About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Pause at 0:16. Looks at the pic of the guy being dragged away by the police and the picture of the perp floating around the internet.

    I have been reading that he was part of the Black Bloc of the OWS crowd. Definitely, not a Teaparty member.

  2. no idea if this is credible but this private investigator believes he was an occupy wall street type who might have been taking revenge because of the way the movie portrayed the occupy crowd. the fact that he was a phd student who suddenly dropped out of school would make sense if he dropped out after becoming involved with the ows crap.


  3. The word “illuminati ” is just another word for freemasons/secret societies. The CIA is freemason to-the-core : You can’t work for the CIA unless you’re a freemason and take a secret oath. To the illuminati, the freemasons, their secret oath trumps American law. The freemasons/illuminati are controlled by the top bankers in the world.

  4. Mary:

    It sure looks like him. Not confirmed. This wasn’t my find.. but I figure I would throw it out there before the video gets pulled from youtube.

  5. The Occupy group is a communist ( George Soros) started, funded, and controlled group. The Occupy group actually works for the top 1%, causing confusion and disarray, exactly what the top 1% wants. It’s another way* to keep us white Americans from effectively changing anything for the better. The average occupy types on the streets don’t know this [useful idiots] , but the very top leaders of Occupy are communists like Soros.
    * Massive immigration, and blowing-up incidents like Sanford into 24/7 “important” white/black racial matters, are 2 other ways the top 1% uses to keep White Americans from effectively changing anything for the better.

  6. Joe’s spouting wild conspiracy theory nonsense about the CIA, the Illuminati – again, this has nothing to do with the subject of this post.

    OD needs to tighten up the comments section – Joe should return to maybe the South Bronx.

  7. I don’t think people should speculate on who this guy is until facts come out. It always happens that people, especially in the media – try to blame their political enemies for the violence before any facts are in. Look what happened in the case of that Lib Arizona Congressman that got shot by a standarn loon – the MSM tried to pin the plame on Sarah Palin and American Renaissance Magazine!

  8. I supported Occupy for the first few months.

    Their first act was to agitate for the release of a convicted cop-killer on the grounds that some of the evidence at the trial had been improperly gathered. Uhh, make that a convicted BLACK cop-killer. Basically just a bunch of NAACP nonsense.

    Occupy had a good run demanding jobs for middle-class Americans, ending outsourcing, and stuff.

    Then my local Occupy decided we didn’t have enough minority involvement. After asking minorities what they wanted, and consulting with Communists, my local Occupy decided to start agitating for open borders, less policing of the minority parts of the city, and more welfare.

    That’s when I left.

    Of course, it’s not like the Republican Party doesn’t also try to pander.

    The only reason Obama hasn’t prosecuted the banks is that he doesn’t want the story of the housing bubble and crash to be told. That’s because the housing bubble was an important part of Clinton-era prosperity, and more importantly, because it was partly due to Federal laws forcing banks to give loans to people they otherwise wouldn’t give loans to.

    Think about that. Bankers are not exactly known for their racial loyalty. The only reason they weren’t lending to minorities, is that it wouldn’t have been profitable.

    I was an idiot who voted for Obama expecting prosecutions. It’s not like Bush was any better on immigration, and it’s not like McCain wouldn’t have actually passed the DREAM act. And Romney is busy hispandering as we troll.

    What was my point? Oh yeah. Occupy pulled a bait-and-switch on white supporters by being taken over by pandering and communism.

  9. the problem with conspiracy theories are they are inherently impossible to prove or disprove. for this reason they add nothing of substance to a conversation or debate.

  10. @Jack Ryan
    Throggs Neck Section of the Bronx ,
    thank you very much I’ll have you know ;
    La Salle Ave : between Bruckner Blvd. and “Hollywood” Ave :
    St Benedict’s Parish.
    I live in Sacramento, CA now anyhow.
    Please excuse my lack of paragraph structure*, as you excuse my “disgressions” on certain threads of commentary. Thank you.
    * I’m getting better at paragraph structure overall, gotta’ give me some credit, at least for that. I know my language translation skills are awful, still working on that.

