About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “Maybe just maybe one day enough people will realize that the Holocaust stories are used for a far larger genocide, that against whites. But till then our geniuses are debating train schedules, what a waste.”

    In between debating train schedules and playing tiddly winks with ourselves, a growing number of us are pointing out and telling people about the anti-white program and its aims and objectives. We generally do not speak so esoterically in our conversations concerning this, either. (hint, hint)

  2. “Isaac Asimov wrote Nightfall, voted Best Science Fiction Short Story of All Time by the Science Fiction Writers of America. Asimov himself admits that John Campbell gave him the idea.”

    Asimov admitted in one of his science essays for the Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction that his “Three Laws of Robotics” are actually Campbell’s, too. Almost ALL of A LOT of 20th century science and technological concepts were originally his. Whenever a writer wrote a story and sent it to him, when he rejected it, unlike almost all other editors, he also sent up to ten pages of “blueprints” for ideas and direction of how to rewrite the story and develop the concept. Campbell read every word that was sent to him and listened to every word of every conversation for any kernel of an idea or concept that could be useful, and then he urged the person to develop it and showed him how to go about it.

  3. Robert Oculus I’ve been here a while though I am usually on Mindweapons in Ragnarok.

    I’ve been to your site as well. Its quite good

  4. Robert Oculus III says:

    “Red Jews are obsessed with world-changing, whether out of a misguided noblesse oblige or because they are in open revolt against the God of their fathers.”

    I’ve known and worked with many jews, religious and secular. All of them think their **** does not stink. I would not ascribe noble attributes to them. What is good for the jew is all that matters.

    “Their goal is tikkun olam, to heal or repair or remake the world — in other words, they seek a perfected world populated by perfected man.”

    They want to fix the world all right. Destroy, then reshape, restructure everything into the image always residing in their collective consciousness. Jews at the top running everything, goyim shleps at lower levels doing their bidding.

    “Red Jews are evil not because they are Jews, but because they are Red.”

    We like to think this is true. I seriously doubt it. Genetics trump.

    “Blue Jews have no such misguided altruism nor desire to “fix” the world. They are religious and family-oriented strivers who for the most part wish only to be left alone.”

    They loathe us with a burning passion. David Duke’s videos reveal their true objectives to the world. The Hassids in new York are just as criminal and lustful for lucre as any yid.

    “Sure, they’re largely hostile to Christianity, but they seldom go so far as to run for office or go on TV to push their agenda. They are by and large happy to live in their own communities, keeping kosher and wearing those hats.”

    They have shabbos goyim doing their dirty work. Don’t think for a moment they don’t contribute to campaigns and pols.

    “As for Israel: hatred of this country is misguided. They are a model ethno-state whom we should admire and emulate rather than despise and seek to destroy.”

    No comment.

    “Saudi-financed global Islam is our true enemy in the Middle East.”

    Ah! Now I understand.

  5. Robert Occulus,

    Sam rebutted your shopworn, threadbare, warm-over philo-semetic hash line-by-line, and you failed to respond.

    Why don’t you answer his points?

    Until OD readers see a reason to conclude otherwise, some might venture a guess it’s because you’re not up to it.

  6. One more comment on the religious vs. non-religious jews.

    One of the most foul mouthed, obnoxious, slimy, dishonest, ruthless people I have ever met trained salesmen for a company of which I was an employee. Shrugged off talk of God and gave the impression of being atheistic or agnostic. Was a great schmoozer/story teller by the way.
    One day by mistake I entered a room on a floor which was somewhat off limits . Lo and behold, there he was with two other guys davening, saying thier required prayers with tefellin wound up their arms. Never had a clue, as he didn’t wear a yarmulke at work.

    Ask a non-religious jew if he’s been bar-mitzvahed or had a ritual circumcision. You would be surprised to learn nearly all of them have. Most will attend services on High Holy Days once a year. It’s part of being a member of the club.

  7. Jews are hardwired to be hostile to any group that is competitive… Or any host willing to tolerate them.

    “Hating your goy and eating him too” is how Philip Roth puts it.

  8. Oculus makes the same error that Churchill made in his international/national Jew yarn.

    Although I do not know if Churchill meant it really.

    They appear to operate in near lockstep on major issues whether they claim to be patriots or revolutionaries around outsiders.

  9. Just to make the point a little clearer, re: religious Jews versus secular…here it is straight from the horse’s mouth:

    Goyim were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world; only to serve the People of Israel. Why are gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like an effendi and eat.

    With gentiles, it will be like any person: They need to die, but God will give them longevity. Why? Imagine that one’s donkey would die, they’d lose their money. This is his servant. That’s why he gets a long life, to work well for this Jew.

