Obama Sinks To New Lows With White Working Class Men

National Journal

Meanwhile, Mitt Romney is giving speeches to the NAACP and talking up Marco Rubio. White working class are abandoning Obama and the Republican candidate is as clueless as ever:

The new Quinnipiac University and ABC/Washington Post national surveys out this week converge on one key conclusion: as the election nears, President Obama is sinking to historic lows among the group most consistently hostile to him. Throughout his career on the national stage, Obama has struggled among white men without a college education. But in these latest surveys, he has fallen to a level of support among them lower than any Democratic nominee has attracted in any election since 1980, according to an upcoming National Journal analysis of exit polls from presidential elections….

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I had sent this clip to one of my brothers who is in construction. He was livid. You’ve all seen it. Worth another look.
    Robert ( little weasel) Reich making sure working class Whites get NOTHING.

  2. The GOP & Romney aren’t clueless. The last thing in the world the GOP wants to be is a party that sees to the interests of middle and working class white people. Yes they know they could win elections that way, and no they don’t care.

  3. Where do the “working class” work? Taco Bell? Lowes? Drive a truck?

    Why on earth would they be keyed in to politics at all?

    So they can push a near-billionaire who shipped their jobs overseas over the top?

    So they can fight in Jew wars?

    The white working class is the enemy of the status quo.

    I refer OD to the novel and film Dune to study the Fremen.

  4. Afterthought says:
    Where do the “working class” work? Taco Bell? Lowes? Drive a truck?
    Why on earth would they be keyed in to politics at all?

    When I was younger, I worked in a foundry, shingled houses, drove trucks, poured concrete, paved asphalt, laid brick, painted cars etc. No silver spoon in my mouth.

    Working class credentials or not? Plenty of Republicans/Conservatives like me.

    By the way, Pelosi, Michael Moore, Rahm Emanuel, David Axelrod and Jesse Jackson ain’t paupers.

    Then labored as a skilled machinist learning the trade. The guys elected me shop steward.

    Scrimped and saved money over the years. Started small businesses. I got jack- you know what – from the government to finance me.

    My wife and I worked all the time for little return. Lost a lot of money — finally we made some.
    Now, I am relatively comfortable with investments and sick to death of the government robbing me of what I have left after taxing me pert ner to death my entire life giving it to niggers, wetbacks, deadbeats and government leeches.

    I want Obama gone!

  5. The definition of working class to the pollers are whites without a college degree. Doesn’t necessarily mean they are poor or working blue collar jobs. Obama is polling only 28% of white males without a college degree, almost becoming like a block vote.

  6. the Republican candidate is as clueless as ever

    Not really. Romney gave the NAACP the opportunity to show the world what welfare whores they are and they seized that opportunity. It is the NAACP, and the blacks they represent, who come off looking badly, not Romney.

  7. The reason why Obama does so poorly with working class whites in comparison to more affluent whites is because it is the working class white who is most likely to encounter blacks and therefore knows what savages they really are. More affluent whites can fool themselves into seeing blacks as noble and peaceful because of their greater racial isolation.

  8. I met a Hippy chick this past weekend. She was totally Earthy Crunchy. We got into ac light conversation….”What are you doing here, in Nashville, this weekend?” etc….we began chatting. Other Council members began to circle. Every-one was so nice and friendly and fun and lively. Hippy Chick (actually she was prolly around 40) seemed intrigued, and wanted to talk.

    So I talked.

    I told her whe we are, and why we were there.

    I thought she’d be horrified. Based on her persona, and interests.

    She wasn’t.

    She was scared to DEATH. Desperate. And scared to death.

    I initially thought she was the best Anti I’ve ever encountered. She practically followed me to my room, in the hotel.

    It’s because…she’s desperate and scared to death. I got the idea she was trying to put an initial “postive spin” on she and her spouse’s obviously precarious financial situation. I was like….some glimpse she caught…of another world. A White who wasn’t afraid to talk about Race.

    A White. Another White woman, who is WHITE.

    We exchanged phone numbers. I sent her to the Council web site. She was speaking in hushed tones. I’ll call her in a few days. This woman seemed like the last person on Earth that would want to talk to me. When we were talking about the World As It Is – she began babbling about how one must be careful, when talking to others about things, and of course as a woman, she must be extra careful. She was talking more to herself, than to me, at that point.