  11. “What was my point? Oh yeah. Occupy pulled a bait-and-switch on white supporters by being taken over by pandering and communism.” – And that is why OWS died, one does hope that the whole exercise privately awakened a few people as to the reality of things.

  12. If Grandpa Ocala had been there the Joker would not have gotten more than a few shots off.

    Men over the age of testosterone, without criminal records over 55 ought to be deputized at public safety guardians. It’s just a matter of fending off a few lunatics.

  13. Oh, and yes, someone ought to introduce Joe to empiricism. He’s like a fun house mirror of Adorno’s excrable tome The Authoritarian Personality.

    His posts could be rated on a J-Scale. Or as Joementum. The more unprovable flights of fancy get extra Joementum.

    Worst to best: 10 Jew, 9 Mason, 8 English, 7 Celt, 6 Scots Irish, 5 JP Morgan, 4 Lee Harvey Oswald, 3 Sirhan Sirhan 2, Colonel Sanders, 1 the Queen

  14. Don’t mention the nut’s name, don’t read his websites or writings. Don’t give him what he wants, that is, eternal infamy. Don’t reward his violence.

  15. From the get go I was always pretty much skeptical about the OWS movement. Then again, here in the fantasy world of Ecotopia they were/are pretty much indistinguishable from any weekend run-of-the-mill protest by the mostly masked, hooded morons.

    My skepticism proved correct when on February 27, 2012 a gang of OWS turds attacked a peaceful group of pro-White demonstrators who were trying to draw attention to the plight of our racial brethren in South Africa.

    Like Anon says though, hopefully it helped awaken a few more of us.


    I ALWAYS point this incident out to anyone I meet/know who has the vaguest sympathies for those Soros-funded drones.

  16. Landsknecht says:
    “From the get go I was always pretty much skeptical about the OWS movement. Then again, here in the fantasy world of Ecotopia they were/are pretty much indistinguishable from any weekend run-of-the-mill protest by the mostly masked, hooded morons.”

    Many of them flip from one protest to another. A good percentage of them look like anti-racist losers.

  17. Obama quotes on The Joker and Trayvon ….

    “This will be a day for prayer and reflection,” he said, calling for the country to unite as one and support the victims. – Obama on Holmes, July 20

    I think all of us have to do some soul searching to figure out how does something like this happen. And that means we examine the laws and the context for what happened, as well as the specifics of the incident.” Obama on Trayvon, March 23

    More collective white guilt-tripping.

  18. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B31SUm0nrwc
    The Swiss and Guns: Why Switzerland Has the Lowest Crime Rate in the World


    The proximate cause of the massacre identified, with almost 100 percent certainty

    James N. writes:

    Despite the efforts to make James Holmes conform to a stereotype which would be acceptable to one or another of our current political fever dreams (He’s a Muslim … He’s a tea-party guy … He’s a Democrat … He’s a gun nut … etc.), the truth is almost certainly that he’s a very crazy guy who scared lots of people and who, in a normal and rational society, would have been placed in, and remained in, a state hospital for the rest of his life.
    It will come out, I am almost certain, that, like Seung-Hui Cho and like Jared Loughner, Holmes was identified long ago as a dangerous crazy man, that everybody did everything they could, but that in our present insane relativism everything equals nothing, so nothing was what in fact was done. Even his mother, when first told about the massacre, had the reaction: “I was afraid it was him.”
    I recall your surprise at the time of the Virginia Tech massacre that “someone” didn’t do “something,” especially someone in authority. The fact is, the options for preventing an impending suicide or especially an impending homicide are very limited and almost uniformly ineffective. [LA replies: Yes. As I remember, I got over my surprise, but not over my shock and horror, when I learned in the course of that discussion that there was essentially nothing that could have been done to separate a Sueng-Hui Cho from society.]