    – Rabbi Ovadia Yosef

    So who is Rabbi Ovadia Yosef? Some marginal figure? No.

    – Ovadia Yosef is the former Chief Rabbinate of Israel, recognized by law as the supreme halakhic and spiritual authority for the Jewish people in Israel.

    Ovadia Yosef currently serves as the spiritual leader of the Shas political party in the Israeli parliament.His halakhic responsa are highly regarded within Orthodox circles and are considered binding in many Mizrahi communities, among whom he is regarded as “the most important living halachic authority.”


    www jta org/news/article/2010/10/18/2741341/rabbi-yosef-non-jews-exist-to-serve-jews

    www theoccidentalobserver net/2010/10/kevin-macdonald-rabbi-yosefs-statement%E2%80%9Cgoyim-were-born-only-to-serve-us/

    en wikipedia org/wiki/Ovadia_Yosef

    en wikipedia org/wiki/Chief_Rabbi_of_Israel

  10. Kevin MacDonald:

    As discussed in A People That Shall Dwell Alone (Chapter 6), different ethical standards for Jews and non-Jews are the norm in Jewish religious law. For example, according to the Talmud (b. Sanhedrin 79a) an Israelite is not guilty if he kills an Israelite when intending to kill a heathen. However, if the reverse should occur, the perpetrator is liable to the death penalty. The Talmud also contains a variety of rules enjoining honesty in dealing with other Jews, but condoning misappropriation of gentile goods, taking advantage of a gentile’s errors in business transactions, and not returning lost articles to gentiles (Katz 1961a, 38).

  11. Lew says:
    Just to make the point a little clearer, re: religious Jews versus secular…here it is straight from the horse’s mouth:

    “Goyim were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world; only to serve the People of Israel. Why are gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like an effendi and eat.

    With gentiles, it will be like any person: They need to die, but God will give them longevity. Why? Imagine that one’s donkey would die, they’d lose their money. This is his servant. That’s why he gets a long life, to work well for this Jew.”

    There you have it! Two thousand years of judaism in a nutshell. All the rest is commentary.

  12. ‘As for Israel: hatred of this country is misguided.’

    It is not a country…

    ‘When the Zionists try to make the rest of the world believe that the new national consciousness of the Jews will be satisfied by the establishment of a Jewish State in Palestine, the Jews thereby adopt another means to dupe the simple-minded Gentile. They have not the slightest intention of building up a Jewish State in Palestine so as to live in it. What they really are aiming at is to establish a central organization for their international swindling and cheating. As a sovereign State, this cannot be controlled by any of the other States. Therefore it can serve as a refuge for swindlers who have been found out and at the same time a high-school for the training of other swindlers.’ — A. H.

  13. Back again to hopefully further the interesting discussion.

    “’As for Israel: hatred of this country is misguided. They are a model ethno-state whom we should admire and emulate rather than despise and seek to destroy.’”

    “No comment.”

    Sam has no response to this. But to an outside observer, for white racists to criticize racist Jews not for being hypocritical but for being RACIST themselves is a bit rich. Especially when this criticism is coming from people who want whites to behave the same way that Meir Kahane wants Jews to behave.

    Sam please let me know: how are your feelings towards non-whites any different from the way that Jews feel towards Goyim?

    Perhaps you’ll respond that unlike the Jews, you want white people to live apart from other groups. In other words, you’re opposed to white minority rule. Do you agree then that Afrikaners ought to leave South Africa just like the Jews ought to leave Palestine?

    Israel is in fact a model ethnostate. One that maintains Jewish supremacy, tolerates 1 million Israeli Arabs and 3 million Palestinians within its territories, and gives the Israeli Arabs at least a better standard of living and more civil rights than their brethren in any Arab-ruled state. And if Israel one day says no to its own lunatics and finds a way to leave West Bank without having their occupation replaced by corrupt, pathetic, revanchist Arab/UN rule, it will become not just a model ethnostate, but SUSTAINABLE one.

    “the Holocaust stories are used for a far larger genocide”

    Decades of anti-white propaganda have led to more white people (even by the most restrictive definition) than ever before in history of humanity. Decades of official encouragement of interracial marriage have resulted in a MONORACIAL birth rate of 93% in the USA and nearly 100% in Europe. Talking about “white genocide” is as ridiculous as talking about “black genocide” or “Jewish genocide.”

    The extremely low native European birth-rates ARE in fact a genunine concern. Perhaps someone can explain to me, as well as Guiliame Frye and other serious pro-European thinkers, how it is the Jews that are responsible for the fact that white Europeans want to screw each other more than their grandparents ever did but don’t want to reproduce?