    She was desperate. Scared to death. Desperate.

    I don’t think it’s only working class White men, that are not into this Diversity Thing anymore…..I think others are afraid to speak out.

    The Commies, the NAGAS, the Kikes, the Orcs – they can ALL kiss my White Ass-ets.I don’t give a flying one about the System anymore.

    Burn it with fire.

  9. Romney’s appearance at the Negro club was a stroke of genius. He doesn’t need ad men. All he needs is somebody to film the reactions of those Negros hooting and hollering at him and post it on youtube.

    For him to get my vote though he’ll have to make a few more appearances.

    Next he needs to go to a La Raza meeting and announce the construction of a fence.

    Then he needs to go to AIPAC and announce everybody in NYC, LA, and DC gets audited every year of his presidency. Then maybe turn around and take a big dump right on the stage.

  10. well the war on White people is over because one hippie chick might be less supportive of BRA. The reality is she spent the last X number of years supporting our enemies, will constantly be anti White at the root of her thinking because of her long years of programing, is now to old to produce much needed White children and most likely will never offset the damage she has done

    I fail to see the victory or how she adds to our strength. We need to recruit people that add to our resources not those who are most likely a drag on our resources

  11. You don’t know she hasn’t had a kid or two Stone.

    Also, I had a 27 year old student say that
    the US breaking up was A Okay with her. She understood it meant along racial lines.

    Infact Id suggest that things be talked about in simple terms. America is Balkanizing, it’s like the USSR on it’s last legs, the only option is some sort of breakup with a North South and Pacific West. This dodges racism and goes straight into secession.

  12. that’s true John, but if she did, you can be damn sure she raised them up to be anti-White

    My guess is, she is afraid and now hopes to turn her “man” into a White Nationalist who has the balls to keep her safe, vs the pathetic hippie guy she wanted or she’s hoping she can parley her used up lady parts into finding a White Nationalist with the manhood to keep her safe. Which ever way, you can be damn near 100% certain it’s all about her with no higher allegiance and that here race awareness will be a very shallow thing

  13. @ Stonelifter: It’s by hard or impossible to change the general form of a tree once it’s grown. Pruning in the earliest years is determinant.

    But the prevailing feminine form of truth is: TRADITION. Whenever they perceive that there is a NEW tradition in fashion they can change with it. If the new tradition in their perception is WN, then they can become even that!

  14. Typo correction: “It’s by hard or impossible to change the general form of a tree once it’s grown” should be “It’s very hard or impossible to change….”

    However, blame shepherds not sheep when sheep go astray.

  15. Stone – you never fail to miss the point, do you?

    The POINT was that this one woman, who due to her appreance, and manner, completely surprised me in her reaction to our group, and ideas. This type of woman was the VERY last person whi I would have thought would be interested. I did not introduce myself as a White Racialist. We were chatting about Nashville, and food – she’s into organics, no surprise – but when the members of the group began to pop us – I was dreading the moment when she got a look of disgust at our “racism’ – I expected a hasty retreat on her part, because far too many Whites have bought into the Racial Utopianist fraud. I didn’t DO anything with her. She realized I was part of a group when every-one began swirling around us, to greet each other. She was interested. She saw that every-one was lively and friendly. Very very warm and jovial, and in exceptionally wonderful moods.

    So she wasked who we are were – and I TOLD HER. That was it.

    That’s when she began talking to all of us. She didn’t want to STOP. I think, if we had an All White Community – and we were all “headed home” – she’d have gotten into one of our cars and refused to leave. “TAKE ME WITH YOUUUUUUU!”

    To re-iterate my POINT – her reaction was a bigger surprise to me, than me, to her. My POINT was that I THINK there are loads out there, like her. We need to Spread the Word. The Good Word. The White Word. Cast the bread upon the waters…

    Also – the general friendliness and liveliness of our people was a real attraction to her.

    Perhaps she’ll get snarky when I call her. I love singing with the choir. I am not interested at all in preaching to same. I’m interested in drawing her in.

  16. I don’t want to write too much aobut that woman – but we got into a brief discussion on ancestry – and she LOVES her ethnicity, and the country her people hail from. She’s VERY proud of her people’s history. She’s very very very Aryan.

