About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Of course they are bullying the man reading the Bible. They hate the Bible. They hate the Biblical condemnation of sodomy in both O.T. and N.T. They hate the Church’s teaching that sodomy is a sin – one of the four sins crying to Heaven for Divine vengeance.

    This is not a neutral debate about everyone has their own individual right and lifestyle. Sodomites have been long tolerated in society as long as they are private about it. But now that they have the public square they are not only intolerant, but hateful and aggressive toward people who are not even confronting them on what they claim are their rights to public displays and recognition.

    This is a moral debate. And this is how they act.

  2. Hasn’t there been a nationwide anti-bullying campaign recently? I thought these homosexual men were for TOLERANCE?

  3. This must have happened within an hour of my stopping by.

    And that faggot in the plaid shirt deserves a 2×4 to the head.

  4. These are the same methods, the anti-white left used against white people, to get massive immigration and forced integration, for all white countries and only white countries.

    First they asked and when white people politely said no, they bullied and threatened until they submitted.

    Now I understand why they attack free speech on the internet so much. They hate it, because it shines a light on their true nature.

  5. “There is no neutrality.” – Gary North

    “There can only be a Christian civilization.” – Cambria

    “All they that hate me, love death.” – Prov. 8:36

    “It were better that a millstone be tied around his neck, and drowned in the sea.” – Jesus


    “Do I not hate them, O LORD, that hate Thee? And am I not grieved with them that rise up against Thee? I hate Thy Enemies, O LORD, with a Perfect Hatred- I count them my enemies” -Psalm 139: 21-22

    “Live in peace not only with your friends, but also with your enemies; But only with your personal enemies, and not with the enemies of God.” – St. Theodosius of the Kiev Caves Lavra

    “When a people reaches a certain level of moral depravity, punishment ceases to be particular and becomes national. The civil order has lost its ability to act for God, and God then acts against that order. in other words there is punishment, but the punishment is from God and people or nation shall fall.’ – Rushdoony

    “Stoning- it’s not just for breakfast anymore.” – Fr. John+

  6. @ “This is a moral debate. And this is how they act.:

    NO IT’S NOT, lol.

    It’s only is to the Christians involved. All societies in history are about 4% homosexual. PTB (and anyone with a brain) knows this. Even taking the highest numbers from those invested in promoting them (i.e., from “gay” activists, in quotes because most of them are NOT REALLY homosexual at all), and in a climate where the full force of pro-propaganda is at play, your number will STILL ONLY BE about 7%.

    Wake up.

    The REAL QUESTION to these guys should be whether or not THEY, THEMSELVES are homosexual. Whether or not they, themselves, HAVE EVER had any real homosexual encounter.

    You will find that they are not and have not.

    So WHY have they taken up a cause of 4% of the population?

    BACK IN REALITY, it was (in my experience) a genuinely homosexual guy who I first heard standing up for white men, saying he was one, to a bunch of feminists in a class. In a sense he could do so, because of his own position, and nobody could say anything. It was very outside my experience, at that time. He was also conservative, felt a gay life wasn’t ideal, but happened to be his, and felt he was much SAFER and happier without all the public FOCUS on him, and he RESENTED these ridiculous indoctrinated straight men who were doing stuff like this—- THEY were not gay, he was. He was the one who, in the end, would have to take the backlash these straight boys were generating.

    And how “NICE” is that, straight boys out there putting down people eating lunch?

    The straight people advocating in this way—need to be questioned about their real motives (since they ARE NOT homosexuals).

    Many are people with other problems that they then “project” onto this “cause.”

    They need to CLEAN UP THEIR OWN lives, not the lives of other peoples (the “gays” they so profess to want to help, while really they have a) totally self serving motives and b) no feeling for homosexuals, not really and c) a level of selfishness that allows them to be made into tools, used for things they don’t’ even understand.

    This has NOTHING to do with Biblical morality.

    And the longer people try to pretend it does, and allow it to be framed by msm and Sean Hannity and others like him—- well…. idk, that’s on you.

  7. Oh–

    another real question is why these SO CALLED Christians don’t have the guts to respond to these straight boys with exactly what was just said above—- instead of relying on their Bibles to take the “moral high ground” and allow themselves to be bullied with their pseudo-christian simpering Pauline do-gooderness, when Jesus Himself did things s/a overturn money changing tables. HE was not afraid of confrontation s/a that, and He certainly did not sit on his fat butt silently telling himself he was oh-so-moral and oh-so-right and oh-so-much-better than other people, and after HE was dead, God would pat him on the head and it would all be worth it.

