The Fight Against “Racism” Continues


There is a Jew named Carl Roden who spends nearly 100 percent of his time at the Southern Heritage Non-Preservation Group fighting racism and promoting multiculturalism and political correctness.

Note: I’ve spent years observing how these Jews operate. If you shave away the lore and chaff surrounding anti-Semitic conspiracy theories, you will find there is a kernal of truth and a real problem.

The polls I have seen suggest that most American Jews identify Jewishness with support for social equality. Every single Jew isn’t a social equality activist but it is still true that the strong majority of them are.

This is what happens when those Jews are allowed to join your organizations. They invariably transform the organization into a platform for their own agenda of fighting racism and promoting social equality.

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. It’s a funny thing about Judaism.

    Real Orthodox Judaism is about as far from the ‘social equality’ crowd as it gets, which is maybe why so many Jews became reactionary in regards to it, and swing entirely the other way, all attitude and no morals.

    It’s smarter as a religion than a secular phenomenon, imo. Believing in it, (in the strict Orthodox version) runs the people into problems with other nations, but still, it really is a full-service religion…with ethics codes, manners codes, dietary rules, etc…. in other words, a way of life.

    The secular phenomenon only takes away what’s problematical in orthodoxy: the idea that “we are chosen and the only covenantal people and have an obligation to rule over all others, including equally bright europeans.”

    That’s the takeaway, but without the intense family ties, attention to diet, manners, lifelong interest in learning, and etc, that the best of the religious, strictly orthodox, and sometimes non-zionist, tribesters sometimes have.

    On the secular level, the strict politicos, it’s like the worst of both worlds.

  2. Something like this certainly happened in sports. The head of the English FA is David Bernstein. His advent heralded antiracism campaigns in football stadiums. The promotion of quite average black players to the national team. Also the complete freetrade of players and the dilution of homegrown talent in the Premiership. The debacle England just faced in Euro 2012 was in large measure the result of promoting a handful of black players who lack the wits and concentration of their Spanish Italian and German counterparts. Diversity was favoured over talent and brains. Running speed over technique. The sport a vehicle for social engineering. Ashley Young and Theo Walcott are terrible Black footballers. Yet they get picked again and again.

    In a pub in East London I was having a drink with a Jewish girl and her main comment about the English team was how nice it was to see so much diversity on the team in comparison to Germany or Italy. I pointed out that Spain had no diversity and was World Champion. Lo and behold they won against a virtually exclusively white Italian team.

    Jews are hardwired with this stuff it’s in their nervous system with the Tay Sachs.

  3. “…the idea that “we [Jews] are chosen and the only covenantal people…”

    Actually many Jews believe in a series of covenants including one with Adam and one with Noah long before the one with Moses. The Noahide Covenant is the most interesting (and scary) and includes a list of Seven Commandments that are supposed to guide all the world’s peoples except the Jews who are supposed to be guided by the Ten Commandments. That may be the basis of their hostility to the Ten Commandments being claimed by Christians which is otherwise mysterious.

    The Noahide Covenant is not supposed to be a Jewish construct, but one that some of them have preserved the memory of. It is in existence today as an alleged pathway for non-Jews to gain God’s favor. You can see some of it here:

  4. They invariably transform the organization into a platform for their own agenda of fighting racism and promoting social equality.

    But sometimes it backfires ….. at least, for the time being ….

    Merkel promises Jews and Muslims in Germany that circumcision WILL be allowed despite controversial court ban – Judge in Cologne outlawed the practice on the grounds that it causes ‘illegal bodily harm’ July 13, 2012

  5. If I created The Society for the Study and Classification of North American Butterflies, I have no doubt that somehow, someway if Jews were allowed to join my proposed butterfly organization that it would be turned into a platform for the fight against racism.

  6. Jews are not the only problem…but they are always a problem. This is the logical response to all of the “Yeah, but what about those other people” squid ink.

    If the world exists thousands of years hence we can predict with near certainty that a flourishing future society with manageable internal frictions will—despite the timeless record indicating its folly—grant entry to the still put-upon and peripatetic jewish diaspora. And the countdown to that society’s demise will commence. It’s frog-scorpion to eternity.

  7. I know you know this but the reason Jews support equality is because the goal is to corrupt all out-groups into a giant “melting pot” cauldron so that they are the only cohesive in-group.