  17. I missed the point because there is no point. She doesn’t bring anything tangible to our cause. She won’t bare any more kids, she has already done who knows how much harm and she won’t be any damn good on a firing line. Now put a woman young enough to produce kids on the right path and I’ll say you accomplished something.

  18. You missed the point cause you WANTED to. The POINT was we don’t know who is out there. Do YOU know if this woman, or many others, regret to their marrow, their “lifestyle choices”? Do you know who they know? Do oyu know if she does have kids, or young relatives?

    Do you honestly think I’m NOT putting young White women on the path to White motherhood? Consciously WHITE motherhood? As WELL as young men to White fatherhood? I do that all the time. Jayzuz tap dancing Keerist. There is a lot of things I do, and others do, that I don’t write about.

  19. Hi, Denise.

    If your hippy-dippy chick had kids, then she’s done the pro-White thing, even despite herself.

    Here’s why. My own kids (millenials generation) I listen to their friends. When chauffering teens, while you’re driving, they talk, thinking you a statue, or something, and are not listening. These kids, they see “racism” as a punchline. These kids, some of ’em were raised by the hippy-dippies — seems like they mock oh that’s raycisssss the most. I’d not be surprised if Niggermania is the first site they go to when Mom in Birkenstocks leaves the house.

    They talk about Obama, and how electing him was supposed to finally get the “you racist” accusation by blacks off of us, and how that hasn’t happened at ALL, and what an epic fail he is.

    My point, the Millenials, I think, are pretty impressive. They cheer Ron Paul, they’re pissed that Obama didn’t fix the economy OR make blacks start to act like human beings, and they joke, JOKE, about racism.

    So if hippy dippy chick raised kids, just natural teenage desire to rebel is likely to send her kids straight to US.

  20. Point is that we white men while fascinated with guns and blowing up little brown fools with bigger guns could not protect our women from being called “racist.” So hence we have scared women, and what is our response? “Amuurica gonna get bigger guns and kill yet more stupid brown people.” (and on internet forums not yet regulated for racist content Amuuricans will be allowed to call them “niggers’, yeeah)

  21. I totally get you Denise–for everyone you meet one on one there are exponentially bunches out there just like that that you don’t meet one on one..

    I wish I could have attended and look forward to reading your evaluation on the convention.

    Any chance it could be in the Dallas/Ft Worth area someday?

  22. Denise- Well done, thou good and faithful servant.

    That’s what we should say to you. I say to everyone who ever evinces even a shred of White Racial Consciousness, tied to their Christian heritage as a White European-

    “One soul at a time.” We plant, we water, but God giveth the increase.

    Even here.

  23. Denise may be right that the system is losing whites by the day, but those in charge anticipated this possibility at least 3 decades ago.

    If they can’t keep America united by propaganda, they’ll keep America united by brutal totalitarianism.

  24. Awesome post, Denise! Until people start speaking up, as you do, there is no hope.

    Speaking your mind in this day and age is a revolutionary act!

  25. Stonelifter assumes that Whites and White WOMEN, in particular, must be either fellow travelers or race traitors. Stonelifter, is there any room in your misogynist equation for “in the dark?” There is no way people can make a fully, informed decision if they don’t have access to all the facts. And they didn’t until the internet became affordable.

    Truth is, buddy, having an INTERNET, where they can access all these local news articles about various crimes and misdemeanors by the Rainbow Diaspora in this country which would be otherwise buried by the national media, has done far more to awaken White people than a handful of skinheads passing out flyers. Youtube and other video internet media where Negro and Mestizos video their buddies attacking helpless, isolated people like a pack of hyenas has done more to awaken White people than a cross-lighting by the KKK.

    A lot of them may not be posting here, but Hunter has a good idea of how many visitors he gets and not all of them are hasbarat operatives or SPLC spies or other “hall monitors.” They are White people who have become racially awakened, lurking here, but too afraid to post, because their livelihoods rely on them flying under the radar.

    If you got burned in some way by a woman, you need to find a way get over it, because your bitterness is corrosive to your cause. It is smarter to take a “better late than never” approach to recently awakened Whites, White women in particular, rather than “too late now, you useless, used-up, over-the-hill twit.” These woman may not be able to birth more White recruits, but they may still be mothers or grandmothers or have access to other, younger, unawakened Whites. These women maintain a social network.