  8. And that faggot in the plaid shirt deserves a 2×4 to the head.”

    Truly—- Betcha he’s straight. That’s more to the point.

    If you asked him, he would respond EXACTLY like anti-white-whites when asked why they do not want their own child, but only to adopt a non-white child. All the same answers, all the same talking points, will then come into play.

    These are non-homosexuals, SPEAKING FOR homosexuals. And they need to be questioned about why. Who told them to do that? If they really cared: would they they be rabble-rousing on behalf of others —who will be the ones, not them, to take backlash, if there is any—-

    You will find that they could not care less.

    They are projecting their own weaknesses onto a publicly-identified “weak” or “victim” population. Mark my word.

  9. Straight men rabble-rousing for homosexuals, when they aren’t—- It’s SOOOO Northeastern. So Yankee!

  10. Dixiegirl, Christianity is dying, in part, because men are expected to be nice and polite instead of correct and powerful. Few men see Christ in the way you descibed, and doing is preached often preached against theses day. Christ was at war with the enemy of our souls. Casting out demons, curing the sick, feeding the hungry etc where acts of mercy to the person but acts of war toward the devil. God,who in the Bible is terrible, vengeful, powerful, the God of war etc has been turned into a magical wish granting mr nice guy, like an even more powerful version of Santa Clause

    So called Christians are the 1sr to condemn Christians who take a strong stand and use strong language/ actions

    The church has gone soft. Taken up the woman’s version of morality in seeking to be nice, friendly, arrive at group consensus to arrive at what what is right and good instead of taking the hard stand demanded by God, and is dying because of it. The church now tries to turn men into women, which drives away men ,which makes it more female focused which drives away men which….

    The end result is spineles Christians who have no true concept of God, right and wrong, to weak to speak or take action. You’ll not see the type of Christians you mentioned in action again in our life times.

    I’m not the best at laying out this particular argument but there are a number of books on the topic of the feminized church and its downfall. The 1st one I read was called…. the feminized church, the last was called, why men hate church, I think. It wasn’t that interesting to me since I had already figured out most of it before I read the book, I suggest any Christians actually read books on the topic. But they won’t. It’s to easy being the type of Christians they are now

  11. Fr John,

    “All they that hate me, love death.” – Prov. 8:36

    Yup. That nails it. Behold all the actvities and machinations of the Deicides. It’s all Death embracing nihilism,

    Steve -the “tolerance” only goes in one direction. The Left are Tolerance Totalitarians.

  12. The guy is black and poor, but he gets verbally attacked anyway. One would think the Rainbow Coalition would stick together, but no.

  13. Dixie Girl: “Truly—- Betcha he’s straight. That’s more to the point.” He looks pretty gay to me, as all that crowd around the homeless guy do. He is either homosexual or a yuppie and yuppies don’t usually involve themselves with this kind of dispute. Straight guys involving themselves in this type of activism would be the bandanna crowd, i.e. the ARA or anarchist set.

  14. Dixiegirl is absolutely right. Some homosexual activists are gay, and some of them are straight; what they have in common is cultural marxism.

    The reason they are rude is that they think that anything is justified as long as it promotes the oppressed. Their eschatology of social progress demands it. What does the Christian eschatology of judgement day demand? Personal responsibility for one’s actions.

    Note also that gays are more oppressed than the homeless. But if a black guy like Barack Obama showed up, he would be more oppressed that anyone there. This is another example of how the hierarchy of oppression replaces consideration, as progressivism replaced decency.

    Consideration and decency aren’t even Christian values. They’re the values of civilized men and women.

  15. “Dixiegirl is absolutely right. Some homosexual activists are gay, …” I never said some weren’t, quite the opposite in fact. Just look at what I said. What I did say is that those guys bullying the homeless guy look like garden variety homos, so considering the nature of their quacking, they probably are.

  16. Well, I just learned something new today. I didn’t know there were straight heterosexual men agitating so hard for “gay marriage/rights”. They must be communists. I can’t imagine a Non-communist straight man agitating hard for “gay marriage/rights”.

