney is almost the same thing as voting for Obama.

  33. If anyone here seriously votes for anyone other than Romney in November, please do not spend the next four years bitching about Obama since you helped reelect him by your actions.

  34. Those who went overwhelmingly for pro-global bankster, endless warrior Neocons in the primaries, instead of supporting the better, constitutional side, have no right to complain now.

    Now they have their winner, to support once again in November, and the rest of us who were wiser are stuck with him also.

  35. you say that Mosin, like folks here supported any of the turds in the gop run offs which simply doesn’t seem to be the case

  36. I was reminded of the recent rioting in France. Remember all the commotion? Every night for months if I’m not mistaken. Hordes of blacks, muslims, torching cars, smashing shops, terrorizing citizens.

    What was the result? A massive blowback by Whites? No. New political alliances formed to take back the country? None, that I’m aware of. A great surge in popularity of estabished anti-immigrant far right groups? Not really. A lot of talk mostly.
    What was the outcome of the critical election?

    From news article:
    François Hollande has won power in France, turning the tide on a rightwards and xenophobic lurch in European politics and vowing to transform Europe’s handling of the economic crisis by fighting back against German-led austerity measures.

    The 57-year-old rural MP and self-styled Mr Normal, a moderate social democrat from the centre of the Socialist party, is France’s first leftwing president in almost 20 years. Projections from early counts, released by French TV, put his score at 51.9%.

    His emphatic victory is a boost to the left in a continent that has gradually swung rightwards since the economic crisis broke four years ago. (snip)

    Hollande’s manifesto is based on scrapping Sarkozy’s tax-breaks for the rich and putting up taxes for high earners to finance what he deems essential spending, including creating 60,000 posts in France’s under-performing school system.

    There you have it. More capitulation, government power grabs and massive transfers of wealth.

    Ethnic cleansing in France:54% of babies born in Paris are black
    The indigenous French are a declining minority in many parts of France, in the main due to mass immigration and a higher birth rate among immigrants.

  37. Farah. This guy does this every four years. He spends 365 days a year whining about how evil and corrupt our current system and writes books like “none of the above” and then he turns around everytime just around the time the election starts to “matter” (the summer before the election) and comes out in full support of the Republican candidate for all the same reasons he just listed. He has being doing this for decades.

    Farah cannot think of a better way and the main reason is his evangelical Zionism which motivates his every word and action. He is a walking bag of contradictions and it’s one of the reasons I abandoned him and his WND years ago.

    Btw, great posts Lew. You are spot on. None of these people can actually give us a reason for voting for Romney just like they couldn’t give us a reason to vote for Bush or McCain. The big one they used for Bush and McCain was that they would “keep us safe.” I haven’t heard them use that one yet for Romney except in the idea that Romney is going to save us from some galactic upheavel that is going to occur if I stay home and do not vote for Romney.

  38. Romney deserves our support because he is White.

    Uh…no. You are going to have to do a hell of a lot better than that to motivate me to support Romney.

  39. Lew,

    “In point of fact, Obama has made numerous concessions to the Republicans and to the neocons to advance other parts of his agenda. This is the definition of pragmatism, and it shows Obama discards ideology fairly often. It is not correct to say Obama is operates solely on ideology.”

    I wasn’t referring to political pragmatism. Just pragmatism. When he was Governor of Mass., Romney was going over the budget and noticed appx. $30 mil being spent on hotel rooms for homeless people. He did a little digging and the policy was when a homeless shelter was full the state would put the shelter-seeking vagrant up in a hotel. Romney issued an executive order that the policy would now be to put the most tenured resident of the shelter in a hotel instead, clearing a bed for the new guy. The state hasn’t put anymore homeless in hotels since.

    “The elites and their agenda are killing us. They’re killing Whites in the south, Whites across the USA, Whites in Europe, and Whites in every other nation of the European diaspora. How does anti-elitism not serve White interests? Opposing the elites, their ideas, and their agenda are the most important steps White folks need to take.”
    No offense but substitute ‘Jew’ for ‘White’ and this is borderline plagiarism of Theodor Herzl. Far from being victimized, Whites are the most loved race on the planet, and rightfully so. Only Negro subhumans pose a physical threat to us and other humans in our day to day lives. If anything other races love us too much; They want to look like us, talk like us, live like us and of course live with us.

