About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Exactly, Landshark. The situation we have today is one where the tail wags the dog.

    The deviant minorities determine the nature of our society and what it permits instead of the majority of decent common citizens. Toleration for deviant minorities leads directly to intolerance for the wishes and views of the majority. That is the essence of the tyranny we face today.

    We have become strangers in our own home because we let anyone come in and dictate how it should be. Perhaps we will learn how false the notion of “tolerance” is after we have been completely thrown out. We will learn just how tolerant those we let in will be toward us. Of course, we can already see that from this video, can’t we John?

    Tolerance is just another drop of the Enlightenment poison that we have swallowed.

    Deo Vindice

  2. Hey, I think the GLAADtivists have overstepped the bounds of decency since AIDs broke. They should have been ashamed of themselves for spreading a plague.

  3. Looking more objectively at the fallacy of ‘moral rectitude’ from the Liberal/Sodomite faction.

    ” Today, Ideological/Institutional Liberalism seeks to suppress free speech by legislation and uses its immense media power to disgrace, persecute, and blacklist anyone accused of ‘racism’, ‘homophobia’, ‘antisemitism’, and what not. Incidentally, ‘misogyny’ used to be a great sin, but with the rise of Slut Culture and Rap Music that calls women ‘Hos’, the new feminism is either on the side of the pornification of women or too timid to voice opposition to the new ‘misogyny’ as defined by Rap culture.

    When much of raunchy Rock music was white-dominated and when most of Porn was white males humping white females, feminists often screamed ‘misogyny’. But since black Rap is the dominant form of pop music and since interracism is the prevailing policy in porn, feminists see the new ‘misogyny’ as furthering the ‘progressive’ goal of race-mixing and the destruction of the white race/power. Similarly, if most of sports were white-male-dominated, feminists could well be bitching about the macho-male-thuggery of sports, but since most popular sports are dominated by blacks, feminists remain silent about all the thuggery so rampant among athletes, especially black ones.

    Anyway, if the Moral Right — such as the Catholic Church — once wielded the ‘unwarranted’ and ‘unearned’ power to put a lid on individual liberty and free cultural expression, that power now rests with the Ideological Left. Though most of the Best and the Brightest are liberals and leftists in America, most of the people who run ‘progressive’ institutions are simple-minded ideologues or power-mad opportunists whose power has been unearned by individual merit — this is especially true if the people involved happen to be black. They are mediocrities who absorbed all the ‘correct’ social science truisms in college taught by professors, most of whom also happen to be second-rate ideologues of correctitude. Most ‘intellectuals’, ‘scholars’, and ‘experts’ in the humanities and social institutions have been promoted for having ‘correct’ views than on the basis of individual merit. It’s the Malcolm-Gladwellization and Rachel-Maddow-ization of American academia and media.

    The very people who used to resent the ‘unwarranted’ power of the Moral Right are now gaining ever more power and prize for themselves in the most ‘unwarranted’ ways, but most Americans are blind to this fact because they’ve no idea just how much American intellectual life has been dogmatized and ‘spiritualized’. Though liberals are really peddling their own version of secular faith/religion, their cachet of being ‘objective’ and ‘scientific’ has hoodwinked the majority of Americans. Thus, if you don’t agree with the Liberal agenda, you must be suffering from a phobia, paranoia, madness, or some ‘odious’ and ‘noxious’ evil.

    Though the liberal notion of “race is just a social construct” is a matter of faith, many mistake it for science since it comes out of ‘social science’ departments. Now, surely the truly smart liberals know that political correctness is a pack of lies, so why do they tolerate the ‘unwarranted’ power of Moral Progressivism and Ideological Liberalism? Because it means more power to their side. ” – again, from

    Other than this person’s animus against all Christianity, she’s really quite brilliant.