  14. I will answer this question about birthrates.

    Currently there is no breathing room in the UK to take your time in your twenties. From 16 English kids are competeing head to head with nationals from the commonwealth, EU and elsewhere for a handful of professional jobs. Thus birth is delayed or abandoned. Many, simply emigrate. The UK is flooded with foreigners as a matter of policy leaving ordinary people like Emma West facing extinction and or prison terms for speaking out.

  15. The smart British boys are also competing with smart British girls for those professional jobs, instead of pairing up and starting familes and having one main breadwinner. That seems like a bigger problem. And whose fault is that?

    As to Emma West, caught ranting about blacks and Poles — I didn’t think those two groups were taking the professional jobs at all. I thought they were on the dole or taking low-wage work.

    I’m not sure what to think about allowing Poles or other Europeans in England. I’d prefer they replaced Turkish workers in Germany or Algerians in France. Regarding the blacks, I’m with Enoch Powell and Eric Clapton.

  16. A common position in White racial circles is that Israel deserves harsh critique because of Jewish hypocrisy and double standards, i.e. Jews promoting Israel for Jews, multiculturalism for everyone else. See the TOO link.

    No one in White racial circles (that I know of) criticizes Jews only for being racist, as opposed to being both racist and hypocritical about it.

    Crypto Aryan,

    But to an outside observer, for white racists to criticize racist Jews not for being hypocritical but for being RACIST themselves is a bit rich.

    What White racists do you have in mind? Again, I know of none who take this position. It is Duke, MacDonald? Which Whites “criticize racist Jews not for being hypocritical but for being RACIST”? It’s not clear who you are referring to.

    ***www theoccidentalobserver net/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/Rosensaft.jpg

  17. Crypto Aryan,

    Talking about “white genocide” is as ridiculous as talking about “black genocide” or “Jewish genocide.”

    You don’t appear to understand the genocide argument.

    1) The United Nations defines genocide.

    2) One of its definitions is that creating the conditions that lead to genocide is a form of genocide.

    3) Western governments (with substantial support from the organized Jewish community) have created and are currently sustaining conditions that will lead to White genocide in the future.

    The genocide argument is about the number of Whites that will exist in the future given existing trends, not the raw number of Whites on the globe right now.

  18. http://efchr.mcgill.ca/WhatIsGenocide_en.php?menu=2

    “Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part”

    No, I hadn’t understood, Lew. You’re saying “creating conditions where white people are encouraged to have fewer babies + permitting interracial marriage = white genocide”? And you’re saying its the Jews that are making this happen, despite the fact that 93% of whites who have children do it with other whites? You’re saying its the Jews, rather than capitalism, women’s education, birth control, secularism?

    It sounds even more stupid than I thought originally.

    Also, what about the low birthrate and 50% outmarriage rate among the non-orthodox Jewish majority? Are those Jews committing “genocide” against whites also guilty of “genocide” against the Jews?

  19. Lew,

    you yourself criticize Rabbi Yosef for saying that Jewish lives are more important than non-Jewish ones in this very thread. Not only would you say the same things in support of the white race, I bet you would go much further than him in putting your money where your mouth is. Do you support transferring non-whites out of America against their will in order to create a “white republic”? Would you support white minority rule in Rhodesia and South Africa if your white brothers and sisters were able to restore their former rule? The only Jews that I know who support something similar for the Jews are the followerers of Kahane.

    By the way, what percentage of Jews do you think agree with Yosef’s quote?

  20. you yourself criticize Rabbi Yosef for saying that Jewish lives are more important than non-Jewish ones in this very thread. Not only would you say the same things in support of the white race, I bet you would go much further than him in putting your money where your mouth is.

    Lol, I doubt even the most crazed WNs would ever claim non-whites exist solely to serve whites, and even fewer still would claim it as a religious belief.

    The best attitude to Israel is that it’s a shitty little country, full of shitty little, congenitally mendacious and hypocritical people, whose existence is if no importance to anyone non-Jewish whatsoever. Start with that attitude and then you can play your public statements however you want, depending on what you consider to be in your best interests.

  21. Last article I read by Kevin MacDonald was a very respectful review of new book by the extreme anti-racist/anti-nationalist Jew Gilad Atzmon. I looked in vain for a single sentence in his review or any of the comments it generated which pointed out the validity of ethnic self-interest, and the need to find ways to assert that self-interest in ways that don’t threaten the self-interest of other groups.

    Last thing I saw by Duke was a fawning tribute to the extreme anti-racist/anti-nationalist Jew Israel Shamir.