    “Accepting the legitimacy of the today’s elites means accepting subjugation, especially if you favor Southern secession, have conservative values, or support any form of White racialism, separatism or nationalism.”

    This country is rife with de-facto separatism, thank goodness. There is diversity on the streets but not in apartment or office buildings. Being a Copperhead doesn’t mean I carry my sympathies for overt racialism to the North. That is foreign to us.

    “There is no doubt that anti-elitism serves White interests. It makes little sense to suggest otherwise. This fact, however, doesn’t make White folks who oppose the present set of elites anti-elitist in general. If this is part if what you’re suggesting, it’s simply not true.”

    Very much understood and not my suggestion. The question is how do you propose to “raise up” this new aristocracy. If not Eton and Trinity then where? Kahn Academy?

    “Finally, what has Romney done to earn his place among the elites? What has he done that makes him legitimate? He was born into money, his Daddy was a governor, he spent the Vietnam war in a mansion in France. Romney got established on Wall Street because he had the right connections”

    Romney was born into the fortune of a selfmade man. He grew the wealth his father
    left and has given generous donations to many charities. He is an American success story. What is the problem exactly with “daddy” (loaded classist term) leaving money to his children? Why should that disqualify him from being an elite if you really do believe in Aristocracy? How is it you ostensibly oppose military adventurism overseas yet mock Romney for dodging such efforts?

    “and he made his fortune through speculation and by investing in companies that put Whites out of work, not by producing a good or service.”

    I believe Staples and Sports Authority; but two examples of Romney’s investments provide saubstantial services to small business owners and sports enthusiasts, respectively.

  40. @ Stonelifter,

    I will expect silence from you on anything Obama does when reelected. Maybe you can get a big “O” cheerleading sweatshirt…

    And you are a fool for calling me unprepared. We’ve been preparing for this for going on fifteen years now. The only thing that will give me near as much pleasure as negro genocide is making Mississippi windchimes out of traitorous bastards that hastened the coming conflict unnecessarily.

    Hunter likes to go on on how Slavery would have ended in its own time/course due to industrial & technological advances. Yet you both avocate hastening the end of the Union prematurely which will come about naturally in a few years past your imaginary deadline.

    Repot Card:
    Uses time wisely = F.

  41. @ Stonelifter,

    I will expect silence from you on anything Obama does when reelected. Maybe you can get a big “O” cheerleading sweatshirt…

    And you are a fool for calling me unprepared. We’ve been preparing for this for going on fifteen years now. The only thing that will give me near as much pleasure as negro genocide is making Mississippi windchimes out of traitorous bastards that hastened the coming conflict unnecessarily.

    Hunter likes to go on on how Slavery would have ended in its own time/course due to industrial & technological advances. Yet you both avocate hastening the end of the Union prematurely which will come about naturally in a few years past your imaginary deadline.

    Report Card:
    Uses time wisely = F.

  42. LOL look at the little girl stamp her foot and go on at the bad man who dared question her. you do a good job of demonstrating why I hold women in such low regard. You could have put together a post to rebut my claims that was truthful and lacking in attempts to cast me as a child. but that is beyond your ability to do so as a woman

    you can expect me to ignore anything you have to say about what I should and shouldn’t do. You don’t pay my wages, cook my meals, clean my house, or take care of my sexual needs. you have no input in my life.

    You have never read me pushing people to accelerate the collapse. Not one time. It will happen when it will happen. I do not think either romney or obama will change the time line by very much. I’ve said neither will be much different then the other in any ways that matter. you didn’t even attempt to refute that. I think there is some possible propaganda value in BRA crashing with a non White man in charge. That is as far as I’ve gone to advocate for either romney or obama ( or third party) and I’ve not condemned any one for their choice on president . In fact I’ve said several times that all the options suck and we should go easy on folks decisions in this manner. You can read in several places where I say there is no need to agitate for the collapse and that by doing so you put yourself on the radar screen. But good try at putting words in my mouth. you and joe both. two little peas in a useless pod

    how would know about the use of my time?

    15 years? that’s a good start. Talk to me in another 15 years.

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