  4. ” “This is a moral debate. And this is how they act.:
    NO IT’S NOT, lol. It’s only is to the Christians involved. “- DixieG

    Well, Dixie, I’m afraid your “Ms. Julia Sugarbaker” liberalism doesn’t wash.
    It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.
    And ‘she who is not with me, is against US’, as Christ said.

    I, for one, find your opinions, igonorant as they are, offensive. Why not go over to Mr. Smith’s blog, and commiserate with him. Or Barney Frank’s? They both need a good fag hag.

  5. “Consideration and decency aren’t even Christian values. They’re the values of civilized men and women.”- Peppermint

    Where do you think Civilized White Males LEARNED these Christian virtues? At the feet of Mother Church.

    Duh. The utter stupidity of some people, ignorant of their own racial/cultural history, is just ONE MORE strike against the Propaganda Merchants of the Multicultural Satania.

    Strone, your description of ‘wimpy Xtianity’ is exactly correct. Rushdoony noted a book called ‘The Feminization of Western Culture” by one Ann Douglas, back in the 1970’s. Evangelical men with no spines let shrewish whores (for a woman who seeks to be as a man, is a whore) use ‘legal means’ to achieve ILLEGAL ENDS.

    Now, even the concept of children, and a legacy are denied many men, because of these “GCB” types, who want prenups, and then use their womb as a bargaining chip, when they were told to ‘love, honor, and OBEY’ on their wedding day- that is, if only they used a REAL wedding service when they married in the first place. And no sane man should enter into the sacrament/covenant of marriage without that phrase being understood- and possibly, a dowry to boot.

  6. I forget who it was (somebody like Sam Francis, I bet) who once said:

    “This was once the love that dare not speak its name;
    now it’s the psychosis that won’t shut up!”

  7. I’ve traveled all over the world, including third world countries. I was treated with consideration and decency everywhere I traveled. The “mother church” didn’t invent consideration and decency, nor does she have a monopoly on consideration and decency.

    There was consideration and decency in the world even before Jesus ever walked the earth. There was consideration and decency in the ancient world, and today, there’s consideration and decency in the world where the people do not even practice and/or pay lip service to Christianity.

  8. I lived for a while in Japan and must agree with Joe (begrudgingly). Before leaving for Tokyo, I was never interested in the country, in Asia, or in any of their culture or religions. However, living there totally opened my eyes. Japan is 95% (at least) Shinto/Bhuddist. They it has helped them maintain a very controlled, elegant, ethnically Japanese society for more than a thousand years of very decent people. They will not steal, cheat or lie to you. My mother-in-law lost her purse at a store there an it was recovered 3 weeks later EXACTLY WHERE SHE LEFT IT, UNPERTURBED, on a shelf in a shopping center. My boss left her wallet on the train TWICE and it was recovered both times 100% in tact. Also, the Japanese don’t have a diversity problem.
    My 2 year sojourn in Japan totally changed my outlook on Christianity.

  9. My previous post not withstanding, I still regard Christianity as my religion. It is the religion of my ancestors, what I was raised under. I wouldn’t trade it for anything.

    However, I find fault in today’s Christians who are so distraught about America becoming less and less Christian but totally support American becoming less and less European. America, I tell them, is Christian because the majority of the founding population (NOT the founding fathers, who were mostly Masons) was European and Christianity was their traditional religion. Do not think, I say, that you can be ok with America being multi-cultural (ie non-white) but deny it becoming multi-religious. You, Christian, denied American European heritage, so now America’s Christian heritage will likewise be denied. Sorry to say….

  10. The idiots that are tough guys now will gladly renounce past sins and grovel to Mecca when the schimitar of Islam is over there necks.

  11. …same as these psycho white-hating feminists. They’ll gladly don the burka, enter the harem and bear lots of Muslim children for their domineering Islamic overlords once the West falls. They will learn respect for men, Nature is NEVER mocked.
    Read Edward Gibbon’s Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, specifically the chapters on the fall of Constantinople.