    The reason they support equality is not because it’s good for everyone, but because it’s good the for Jews. And so far it has worked brilliantly. Absolutely brilliantly. There is basically no remaining cohesive out-group that can touch them. Their historical competitors have swallowed hook, line and sinker their propaganda.

    Their rule will continue and only get stronger as more and more of the “aware” die off.

  8. The polls I have seen suggest that most American Jews identify Jewishness with support for social equality

    By “social equality”, the Jews mean taking away money from white gentiles and giving it to everyone else.

  9. They’re still only 2% of the United States population.

    Yes, most of them are true believers in diversity. Yes, they started the NAACP and Jewish lawyers and media moguls were behind the Rodney King riots, the Immigration and Nationality Act in the ’60s, and other major anti-white initiatives. Yes, they were there at the invention of the word racism, the single most popular code word for anti-white actions, the race-denialist corruption of anthropology in the middle of the last century, the creation of cultural marxism.

    They’re still only 2% of the population of the United States.

    None of it could have happened without the support of white anti-whites. Was Teddy Kennedy a Jew? Was Lyndon Johnson a Jew? Was Walter Cronkite a Jew? Last I checked, more than the 13% of Blacks, the unknown percentage of Hispanics, and the 2% of Jews voted for the Democrats.

    The genocide of whites could only occur with the assistance and support of white anti-whites. Exhausted by WWII, Whites were still in a position of strength 50 years ago. And we gave it all away. And now the non-whites are in our homelands raping our women, and we don’t dare say anything because it would be racist to notice.

    Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.

  10. The Normans were never more than 3% of the population in England post 1066.

    However, they were the most cohesive, aggressive and ruthless group. They also had the pope as a hostage, Normandy and Sicily to milk for direct aid.

    With the Jews you have a transnational elite. It’s true that they are only 2% in the US, but they can count on the support of millions of Israelis and coreligionists in Russia, UK, France, Germany…

  11. @The Noahide Covenant
    Thank you for posting the link. After reading the Wikipedia article you were considerate to post, I did a google search. Your link compelled me to dig deeper into the subject.
    Google : ” noahide laws + come and see”
    ” noahide laws + jews behead christians”
    ” noahide laws + lubavitch jews”
    ” noahide laws + guillotenes”
    Very sick and racist laws : noahide laws. Unbelievable : Reagan signed the Noahide laws at the request of the lubavitch jews when he was president. The noahide laws are The Law of the USA ; Ronald Reagan signed the sick and racist lubavitch/talmudic “laws” : The bill/act making the noahide laws the laws of the USA. Disgusting.
    Lots of info online. Thank you @ The Noahide Covenant for the link. I’m learning alot of new things I had never known before. I’m still reeling after what I’ve just read about the noahide laws. It would benefit All White Americans to research :
    ” noahide laws + come and see”
    A hard subject, but better to be informed than in the dark. Thank you @ The Noahide Covenant for bringing light to this subject: Yet another subject never mentioned in the controlled mainstream news system.
    Thank God for the internet. More and more truth is coming to Light. Truth is the only thing that’s going to save us. Depends, of course, on how many White Americans want to see and know the truth. I’m not talking about anyone who posts here ; I speak in general for the USA as a whole [ or part, for those seccessionists : Not opposed to seccession ; I just hope no more White Caucasian blood is lost over seccession. Too much white Caucasian blood has been lost for Eternity already as it is over the matters discussed here at “OD” ].
    We have too many racial enemies to war amongst ourselves, not to mention we have alot of white traitors: Like Reagan, for example, who signed these racist, violent laws — The Noahide Laws– into American law. F*ckin traitor.
    This would make an excellent subject matter/ article for Occidental Dissent’s ongoing series of articles about white traitors. The noahide laws certainly fit the bill in terms of getting -sold- down -the- river : And Reagan was the traitor who did it. The noahide laws are definitely something All White Americans should dissent from : The laws and the punishments for so-called infractions* is brutal, inhuman, and barbaric.
    * Infractions of jew/talmudic religious laws even for those are Not jewish. Disgusting.
    It’s a good idea to go online and google info about the talmud. Lots of info online about the talmud also, in addition to the noahide laws : the racist and violent noahide laws come out of the talmud to begin with.

  12. If you try telling anyone who isn’t already redpilled about the Jews, they will ignore you. Only people who are already aware are willing to talk about Jews.

