National Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day Strikes a Nerve in Alabama

National Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day draws huge crowds across all corners of Alabama


The Council of Conservative Citizens has long wondered what it would take to shake White Christian conservatives out of their complacency and start a physical mass movement in the streets to reverse our national decline.

Black-on-White crime. Illegal immigration. Outsourcing. Obamacare. Affirmative action. Crumbling public schools. The soaring national debt. Reckless government spending. Economic depression. Cultural degeneracy. The Holder Justice Department. Endless foreign wars.

Like a voice crying out in the wilderness, we have harped on all these resentments and many others for years. Nothing seemed to be working. What if I told you that the juxtaposition of gay marriage, grandstanding leftwing politicians, unpopular Hollywood celebrities, and Chick-fil-A would spark just such a blaze?

Would you believe it? They would revolt over a chicken sandwich?

The Dothan Eagle reports:

“Doug Dowdey waded through the mass of people waiting in line at the Wiregrass Commons Mall Chick-fil-A and shook hands.

About 100 people stood in line in front of him. The line including another 100 or so snaked beyond the carousel in the middle of the mall’s food court …

On Ross Clark Circle, traffic extended beyond West Main Street as scores of cars tried to squeeze into the location near Sam’s Club. Inside, patrons stood shoulder-to-shoulder, scrunched into every available open space while workers moved about frantically in an effort to fill the mountain of orders.”

Capitol Insider reports:

“Judging by Wednesday’s crowd, and I mean crowd, at a Chick-fil-A restaurant near my office in Montgomery, I bet that satellite dish was shooting out information like headquarters has never seen before.

At about 1 p.m., the Chick-fil-A on Ann Street at a busy Interstate 85 exit had at least 150 people inside standing between the counter and the condiment shelf, around the side, and even where people were seated munching on their sandwiches and waffle fries.”

The Montgomery Advertiser reports:

“By 10:30 a.m., the drive-through line at the EastChase Chick-fil-A stretched out into the shopping center’s main entranceway, and employees buzzed around the outside of the restaurant jotting down drivers’ orders and rushing to bring food to car windows….

Soriano also operates the Chick-fil-A branch in the RSA Tower downtown, and he said it was “slammed” with customers as well ….

At the East Boulevard restaurant, two drive-through lanes wrapped around the building while the line for dine-in customers extended out the door and onto the sidewalk. Customers wiled away the time in line marveling at the crowd or trading stories about the number of people at the other Chick-fil-A locations….

Before noon, Ann Street had come to a near standstill as cars waited to turn into the restaurant. The nearby Walmart parking lot was crowded with cars searching for an alternate route, and a line of dine-in customers wound behind the building in the midday sun.”

The Columbus Ledger-Enquirer reports:

“You’d think they were giving away free food.

Instead, something less tangible drew thousands of Chattahoochee Valley residents to Chick-fil-A restaurants Wednesday.”

The Opelika-Auburn News reports:

“Chick-fil-A parking lots were overflowing with traffic in both Auburn and Opelika, especially during the lunch rush Wednesday. Many customers said they chose to eat there specifically to show support for the company.”

WLOX reports:

“Other locations weren’t so lucky. Faced with an onslaught of business, the Prattville, AL Chick-fil-A closed early after running out of chicken.”

MSNBC reports:

“At first glance it looked like bad morning traffic causing a backup on Dauphin Street in Mobile, but it was no accident causing the jam…

Hundreds showed up to the Dauphin Street restaurant to show support. Cars wrapped around the building and out into the street.”

The Mobile Press-Register reports:

“As you can see, it is an amazing day,” Daphne Chick-fil-A owner Daniel Nance said. “We appreciate the community; that just speaks to Baldwin County and the people who are out there. We are just trying our best. We appreciate, but we didn’t expect, this kind of turnout. I don’t think anybody did.” …

Locally, traffic was backed up on U.S. 98 as people were trying to turn into the drive-through. The business had stationed several employees in the parking lot approaches for taking orders from idling vehicles.”

The Tuscaloosa News reports:

“Chick-fil-A supporters packed restaurants in Tuscaloosa County and around the South as the chicken chain continues to be criticized by many for an executive taking a public position against same-sex marriage….

