About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. OWS will never be categorized as a terrorist organization by the current administration.

    Bill Ayers is running it. I have seen him doing the organizing of the masses in Chicago. He is a pathetic piece of shit. He has met one of his dreams in life …. to be a sexual submissive to a nigger president of the United States. This guy couldn’t survive two days around the niggers he has run with if he didn’t have an aways open mouth.

    This rich little faggot on the side wants to destroy America. And he is rich. Very rich.

  2. rjp says:
    OWS will never be categorized as a terrorist organization by the current administration. Bill Ayers is running it. I have seen him doing the organizing of the masses in Chicago. He is a pathetic piece of shit.

    One minute video clip of Ayers speaking of a revolution against White supremacy and the people who benefit.


    Ayers: “I mean, I think the people who practice white supremacy and who benefit from it are going to have to be stopped. And I think that’s a huge undertaking and I think it takes a revolution.”

  3. OWS is scenery. Faggy graphic designers, unwashed bums and hippy chicks.

    The real story is the Racial flashmob. If they wanted to they could hit distribution centers, armouries, banks.

    Cops would be paralyzed.

  4. Read through comments at Breitbart. The kosher Kohens don’t get it.

    Ayers if i’m reading him correctly is calling for a genocide still. He thinks he’s John Brown. Anglo Saxons haven’t run America since 1960. They might be superior still but they run no major institutions anymore.

  5. I’ll write in Jessie Helms for all federal positions. Just for fun since I’ll be there for county and state elections

    Of course I know men in the CIA. All the males in my family are men and all my friends are men, with a mans job and outlook on life. I also work with/ around CIA types on occasions. It isn’t like anything your conspiracy wet dreams ( or the movies)

  6. rjp says:
    “Sam — I don’t get. Ayers is a piece of shit.”

    Yes, that clip verifies your statement. He was a founding member of the Weather Underground. An organization of terrorists who set off bombs and tried to overthow the government. Most of the members and his wife were commie jews. Google them and other radical groups of the sixties and seventies. The leadership reads like an invitation to a bar-mitzvah. He also is believed to be the author of Obama’s books.

  7. @ “….Ayers if i’m reading him correctly is calling for a genocide still. He thinks he’s John Brown. Anglo Saxons haven’t run America since 1960. They might be superior still but they run no major institutions anymore….”

    Hey, idk if they’re superior, but they are different.

    They no longer —just 50 years later—- live anywhere near any of what are now called the “Major Cities.” They are not the “transplants” of the “New South.” Progress is fairly well defined as “areas that are “changed” to non-anglo-saxon.” “Development.” “Demographic Development.”

    It’s genocide.

  8. People talk about Ayers… but never his wife, Bernadine Ornstein, “Dorhn.” And about the family and the name change, and the background. What he married into.

  9. Growing up around a bunch of alcoholic descendents Pollack and Slovakian farmers, I never could figure out why my family was so different. It’s pretty obvious now, our English heritage shaped most of our familial culture.

  10. http://www.theforbiddenknowledge.com/hardtruth/freemasonic_destruction.htm
    Very informative article about the Influence of Freemasonry in our culture/history/society. Very informative. If link doesn’t work, Google:
    ” freemasons + bankers”
    It’s an Excellent Google search term to access alot more websites/information about this topic. I’d recommend doing the google search even if the link works. Alot more info available.
    ALSO: Very Important : Another Excellent Google search term to get more information about Freemasons and the Black Panthers, and Also about Trayvon’s parents as well as Zimmerman’s background:
    ” freemasons + black panthers”
    ” freemasons + george zimmerman”
    Lots of information the mainstream media will never mention about Trayvon’s family and the Zimmerman family.

  11. Google: ” freemasons + trayvon’s father”
    Good website to start learning about Trayvon’s father :
    If link doesn’t work, do the google search, website is towards end of 1st page. Good idea to do the google search even if link works. Lots more info online.

  12. A ” trayvon/zimmerman + freemason staged event” Google search brings up alot of interesting websites/youtube videos/ information about the Sanford event/incident as well.

