Joseph Farah on 2012 Election


H/T Vox

Joseph Farah has been scared into voting for Romney in November:

“I won’t be voting for Romney because I think he will save America or reverse our dangerous course. But I will likely be voting for him to buy America the time it needs to avoid catastrophe. It’s just that simple – and sad.

I still believe in the important principles I laid out in 2008 in “None of the Above.” I think they are right – for normal times.

But we are not living in normal times. America has been invaded by a foreign enemy just as surely and just as deadly as the one we see each week on the “Falling Skies” TV show. It’s time to fight back – for our survival.

That’s what the 2012 election is to me. We’ve got to drive out the alien invaders. Then, maybe, we can focus on re-establishing America as a functioning, self-governing constitutional republic that strictly limits federal power.”

Vox responds:

“If you truly do not understand that a non-vote for Romney is absolutely not a vote for Obama, you are an astonishingly stupid individual. 1+0!=2. A vote for Obama is a vote for Obama. Not voting for Obama cannot, in any sense, be considered a vote for Obama. Political applications do not alter mathematics. If you cannot master basic addition, I not only don’t want to hear your opinion about the election, I don’t think you should be permitted to vote. Negative, “pragmatic” voting is an inherently self-defeating concept that only guarantees the very results it is supposed to oppose.”

The results of OD’s Far Right Focus Group show pretty clearly that White Nationalists aren’t going to vote for Romney in November … unless they live in the swing states, where even there it is doubtful he will win many of their votes.

For the record, I don’t want to preserve America. The existence of the Union is the force that is driving our racial and cultural decline. It seems pretty clear to me that as long as the Union exists – whether it is under Romney or Obama, or the Republican or Democratic faction of the Beltway establishment – our decline is a foregone conclusion.

The only solution to Cook County as America is secession, revolution, or emigration. The Republican Party had forty years to “reverse our dangerous course” and squandered its electoral majorities on things like cutting Lady Gaga’s taxes.

What does electing Mitt Romney solve? He wants more free trade. He wants more legal immigration. He wants more neocon wars. He wants to send blacks in “failing schools” to White schools in the suburbs to “close the achievement gap.”

The only discernible consequence of Mitt Romney winning in November will be more job opportunities for Republican party hacks in the Beltway who will do nothing for the next four years but cause us to regret voting for them.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. It’s going to collapse.

    The only question is whether it comes sooner or later. If it comes later when Whites are worse off demographically than we are now, well, let’s just say that it will be much worse.

  2. just setting the record straight Hunter. and that was the nice version

    you’re still young. In a few years you’ll understand women are never on your side

  3. Re: “Those who went overwhelmingly for pro-global bankster, endless warrior Neocons in the primaries, instead of supporting the better, constitutional side, have no right to complain now. Now they have their winner, to support once again in November, and the rest of us who were wiser are stuck with him also.”

    Stonelifter replied: “(Y)ou say that Mosin, like folks here supported any of the turds in the gop run offs which simply doesn’t seem to be the case.”

    I was speaking of WHITES IN GENERAL, Stonelifter, although some of the OD group did it too. In any case, whites in general and OD readers especially KNEW what they voted for was the status quo — global bankstering and global corporatism, welfare, endless warfare — staying the proven, moderate, mainstream multicultural course!
    The choices whites have in November are the product of their political activity (or THEIR LACK OF effective involvement) and voting behaviour of the last year, and longer.

  4. ahh so you think there where be a political solution to this Mosin?

    The same political solution folks have been waiting for since the 60’s and longer?

    How long are we supposed to spend our resources on a political system that has caused these problems in the 1st place? A political solution hasn’t been possible since lincoln when the damnyankees decided by force of arms that the govt wouldn’t be beholden to the interests of the states, and when they gave us 14th amendment it was deiced that people were citizens of the federal govt instead of citizens of sovereign nation states who were held together by common interests in a voluntary union.

  5. “(A)hh so you think there where be a political solution to this Mosin? The same political solution folks have been waiting for since the 60?s and longer? How long are we supposed to spend our resources on a political system that has caused these problems in the 1st place?”

    Theoretically it IS possible, even democratically, especially since whites are still the majority, in MOST states. Realistically, however, extremely unlikely. In any case, voting and EFFECTIVE political involvement REALLY DON’T COST TOO MUCH of our limited resources.

    In a future white utopia, will the citisens there also neglect to vote and participate in the political process?

    Perhaps their Hereditary Monarch will determine all. But that was tried before over centuries, and the consistent result reported in the Old Testament.