  22. Silver — “Israel is that it’s a shitty little country, full of shitty little, congenitally mendacious and hypocritical people, whose existence is if no importance to anyone non-Jewish whatsoever.”

    So…since you don’t care if that shitty little country exists or not, I suppose you don’t mind if it falls and its citizens then weasil their way back into the USA and Europe as victims once again?

    Tell the truth: where DO you want the Jews to go?

  23. “Tell the truth: where DO you want the Jews to go?”

    KMac himself said, if Jews would reverse their anti-White crusade of promoting the flooding of White America with non-Whites and stop aiding and abetting these mestizo immivaders, but instead work to help us get the post 1965 immivaders OUT, and work at is as hard as they’ve worked towards creating this situation of mestizos being now 50 millions, he himself would flip to encouraging us White Nationalists to “support Israel.” Sort of a quid pro quo.
    The current response from Jewry? Crickets.

    When jews start doing as KMac has reasonably asked, then I will give more than two sheisses WHERE jews go. Until then, imo, Jews can go to hell.

  24. Crypto Aryan,

    You’re saying “creating conditions where white people are encouraged to have fewer babies + permitting interracial marriage = white genocide… And you’re saying its the Jews that are making this happen…You’re saying its the Jews, rather than capitalism…

    No, I’m not “saying” those things. Did you read a comment where I SAID those things?

    Don’t put words in my mouth by implication with sentence constructions like so you’re saying …x.

    Jesus, I know these online exchanges often take strange twists, but I never imagined I would ever have to say what I am about to say.

    Here goes.

    Until you see a comment with my name that reads I believe “it’s the Jews” not Capitalism…or some such, signed “Lew,” you can assume I don’t believe it.

    That should clear it up.

    Not only would you say the same things in support of the white race, I bet you would go much further than him in putting your money where your mouth is.

    Not only would I say the same things as Rabbi Yosef in support of the White race?

    Is that right?

    Why don’t you tell us, Oh Amazing Kreskin, how it is you know that I would say the same things as the “supreme spiritual authority for the Jewish people in Israel” when what he said was that other groups exist to serve Jews as do animals like donkeys?

    The number of Jews who agree with the Rabbi Yosef has to be significant. He was, after all, once the “supreme” spiritual authority for Israel, so it has to be more than a few. If he were a marginal kook like Kahane, taken seriously only by a small number of Jews, he would never have gotten into that position.

    It sounds even more stupid than I thought originally.

    No shit. Because you caricatured it.

    I’m going to venture a guess you’re Jewish, or part Jewish.

  25. Let me make it clear: I’m not a Single Jewish Causer, or a mono-causalist, and I don’t believe ”the Jews” are solely responsible for the situation.

    The highest possible summary of my position on Jews is that Jews are a serious problem among other serious problems that White people face. As in one among several not only or sole. Low birth rates, immigration/race replacement, and dysgenics are some other big ones.

  26. Lew, sorry if I caricatured you. You said Jews are guilty of genocide against whites according to UN definition. “Genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such: 1) Killing members of the group; 2)Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; 3)Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; 4) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; 5) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.

    What are they guilty of?

  27. This is what I said (emphasis added):

    Western governments (with substantial support from the organized Jewish community) have created and are currently sustaining conditions that will lead to White genocide in the future.

    1) To the extent Whites are on a forced path to genocide under that UN definition, I thought I was clear I put the primary onus on Western governments which by definition include more White Gentiles than Jews.

    2) To the extent I mentioned Jews, I mentioned a subset of Jews, the organized Jewish community, not all Jews.

    That said, my position is that the organized Jewish community is responsible for using its power and influence to help sustain the conditions “calculated” to bring about destruction. For numerous examples of how and why they do it, MacDonald and Duke are good places to start.

  28. Barb – you say “MacDonald says if Jews would work to help us get the post 1965 immivaders OUT, and work at is as hard as they’ve worked towards creating this situation of mestizos being now 50 millions he would flip to encouraging us White Nationalists to ‘support Israel.'”

    Gee thanks, but if that was to happen, what about flipping to encouraging WNs to accept Jewish Americans as white Americans, with the same right to stay here as Denise’s Obama-loving sister has?

    I, for one, DO try to point out to conservative Jews and Judeophiles the double standard, commenting several times at the Judeophile neocon site PJMEDIA “why can’t the American majority act like the Israeli majority?” You do get crickets, but that is better than a hostile dismissal. And maybe a seed is planted. As far as I can tell I am the only person who posts these sort of comments at PJmedia, why don’t others? MacDonald and other ostensibly reasonable anti-Semites NEVER try to engage with Zionists and conservative Jews, with an eye towards finding common ground.