  17. I’ve never been particularly religious, but I can see by God totally exterminated Sodom and Gomorrah – when people are this far gone they are irredeemable. I wistfully remember when a certain grand old Christian organization controlled the criminal and devilish elements in society in my part of beloved Dixie with the whip and the gun – those were men !

  18. ” All societies in history are about 4% homosexual.”

    It’s not innate. Ever wonder why the homosexual percentages in prison are much higher than 4%? Hint: They weren’t “born that way”.

  19. In the story of Sodom and Gomorrha they approached 100%. I don’t buy this genetic depravity notion.

  20. Joe – establishing sexual deviancy as “normal” and teaching homosexuality to schoolchildren, IN school, are all listed as the tactics and goals of he Frankfurt School.

  21. “Dixiegirl, Christianity is dying, in part, because men are expected to be nice and polite….” True Christianity is not dying at all. False Christianity was always dead, and as it decays its condition only becomes more obvious. But TRUE Christianity DOES RIGHTLY “EXPECT” MEN, as well as women, to be courteous and decent.

  22. A proposed Southern nation, or any other nation built on some OTHER foundation will not prosper for long.

  23. @Denise
    Yes. I know that ; I know about the Frankfurt School of Communism. It’s the major reason I mentioned the straight men pushing hard for “gay marriage/rights ” Are communists. We’re on the same page, different paragraphs, but on the same page nonetheless.

  24. Excellent article at Truthseeker:
    ” Of Human Alchemy and the ‘Gay’ Science” :

    Touches upon the Chic-Fil-A controversy, as it gives a broader view of the subject of homosexuality and “gay” issues.

    By Michael Hoffman from “revisionisthistory.org” website. An anti-communist website.


    If link doesn’t work, go to “revisionisthistory.org” website. Revisionist History website is an excellent site to learn about communism, freemasons, jews, catholics,the vatican, the talmud, and other timely and important topics.

    I go to both The Truth Seeker website and to Revisionist History website. Both are excellent sources of information, as is “OD”.

  25. Why aren’t these big brave “men” down at the local mosque getting in the face of some real homo haters who believe in executing gays? Thought so.

  26. “And that faggot in the plaid shirt deserves a 2×4 to the head.”

    A baseball bat was the first notion that popped into my mind.

  27. The problem with voting for Romney in the belief that Obama is going to start slaughtering whites in his second term is that it reeks of the same dialectic that brought us Bush. Clinton was going to declare Martial Law or all the bad things Gore was going to do. So we ran to Bush to save us. And then, well 9/11 happened and all the great things conservatives were going to do were put on hold. Now the same crap is coming from the Conservative MSM outlets: all the things that are going to happen if Obama is going to get reelected. That sentiment is mirrored here by those that espouse the view that whites are going to begin being slaughtered wholesale. So we must run to Romney to save us. Oh, but then the next terrorist attack happened so we had to put on hold all those great things conservatives were going to do. Then we will run to the next “new” thing the Democrats offer up (a transgendered Mexican Wiccan polyamorous bisexual?) and so on and so on.

    I don’t fault anyone for voting Romney. In fact, I may do so myself. Where the rubber meets the road I’m always compelled to make my vote count. But I do wish at least here that we could come up with a consensus that would prevent me from doing so. I wish all conservatives could come up with a reason why it is not smart to reward Republicans again. That, to me, is the far sighted answer. Because if the past is ANY indication, our trajectory into hell will probably be accelerated under Romney, not stalled. There will be a brief moment of euphoria when we realize we have removed Obama, and then that euphoria will be used to wrap our collective nooses tighter. Just like Bush did.

    Romney is no answer. Let’s find an answer, and then act accordingly.

  28. Every one of those punks in that video looked as queer as a three dollar bill to me. More to the point, the video illustrates clearly how basic human decency and militant homosexuality are mutually exclusive. Any traditional Christian knows this, as St. Paul discussed in his letter to the Romans so long ago.

    who exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen.

    For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature.

    Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due.

    And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a debased mind, to do those things which are not fitting;

    being filled with all unrighteousness, sexual immorality, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, evil-mindedness; they are whisperers,

    backbiters, haters of God, violent, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,

    undiscerning, untrustworthy, unloving, unforgiving, unmerciful;

    who, knowing the righteous judgment of God, that those who practice such things are deserving of death, not only do the same but also approve of those who practice them.

    Deo Vindice

  29. What I find intersting is that queers are attracted to fried chicken and bible thumpers.

    It’s quite telling.