  6. Good ol’ snotty and condescending Vox. He would be more readable if he were less of a dick and not quite so much of a Christian (an always-irritating combination).

  7. “In any case, voting and EFFECTIVE political involvement REALLY DON’T COST TOO MUCH of our limited resources.”

    Perhaps this is true today, at this moment. But if you aggregate the moments it will take to right this ship, the cost is far beyond the benefit. The country needs to be totaled out.

  8. I cannot began to add up the time I wasted trying to affect change through the political system. Including having my older kids take part of local GOP. Didn’t amount to beans and time is a resource that you can recoup

  9. I have a time machine that creates time from nothing. That makes more available to waste.

    It works according to the same eternal principle as fractional reserve.

    Energized by Q-ball-ah and a picture of silverstein hung over the end.

  10. Look at it this way. You’ve got two guys coming at you with a gun. One looks smart, one looks dumb. What guy do you take care of first? The smart guy. The dumb guy is predictable. Obama is the dumb guy. Marxists may be bloodthirsty bastards, but they are basically predictable. They also come in a form that everyone understands. Furthermore, the people who are our likely allies can understand what a Marxist is, and can be rallied to counter them.

    Neocons, on the other hand, are a wiley bunch. We’re not sure which way they will turn. We know their plans are equally long term, but they are sneaky. They will gut us with a smile on their face, while telling us they love us. Marxists don’t really disguise their hatred. Furthermore, our likely allies will smile when a Neocon does it to them, but yell when a Marxist does it to them.

    So you’ve got two guys with a gun coming at you. What does good tactics tell you to do?

    Hint: Take care of the smart one while you have the chance. The dumb one will take care of himself.

    The smart one wants you to vote out of fear. He wants you to think you’re getting the lesser of two evils with him. Think twice.

  11. “My greatest fear is that Whites will wake up … when the situation is too far gone to do anything about it.”

    I’m with Hunter. Hence my 10,000 word magnum opus why China is Not Our Friend.

    Aside from the miscegenation visceral revulsion it causes me, another reason I object to White men loving Chinkettes is because those Gook Girls are quite probably going to be a wonderful resource as a spy network for China for when they decide to stop bowing and start stabbing.

  12. @Landshark


    Look at it this way. You’ve got two guys coming at you with a gun. One looks smart, one looks dumb. What guy do you take care of first? The smart guy. The dumb guy is predictable. Obama is the dumb guy. Marxists may be bloodthirsty bastards, but they are basically predictable. They also come in a form that everyone understands. Furthermore, the people who are our likely allies can understand what a Marxist is, and can be rallied to counter them.

    Neocons, on the other hand, are a wiley bunch. We’re not sure which way they will turn. We know their plans are equally long term, but they are sneaky. They will gut us with a smile on their face, while telling us they love us. Marxists don’t really disguise their hatred. Furthermore, our likely allies will smile when a Neocon does it to them, but yell when a Marxist does it to them.

    So you’ve got two guys with a gun coming at you. What does good tactics tell you to do?

    Hint: Take care of the smart one while you have the chance. The dumb one will take care of himself.

    The smart one wants you to vote out of fear. He wants you to think you’re getting the lesser of two evils with him. Think twice.

  13. @Barb

    “…another reason I object to White Men loving Chinkettes…”

    You know, I really don’t want to agree with Stonelifter, but unfortunately you seem intent on making his own case for him. That above remark of yours was another unwarranted cheap shot, and this time completely off-topic.

  14. Thanks Lew.

    I’m vehemently anti-Romney but I’ve recently found myself wavering. Trying to steady my nerves here.

  15. So what’s he coming at you with, a lollipop and a stick of Doublemint? He’s looking to gain control of a burgeoning surveillance state with a definite anti-White agenda.

  16. As I said, who would you rather be up against? A dumb Marxist or a smart Neocon?

    What can I say? Neocons scare the crap out me. They really do.

  17. Chris they always make my case for me. But remember she says that stuff out of “love”. and yes harpy calling women out on their behavior must equal hate…. The hamsterbation from these so called pro White men White women is incredible

  18. It’s absolutely absurd for a white middle-class American to vote for Romney, even though Obama would be a disaster.

    Romney and his well-paid advisors don’t care one whit about the white middle class. Not one whit.

    Anyone who believes voting Romney would make a difference is truly ignorant.

    Worse is better. Vote collapse.

  19. As tenuous as the position of white Americans is, we are still the majority.

    Vote collapse!

    Vote collapse while we can still save ourselves and posterity!