    What works, what makes the brainwashed white people who are cowering in fear of the dreaded R-word understand the ongoing program of white genocide, is to talk about the ongoing program of white genocide.

    Eventually they’ll stop being afraid of being racist, because anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.

    If enough white people understand what’s happening, the program of white genocide ends, with or without Jewish support or opposition. Doesn’t matter if the entire Jewish population opposes it as suicide bombers.

    The Jews are irrelevant. Talking about Jews is a distraction, but the Jews themselves are irrelevant.

  13. I’m talking Jews because there’s so many Whites who sell-out to them– like Ronnie and the noahide laws. I suggest to All readers to get informed about this subject. One can approach a subject in a level-headed way without becoming obsessed, or at the expense of other matters in life. The noahide laws are not irrelevant: The Noahide Laws are on American law books ; The Noahide Laws are now American laws
    [ because of Ronald Reagan] .That doesn’t fall under the category “irrelevant”. Not at all.

  14. Peppermint is correct. There is no way the world’s 13 million Jews — yes, that’s all there are, folks — could control seven billion goyim even if there were some sort of Elders of Zion meeting weekly over pastrami at the Carnegie Deli.

    The era of Red Judiasm is almost over. The revolutionary Jew is a disappearing species; they have outmarried, contracepted, and aborted themselves into a dying breed. Sure, it seems like they are everywhere, but that’s only because so many Jews are in positions of high public visibility (e.g., finance, showbiz). The overall Jewish population of the world decreases year by year. Only among religious Jews does the birthrate approach replacement levels. Even in New York the orthodox Jews are assuming power. In a few years they will supersede the Red Jews as the dominant faction in NYC. And as goes New York, so goes the world.

    We are still the majority in this country and in Europe. Anything that happens to white people happens because we want it to happen, or because we are willing to allow it. That’s why building White Identity is our most important job. If only a tenth of the white population can be salvaged and united into a true nation, no force on Earth can resist us.

    No enemies on the White. Instead of bickering over politics we should unite under our shared genetic and cultural heritage. First comes the White nation, then the White state.

  15. How do we form a white identity without restructuring Holocaust narrative? How do we restructure the Holocaust narrative without revealing the true nature of the Jew?

    There may be only 13 million Jews worldwide, but there is an invisible Jew in every white person’s head that says if you form yourself an identity you are guilty of Holocaust.

    If anything the 13 million number tells you numbers are irrelevant. It’s who writes the history, teaches the kids and runs the media. Whether it’s the invisible Jew in our head or a real Jew, it’s a Jew nonetheless.

  16. New York, May 31st, 1892.
    Hon, Simon Wolf, Wnshington, D. C,
    Dear Sib:

    Not knowing whether you have seen or will see the inclosed item, I send it to you. It shows at least that there are no less than 300 Jewish officers serving in the French army, probably the highest number in any of the great European armies, which speaks well for France and her republican government.
    Hoping that you are well, I am,
    Truly yours,
    Franz Sigel.

    Sigel was a head of education in St Louis in 1860. He raised the German militia who secured the place for the union, conducted a massacre of white natives, then went on to command a Brigade in the Army of the Potomac. He later went into journalism. He cut his military teeth in the Revolutions of 1848. There are more like him in the record. The German immigrants flocked to his banner in Union recruitment campaigns. “Fight Mit Sigel”. This guy sorta proves Hunter’s point. Let a few in
    and you get massacred eventually.

  17. I’m outta here. I put my hobby horse back in the shed for the evening. Talk to ya’ all tomorrow. Peace Love and Understanding to All. Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall get a brand new hobby horse wrapped all pretty and placed under the Christmas tree on Christmas Eve by Santa so that hobby horse playing shall never pass from the face of the earth.

  18. LandShark says:
    “If anything the 13 million number tells you numbers are irrelevant. It’s who writes the history, teaches the kids and runs the media. Whether it’s the invisible Jew in our head or a real Jew, it’s a Jew nonetheless”

    You make a good point. They control all major powerpoints.

  19. It’s a considerable number if the people are well placed and operating on the same page and positioned to back one another. The astonishing Unanimity on multiculturalism is good evidence of being on the same page. The general mentality of Hollywood and other film and TV is hostility toward host populations. They vote almost in unison for one party but essentially fund both. One for war one for social engineering.