  26. you should see my post praising foreign born women before you label me a misogynist. or actually look into the numbers about amercian White women. The truth will set you free.

    Or not Much easier to give me a label

  27. Throw in the very real question about the harm this maybe ex hippie chick has already done and what she does or does not bring to the table….. it’s meaningless. It adds nothing tangible and you have no idea if she still thinks the same way today as when the harpy talk to her. Knowing women and the research on their morality thinking, odds are good her thinking as already reverted back to anti White hippie think. Woman seek to build group consensuses but those consensuses change when when the group changes. But team woman has to kick in and go on like its the best thing ever when in reality its a big “if”

    Any which way you want to look at the hard data strongly suggest american White women are not on team White man. They are on team BRA. Then there is the evidence in the “ladies” post themselves

    If it were only me, I’d get over it, but voting records, choice of entertainment which is hostile to White men, divorce pron which is hostile to White men, White women’s support for title 9 and affirmative action in college admissions, hiring and promotions paternity fraud stats and divorce stats say its a lot more then just me. That’s what you “ladies” fail to see. Things I mention happened to me and millions of other men. Those things are supported by White women and White women support the anti White man culture to the hilt. BRA is WRA ( woman ran america) and women wouldn’t have anything they like to crow about if it weren’t for the govt. The women here, constantly make snide comments about White men in general, yet never go on about the things I mention. In fact they generally try to pass the blame on to White men.

    Being called bitter, angry, loser, queer, misogynist etc is the exact same tactic other anti White men people make when they call us racists and leave in a huff. Hell the women here can’t even bring themselves to call the other women out when they are making anti White man statements and some man besides my self mentions it. I’m supposed to think some random hippie chick is now going to be a net positive for us? It simply doesn’t compute

  28. @Stonelifter:

    No fault divorce was initiated in Oklahoma in 1953. Interestingly enough that was the exact same year Hugh Hefner launched Playboy. Ten years before Betty Friedan’s “Feminist Mystique” was even published.

    In the eighties the term, “Displaced Homemaker” was far more ubiquitous than Deadbeat Dad, though the liberalized divorce laws and no child support enforcement were great enticements for men in the throes of their mid-life crises to trade in their forty-something wives and no-longer-so-cute kids for a sports car and a twenty-something year old.

    Some of you “gentlemen” may feel you have a right to a certain animus against us “ladies,” but us “ladies” also have a right to a certain animus against you “gentlemen.”

    Furthermore, you assume that the likes of Gloria Steinem inspired ALL White women to go to work rather than a stagnant economy, inflationary prices, and the loss of earning power of their husbands, necessitating them to go out and make up the shortage.

    When I started working, it was the policy of companies to have men and women do the same kind of work, but have different job titles with two tiers of pay and training opportunities offered to one tier but not the other. You would not think less of these men if they did not turn down these jobs because they were not available to women. I think it is rather hypocritical of you to damn women for not taking advantage of any benefits offered to them. I should not have to remind you that, in the past, no stores offered discounts on their products to lower-paid women.

    Your attitude reminds me a lot of “the good old days” where a guy who had a rough day at work and got chewed out by the boss could then go home and take out his frustrations by kicking the dog and beating up on the little woman.

    The average American woman is not to blame for the problems of the average American man. Women do not run our government or control the media. Men do.

  29. it’s run for your benefit, just like negros do not run BRA. the claim about lots of DV back in the day have to legitimate grounding and yea, more marxists- feminest anti White man tripe that cannot be substantiated with facts

    try out a girl writes what on youtube. she’ll eat your arguments up much better then me

  30. @Stonelifter:

    It was the economy, not feminism, that sent women into the workforce. Where is the benefit to a young White mother being forced to put her six week old child into daycare and go back to work because her husband is not making enough money to support the entire family? Hmmm?

    Your assumption that as a woman I have no vested interest in seeing any White man thrive is not only baseless but dead wrong. If you are successful at creating and running your own business, you have the potential to be an employer. At the very least you take yourself out of the competition for any shrinking pile of jobs left for me and mine. I want EVERY White male to succeed beyond their wildest dreams, because it is in my interests that they do.