Locations in Northport and Tuscaloosa saw long lines with police directing traffic.”

WHNT reports:

“TENNESSEE VALLEY (WHNT) –Heavy crowds are turning out at Chick-fil-A restaurants across north Alabama today. Many say waiting in line doesn’t bother them, and they’re happy to do so to show their support for the company leader’s recent stance against gay marriage.

Police are dealing with traffic headaches, though. Madison Police have called in extra officers to help deal with heavy congestion on Highway 72, and Huntsville Police are trying to manage traffic backups near Chick-fil-A’s on Whitesburg Drive and at University & Wynn.”

The Huntsville Times reports:

“HUNTSVILLE, Alabama – Hundreds of people slammed Huntsville-area Chick-fil-As at lunch today during a national demonstration of support of the chain called after its president expressed public opposition to gay marriage. Some had called for boycotts of the fast-food restaurant since Dan Cathy’s remarks on July 16.

Some stores are already reporting record sales along with the huge crowds. More than 100 people formed long lines at the fast-food store in Parkway Place Mall, and Madison police issued an advisory at 12:12 p.m. telling people to stay away from the area of the restaurant at 7885 U.S. 72.

Harold Chancellor of Madison said he waited 45 minutes in a traffic jam on U.S. 72 only to get waved on by police when he got to the entrance to the Madison restaurant because the parking lot was already overflowing. People were walking to the restaurant from all directions, he said.”

The Gadsden Times reports:

“Waits of up to a hour were the norm at Chick-fil-A locations in the Gadsden Mall and on Fourth Street Wednesday as customers flocked to the restaurants in support of Chief Executive Officer Dan Cathy. . .

She said at the peak customers had waits of about 45 minutes. Traffic around the restaurant was snarled for much of the day.

“I did not get one complaint,” Zaharias said. She said she also expected larger than normal crowds in the evening.”

The Anniston Star reports:

“People drove from Lineville, Piedmont, Saks, and points beyond to wait in hours-long lines to get chicken sandwiches and to support the national fast-food chain Chick-fil-A at the company’s Oxford locations.

At the free-standing Oxford Chick-fil-A in front of Walmart, the dine-in line wound around the restaurant and out the front door onto the sidewalk at noon. The parking lot looked like a traffic jam, as a stream of vehicles poured through the two-lane drive-through area. A manger directed traffic in the scorching summer heat, sweat dripping from his forehead.”

The Birmingham News reports:

“BIRMINGHAM, Alabama — Overflow crowds filled up Birmingham-area Chick-fil-A restaurants today in response to a call for patronizing the Christian-owned business after controversial comments by its top executive expressing opposition to same-sex marriage.

“It’s good support,” said Morris Jackson, owner of the Hoover Commons Chick-fil-A. He said business was high-volume at his three locations, including Riverchase Galleria and Patton Creek.

“I’ve never seen it this busy; there have been cars circling the building all morning,” said Trussville Chick-fil-A customer Ed Nesmith. “I come here six days a week. They’re closed on Sundays, which they should be.”

The Trussville Tribune reports:

“Hundreds of local diners poured into the Chick-fil-A in Trussville today to show their support for the fast food chain. Today has been dubbed Appreciation Day for the company and it appears that many area residents still enjoy the company’s signature chicken sandwich.

“I decided to stop by Chick-fil-A to show my support today… and the line for the drive through is backed up to the highway,” Megan Taylor, from Trafford, said about the Trussville Chick-fil-A. “Wow is all I can say.”

The overwhelming crowds that turned out in Alabama this afternoon (even Antoine Dodson showed up in solidarity) in support of Chick-fil-A and traditional Christian marriage are just a microcosm of what happened all across Dixie and far beyond in Middle America.

In Hollywood, California at the intersection of Sunset and Highland, the leftwing website Firedoglake is reporting that the Chick-fil-A patrons in Hollywood outnumbered the gay rights protesters by over 10 to 1. The Miami New Times is reporting that “even Miami’s Chick-fil-A’s were packed with homophobes today.”

Amazing, isn’t it?