  12. “Well, I just learned something new today. I didn’t know there were straight heterosexual men agitating so hard for “gay marriage/rights”. They must be communists. I can’t imagine a Non-communist straight man agitating hard for “gay marriage/rights”.”

    It happens a lot today.

    I think it has as much to do with our contemporary disposition as it does with all the liberal/left ideologies we are afflicted with. I often think, in fact, that all of this liberal/left ideology and its movements are actually manifestations of a more fundamental degeneracy we as a people are experiencing.

    To take the “why do straight people spearhead for homosexuals” question as an example, consider other manifestations of this same concept that are now common. Today, how many parents, once they realize little Johnie or Suzy is a criminal deviant, will do an about face and totally abandon their previous morals, beliefs and habits and start saying things like, “Well, maybe we were just [fill in the blank] before and really there is nothing so wrong with vandalizing the school,” and then become strident advocates for relaxing laws and discipline? Or, after realizing little Johnie or Suzy is homosexual, will say things like, “Well, maybe we were just [fill in the blank] before and in the past and really being ‘gay’ is okay” and then become strident advocates for homosexual rights, lifestyles, etc?

    Like I wrote, it happens a lot these days.

    I used to drink a lot and engage in the usual behavior associated with that. But at no time during that period of my life, I can honestly claim, did it ever, I mean EVER, cross my mind to start a movement and advocate for drunkenness and all that goes along with that to be normalized, made into some kind of virtue that was previously unrecognized, and start lobbying for little kids at school to start being taught that being drunk was a good plan for life and something that would provide happiness and fulfillment. Yet many “adult” parents today do just that!


    The same can be said about drugs.

    What it is, is that many people today want their VICES “normalized” and, not only that, made into virtues and taught in schools along with arithmetic and reading and writing. And we have a soft, wishy-washy population that does not have the moral courage, or even the intelligence anymore, to recognize they should not just surrender and say, “Well, maybe in the past we were just [fill in the blank] and really this [fill in the blank behavior] is not so bad and we should allow it.”

  13. Joe has a point. The same people whining about the sanctity of marriage on Suday are out getting divorced and remarried on Moday.

    In other words, if you have been divorced and remarried, or if you use artificial contraception, or if you have had or cooperated in an abortion, you are just as much an enemy of traditional morality as is the greasiest buttfucking faggot in San Francisco.

    Who debased marriage? We did. We Christians.

    The mainline Protestants, the Baptists, and the Evangelicals have some excuse. They were never taught the truth in their churches. But we Catholics and Orthodox have the Sacraments and the Tradition of the Church, and we ignored them. Do we think the Just Judge hasn’t noticed?

    We have run up quite a tab, and when the bill comes due — soon now — you may rest assured that those of us who knew the truth but chose to ignore it will pay down to the last penny.`

  14. Great comment Brutus.

    I often think, in fact, that all of this liberal/left ideology and its movements are actually manifestations of a more fundamental degeneracy we as a people are experiencing.

    I agree. I felt actual despair watching this, so many of them looked possessed 🙁

    Ya know, I have seen a lot of pretty shocking stuff by now, as I know almost everyone who comes to this website has, but I still found this one difficult to watch.

  15. “Joe has a point. The same people whining about the sanctity of marriage on Suday are out getting divorced and remarried on Monday.”

    Joe does not have a point. We are well aware our culture is debased. Does that mean we don’t try and plug the bucket anymore, or do we just let it all go?

    There is no point whatsoever in pointing out the tires are bald while we’re running out of gas. Unless your point is in being a raging, dissembling asshole. In that case he is consistently hitting one out of the ballpark.

  16. After watching the video I absolutely, positively cannot wait until the shooting starts.

    I abhor these in your face, militant homosexuals more than any feral n****r.