  13. For Information about Obama being a freemason/communist*, google :
    ” obama + freemasons + communists”
    I found this article ( from april 2009) about Obama, also it makes mention of the Seccessionist movement :
    http: http://www.centurean2.wordpress.com/2009/04/20/obama-chavez-castro-all-freemasons-and-communists-nwo-to-order/
    * These days, freemasonry and communism are one-and-the-same. Freemasonry is pushing for communism hard. Communism is when a relatively few Jewish trillionaires and billionaires own everything in the country and everyone is a serf/slave to them. Anyone who tries to dissent, is murdered. That’s the reason for the Noahide laws : To Make It Legal To Kill Dissenters. Reagan signed the noahide laws into American law. The laws are already on-the-books. Google: “noahide laws + come and see ” or info about the racist [ mostly :against Whites] and violent noahide laws
    If link doesn’t work, do the google search. “centurean2. wordpress” is on the first page of entries.

  14. Freemasonry and Catholicism are both touchy subjects here.

    And that’s why Joe brings them up. Joe is a troll playing the old divide and conquer game. Stirring us up over old historical rivalries keeps us distracted from what should be our only concern: White genocide.

    Ignore Joe. Don’t get sucked into his game.

  15. @Tamer of Savages
    Just because I include links doesn’t necessarily mean I agree with each and every word each and every author says. Yet, overall, I think the information at the links is important to get another vewpoint/side of the issue(s). One can only learn by exploring. It’s better to look at a subject from all angles to get a deeper understanding of the subject.
    Still, looking at the big picture, secret societies and secret oaths, everything shrouded in mystery and confusion– and purposely so — is Inimical to a free and healthy society/culture for White Americans, segregrated secret societies included. Segregrated secret societies are still secretive and still require a secret oath. An oath, by the way, freemasons — Even In Segregrated Masonic Halls— consider greater than American law; A secret oath the freemasons, even segregrated freemasons, consider the oath to Trump American law. As it is, freemasonry is pushing for communism, including the segregrated secret societies. I stand opposed to All secret societies and their secret oaths and the Communism freemasonry, including segregrated freemasonry halls, are pushing down our throats; You can despise me until the cows jump over the moon: I don’t give a flying sh*t.

  16. It’s true I’m anti-papist. I don’t care for the Vatican. The Vatican is in the banking business. Google: “Credito Artigiano”. That’s the Vatican owned bank: A bank with a long history of financial scandals. The Vatican practices Usury big-time. I have no issue or problem whatsoever with average -everyday Catholic lay people. I’m one myself in the sense I grew up in a traditional Catholic family myself.
    I have no problem with the Declaration of Independence.I take issue with the Constitution and the inclusion of the right of a president to issues Executive Orders, orders/laws with the full power of law [ in other words police/miltary power behind it. That’s how laws are enforced ultimately]. The right to issue Executive Orders is no different than the ancient Right-of-the-King ;Something the Founding Fathers said they were rebelling from ; Yet, they included Executive Orders still: Something they said they opposed.
    For info about ” Communism, the Illuminati, and Freemasonry” go to :
    If link doesn’t work, Google : ” freemasonry + communism”, or go to:
    ” biblebelievers” ( .org.au )

  17. Just seems to me Joe likes to try and catch a free ride on Hunter’s hard work in making this a popular blog…..Joe would never get this amount of attention had he his own blog, lol, yet he often refers to himself as if he were a commenter of some importance!
    ( A dear friend of mine would often say ” Self praise is no praise at all” )

    It’s all a bit strange really……..but, ah……..he isn’t harming anyone I s’pose 😉

  18. Not everyone in freemasonry is a communist, but as a whole, as a collective, Freemasonry is pushing for communism. The Bankers* own and control Freemasonry. They decide the ultimate agenda. Many are fooled, including big-shots sometimes. Never said Washington or Henry Ford were communists. Don’t put words into my mouth.
    * The very same bankers that own and control the Federal Reserve Bank(s).
    Google : ” federal reserve + abolishing” for who exactly owns the Federal Reserve. The Federal Reserve is privately owned. It’s not a branch of the government. The government doesn’t control the Federal Reserve, the Federal Reserve controls Washington. The same owners of the Federal Reserve own and control ALL the freemasonry halls and all secret societies. It’s all online. The information is readily available to any reader curious about these matters.