In order to get White Christians off the couch and into the streets, the only thing it took to start a resistance movement (remember, this is the second time, as Rick Santelli started the Tea Party on CNBC in 2009) is for our so-called conservative leaders (i.e., people on FOX News and talk radio) to start acting like leaders, and not be intimidated by insults like “racist” and “bigot” and “homophobe” hurled at them by the liberal media.

Civilization didn’t have to collapse. We didn’t need a Second Great Depression. Mike Huckabee, a “respectable” and “mainstream” face on television, simply had to make one post on Facebook about “National Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day,” and Rush Limbaugh, Sarah Palin, Rick Santorum, and Glenn Beck had to back him up.

If our conservative leaders would speak out more forcefully about the evils of black-on-White crime, multiculturalism, political correctness, and Third World immigration, close ranks and refuse to be intimidated by the liberal media, what do you suppose the result would be among the White Christian conservative masses?

Aside from the cowardice and lack of integrity of our conservative leaders who are always trying to impress the liberal media (think of Chief Justice John Roberts), do we have any other problem? What, if anything, can we do to replace them or get them to listen?

About Hunter Wallace 12396 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. @Robert Oculus III

    I like this Catholic Action. And I like what Catholic Action is picking up at Chick-fil-A
    No mackerel, no eel and no slab of cold egg crud
    Mihi nullus scomber, nulla anguilla, nullum frustum ovorum frictorum frigidorum.

  2. Anyway, I am sick of conspiracy theories in the comments, sick of foreign language gibberish, sick of your chronic inability to use the space bar to form paragraphs. I don’t mind opposing views because they stir debate and generate intelligent responses, but your formatting is becoming intolerable and it is annoying everyone and making the comment threads unreadable.

  3. Chitterlings (pronounced “chit’lins”) are pork, beef, or lamb intestines. In Southern cooking they are usually pork intestines stewed in broth and onions.

    I like most types of soul food, but I don’t eat chit’lins myself. I find the smell nauseating. I grew up in an all-black neighborhood and on Sundays the sweet reek of cooking chit’lins was impossible to escape.

    I was brought up in the belief that chit’lins were “nigger food”, not fit for White tables. I suppose if I became hungry enough I’d eat them anyway. Then again, I’d eat my cat if I had to. Thank goodness that I don’t have to.

  4. I told you to learn how to write, Joe.

    OJ Simpson went down in a thirty-buck-a-night motel room.

    A chicken sandwich is taking down BRA.

    And a space bar and bad line editing is going to take you down.

  5. “A chicken sandwich is taking down BRA.”

    Quote of the night Brutus!

    And, echoing Lynda, there isn’t one here either on the West Coast of Kanada, but this is still awesome! Say, maybe it’s high time for a franchise here, hmmm……..

  6. I’ve had several of them. The grease just keeps pouring out of them as they cook. You have to keep dipping it out of the cooker to keep it from running over. Then, after it is finished, you get greasy dark meat. Just not my dish.

    Some people like duck. They can have it.

  7. There’s a Duck Fil-A in my neighborhood, it’s quite good.

    And no annoying protesters, either.

  8. btw, I went to the local Chick-Fil-A in my neighborhood on 8/1, sited at a rather high-profile location, to support the brouhaha. I’d never actually been to one before. The food wasn’t bad, but it also didn’t blow my mind. I thought the waffle fries were a nice, original touch: less greasy and salty, and easier to eat, than regular fries. The chicken seemed to be of a much higher quality than what you get normally in fast food (though with fast food I rarely order a thing like chicken, I mostly stick to burgers and get out as quick as I can.)

    The customers did indeed outnumber the protesters, in fact dwarfed them, on a massive scale. The place was packed, there was no place to sit. I was impressed by the quality of service despite the deluge: the workers were not only efficient but friendly, polite and good-humored; even after I’d gotten my food, a hostess came round twice to ask if I liked everything, and if she could re-fill my lemonade. Never seen that in a fast food place before.

    To the credit of the gay protesters, they were not at all obnoxious: they kept a respectful distance, they didn’t harass the customers (as I’ve seen in the past) or try to disrupt the business; they simply held up signs, and tried to get the passing traffic to honk in support, which had a moderate success rate. There was no idiotic chanting or marching, and nobody — neither protesters nor customers — was obnoxious or confrontational. It was American democracy at its finest: both sides had a point to make, and both sides made their point, in an orderly and respectful fashion.