    The Black vote is the only example of politically instinctive behaviour that’s more

  20. Jews certainly don’t support anti-racism, non-discrimination, and equality where they form an ethno-racial majority: Israel, the only racist ethno – state left standing with a rich and powerful lobby in the diaspora protecting it. Jews just do what’s good for the Jews: racism in Israel, anti-racism in the diaspora. We must always call them on their shameless double-standards and incoherence.,

  21. Hunter,

    The idea of “fighting against racism and promoting racial equality” is just a smokescreen. What that jew is fighting against is the Celtic and Germanic people who are the people of “the South”. It is an ethnic attack disguised as a moral crusade.

    If a jew wants to “fight against racism and promote racial equality”, then he would be in Israel fighting for the rights of palestinians and black africans.

  22. The people who are and have been totally changing our world and having their way:

    “…Lawyers and media moguls …[professors]of anthropology …the creation of cultural marxism [by professors, academics]

    …writes the history, teaches the kids and runs the media…control all major powerpoints.”

    Most of the “salt of the earth,” normal, whatever you want to call us people:

    “I don’t care if it’s just a job pumping gas, as long as you are working”…idea of doing anything but working down at the mill, in the local factory, at the plant, framing houses, etc., as far out and strange as going to the moon.

    Wonder if this contrast has much to do with anything?

    I read a few years ago some historian that pointed out that the American Indians did not loose this country so much because of the white man’s Winchesters, cavalry, etc., as it was *the beliefs* and way of thinking they had.

  23. “I’m talking Jews because there’s so many Whites who sell-out to them.”

    Why can’t as many of the “regular, normal,” whatever you want to call us, buy out as many people? Could it have anything to do with people who demand their kids grow up to be doctors and lawyers and accountants and maintain 3.00 and above grade point averages having certain advantages over “by God I don’t care if it’s a job sweeping floors as long as they work” parents now that the year 1825 is far back in our rear view mirrors?

  24. “The astonishing Unanimity on multiculturalism is good evidence of being on the same page.”

    I notice most of the kind of people we on this site and others like it have in mind when we are defending and speaking up for them pretty much stay on the “same page” with each other, too. For example, in the region I live in, and I understand in many others it is very similar, a lot of people are on the same page:

    This afternoon I went to a cookout with a lot of people and they were about all talking about the motorcycle rides they were on this weekend. And the last weekend. And a few nights this past week. And the big biker shindig that is next weekend. And they were all talking about the “Full Throttle Saloon.”

    Yes, our people often stay on the same page as the rest of our people, too. It is just a different page–nay, a different book–as Jews and the kind of white people that are identified as “Yankees” on this site.

  25. They invariably transform the organization into a platform for their own agenda of fighting racism and promoting social equality.

    (Far-left Jewish convert) Madonna sued by France far-right for swastika video – Used image of rightwing leader Marine Le Pen

    France’s far-right National Front said Sunday that it plans to sue Madonna after the singer showed a video at a Paris concert that contained an image of the party’s leader with a swastika on her forehead.

    (note: this story is not available for commenting)

    This is so bizarre. Once again playing on the Holohoax and “Stare into the eyes of evil.” (History Channel) narrative. Correct me if I’m wrong, but one can’ t truly convert to Judaism because Jews are a race.

    So Israel can deport illegals, but France can’t (even though Marine Le Pen isn’t even in power).

    Madonna kicked off her world tour in Israel, and its ironic that the Nazis were instrumental in the creation of Israel with the Havaara Agreement; and the Nazis even had 40 Kibbutz training camps in Germany to help German Jews learn farming and other skills they would need – I guess because Jews in the west are not known for living in rural areas, but in cities where they prefer administration careers.

  26. “I guess because Jews in the west are not known for living in rural areas, but in cities where they prefer administration careers.”

    They do not just “prefer” it, they KNOW that administration careers and similar careers are where the clout and society shaping power resides at here in the modern world of 2012.

    Meanwhile, our people, who we on this site champion and speak for, still haven’t figured out that a job where your name is printed on your shirt equals zero clout or ability to shape society. Maybe it should, but it does not. That is the reality. That is the “situation here on the ground.”

  27. I myself champion a society that remembers and takes steps to ensure the folks with their names on their shirts so they may earn good wages, raise a family and put money away for their rainy days.

    Noticed I said society and not govt.