  20. For the love of eternal God, to save your unborn children and grandchildren and generations of whites not yet conceived, vote COLLAPSE!

  21. This is no time for cowardice.

    This is no time for fear.

    Your decision now decides the fate of a milennium of white children.

    If you value freedom above slavery, if you value liberty above bondage, if you will not accept the burial of whites in an avalanche of mud, vote for collapse and set your people free!

  22. Worse is Better.
    Freedom is Slavery.
    Losing is Winning.
    Vote Obama.

    “Take care of the smart one first”. Listen to yourselves. Sorry you never had a pony guys.

    That’s what she said:
    “Aside from the miscegenation visceral revulsion it causes me, another reason I object to White men loving Chinkettes is because those Gook Girls are quite probably going to be a wonderful resource as a spy network for China for when they decide to stop bowing and start stabbing.”

    Of course Mark-Paul Gosselaar elicits visceral revulsion in most women – what a monstrous race-mixing icon Zack Morris was. And yes national security is of vital importance, the massage parlor spy network needs to be neutralized. It’s not as though Asian women form somewhat of a check on the pugnacity of American white bitches. No not at all.

  23. “I cannot began to add up the time I wasted trying to affect change through the political system. Including having my older kids take part of local GOP. Didn’t amount to beans and time is a resource that you can recoup.”

    I understand what YOU mean, but that is NOT what I meant by “EFFECTIVE political involvement.”

    Many local-level party committees are run by women, or by males run by women and personal ambition. They are good at holding meetings, planning dinners, picnics and parades, and FUNDRAISING (!!!) and implementing whatever new “PROGRAMS AND INITIATIVES” come down to them FROM ON HIGH (from the state committee and national party level) but they cannot understand, and will not assist or allow EFFECTIVE political action.

    Most local Tea Party groups were also captured long ago and made impotent by these same feminine managers.

  24. Ok Mosin, I’m starting to track what your saying but I don’t have a full grasp of it. Mind trying again to explain what you mean by effective?

    At my state level, I see only two effective political groups to back. NC Grass Roots, which is a firearms group and has been the driving factor in improving our gun laws. They are at

    The other is NCFIRE, less effective but seemingly getting more so, esp in getting large number of Whites to show up and shut down events where the Catholic church and schools try to assist beaners. They will even send you a list of crimes committed by illegals. they are at

    In theory both are non partisans but in real terms they only have pull with the state GOP.

  25. Tamer, the women in Eastern Europe are…. wonderful and a delight to experience after dealing with American women.

  26. I can imagine, stonelifter! Whereabouts? Never been but have dated a Belarussian and Czech respectively. Belarussians are a strange eastern folk but both women love good beer, bad boys and the West. Foreign women are aroused by chivalry, it just doesn’t do it for “Julia” though. I dated a “Julia” whose heroine was an Afghan lesbian crossdresser that wears a turban and got chased out of Ghan by the Talibs. Our women are utterly bizarre. *spit*

  27. You are taking your chances with an American woman. They are notorius liars and cheaters.
    My wife is from E. Europe, I couldn’t imagine being with your typical shiftless American whore at this point. I look down on them and feel sorry for the guys I see with them. The men are like putty in their hands, very discusting to see.
    American women don’t want a man, they want a play toy they can manipulate and use.
    Once you go E. European, you won’t go back.
    They are different in so many ways, they are women, American women are a cross between and adolescent boy and a controlling lesbian.
    I read on another site awile ago a good term for them: boychicks.

  28. Sean. A friend of mine says, “american chicks don’t want a man they want a girl friend with a penis and a credit card”. Seems to sum it up pert good.

    Tamer, you got me started so here it goes….I could ramble on for damn near ever about their quality, physical and emotional….. but you know I “hate women”. I only know 2 men as happy with their american brides as men I know with Eastern European brides. Can you imagine little brothers, a beautiful woman who is actually proud of you? Who thinks american chicks are horrible, spoiled and complain about the most trivial things? Who thinks its her job to remain thin and attractive? Or a woman who expresses her genuine gratitude for you/ toward you? Doesn’t expect you to be a kitchen bitch? Doesn’t try to change you or belittle the domestic stuff you suck at? On top of that, her parents would come down hard on HER if she left YOU. And you can hear the affection in their voice when they do their version of “men….” I’ve noticed that when a Polish woman, for example, “complains” about her man she is really bragging to her friends that her life is good, her man is great and all she has to bitch about is this minor thing. Then her friends say, ah what a good man, my man… equally minor, equally bragging. It’s a sight to see. Especially their faces and body language