    Given the decay of our political culture, I’ll probably never see anything like it ever again.

  9. I’ve often wondered if homosexual marriage could be the very last straw. Its just a single step too far into freak-zone, and none of the other ridiculous “experimemts” of the Left has worked…in fact, they have all failed miserably. Now the money is running out, the country is browning at a breakneck pace, we have a communist president who has complete immunity in the media, and now his little jewish chihuahua wants to punish the free speech rights of a successful southern businessman. Its the perfect storm. Midland’s Chic-Fil-A was so covered up yesterday I surprised they didn’t run out of chicken.

    Like you said, HW, the only thing that could have made it better is the confederate battle flag flying at every single location.

  10. I like how Google adds presented me with lots of options for buying my own tazer in the sideboard of that Victoria secret article. Id love to know if their click through rates for weapons correlates to words associated with TNB

  11. “Catholic Action” – Robert Oculus/Lynda

    Let’s be fair, guys. That type of “Catholic Nun” hasn’t existed in mass numbers since 1967.

    I would be ECSTATIC to see WHITE WOMEN devoting themselves as consecrated ‘virgins for Christ’ again, if that would mean life for Rome.

    But I’ve met, worked with, confronted WAY too many ‘Feminist/Lesbian/In your Face/Butch Dyke (cough, hack) ‘Nuns’ since 1985, to ever hope that Rome would return to THAT model.

    Because THAT Rome is not TODAY’S ROME. Did RC Phyllis Schlafly’s article about Bernardin’s sodomite enclave, and his funding of Alinsky to learn Marxism, thus influencing both Clinton and Obummer, not get through to you? Or did you miss that memo? Because THAT is the ROME of today… and, in your hearts, we all know it to be true. (More’s the pity…)

  12. “we have a communist president who has complete immunity in the media, and now his little jewish chihuahua wants to punish the free speech rights of a successful southern businessman.”

    Mr. Hale- ‘Little jewish chihuahua’- had me in stitches. I hate them thar dogs!

    Give me a real dog like a Lab, or a Collie, or a Golden. Any day.

  13. I noticed on a lot of news stories that the reporters always seem to find someone to interview that says ” I support gay marriage but…” Funny that

  14. I did say that secession could happen without too much fuss. It doesn’t need a shooting war by any means. Just a willingness to be counted. It’s healthy to see business leaders take a hit and dish it back out with a smile. Generally business leaders have been craven cowardly men focussed on the bottom line, but this Cathy fellow has shown there is a buck or two in upholding traditions.

    (I do find it ironic that whites are in open rebellion over fried chicken though. This is a doubly inverted and twisted racist joke.)

  15. John, I think you are correct. Demographics will bring it about, not “Civil War II”.

    It will begin in CA and the Southwestern states (thanks to, ironically, viva La Raza!), not the deep South. However, the door will be open to the South to do the same. The Feds will be too broke and too exhausted to do much about it.

    Nothing lasts forever and the anti-Whites will have been instrumental in bringing down their own empire, being hoist on one’s own petard.

  16. I also loathe chihuahuas.

    Can you imagine if say, Donald Trump read the wind direction this morning and decided to go full-American and just publicly shit all over affirmative action, brown people, gay marriage, NAFTA, Obama, and congress?

    The time is ripe for an enterprising individual.

  17. Eric, if any powerful american White male did that, and throw in some good old fashion economic populist rhetoric,…. I think many folk would clamor to make him king

  18. WTF have I been telling you folks, the left is nothing, but NO our “intellectuals” need 5000 word essays to quibble the effin details while ignoring the big effin elephant in the room.

    Hell if a politician stood up and promised to stop the abuse from the crazy left and the word “racist” he or she would be the most popular person in America. But NO we get “intellectuals” giving us book length essays on ancient mysticism as our only hope.

    Since I’m ripping on people let me rip on Denise, fair target IMO. She goes dutifully to her Teatard meetups and gently tries to make “aware” her fellow Teatards, oh god help her.

    All she would have to do is go there and stand up and tell her fellow Teatards she wants a politician to stand up and give us one of those political promises to relieve the average everyday Ameritard from the terrorist left and their scare words.