  17. “many people today want their VICES “normalized” and, not only that, made into virtues and taught in schools along with arithmetic and reading and writing. And we have a soft, wishy-washy population that does not have the moral courage, or even the intelligence anymore, to recognize they should not just surrender”

    You nailed it, Brutus. Their brazenness is encouraged by the perceived weakness of their opposition. The bullies mocking a weak homeless man here are one and the same as those who mocked our Lord on the cross.

    The spiritual crisis we are undergoing dwarfs the significance of all of the other crises we face combined. The entire homosexual agenda, like the liberalization of divorce laws, legalization of abortion, and most other causes of this nature is simply an attack upon traditional Christianity.
    Nothing more, nothing less.

    “A day will come when the civilized world will deny its God, when the Church will doubt as Peter doubted. She will be tempted to believe that man has become God. In our churches, Christians will search in vain for the red lamp where God awaits them. Like Mary Magdalene, weeping before the empty tomb, they will ask, ‘Where have they taken Him?’”
    Pius XII

    Has that day not arrived, Robert? Try this simple test I have frequently made. Walk into a few Catholic churches in your area and see if you can find the red lamp in the sanctuary. Let me know what you find.

    Their eyes do give them away, Mary. They looked possessed because they truly are. They are the enemies of God and will tell you so very directly. Don’t despair. Just try to avoid them as much as you can. Folks like you and me cannot help them as we lack the proper faculties.

    HW did not miss posting it, Mary. Look down the page.

    Deo Vindice

  18. @… Well, Dixie, I’m afraid your “Ms. Julia Sugarbaker” liberalism doesn’t wash.
    It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.
    And ‘she who is not with me, is against US’, as Christ said…..

    Fr. John, I know what you’re saying.

    But I wonder if it might not be better sometimes to shift the grounds of the debate, and become more on the offense, which is what I’m trying to suggest.

    All that happens in these things is scenes such as this bullying one, put forward. I was suggesting an offensive tack to take that would be more effective. Sitting in morality does not always win. You’re not playing with moral.

  19. “Morality cannot be legislated.”
    Nice puerile Marxist thought that became fashionable in the 1970’s.

    Why do we have laws against say murder or polygamy if you can’t legislate morality?

    Of course if what you say is true, this statement from James Madison and others like it become completely unintelligible.

    “If men were angels, no government would be necessary. If angels were to govern men, neither external nor internal controls on government would be necessary. In framing a government which is to be administered by men over men, the great difficulty lies in this: you must first enable the government to control the governed; and in the next place oblige it to control itself.”

    Deo Vindice

  20. It’s not that I disagree with morality, it’s that it truly cannot be legislated. Murder is illegal yet it happens daily. How many things are illegal but happen daily? Is this not the trend of all of history? You can pass any law you’d like and you’d fail at your task. It’s up to the individual to execute morality. Pass a law against breathing, if you’d like.

  21. I don’t think anarchy works. Each against the others only breeds chaos.
    I doubt you have a family with any small children in it.

    We’ll see if your theory holds the day the EBT card stops working, for sure.

    Deo Vindice

  22. Brutus, another strategy they use is act like they are a victim or an “addict.” Then afterwards people treat them like some hero.

    Being an “addict” and announcing it these days is right up there with sainthood.

    Little Johnny just admitted that he is an “sexual addict”, My God, isn’t he brave? He is going to seek “treatment” everybody! YAY! What bravery! What an example to our children!!!

    Little Johnny just came out of the closet and gave us his testimony of what his life has been like living in a small Christian rural town but now he is free of those bondages. My God! Isn’t he brave!? Lets make a movie about him and show how those evil Christian southerners living in the small rural town terrorized him day and night!!

  23. The value of a law is in what it tells us about ourselves, not in its effectiveness towards those who would not follow it anyway.

  24. Apuleius I do not disagree with your last post. I only state the law truly lies in the hands of the individual. If every individual were to follow common law, anarchy would be the most viable system. Alas, it does not happen this way. I agree with you, a small and limited government is most ideal for the current state of humanity. I merely am stating the philosophical truth that a mere act of any governing authority, legitimate or otherwise, only prescribes a punishment for an action deemed evil by foreign men, but does nothing to prevent the action unless the mind of the acting individual objects.