    Like many other things, we were much better at this 60 years ago, because we could SEE the abnormal, NAME the abnormal, and then USE DISCRIMINATION to segregate and protect the abnormal (yes, we protect homicidal schizophrenics when we lock them up).

    The population of state hospitals in 1954 was over a million. Now, with many, many more crazy people, there are no permanent facilities where they can be housed and immobilized from doing harm to themselves or others.

    It is a disgrace.

    LA replies to James N.:

    I have 3,000 words of comments on the Batman massacre to post; but I’m putting this in its own entry. Not just because it’s good, but because, without referencing my angle on the massacre, it strongly supports it. A society that normalizes and celebrates the abnormal, the transgressive, and the demonic, as shown by the mass entertainments we allow and celebrate, is also a society that lacks the will to identify mentally sick and dangerous people as sick and dangerous and to use discrimination to separate them from society.

    Posted by Lawrence Auster at July 20, 2012 05:32 PM | Comment | Send

  19. The columbine Kids wanted Spielberg to make a movie about them.
    This one did it all at the movies about an übermensch. Certain DNA keeps making the rounds.

    My girl reckons he was programmed.

  20. Here is the moment we have been waiting for *eyeroll* :

    he is a racist, of course!

    When not in school, Holmes would sometimes hang out on the stoop of his building, located in a part of Aurora where drugs and gunshots were not uncommon, according to one neighbor.
    Police arrived at the apartment on Friday to find it booby-trapped with sophisticated explosives, creating a hazard for law-enforcement and bomb squad officers who swarmed to the building.
    Near the scene, another neighbor, Rachel Reed, 25, recalled seeing Holmes a number of times on the stoop, with his backpack. A couple of months ago she ran into him at the Zephyr, where she had put a Lil Wayne rap song on the jukebox.
    Holmes disapproved, she said, preferring rock ‘n’ roll music. He came over and “made some racially charged comments about rap,” she said.

  21. It does nothing for the credibility of a website when one of the posters starts to spout off about Freemasons/illuminati conspiratorial theory as soon as some act of insanity like this shooting happens.
    In the minds of readers it is immediately associated with such silliness as “Chemtrails”, HAARP, and the like. Where this nonsense originated is a mystery, especially since Masons are often pillars of the local business community. Other than that, it is simply a social club, like Moose, Elk, etc. Yes, belonging to the Masons can help you build business contacts and get “connected”, but where is the evil in that? They are also a charitable organization.
    As usual, the perpetrator of this mass shooting will probably prove to have a long history of erratic behavior (untreated mental illness) prior to committing this atrocity.