    I mean she is smart enough to word it for the situation. Read MW’s long wordy post dealing with a YKW trying to bully him with freudian clap trap, that is a start.

  19. Nice catch pdbuttons. I noticed the same thing in every newsclip I saw …. always one just “supporting free speech” or just there. I wonder what percentage of those who chose to go to Chick-fil-A yesterday actually hold no values whatsoever and just participate in anything that they feel can bring some smug self satisfaction …… sort of like voting for Obama …… so they could say they did.

    Another thing that I wonder about is could this have been a planned business stunt?

    It it was it was wildly successful and I applaud them for doing it. The reason I question is, chain restaurants work on tight margins. Careful inventory control. A restaurant can not do a 1000% increase in business and expect to be serving until the next commissary delivery. A commissary would not have supplies on hand to cover such a need for inventory 8 days later …. July 23 Huckabee idea date – July 31 delivery date. It’s entirely possible that wholesale product deliveries could not be arranged for delivery to the supplying commissary for that date and later to meet increased need. While there are news articles of Chick-fil-A is saying it didn’t support it, it was able to handle unprecedented demand for it’s product.

    What goes on there Friday though is another question … Friday there is supposed to be a Fag-In. Families can’t take their kids to a Fag-In. And we have to assume some of the fags will “lose control”. What then?

  20. what then?

    Bring phone cams, record the obnoxious trolls. Hope they say something that damages their own cause. Maybe even provoke them into saying something stupid. All those laraza types who burn flags did themselves no good back in California in the run up to 187. I remember it well.

  21. @Hunter
    I shall use the space bar from now on. Also, I shall slow down on my tendency to sarcasm, sardonicism, and iconoclasm. In all fairness to myself , however, I would like to say that many times I am provoked by some posters here. But, I will cut down.

    @ To All Readers:
    Hunter is correct. We should all stop using foreign words and expressions, or at least, greatly cut down. Use them when only absolutely neccessary. I wrote my above sarcastic post in response to this :
    ” Mihi nullus scomber, nulla anguilla, nulla frustum ovorum frictorum frigidorum”
    Just absurd [ not even translated] So yes. Hunter is correct. The foreign word thing is getting out-of-hand [ Big Time]. At least I translate the foreign words and expressions I use in my posts. Still, I will greatly cut down in using foreign words. May the other commentators here at “OD” do the same.

  22. Here in New Orleans, we have one Chick-Fil-A in the entire metro area. I went for lunch on Saturday, and it was packed. I passed by yesterday and much like the reports in Alabama, there was a traffic jam, large crowd, etc. It is absolutely wonderful to see the response to what i refer to as the “gay gestapo” by these wonderful, orderly people. (contrast the lines/wait times of the CFA patrons to that of the mobs of “urban youth” rampaging malls and shoe stores for the latest athletic shoe product) One thing concerns me, however: the vast majority of the crowd I saw last Saturday, and the people standing outside yesterday appeared to be over forty, and a good many over fifty. I fear that people under forty (more like thirty and under) are more “for” gay marriage, and a plethora of other leftist causes than against it. I blame this on the endless indoctrination of leftism through public schools, pop culture, the pressure to be “cool,” and lazy parenting. So, my concern is that this might be the “last hurrah” for traditional conservatism. I believe that Mitt Romney will win the election (I am not voting for him nor Obama..there is no doubt that Louisiana will go “red” with or without my vote) but I believe that Romney will be the last republican president. Traditional God-fearing conservative people are dying out (outside of Dixie, that is) and we are going to be left with these young people and minorities voting in endless democratic blocks forever. The only answer is what led me to this website in the first place: the only way to save our way of life and have any sort of future is to break away from the United States. An aside: this is my first comment on OD. I have been reading for months, and it is my favorite site. I am a forty year old homosexual, who lives a very quiet life with my partner of ten years. We both detest the gay “movement,” and especially the notion of gay “marriage.” I refer to myself as a homosexual rather than “gay” because i believe the word “gay” denotes a certain lifestyle, and i most certainly do not feel I am part of that “lifestyle.” I don’t know how many homosexuals read or are fans of OD (hell, I might be the only one, but I doubt it) but I enjoy it very much, and it is heartening to know that there are other people out there that have the same point of view about all of these things discussed here as I do.