  25. True Christianity is not dying at all. False Christianity was always dead, and as it decays its condition only becomes more obvious.
    True enough, but… there aren’t many actual Christians to affect the culture and world around us. And, seems to me 90% + of true Christians still aren’t because of their feminized version of the Almighty

    But TRUE Christianity DOES RIGHTLY “EXPECT” MEN, as well as women, to be courteous and decent.
    Show me where that is defined. I can show you verse after verse where heroes of the faith and the patriarchs where men of war, with high body counts and not all that nice in general. Or even praised for being nice. The Bible tells us to be honest, not to steal or cheat/ defraud others, be morally upright, etc but never to be nice. I think the best I’ve heard along those lines is people extending the do unto others thing into vague areas that aren’t defined in the Bible. Being nice isn’t listed as one of the 10 commandments.

    David slew his 10,000’s and thanked the Lord for training his hand to war/ the bow, not training him to being nice.

    Abraham pulled off his own commando style raid.

    Moses slew a man out of anger and led God’s people in battle.

    Caleb and Joshua were zealous for battle in the Lord’s name. Caleb was in the front ranks as an old man.

    Sampson was given super human strength to kill. The Lord took that strength when Sampson fell from grace. God restored Sampson to grace and strength so Sampson could kill his enemy’s chain of command.

    We know nothing about Shagmar(?) except he slew 600 men. We don’t hear about how he was nice.

    I forget the name, but one of the Major Prophets lured the false priests to one area and had the Lord called down fire to consume them

    Christ made and then used a whip to drive out the money changers.

    Christ told His disciples He came not in peace but to set father against son etc

    Christ told His disciples to sell their second cloak and buy a sword. The high tech individual offensive weapon of the time.

    Is Christ coming back with sunshine and rainbows or with a sword and fire?

    These types of examples can go on for a long time.

    I understand God is the God of war and the God of love and mercy, but His love and mercy are for those who love and honor Him. Clearly there is nothing unbiblical about being a hard ass and no real commandment to be nice. Iron sharpens iron.

  26. The guy is black and poor, but he gets verbally attacked anyway. One would think the Rainbow Coalition would stick together, but no.

    Nice observation, at one point, black and poor was the holy grail of the left. Guess it’s not that way any longer. Maybe they take turns being the most oppressed depending on which ever group needs to advance their agenda?

  27. Someguy is not advocating for anarchy. The point is simply that it is true you cannot make an immoral person moral by passing a law. You cannot make a Christian by passing a law that says one must be a Christian. And I don’t think it was Marxist who coined the phrase in question.

    We have laws against murder to make it illegal in order to incarcerate and remove from society those who commit murder. The laws deter some people–probably, only those who only half heartedly actually consider murder or other crimes. The laws do not deter all people–and probably not at all those whose passions or criminal inclination rise much above luke warm.

    How many people truly consider murder? Many people occasionally toy with the idea briefly, when some outstanding grievance has been perpetrated by some outstanding asshole. The law plays some role in stopping these, but, probably, mostly it is because most people don’t have it in them to commit cold blooded murder.

    On the other hand, we all know hot-headed and passionate people, as well as people with steep criminal inclinations. Offend these types too seriously and they will probably try to kill you, or succeed, and these kind are too hot-headed to consider the law when their blood or anger is up. It is this class that makes up virtually all of the murderers.

    And is it because of the law that most of us do not sell cocaine? Suppose tomorrow morning the law was revoked. How many people would suddenly start selling cocaine that did not or never sold it before? A few, no doubt. But a lot?

  28. Once again Landshark, great post on romney and on broad toleration.
    Brutus… solid point and way to drive it home
    Ulfirc, great point about addiction equaling saint hood these days.