    You don’t need to game them. A good job, a decent level of traditional masculinity/ physical fitness and you’re good to go. Owning a firearm makes you a bad boy/ james bond tyep to them. The chivalry comment is dead on. None of them give you the “you creep” or the “I can do that myself” stare” when you hold a door open for them. Hells bells they like “betas”. Re-read that. They like what american chicks would call “beta”. The ideal 1950’s American man is their ideal man of 2012. The ideal american 1950 lifestyle is their ideal lifestyle and…. they will actually sacrifice/ give up things/ reduce their spending to stay home vs staying home and driving you into debt keeping up with the jone’s. Oh yea, they don’t care for debt either. They are pretty upfront about wanting fiscal security but they are willing to trade that for their traditional femininity. They don’t confuse love with lust, seem to grasp the concept love really comes after living together for 10 + years. In some ways they are more jaded but not towards men in particular but hard life in general. Heck, they’ll encourage you to save money, for hard times to come and in a LTR they will also expect the occasional cash gift home.

    In the interest of full disclosure, I’ve not spent more than a month total in any of these nations, and I’d worry any women you brought back being corrupted by american women. I’ve warned off Russian chicks (Belorussian being basically Russian in this regard) for LTR, and the conventional wisdom is to stick with north Eastern and Baltic nations. Another odd thing is, seems to me, a lot of the women the locals rate as a 10 are 7’s to amercian men, and the women they rate as a 7 are 10’s to us. Don’t go there and get serious right away. It’s easy for amercian men to get suckered in and tied to decent Eastern European women because it’s his 1st good/ happiest experience with a woman. The down fall to being serious right away is there are great women there. You don’t want to lose out/ sell yourself short. Some are straight up con-artist. I’ve been told it doesn’t take long to figure those out. Most guys seem to fall for the scams within their couple of experiences/ trips. Another reason to not get serious to quickly.

    The Ukraine is a good starting point. They are use to Americans. I’d stay out of Kiev and Odessa. Men tell me they are over played, and I saw a lot of Western men the last time I was in Kiev. Go for the 3rd and 4th largest cities there, whose names I can’t began to spell. I can’t recall seeing fat/ ugly chicks in the Ukraine. Clearly there were women past their prime, but you could still see the woman they use to be, free excessive fat and the poison that ruins american chicks from the inside out. Took a while for that to dawn on and once it did, I found myself holding doors open for women and what not again. Oh that’s another warning. Their femininity is a powerful force. Powerful. I really like the buildings there, but a lot of what they finding interesting is just goofy to me. They mostly speak Russian, which I thought was odd and apparently is true of most of the Baltic states. I thought the food sucked.

    Polish women….my favorite so far. They seemed to be a more serious people. They still respect physical strength, and seem to be a little taller, with a more athletic build. I’m a tall man and bulky. You can see the advantages. Somehow they are still feminine, with smiles that reach their eyes; eyes that are alive and hair….All right self. Stay on point. Lithuania is good to go, but a little rougher around the edges then Poland and Ukraine. The place not the people. Perhaps the most family oriented of the bunch. Latvia or Estonian is next on my list. The one chick I meet form Estonian was as cool as cool can be and pretty. She already knew how to shoot, and was very tall for a woman. Men tell me the chicks from Hungry etc are a mess, but the prettiest woman I have ever seen is from Slovakian. She is beautiful from the inside out and her husband is so very happy with his life. Granted he fly’s black-hawks, but he’s a dumpy, balding little “beta” fellow and she couldn’t be happier with him. she was 25 when they meet and he told she was a virgin when they married. Not sure that’s a draw to a city boy, but let me tell you it is to other men.

    Tamer, a guy like you with your urban lifestyle and apparently educate/ office job would be huge hit in the Baltic nations. I promise all you little brothers, the more you check into northern-Eastern European women, the more you experience them for yourself the lower your opinion of american women will go.

  29. Stone,

    My mom would KILL me if I brought home a Polish girl. I want to reply to your post but a ‘Kwa Squaw from work is sexually harassing me so I need to show my teeth tonight. Freaky Friday the 13th.

  30. Doesn’t matter who you vote for– it’s all going to collapse. Doesn’t even matter if you stay home and don’t vote– it’s all going to collapse. The country is too far gone to not collapse. “I do believe, we’re on the eve of destruction”. I’m happy for the white Americans way up in the country, well-stocked with food, essentials, and weaponry. They have the best chance. White Americans in urban areas are going to be in for one hell of a time.

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