  22. Blame the movies. If Hollywood didn’t make movies so easily accessible, this would never have happened.

  23. @John
    No where on your list do you label me a Guidomite, not even Wop or Greaser. I take umbrage. You’re trying to steal my heritage from me. How come the women can talk about “false flags” and that’s somehow okay ? Geezzz. I say something, fuggedaboutit. I have no problem with anyone — female or male — talking about false flags or even outright CT’s for that matter. One learns more by looking at a situtation from every angle.
    One can learn alot by googling ” federal reserve + abolishing “, for example, or going online and learning more about freemasons and how ” freemasons + bankers” work hand-in-glove. Sometimes they even plan out and stage false flag attacks : Oh, like the Mossad/CIA assassination of JFK, with the help and support of the high-ranking Freemasons Lyndon Baines and J. Edgar [ remember him ?]; and Oh, let me see, the Mossad/CIA attack on New York City on 9/11, killing about 3,ooo civilians, with the help and support of the high-ranking Freemasons Cheney and Rumsfield [ Bush jr: Total Jackass. Probably still 1st level freemason even as president] That’s what I always say.
    I also say : I lived “on” LaSalle, “near” Hollywood : “Near” and “on” have two different meanings, that’s what they taught me at my catholicmite school. Though,the nuns were very straight-forward with their Guidomite charges, not dismbiguous at all, like I imagine CIA school teaches: Disambiguous type hobby-horse playing, I would imagine.
    If I wasn’t such a Guidomite, I’d like to be #5 ( JP Morgan): Or, more exact, JP’s grandson, Lord Flaunteroy. Lord Flaunteroy didn’t have the responsibilities and the headaches of being a leading banker. I know that’s true because I saw it in a “Hollywood” movie once : A 1930’s movie. The same decade they came out with “Over the Rainbow”: “Straw Man” and wizards and all-the-shit ya’ gotta put up with just to get home in-one-piece. Lord Flaunteroy had plenty of leisure time to pursue things like “do your own thing” with none of the responsibilities : That’s more appealing to me ’cause I’m a Guidomite. That’s the way we are. La Dolce Vita and Via Veneto and all that : “Like the Wind”, as free as the wind. Lose enough translation, I’m still trying to get the hang of it.
    Talking about hip-hop all the time does nothing for the credibility of this website. Ya’ all knowin what I be sayin’ crackers? shei**t…… you crackers done be crackin me up ….. that’s why I be callin ya’ all crackers all the time…..

  24. how many people do you know, slow joe the jew troll that work for the CIA? I know a few, related to one, and not a mason among them

  25. You could have wiped out congress in 1960 and it wouldn’t altered very much that happened in that decade if it did not Significantly change the policy options crafted by civil service apparachiks. Demographics are destiny, not the soap opera of career politicians.

    Perhaps technological change too, like the pill.

  26. Exactly John. There is a shadow government, and it’s comprised of an army of unelected and unaccountable bureaucrats who continue their long march toward leftism no matter who occupies 1600 Penn.

  27. The shadow government doesn’t meet at bohemian grove. They meet at Applebee’s for happy hour, then go home to be belittled by their harpy feminist wife. The USSR collapsed when the shadow government lost faith. That’s what we should strive for.

  28. bureaucrats are another reason I see no point in voting during federal elections, and no president does a damn thing to move the bureaucrats out.

  29. Pink Floyd song.

    Little did we know that when they got home at night their fat psychopathic wives would beat them to within an inch of their lives…

  30. Stonelifter says: bureaucrats are another reason I see no point in voting during federal elections, and no president does a damn thing to move the bureaucrats out.

    Please vote. We can’t afford more holiday weekend “Executive Orders”. This country will be on par with SA in 4 more years if not. The nigger has to go.

    Vote as conservative as you can — if they have a chance. Don’t waste a vote. Obama will destroy America.

  31. There are two potential positives out of this tragedy:

    1.) Occupy Wall Street be categorized as a terrorist organization.

    2.) Theatres raise ticket prices. The movies are overpriced right now, but an increase in ticket price or minimum food and beverage charges would keep undesirables out and the money could berf upp security. Let OWS do to movie theatres what al-Qaeda did to airlines. Society needs to stop hoping for the best from its worst most demented members.

  32. The more prohibitively expensive movies are to the lesser races, the more films will reflect our culture. Compare films shown in IMAX to the shit at the local cineplex that’s infested with coldsored “youths” of Nigger or indeterminable origins with saggy pants.

  33. I have been to two movies in since I moved to Chicago in 1998.

    The Passion of the Christ
    Atlas Shrugged: Part I

    I do not have cable.

    Hollywood is a cesspool of semen and feces, and women willing to play clean up.

  34. @Stonelifter
    I don’t know any CIA types**. I don’t travel in those circles. Just working-class American* here, contrary to all the “drama” some posters indulge in as they label me all kinds of bizarre nonsense.
    * albeit guidomite, not founding stock, though I do have some nice founding-stock type stylish clothes from Brooks Bros.
    ** how very very convenient you just happen to know “a few”, and are related to “one”.

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