2012 House Race: State of the South


Check out the 2012 House race map. Now check out the 2012 House map. Notice anything? Democrats can’t win anymore in the South outside of Black Holes and Brown Holes and transplant districts.

(1) In Mississippi, the Republicans won two Blue Dog seats in the 2010 midterm elections. Both seats are now “Solid Republican.”

(2) In Alabama, the Republicans won two Blue Dog seats. They also picked up a seat from a party switch in North Alabama. They also won Bobby Bright’s seat in Southeast Alabama. Both seats are now “Solid Republican.”

(3) In Tennessee, the Republicans won three seats in the 2010 midterms. All three seats are “Solid Republican.”

(4) In Georgia, Republicans won a Blue Dog seat in Central Georgia, and the Republican challenger narrowly lost to John Barrow. The only thing that has changed is Barrow’s seat is a tossup. Republicans have consolidated their gains.

(5) In Arkansas, the Republicans picked up two House seats in the 2010 midterm elections. They are projected to hold both seats and have a solid lock on Arkansas’s 4th District which is now held by a Democrats.

(6) In Louisiana, Republicans picked up one House seat in the 2010 midterm elections. I believe Louisiana lost a House seat in redistricting, but the Republicans will still control all but one of Louisiana’s House seats.

(7) In Oklahoma, Republicans didn’t win any House seats in the 2010 midterm elections, but they now have a solid lock on Oklahoma’s Second District which is now occupied by a Democrat.

(8) In Texas, there has been some significant redistricting, but Republicans won Chet Edwards’ Blue Dog seat in the 2010 midterm elections and they are going to hold that seat in 2011. They are going to lose a Brown Hole seat in South Texas.

(9) In Missouri, Republicans won Ike Skelton’s seat in the 2010 midterms and they have a solid lock on that seat in 2012.

(10) In Kentucky, the Republicans didn’t win any House seats in 2010, but Ben Chandler’s seat based on Lexington is competitive and leans Democrats.

(11) In West Virginia, Republicans won West Virginia’s First District in the 2010 midterm elections. They have a solid lock on that seat. The Democrat held seat in southern West Virginia is “lean Democrat.”

(12) In Florida, there is also been a lot of redistricting, but Republicans picked up four House seats in Florida in the 2010 midterms. There are two toss up races in South Florida. There is also a “lean Democrat” district in the Orlando area. It looks like Republicans will hang on to the Tallahassee district in North Florida.

(13) In South Carolina, Republicans won John Spratt’s seat in the 2010 midterm elections. They are going to hang on to that seat and pickup the new South Carolina House seat due to redistricting.

(14) In North Carolina, Republicans won North Carolina’s Second District in the 2010 midterms, but the Democrats eeked out some close victories last time. Of the seven Democrat House seats in North Carolina, 3 are Solid Democrat, 1 is a toss up, 1 is “lean Democrat,” and 2 are “lean Republican” including Heath Shuler’s district in Asheville.

(15) In Virginia, Republicans won three seats from the Democrats in the 2010 midterm elections. In 2012, they have a solid lock on all three pickup seats.

(16) In Maryland, Republicans won Frank Kratovil’s seat in the 2010 midterm elections. In 2012, they will hold that Eastern Shore seat, but they will probably lose Roscoe Bartlett’s seat in Western Maryland.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Taking the Senate and increasing the majority in the house is more important than whether the douche or turd inhabits the white house. (Obama is the turd)

  2. Missouri recently fell from 9 to 8 districts. The Republicans that run the state legislature have it gerrymandered for a probable 6-2 Republican lead, notwithstanding any really tall blue waves which might turn one or two of the six temporarily blue. Even one of the two Democrat districts (Kansas City and points east) could turn red with a tall enough red wave.

  3. “countenance says:
    July 26, 2012 at 3:34 am
    Missouri recently fell from 9 to 8 districts. The Republicans that run the state legislature have it gerrymandered for a probable 6-2 Republican lead, notwithstanding any really tall blue waves which might turn one or two of the six temporarily blue. Even one of the two Democrat districts (Kansas City and points east) could turn red with a tall enough red wave.”

    OMG! Does this mean that the Groundling Republicans are finally wising up?

  4. Look at New England, by the maps evidently the sickest region, with the possible exception of New Hampshire!

  5. There is a stubborn blue stain in the 17th district in PA, a very white place where it ought not to be.

  6. I owe all of you a HUGE apology.

    Seeing the dastardly BLUE areas of MN, I realize that much of what you folks have said, is FUNDAMENTALLY TRUE. While I don’t want to see niggers any more than most of you, it might appear that ‘diversity’ is the only thing that will ‘cure’ these idiots from their assinine voting patterns!

    It’s not the highly urban areas that are Democrat (though we have our share of utterly DUMB DFL’ers!!!)- isn’t THAT a kick in the pants- but the slightly more ‘rural’ areas- those places where largely lutheran, working class dweebs actually believe that the ‘Democrat is the poor man’s friend.’

    Where the DUMBASSCRATS took urban areas, fascinatingly enough, is in MPLS, where the SOMALI MUSLIMS all voted for TRAITOR NIGGER Keith Ellison (may his name perish in infamy, may his family line disappear from off the earth!) and the largely socialist/Irish RC working class St. Paul!!

    Again, I apologize. But many of you, commenting on Catholic voting patterns, nigger voting patterns, and blue collar voting patterns, have a clear consensus, when looking at that blue island of MN.


  7. Democrats: Big Money Marxist, Zionist, Civil Rights anti-White
    Republicans: Big Money, Organized Crime, Zionist, Civil Rights anti-White.
    Red ? Blue ? Does it really mean anything ?

  8. NYT misnumbers NY congressional districts.

    “N.Y. 18th District
    Leaning Republican
    Nan Hayworth
    Sean Maloney”


    Her web page says she is 19th district.


  9. Cong Hayworth proposes to rename a NY Post Office as follows: “National Clandestine Service of the Central Intelligence Agency NCS Officer Gregg David Wenzel Memorial Post Office” – really make you want to drop personal mail at that facility – but kind of says a lot about the new ‘Murican Po-Po State, don’t you think ?

  10. Nashville’s holding a primary election soon, and I will be voting Democrat in it. Why? Because at the state house level, my district always goes Democrat. And there is a bright, White man (I won’t name him) who is running and promoting localism and marking clearly Tennessee-made products to boost their consumption. I think localism is definitely a plank we should try to get Republicans (or hopefully soon Secessionist parties) to adopt. Localism would tremendously benefit whites, white workers, and white farmers.

  11. By the last comment, I meant I will select the Democrat ballot to vote on for candidates for the general election in November, not the Republican ballot. But at the federal level, we must vote against Democrats in Congressional elections. Even if Obama wins, we need to make sure there is a strong legislative opposition to his Black Panther, Marxist agenda. But at the local level, go localism!

  12. Hello fellow Nashvillian, though I moved away in June. I think you are right about localism, my personal view is that it will starve the Beast. I depart from agreement with you though as I would not put my trust in a person aligned with one of two national parties, and they are national even at the local level. Be a leader yourself, be actively promoting localism without some empty suit that sounds good in sound bytes and newspaper articles. I wish I could do the same but am currently not in the position too. Send my regards to Nashville and Go Preds!

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