    The problem isn’t we don’t have smart and talented men, but they leave their own kind behind once they get into a position to influence things. Or so it seems to me at anyrate. Good men don’t move up, smiley balls of politicking snot do. Our problems won’t be fixed by men at the top, they will be fixed when the current system crashes and salt of the earth types with balls and common sense can have influence again

  28. Good men don’t move up, smiley balls of politicking snot do.

    True. The short-sighted greedy psychopaths in high-places that live in insulated gated communities don’t give a shit about their own people, or their own culture, or even their own country.

  29. It is a mistake to talk about this “crash” in so sweeping a way. Sure, the EBT card is most likely going to have some serious lack of funds a few years hence, and some other similar things and some people, but there is not going to be any significant changing of the guard at the top any time soon. Who all, exactly, do you think is going to come crashing down? What all, exactly, systems do you think are going to fall? And to what extent? Do you think “it” is ALL going to come down? Do you think ALL of “them” are coming down with “it?”

    I don’t write much on this site in response to or to critique certain statements I see. My reason for being here is to further increase a certain momentum that needs built up. But there are several items that that are not infrequently discussed here where the posters have a serious misunderstanding.

    There are at least two assumptions that are held by most of the commenters here and on which the scenario set forth concerning the outcome of the “coming collapse” depends that are wrong.

    Moreover, all of your post above proceeding the final sentence is fine as far as it goes, but it suffers from being at base a statement of taste and preference. It even actually reflects my own preference and opinion. But it does not change the simple fact I discussed in my posts on this thread.

    Further, you wrote:

    “but they leave their own kind behind once they get into a position to influence things. Or so it seems to me at any rate.”

    Yes, it seems that way to me, too. In fact, I am well aware of it and have been for some time; it is precisely one of the reasons I have been writing posts like I have in this thread. You are dashing by its implications far too fast.

    Also, do you not see the serious contradiction in terms contained in this statement you made?

    “salt of the earth types with balls and common sense can have influence again”

    If they had balls and sufficient sense and talent they would have influence right now. This mentality is exactly what has us in the predicament we are in. Too many of our people are actuated by this. To whom are you and so many others appealing to for vindication? Maybe God when you die will judge you according to how well you lived up to morals and a set of arbitrary standards that you prefer and send you to heaven and not hell, but down here on earth there is no referee or committee that is going to award you anything like influence in your society for doing so. You have to do it yourself and by means that will work, just like liberals, Yankees and Jews have acquired influence over society and made it into the way they want it.

  30. There is no doubt Jews are an enemy. While Jewish influence is not our only problem, it is unquestionably a problem among other problems that need to be confronted.

  31. Read the Talmud. Read Martin Luther. Read the Jews themselves. Review the history of Communism, Bolshevism and the Ukrainian Holocaust. Check into the Frankfurt school. Look up Stephen J. Gould and his lies. Turn on your HD-TV, review the wall-to-wall anti-White programming, and then look up who owns Hollywood. Read Kevin MacDonald and TOO daily (The Occidental Observer). You’ll figure it out.

    I will buy with you, sell with you, talk with you, walk with you; but I will not eat with you, drink with you, nor pray with you. – Shylock, Jew, The Merchant of Venice (I, iii, 35-39)

  32. Re: Lew’s 12:06 post

    Or read/listen David Duke’s ” Jewish Supremacism ” – its all in there. I bought the audio CD and I’m half way through it. I was already fairly familiar with the Talmud, history of Communism, Bolshevism and the Ukrainian Holocaust, Holohoax as there’s lots of stuff on youtube.

  33. To quote myself; Good men don’t move up, smiley balls of politicking snot do. I hear that from every line of work. Negros, beaners, women they get promoted just because they have the law on their side. Doesn’t matter much right now to most Whites because life and jobs are still good enough. That can’t last for ever. The Whites who do get promoted play the game. They aren’t the best at xyz, they are the best at playing the game. The military is the worse for this and I’m sure all branches of the govt are pretty much the same. Which is why we have so few Whites of quality in high places

    To be fair, and in full disclosure my military career was done in by me not supporting diversity. This was in the mid 90’s. But I hear the same thing from other men in other lines of work

    My after life doesn’t depend on my right behavior; that’s ensured by my faith Christ is God made flesh, that His death and mercy covers my sins. If my next life was dependent on this life…. there is nothing I can do to save my soul. That is beyond my strength as a man.

    Morality comes from something higher than ourselves, and is non-mutable. If it is not then there is no right or wrong, only legal and illegal.

    Others will do a much better job on those last two points then me.