  19. No. I’m certainly not harming anyone by sharing information with my fellow White Americans. The more information for White Americans, the better.

  20. Fr John, racial discrimination in football is a well established fact. We had negro scouts tell my son it would be highly unlikely he would play defensive end in the NFL based on his White skin, and suggested he not play the position in college. Big White guys, no matter how fast are relegated to the offensive line or play tight end.

    joe you are most definitely trying harm White people. Seems to me, you are the only one who thinks you are pro White. Heck we’ve had what appears to be 1st time post make the point. you aren’t fooling anyone expect perhaps yourself

  21. More information for White Americans:
    Learn more about communism by googling: “Christian G. Rakovsky Internet Archive”
    Also, from Henry Makow, about freemasons agitating for communism:
    If link doesn’t work, Google: “henry makow + christian g. rakovsky”

  22. “Castefootball” is the best website for sports news. It’s on the blogroll here at “OD”. It’s my favorite sports website.

  23. More and more information coming out about the Colorado shooting:
    Article includes links to even more information. Very good analysis of what happened in Aurora. More background on the shooter.
    Title: ” Colorado batman shooting shows obvious signs of being staged”
    If link doesn’t work, go to “thetruthseeker” ( .co.uk) Article was put up today.

  24. As a papist, I can assure you that we Catholics have no desire to run the world. We already run bingo. World domination is the Freemasons’ gig.

    The thing about the Joker Killer that puzzles me is his gear. A rig like that doesn’t come cheap. The AR-15 alone would have run him $1000 or so, not counting all that ammo. Where does a grad student get that kind of disposable cash?

  25. @Robert Oculus III and All Readers
    See my post with link under the article “SCV Flagger Beaten to Death” for detailed explanation as how the Vatican is involved in banking ( big-time) and how the Vatican ties into the International Banking System ( big-time) and how the Vatican is connected to the Federal Reserve Banks* in the USA ( big-time). Link is to website :”divinecosmos”. Excellent, detailed article about the world of banking and how the Vatican-owned Bank fits in to International Banking System. One can easily access link at SCV Flagger…..” article.
    The Federal Reserve is privately owned. Washington has no control over the Federal Reserve. Googe: “Federal Reserve + abolishing” for more detailed facts/information.
    Google: ” creditio artigiano + vatican ”
    ” creditio artigiano + bank scandals”
    Creditio Artigiano Bank is Owned by the Vatican. Yes. The Vatican owns a bank. A very corrupt bank, involved in alot banking scandals.
    By the way, I never said the catholics want to run the world, I said the Vatican owns a bank and the vatican-owned bank is very much a part of the International Banking System. I also said the Vatican-owned bank, Creditio Artigiano, is very corrupt and scandal-ridden. I never said, “the Catholics have a desire to run the world”.
    Or click below,
    If link dooesn’t work, go to article about the SCV Flagger. The link works there.
    Article is very long and detailed. Also, it explains Alot about what’s happening here in the States as well.

  26. Excuse me ; Title of Article:
    “The Great Revealing: US Marshalls Expose Biggest Scandal in History”

  27. Joe, do you actually have enough time to read through and study all those links you post or are you just spamming the board ?

  28. Google

    Joe+ Joker

    Joker+ Sasha Baron Cohen

    baron+ runnymead

    ruunymead+ barb Spector

    Spector+ inspector morse

    morse + Oxford

    oxford + old Miss

    old miss+ the Queen

  29. I’ve read news stories today about mass shootings, killings around the world. There was a top 10 list and another top 20.


    Couldn’t help but notice one glaring omission. Just an honest oversight I’m sure. Wink.

