The Decline of the California Republican Party


Here’s the bitter fruit of the Immigration Act of 1965, the IRCA amnesty of 1984, the Immigration Act of 1990, and decades of neglecting border security:

Note: I should add here that Californians attempted to turn things around with Prop 187 by working within the system.

“LOS ANGELES — This would seem a moment of great opportunity for California Republicans. The state has become a national symbol of fiscal turmoil and dysfunction, the Legislature is nearly as unpopular as Congress and Democrats control every branch of government.

But instead, the state party — once a symbol of Republican hope and geographical reach and which gave the nation Ronald Reagan (and Richard M. Nixon) — is caught in a cycle of relentless decline, and appears in danger of shrinking to the rank of a minor party. . .”

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I was listening to some commentary on this very issue this morning on neocon Bill Bennett’s radio show while inside the cool comfort of my AC equipped, cabbed farm tractor.

    California is finished, at least the lower three-quarters of it. I heard this morning that several of the counties in the northern part of the state are calling for seccession from the rest of the state, because they are filled with tax-consuming third worlders.

  2. The Stupid Party is finished due to the open immigration it championed (and still champions)? I guess every dark cloud does have a silver lining …

  3. Somewhat related, here’s an article about Oral Hatch. Bohica, pass the Vaseline!:

    WASHINGTON (AP) — Rare is the Tea Party-tested Republican senator who hangs an image of the Kennedys’ Hyannisport home over his desk and shows off the painter’s personal inscription.
    “Orrin,” reads the note, scribbled below a cobalt-blue sea. “We’ll leave the light on at the compound for you anytime. Ted Kennedy, ’91.”

    You can guarantee that part of his tax policy compromise will be trading open borders for tax breaks for billionaires.

  4. JohntheSecond says:
    Somewhat related, here’s an article about Oral Hatch.
    WASHINGTON (AP) — Rare is the Tea Party-tested Republican senator who hangs an image of the Kennedys’ Hyannisport home over his desk and shows off the painter’s personal inscription.
    “Orrin,” reads the note, scribbled below a cobalt-blue sea. “We’ll leave the light on at the compound for you anytime. Ted Kennedy, ’91.”

    Too bad the Tea Party couldn’t oust him. More on the great compromiser.
    WASHINGTON — The canon of Hanukkah songs written by Mormon senators from Utah just got a little bigger.

    Senator Orrin G. Hatch, a solemn-faced Republican with a soft spot for Jews and a love of Barbra Streisand, has penned a catchy holiday tune, “Eight Days of Hanukkah.”

    The video was posted Tuesday night on Tablet, an online magazine of Jewish lifestyle and culture, just in time for Hanukkah.

    Known around the Senate as a prolific writer of Christian hymns and patriotic melodies, Mr. Hatch, 75, said this was his first venture into Jewish music. It will not be his last.

    “Anything I can do for the Jewish people, I will do,” Mr. Hatch said in an interview before heading to the Senate floor to debate an abortion amendment. “Mormons believe the Jewish people are the chosen people, just like the Old Testament says.”

    In short, he loves the Jews. And based on an early sampling of listeners, the feeling could be mutual. (snip)
    At one point, Mr. Hatch unbuttons his white dress shirt to expose the golden mezuzah necklace he wears every day. Mezuzahs also adorn the doorways of his homes in Washington and Utah. Mr. Hatch keeps a Torah in his Senate office.

    “Not a real Torah, but sort of a mock Torah,” he said. “I feel sorry I’m not Jewish sometimes.”

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