    The crash. I don’t have a crystal ball, but I did bang a stripper named Crystal once… Perhaps it will never come, or be more of a fizzle, but lets imagine for a little bit

    Govt debt and inflation will crush the dollar and our economy. Our economy is a based on the lie of consumer debt so it will not snap back. There is little manufacturing to base a new economy on and it would almost have to be rebuilt from scratch which would require dismantling a fair amount of BRA/WRA. We are seeing this in the here and now on a small scale. Not the dismantling bit, but the other stuff.

    When the dollar is trashed, like it should be, that means cheap made foreign goods are no longer cheap. Meds aren’t going to be there for grandma, no luxury items for mary jane and all those peoples with dumb degrees will not have make shift work for women study PHD holders. Energy food prices will continue to go up because those things are traded globally and our weak dollar will gut us. To restore the economy affirmative action for negros and women will get trashed, environmental laws will get trashed etc. Who will do the trashing and the demanding for those things to be undone in an attempt to restore the economy? It will be state govts. We’ll have a resurgences of state rights. Not because it makes the states feel warm and fuzzy to be on the side of right but because they will need to fix problems or be out of their comfy state jobs

    It also means a hit to the EBT. But not only the EBT, but section 8, subsides for heating and cooling negro houses and “free” medical care to negros, and the whole damn welfare system. This will cause a chimp out. Maybe not like a LA riot style chimp out, but for sure a big increase in crime. While that is going on, the govt will be shedding a lot of its BS work which means the negro middle class will shrink adding to negro crime

    The dollar crashing will also mean less money for cops, the military fire fighters and the enforcement branch of BRA. Les money for schools and prisons and all the stuff we blow cash on to help keep negros in check. Negros will prey on Whites, Whites will be pissed the govt isn’t keeping us safe.

    All that applies to negros and beaners by the way. We know a large number of beaners want to break the South west away from the usa. That could be a huge factor. Could be a non event too. Who knows, but I see it playing a major role because of how powerful a force ethnocentrism is.

    I wouldn’t be surprised if hajjis become a large problem at this time since the ones in the middle east have a lot of real wealth, and want to spread islam world wide. In islam, you do get into heaven based solely on your actions. We could easily have 3 very troubling demographic groups, and that’s without a lot of foreign govts string the pot. If other govt decided to stir our kool-aide, who knows how bad things will get.

    Whites will also be hit hard and yet we will be told we can’t keep negros in check because its racist, and we’ll be told we need to spend money on negros more then ever. BRA will adjust the term “wealthy” downward to anyone who still has a decent job, run the tax the rich mantra and demand more money from Whites then ever before. Maybe try to nationalize our 401k’s and the like, and tell Whites how much they can charge for the goods and services we provide as well. BRA will demand theses things, fail to protect White people and what not while nergos and beaners are at their worst behavior. We’ll be told we can’t go after the coal in the hills and the gas off our coast. We’ll be told we still have to hire negros regardless of their lower qualifications and mary jane still gets to take time off after a baby and get her old job back. That will piss White men off in a way that doesn’t piss us off in the time of easy living.

    How will all that play out? I see it playing out as people ignoring BRA and the feds, but not just people, state govts will began to tell the feds to piss off, corporations specifically midsize ones will back the state govts so they can go back to making money. Especially down South and in places like Montana who have a tradition of bucking BRA in the 1st place. One thing will lead to another and….. maybe. Things like this happen before, and all nations collapse. BRA won’t last forever

  34. Proving or disproving the PC sanctioned version of the so called “Holocaust” is really irrelevant at this point. Doesn’t matter if the revisionists are 100% correct.

    As others have pointed out, what is relevant is that the “Holocaust” is used to promote White genocide. How? If I tell you the truth about the ongoing genocide of my race, the White race, liberals and respectable conservatives agree I’m anaziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews. In other words, anti-Whites use the “Holocaust” to cow our people into silence and accept their own genocide as justifiable.

    They say they are anti-racist but what they are is anti-White.

    Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.

  35. ‘If you shave away the lore and chaff surrounding anti-Semitic conspiracy theories, you will find there is a kernal of truth and a real problem.’

    This is why Kevin MacDonalds work is so important. Once one understands Judaism as little more than a Group Evolutionary Strategy then it all falls into place.

    One can think of all the conspiracy theories as just fancy decorations. They are fun and entertaining, but are a little bit of a distraction from what has been scientifically proven as True.