    Apuleius, I think you and SomeGuy both agree, but are coming at it from different angles because I see nothing in either argument that actually conflicts. Different sides, same coin though?

    Marriage was destroyed by women and frivolous divorce. I’ve posted enough links on the research about who files for divorce and why to prove that point several times over. The laws were written to give women an incentive to divorce and they have followed that incentive. What’s worse is the church no longer calls them out on this but welcomes them with open arms. Hell most churches I’ve seen court this behavior. Added to that, the churches explain away all bad female behavior and double down on trying to shame men about ours and not marrying women clearly not worth marrying. Again I refer folks to Dalrock’s blog and his blog role for a more in depth review of the topic.

    Wayne, I was in Japan over Christmas once and the Japanese people I was working around gave me a small White cake. It was in fact a birthday cake for Christ birthday. They were not Christians, and did it because they figured I missed my family over the holiday. I didn’t know it at the time but apparently that is the Christmas gift for Japanese Christians. Kind of cool I think and much better then racking up debt for toys and the like. More Godly as well, to my thinking.

  29. @ulfric

    Yes, you’ve got it.

    And many of those same people will have the day before been totally against drinking, drugs, etc., or homosexuality the day before.

  30. Well said, Stonelifter.

    Someguy, I think I can see your point now. Morality, like love or loyalty, does begin with the individual and expands outward from there. You are most correct.

    The chief requirement for any law is that it be just. Good men easily follow a just law. Bad men will not follow a law, just or unjust. That’s why we refer to them as outlaws.

    Deo Vindice

  31. @ “….The mainline Protestants, the Baptists, and the Evangelicals have some excuse. They were never taught the truth in their churches. But we Catholics and Orthodox have the Sacraments and the Tradition of the Church…”

    Well, you should be very very happy about the open South border, since it’s almost a majority catholic country in the u.s. now. White catholics have left in droves, the great loss in a religion, according to pew, but still, it’s going to be a catholic country in just 40 years (since the 1965 Acts that made it a catholic majority country).

    Surely, the brown catholics can show the stupid, unrighteous, ignorant protestants how to live— them having all the right traditions and sacraments.

    Thank heavens those awful northern europeans, those protestants, are nearly all gone, pushed into not reproducing in what used to be a country where they felt comfortable—- but it will be better now (obviously) since people from south america with the only true religion can fix things.

  32. “the churches explain away all bad female behavior and double down on trying to shame men about ours and not marrying women clearly not worth marrying. ”

    The last time I went to a church to see what was going on, the primary sermon that Sunday was about forty-five minutes of the preacher advocating single men to seek out women who were pregnant and start a relationship with them. Yes, you read that right.

    Now, I’m not saying this situation never works, or even that it should be a priory rejected. Who knows? Maybe the woman meant for you, dear reader, is out there right now tonight knocked up by another man and you and her are so compatible and all that you will live out the rest of your days in love and happiness, and is only waiting on you to make your move and come to her side in the next few days or so. Like I said, who knows? It’s possible, and stranger things have happened. And I’m sure it happens. All true.

    But to give this as advice??

    No way. No fucking way. Way too many problems involved. Way too many odds stacked against the relationship and the guy. I doubt I need to walk anyone through the objections and reasons, I certainly hope I don’t, anyway.

    That is the kind of idiocy too many churches and too many preachers and too many church goes are experiencing today. When they are not advocating for non-whites they are advocating insane “advice” like that.

    Totally useless when they are not totally destructive.

  33. What people have lost sight of is that the Evangel is addressed to nations.

    “All authority in heaven and earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations ( pan ethne) , baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.”Matt 28:18-19

    “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to the whole creation. He who believes and is baptised will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned.” Mark 9: 15,16

    “Thus it is written that the Christ should suffer on on the third day rise from the dead and that repentance and forgiveness of sins should be preached in his name to all nations beginning at Jerusalem.” Luke 24:45

    The gospel that is to be preached to all nations is the gospel of the Kingdom. The order of the Kingdom is the Church. There is no other. It is nations that are here in view – the ethne.