    Wiki: Baruch Kopel Goldstein (Hebrew: ???? ???? ??????????; December 9, 1956 – February 25, 1994) was an American-born Jewish Israeli physician and mass murderer who perpetrated the 1994 Cave of the Patriarchs massacre in the city of Hebron, killing 29 Palestinian Muslim worshipers and wounding another 125.

    On February 25, 1994, that year’s Purim day, Goldstein entered a room in the Cave of the Patriarchs that was serving as a mosque, wearing “his army uniform with the insignia of rank, creating the image of a reserve officer on active duty.” [12] He then opened fire, killing 29 worshippers and wounding more than 125.[13] Mosque guard Mohammad Suleiman Abu Saleh said he thought that Goldstein was trying to kill as many people as possible and described how there were “bodies and blood everywhere”.

  30. @ Outlier and @ John and @ Robert Oculus III
    I do actually read every link I post. I wouldn’t post a link if I didn’t know the information the article contained and what the overall website was about. As far as the google searches I recommend, I actually do read some of the websites/articles that I access from the google searches, in addition to reading all the links I include in my posts. I like to read, I don’t have an issue about reading.
    I also don’t go into a type of “shut-down” mode, like some posters here seem to do, if I come across new information. I read the new information and I discern what I’m reading. It’s always best to be level-headed, whether reading, or writing commentary.
    I make it my business to find the time to be informed. It’s a citizen’s responsibility to be as well-informed as possible. An old-fashioned notion, I know, yet I happen to think it still pertains. It’s sad to me more Americans don’t show more curiosity. Curiosity is born from gratitude.
    I never claimed, nor ever implied, everything on the internet is the truth. One must be discerning about everything one hears, and everything one reads from any source, books, newspapers/magazines, websites, etc. It’s been this way throughout history. Learn to discern.
    Videre licet : It is permitted to see ; It is permitted to see by The Holy Creator.

  31. The shooter has the key trait in common with a few other recent mass shooters: he is nerdy, probably has Aspbergers, and maybe never has gotten laid. He’s frustrated at life and our demented, feminist-run society with its weird combination of lots of women having sex (though with relatively few men) and hated life, hated people, and shot his way out of his lonely prison of a life.

  32. Joe, up until relatively recently American laws were Mason laws. American laws are the exoteric expression of the higher Masonic laws. An American law that conflicts with Mason law is mere BRA Law. What do I know, just the elephant in the room.

  33. A large number of our Founding Fathers were masons. Must be real evil bastards to conceive of the ideas of a free republic

  34. George Washington and George Hanover were both Masons.

    On another point, I wouldn’t be surprised if this guy was sexually frustrated on top of Having aspergers either. It’s also amazing how easily people miss the paranoid schizophrenics in their midst. My Leftie professor chum from NZ has a Beautiful wife who was clearly a PS case and it took me to tell him that it was a possibility. Now she’s on anti psychotics and they are separated. Their “swinging” life style caused or masked some of the sickness.

  35. Google:
    ” jews and freemasons and federal reserve”
    Lots of information about freemasonry and how freemasonry is tied into the Federal Reserve Banking system. Also:
    ” connection between jews and freemasons”
    ” relationship between jews and freemasons”
    Never said the founding fathers were “evil”. Don’t put words in my mouth.

  36. The website: “theintelhub” (.com) has some articles about the Colorado shooting:
    ” Possible Second Shooter in Colorado Theater”
    ” ABC Reports Multiple Shooters at Theater Massacre”
    As ABC is reporting it, I guess there’s just too much evidence to hide the fact the shooting was a pych-ops by “intelligence” service (s).

  37. “Kore dake no sensei Kunshu ni”
    [ “thus always to tyrants” ; In the Latin : ” Sic temper tyrannis” ]
    Deo Vindice *
    * God Our Vindicator

  38. @Moderator
    A certain @ John : An obstinate poster to “OD” remains relcatritant about translating: Keisotsuna*, that’s what I say.
    @John : I don’t know what ” tekina Ko” means. Who’s Hank? Never heard of him.
    * Inconsiderate.

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