  36. Well said More. The details of the Holocaust are second fiddle, and as of now the jewish establishment just loves the “deniers” since they are in left field twiddling over shower sizing specs while the jews just point at them and go “mean people.”

    White people just realize that this whole load of crap is anti-white and start making their moral balance point the phrase “anti-White” is it or is not and then we can move forward.

  37. It would be rather clever if someone said:

    “Hitler probably didn’t act quickly enough or ruthlessly enough. He missed far too many of our good friends. A lightweight, if you ask me! Look at how brilliantly Kaganovich killed 10 million Ukrainian Christians. That’s a proper maniac.”

    That’s not cause for arrest in Germany is it?

  38. “I know you know this but the reason Jews support equality is because the goal is to corrupt all out-groups into a giant “melting pot” cauldron so that they are the only cohesive in-group. The reason they support equality is not because it’s good for everyone, but because it’s good the for Jews. And so far it has worked brilliantly. Absolutely brilliantly. There is basically no remaining cohesive out-group that can touch them. Their historical competitors have swallowed hook, line and sinker their propaganda. Their rule will continue and only get stronger as more and more of the “aware” die off.”

    That is why they are doomed to fail. But LandShark has it correctly.

    Homeschooling is breaking the back of the Jewsmedia. The internet is showing up the lies of the Christ Killers. And [praise be to Hashem- lol] as one astute writer penned, “Jews have an expiration date.” Of all the groups that are not having enough babies to maintain population, it is the most liberal, tolerant, and Democratic Jews. They are literally liberalising themselves out of existence!

    So, fight the good fight. Pass on to people the links to ‘come and’ pass the articles that quote Jews as saying “Yes, we DO own the Media” etc., until the entire house of cards falls to the ground, and we give the Palestinians their land back.

    Oh happy day.

  39. The big-shot rulers of this world use the noahide laws as a means to control everyone. Even the average working-class/middle-class jews. Many average jews are against the noahide laws as well. It’s why so many tried to escape from their rabbinical leadership in Europe. The big-shot jews would run to the pope or the king to request the christian authorities send in the gentile army to put down any jewish rebellion against the talmudic rabbinical big-shots.
    One can get an idea of how power works in this world : Power the “christian” big-shots love as much as the jew big-shots. They work hand-in-glove. Always have : In spite of Christian leadership’s historical anti-semitism { that was just for show} and in spite of jewish leadership’s historical anti-christianism { that was just for show as well}. It was- and is– all designed to get christian and jew at one another’s throats, to keep both distracted so the big-shots can maintain their power without worrying too much about everyone banding together to build a viable and sustainable life for everyone. Both christians and jews are greatly herded around and indoctrinated.
    One can get a better idea of power works and see that the average jews are just as under the gun as we are:
    “Criminalizing Dissent in Israel”
    I think it’s very important to learn as much as possible about as much as one possibly can. I also think it’s important to keep oneself balanced in thought. It’s important to remain level-headed and to see that the world is more complicated than just jew vs christian. There are other dynamics. The force of power and rule in this world is very intense : both jewish and christian power-leaders are very intense about keeping us in the dark, keeping us indoctrinated and controlled. It has always been so. It’s important, I think, not to paint all jews with the same brush, as they shouldn’t paint us all with the same brush.
    If the link doesn’t work ( sometimes I mess up) , go to rense for the article.

  40. My post above was not written to refute in any way what Fr John said. I agree with Fr John’s above post. I just wanted to add another dimension to the topic being discussed. I remain in agreement with Fr John’s advice to us.

  41. Proving or disproving the PC sanctioned version of the so called “Holocaust” is really irrelevant at this point.

    I’m not so sure about that.

    Hitler and the Nazis continue to be very popular world-wide, even in some muslim countries where Mein Kampf is a best seller. Even the new western generations fascinated. The younger generation seem more open the the deniers than the older generations who are generally very hostile when this is brought up – probably because the knew uncles and father that served in WW2 and were killed or injured and it makes them feel better if they believe the myth – i.e. “they sacrificed for a moral cause” versus “they were pawns and victims”.

    The Muslims seem more in tune to this as the are far more wrapped up in the Palestinian cause: the formation of Israel is based on the Holocaust myth.

    And then there are the stupid-left-wing white western activist coffee-shop types that support the Pales, but still buy into the Holocaust myth – and this is why they believe so strongly in human rights – but they can’t seem to wrap their heads around and reconcile these myths and current events.