  23. My lady friend told me Chick-fil-A is family friendly and ran by a Godly man. That’s why they are closed on Sunday and apparently the man in charge sends his mangers and above on marriage retreats. Looks like his anti gay marriage stances is not about money

  24. Stone. Many shops in England were closed on Sunday. Until a few years ago at least anyway. I think Scotland is Sunday closed type of place too.

  25. Same for the South John, until the yankee invasion went full bore that is. Still occurs in the smaller towns, but not like it should.

    We already had this fight here, with the yankees going on about valuing money and me going on saying family time is more important etc etc etc. They’ll start it up again after this post too, no doubt

  26. I’d like to share what I found to be an excellent point about Chick-fil-A at “The Thinking Housewife” – ” The Chick-fil-A Classic sandwich is white, filling and it doesn’t go with guacamole or soy sauce.”

  27. If I had known about this event yesterday, I would have gone to Chick-Fil-A for dinner.

    Chick-Fil-A has a much higher caliber of food than other fast food places. They use sugar in their iced tea and lemonade (hopefully cane sugar and not beet sugar is mostly GMO). Their nuggets are real meat off the bone and not some blender variety of mystery meat. I saw on another site that some leftie was commenting on CFA’s food like it’s at the same level as McDonald’s and Burger King. But that is not the case. I just wish they would process their grilled chicken breasts less. And, their entree salads are on the small side and not properly portioned as a dinner meal for the hungry.

    But, now, aside from their food, I will frequent the place on ideology alone. Of course, we must also remember that they are able to voice their own opinion because it is not a public company. I hope it stays that way. The “machine” has an agenda and it isn’t for the public’s benefit. Or, America’s!

  28. ‘Fr’ John – spare us your pity. As a heretic, you are quoting against the Church, Roman Catholic Action that is fighting for the Church.

    Phyllis Schlaffly’s article is quoted on all the traditional Catholic websites. That is probably where you saw it. Roman Catholic sodalities adhering to Tradition are carrying the Roman Catholic Church at this time. They are the ones who are fighting the good fight to get the FreeMasonic and Judaic hierarchy out of the Vatican and the chanceries and to support he underground bishops who are adhering to the Faith.

    They are not leaving the Church or changing the Roman Catholic faith as handed down by Tradition in any way. As at the time of the Arian crisis, they are adhering to Tradition and to the Church. And they are gathering to their bishops outside the jurisdiction of FreeMasonic and Judaic hierarchy in Rome. These sodalities are growing and the largest of them, the Society of St Pius X has just said “No Deal” to Rome.

    I think you will be seeing more, not less Catholic religious in their traditional habits.

    You seem to think that a laywoman of the Roman Catholic Church like Phyllis Schlafly would be on the side of a heretic like you who hates the Roman Catholic faith and the Roman Catholic Church.

    In fact, these Catholics are faithful to the Church. They and millions like them within the Church see the FreeMasonic, Judaic usurpers and their fallen rites of the Archangel and all their crimes. They will not be joining outfits run by heretics like you.

    They will be prosecuting the crimes of the usurpers by all legitimate means.


    Said Chick-fil-A’s PR office, we “treat every person with honor, dignity and respect—regardless of their belief, race, creed, sexual orientation or gender.” Nor have charges of systematic civil rights violations in hiring or promotion been leveled against the chain.

    What, then, brought down the firestorm of abuse on the company and its president as homophobic, intolerant and bigoted?

    Answer: It is simply what Cathy said and what Cathy believes.

    The homosexual rights revolutionaries can no longer tolerate the public expression of beliefs, held since the time of Christ, about the immorality of homosexuality—beliefs still taught in Christian schools and preached in Christian churches. Those who profess or promulgate such beliefs are to be shunned and subjected to social and economic sanctions.

    What is astonishing is that we are not talking here about the expression of Nazi ideas, but of teachings about the spiritual and social consequences of homosexuality embedded in our country’s own Old-time Religion. In the more progressive precincts of America, the retelling of the story of Sodom and Gomorrah, and the lessons therein, is apparently now a hate crime.

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