    White women who come here are genuinely worried about the future well-being of White men, like their sons. You go out of your way to run them off by being rude, insulting and antagonistic, and by blaming them for everything that has gone wrong in a country run by men … WHITE men … since the fifties. I would say you have issues that you need to deal with.

    Even though a lot of sound and fury is made from politicians about running the government for the benefit of women and Negros, if you are paying attention, you will see two groups of people that have benefited enormously from affirmative action for Negros and women.

    1) The Jews who have become disproportionately represented in all echelons of power since Civil Rights and other affirmative action initiatives were passed.

    2) The political class. Surely it has not escaped your notice that we have had a hereditary political class since Civil Rights and other affirmative action initiatives were passed.

    We have a hostile cabal of White elites and Jews who want to transform this country into a Latin-American style dictatorship. None of which is possible while there is a strong, stable, large, White middle class headed by productive White males.

    If the goal is an Alduous Huxley “Brave New World” style of government, then one can see where the hostile White elite and their Jewish partners in crime would want to set themselves up as the Alphas by driving a wedge between working and middle class White men and White women.

    White men would want more traditional, “feminine” and subservient Asian wives, creating a nice Beta technical class.

    White women would have to miscegenate with either Mestizos for a military and police class OR

    Negros and Indians to provide the peasant class.

    I will concede that women and Negros have been used as a weapon against White men, but it makes no sense to blame the weapon rather than those who wield it.

    What’s going on with women and Negros and even Mestizos reminds me of charities that have eighty percent or more of their budget being eaten up by the costs of administration.

    If I have someone who withholds ten dollars from me and makes a big production about giving three dollars to you, Hunter, and Fr. John, then I would be a damned sight more concerned about the seven dollars I didn’t get than the three dollars you three got.

  31. Those White women used as a tool against us White men have free will. They elect to be the tool of our enemy and by default have become our enemy. Again BRA/WRA is ran for the benefit of women and negros, and is heavily supported by White women

    White women who come here run down White men in a myriad of ways and never call each other out on it. Then they throw a hissy fit when a man does call them out on it. That hardly speaks toward a pro White man attitude. But I’ll tell you what, you step up and call them out on it, and I won’t. Deal?

  32. “Savages” we all know who the savages really are. One thing that was over-looked is how uneducated most of the people this site is. Savagery and greed is a white mans game.

  33. “One thing that was over-looked is how uneducated most of the people this site is.”

    Res, quomodo mundus dixit, ipsa loquitur.

  34. ” ‘savages’we all know who the savages really are.”

    let me guess…

    “One thing that was over-looked is how uneducated most of the people this site is [sic]. ”

    I’ll admit that Bush was a sub- moron. I favoured Kerry and Gore at the time. Bush opened the door for Kang Nig.

    “Savagery and greed is [sic] a white mans [sic] game.”

    civilization is a white man’s game. EOM.

  35. The women’s liberation movement was started by Tavistock/ communists . It’s was not a grass-roots type movement, contrary to what the media says. Gloria Steinem
    [and her father] was CIA. In addition to being planned by communists and radicals, economic pressures also forced women out of the home.


    Also, Google :

    ” feminism + cia + steinem ”
    ” feminism + cia ”
    ” tavistock + feminism”

    Lots of information online.

    In all fairness to the ladies. Alot of men fully supported sexual liberation in the 1960’s, alot more than women. Also, when abortion was legalized in 1973, the men, overwhelmingly, supported it more than women. I was 15 at the time. I was there.

    I’m not talking about the radicals, just the average working-class, middle-class milieu I grew up in. When abortion was made legal, most of the women were confused by it. It through them off-balance.

    The men, on the other hand, were celebrating it. More chance for sex, without the possibility of a shot-gun wedding. The men were very happy about it. The average women were confused and thrown-off-balance : In their hearts and in their minds. Soon after, women’s collective behavior changed alot. Big Time. Abortion greatly affected women deep in their hearts, causing much confusion.

    The cultural mess as concerns family, sexual liberation, feminism, is just not the result of women, plenty of men were/are responsible for the mess we’re in. To finger- point at women as if they’re the complete cause of our cultural dilemna is bullshit.

  36. Sorry the link doesn’t work. Google the website. It’s definitely up and running. I just finished reading it before typing my post.

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