  42. Anti-whites are only “fighting racism” in white countries, with their unending demands for massive immigration and forced integration of white people, with third world populations. So that means they want white people to disappear and that is genocide for us.

    Let me know when you gullible types stop taking their “fighting racism” BS at face value. In the mean time, I’ve got a bridge to sell you.

    Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.

  43. You simply cannot pacify the anti-whites. The white ones have been conditioned via mental torture. The darkies/jews do have a point though. Whites screwed up their little stagnant lives, we want groids to wear clothes and we made jews feel bad because they spent centuries under rabinical tyranny while whites made the world.

  44. Here’s a perfect example of what “naming the Jew” does on a forum.

    The point about leftist media control can be made without any references to Jews, and it won’t get modded down.

    That’s reason #1 that we don’t talk about Jews with people who aren’t already on our side.

    As for the Holocaust, everyone knows the propaganda is overblown. The way to replace it isn’t by talking about how it wasn’t that bad, the way to replace it is to ignore it. The anti-whites have put a lot of effort into demonizing Hitler and the KKK and others, and their efforts have helped make those symbols as powerful as they are.

    Hitler and the Holocaust are the anti-whites favorite things to talk about. All we have to say in response is, Hitler wasn’t so bad, he killed Hitler; after getting the gas bill. They recite that six million Jews died, we recite that the difference between a Jew and a bar of soap is that the soap doesn’t die after 45s in the shower.

    We can reply with jokes because the Holocaust is overplayed and isn’t an excuse for white genocide and everyone knows it.

    The Jews are irrelevant, the Holocaust is a joke.

    I can tell you that no white who isn’t already on our side is going to listen to you talking about the Noahide laws. I’m not listening either, because it’s boring and pointless.

  45. @peppermint
    I can’t play hobby horse today. Gonna play with my dog Teddy today. Taking him to a dog park just opened recently. Teddy has a date to play with his buddies at the park & I think he may even have a date with some kind of bitch whose supposed to be there waiting for Teddy to romp around. Ciao.

  46. To those of you who wish to diminish the Holohoax, and Hitler Stuffing Yids in Ovens – you turn on the radio, or TV today. You try to get through they day without getting at :LEAST one reference to Hitelr and the KNAAAAZZEEESS. The citation will occur in the weirdest situation. you just try.

    You will fail.

    The Kosher Media will NOT allow you to get through one single day.

    So stop trying to pretend it doesn’t matter.

    It DOES.

    The real Holocaust occurred when Attaturk – Sabattean KIKE, and his fellow KIKE cronies managed to get Turkish Muslims to almost completely genocide Armenian Christians. That slaughter was a practice session for Russia – and the millions and millions and millions of Russian Christians that were genocided by the KIKES – they called themselves Bolsheviks then – in Russia. The take-over and mass murder was paid for by American KIKE bankers.

    Hitler – he was simply trying to defend his people from the Fate suffered by the Armenians and Russians.

    He was the GOOD guy. Hitler was a good, and profoundly spiritual man. He was no general. He made loads of mistakes. HE did “not get millions of Whites killed”. The KIKES did that. He tried to save people. He was a very good, good man. By any measure.

    The KIKES – the RACE FROM HELL – have been getting people killed for CENTURIES. They’ve been fomenting misery, mayhem, and murder for CENTURIES. Shove up your anus tract, any BS about “the good ones”. FVCK them too. None of “the good ones” have done one blooody thing to help any-one else. They don’t MATTER.

    And – you DUMB ASS IGNORANT LOSER MOTHER EFFING RETARDS – your attempts at denying HISTORICAL REALITY – because it makes your tummies queasy – you don’t want to deal with the fall out because you are LAZY – won’t WORK. The truth is the TRUTH. And the TRUTH is what matters.

    The entire Human Race would do MUCH better WITHOUT Kikenvermin. No one NEEDS Kikes. So stop appeasing them ,and DENYING their consistent record of malevolence and atrocities against ALL OTHERS. Stop bleating about “not going on about them” as a mask for your LAZINESS. They all ought to have been hunted down and killed centuries ago. They are a menace to all life, always.

    So if you are too pussified to prolcaim the truth – stop bitching about those that do. You are ENNABLING Kikes when you deny what they DO. You are cowards. So shut up and get out of the way.

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