  30. What I find interesting is : This raging controversy is taking place right in the Middle of an election campaign season and Chick-Fil-A is hogging up all the news.

    How contrived.

    How staged.

    How convenient.

  31. The gay marriage controversy has been going in this country for at least the last 10 years ; All of a sudden, during an election campaign season, the gay marriage controversy becomes THE ISSUE of the day.

    And from a company owned by Mormon big-shots, no less.

    The convenience of it all is Quite Telling.

  32. And how interesting , and how convenient ; Biden/Obama made gay marriage a burning important campaign issue as well. Quite Telling.

  33. Why does God hate homosexauls and lesbians but never says anything about the men who jump in Air Force bombers and bomb/kill millions of their own kind*.

    *As for example : World War Two, when so many White Caucasian Christian European cities were Carpet-Bombed by White Caucasian “christian” Air Force bomber-pilots.

    Seems to me the men flying the Air Force bombers over the cities of Europe, carpet-bombing cities, towns, villages, farms, churches, hospitals, schools, nursing homes, food warehouses, etc. , did Alot More Harm To The White Race than any group of homosexuals and/or lesbians ever did.

    Why does God love the White Caucasian “christian” Air Force bomber-jock pilots who bombed/killed millions of their fellow Whites ; Many whites died young, before they ever reproduced ? Why does God hate homosexuals and lesbians?

    Homosexuals and lesbians, qua homosexuals and lesbians, never did any kind of damage to the White Race even close to the death and the destruction the White Caucasian “christian” Air Force Flying Bombing Jock Pilots did to the White Race.

    Why does God value the White Caucasian “christian” Air Force bomber-jocks pilots who bombed/killed millions of their fellow White Caucasians more than homosexuals and lesbians?

  34. Well done, Joe. Just the sort of mush-brained reasoning I would expect from any fourteen year old.

    Conflation, conflation, conflation.

    Deo Vindice

  35. Why are Southern Baptists– who as as group, have the highest divorce rate in the US ; In other words, the highest divorce rate in the world : Soooo concerned that homosexuals and lesbians are going to destroy The Christian Institution of Holy Matrimony?

  36. Because Satan always attacks those who are attempting to do the most good.

    Try to think up a harder one next time, Joe/Loki.
    Pardon me, but your slip is showing.

    Deo Vindice

  37. Douglas Haig the butcher of The Somme was a homosexual.

    Now besides this there’s a strong suspicion that psychos like Alexander were homosexuals. The Klebold & Harris kids were probably gay. Cecil Rhodes was a homosexual. Destructive homosexuals are to be found throughout history. The Cambridge 4 were homosexuals.

    I think a broad toleration of them is fine so that they don’t live clandestine lives. But they shouldn’t be elevated to higher office if possible.

  38. Broad toleration is nice, but broad toleration never ends. As with blacks, it does not appear there is an acceptable middle ground. The more toleration, the more intolerant we are called. It appears people have to stand for something or they’ll stand for anything and everything.

  39. There sure is broad toleration of divorce. Broad toleration of drinking. Broad toleration of gambling. Broad toleration of drug-taking. Broad toleration of tons of sins and vices.

    There’s been broad toleration for the dismantling of our industry and sending it to China, broad toleration of the crimes of the Federal Reserve Bank since 1913, the broad toleration of massive pre-marital promiscuity, broad toleration of cheating in business, broad toleration of open borders, broad toleration of wars based on lies, broad toleration of massive amounts of drugs imported into this country from overseas for the last 50-60 years, broad toleration when the blacks set fire to large parts of American cities in the late 60’s- early 70’s, broad toleration of the massive looting of pension funds on Wall Street, Broad Toleration of Everything that has brought this country to ruin.

    Now that’s it’s about to collapse, it’s somehow the fault of the homosexuals and lesbians. If it’s not the fault of the jews, then it’s the fault of the blacks, when it’s not the fault of the jews and/or the blacks, it’s the fault of the homosexuals and the lesbians.

    You crackers be crackin me up.

  40. There is a problem with suppression: Sensitive kids who are not homosexual often get taunted mercilessly by peers. That’s a tradegy. Normally the Playground taunters are pushy protoqueers themselves. The problem now, is that gays are being in your face.

  41. And there’s been broad toleration for abortion : The Killing of White Children In The Womb By Their Own White Parents.

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