  29. OK, Lew that sounds reasonable. I don’t see conditions that are likely to lead to White genocide in the future. The biggest risk of all was the possibility of a thermonuclear exchange between US and Russia at some point, and now that has thankfully passed for the foreseeable future.

  30. Crypto Aryan,

    WHY is it soooooooo important to jews that Whites view them as Whites? Why is it soooooo important to jews that they be allowed to stay in U.S.? Seems to me, if jews were allowed to make aliyah to Israel and take all their ill-gotten lucre with them, they’d be happy. They *like* Israel, don’t they? Don’t they say it’s their Promised Land?

    So WHY the unceasing yearning to be considered White and be allowed to stay (and preferably with no restrictions on their activities)?

    (Answer for the lurkers, if any: Because White people are the tops, and everybody in the world who’s not White wishes he was; and Whites build the nicest countries, and everybody who’s not White wishes he could live in one, rather than the countries his own people build.)

  31. WHY is it soooooooo important to jews that Whites view them as Whites?

    Seems to me they most certainly don’t consider themselves White. Unless it works to their advantage at that particular time, that is….then they are white white white!
    I have seen good few vids, like the one of Morgan Freeman with Mike Wallace, or Gene Simmons and his kid, where they reveal no ‘White’ affiliation at all…….Wallace exclaims when Freeman asks him about having a White history Month ” but I am jewish”!!! And of course there is the Susan Sontag quote:
    “The White Race is the cancer of human history”.

    I grew up assuming that jews considered themselves white…..but jews themselves showed me otherwise 😉

  32. Crypto Aryan says:
    “MacDonald and other ostensibly reasonable anti-Semites NEVER try to engage with Zionists and conservative Jews, with an eye towards finding common ground.”

    Because McDonald is not a fool! He knows their ways and history and has had personal experience with the chosen ones.

    This a good place to insert an article about Rabbi Grama. What a **** storm he caused. Jews were falling over themselves trying to limit the damage, saying he does not represent all jews. Until recent times we Goyim were very ignorant of the teachings of the talmud. Rabbi Gramma gives us a glimpse!

    Why the hell should we trust anything they say? Historically, their actions are in compliance with the playbook.

    This quote in particular: the Torah mandates that the Jews, while in exile, should employ such means as appeasement, deception, duplicity and even “bribery” in their dealing with gentiles, so as to avoid their wrath.


    Leaders of the country’s most prominent ultra-Orthodox yeshiva are scrambling to distance themselves from a book by one of their disciples, which argues that gentiles are “completely evil” and Jews constitute a separate, genetically superior species.

    Written by Rabbi Saadya Grama — an alumnus of Beth Medrash Govoha, the renowned yeshiva in Lakewood, N.J. — the self-published book attempts to employ classical Jewish sources in defense of a race-based theory of Jewish supremacy. Grama’s book, published in Hebrew under the title “Romemut Yisrael Ufarashat Hagalut,” includes flowery endorsements from the most revered religious scholars at the renowned Lakewood yeshiva, including the institution’s foremost religious leader, or rosh yeshiva, Rabbi Aryeh Malkiel Kotler. (cut)

    In his book, Grama writes: “The difference between the people of Israel and the nations of the world is an essential one. The Jew by his source and in his very essence is entirely good. The goy, by his source and in his very essence is completely evil. This is not simply a matter of religious distinction, but rather of two completely different species.”

    • The differences between Jews and gentiles are not religious, historical, cultural or political. They are, rather, racial, genetic and scientifically unalterable. The one group is at its very root and by natural constitution “totally evil” while the other is “totally good.”

    • Jewish successes in the world are completely contingent upon the failure of all other peoples. Only when the gentiles face total catastrophe do the Jews experience good fortune. (cut)
    Grama also argues that in opposition to Zionism’s advocacy of Jewish national self-assertion and self-defense, which he views as an imitation of “gentile ways,” the Torah mandates that the Jews, while in exile, should employ such means as appeasement, deception, duplicity and even “bribery” in their dealing with gentiles, so as to avoid their wrath.

  33. Crypto,

    So…since you don’t care if that shitty little country exists or not, I suppose you don’t mind if it falls and its citizens then weasil their way back into the USA and Europe as victims once again?

    Tell the truth: where DO you want the Jews to go?

    I don’t care where they go. You seem to imagine I simply must have an opinion on it. I don’t. It’s their problem, not mine. Hey, tell the truth Crypto: if Kyrgystan fails, where DO you want all the Kyrgyz people to go? Lol.

    Anyway, are you sure they’d try America and Europe? Those places are crawling with anti-semites aren’t they? That’d be out of the frying pan into the fire, surely.

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