    While individuals and indeed all creation are compassed by the Commission – it is nations that will come into the Kingdom as nations. As a historical fact it is only the White race that has been converted and baptised in its nations.

    There is no warrant in Christianity for the destruction of nations. A Christian nation might make war on another nation over national issues; indeed the Christendom fought a war on two fronts for a thousand years against an empire of Islamic nations. Christian nations have deemed it in the national interest to make war for colonial possessions ( I do not justify this – but it is a fact that they did so).

    And as a polity, the Christendom has always been in a posture of defense and offense against the international power of the Synagogue and its Masonic Agentur.

    All nations act in self interest, the nation state will defend the lands of the ethne and expand if the population is expanding – as the Germans expanded into England both before and after they were Christians.

    Those who focus on Christian nations acting as ethne and as state usually give a pass to endless wars of non Christian national aggressions over land, resources and populations.

    There is no warrant for multi-cultural, geo political entities in Christianity which is addressed not to featureless masses – but to ethne. So it is assumed that you have a distinct people in its tribes and clans, with a national culture, language, heritage, history and beliefs.

    You have to travel in the Western Christendom to see this. An hour down the road you have a completely different ethne with their own principality, different language, culture, cuisine and usually laws. The Church will be the same, but that is about all that will be.

    By these observations, the Southrons are a distinctive White ethne on the American continent. Southrons have their own culture, heritage and English language. There are dialects of English in the Southern lands of the American continent that are as distinctive as Cornish or Bretton. So in the Biblical sense, in the sense recognized by the Church – the American South is a nation. The question is: can it establish itself as a nation state?

    If yes, then it will establish borders and it will create policies for its own ethne and against alien ethnics that predate upon the society with crime and mayhem. It will certainly create policies against hostile elites of alien ethnicity that have a European host specific jewnone. It did not matter that they had been in residence upon Visigothic lands since the pagan Roman empire – they had to go back to their ancestral lands. For the Jews – this is Khazaria and Idumea. For the Nubians this was N Africa. For the Moors, this was Arabia.

    This is exactly what we see with Atzlan. The Aztecs have the numbers to move North. They are taking back Aztec lands. Their attitude and the policy is Whites out. The Whites do not have the numbers to maintain a strong population base. You don’t hear any whining apologies for this. Washington is supporting it. They are claiming the same right of the Church to move their numbers in force into these lands as the Spanish did to remove the Moors from Spain when they had the strength and the numbers.

    The question for the whiney hymies and the DWLs is why is it suddenly a ‘Christian’ issue when the Whites have the numbers and say we want an ethnic state? It isn’t a Christian issue. It is a national issue.

    And it may be the only way to protect the White ethnicity (WHICH ALSO HAS A RIGHT TO ITS OWN POPULATIOM BASE, HERITAGE AND CULTURE) from murder, mayhem and every sort of predation upon that people.

    Unlike other ethnic states, the White ethnic state has a unique foe, an international foe, a foe that will certainly hold the power in the Aztec nation that is shaping up in the West.

    Only the Church, also international, can strengthen a the ethnic state against the this.

  34. Mosin Nagant says:
    ” But TRUE Christianity DOES RIGHTLY “EXPECT” MEN, as well as women, to be courteous and decent.”

    Yes, it would seem obvious to most. Just a few verses below to illustrate. However, I’m no longer a dedicated bible believer as I once was for various reasons, so I don’t argue over scriptures. No skin off my nose one way or another. Just pointing out that people are adept at picking and choosing what they deem to be applicable and what is not ( no matter what the topic) in order to support their own personal biases.

    Col. 4:6 Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer every man.
    Eph. 4:29 Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.
    1Pet. 3:15 But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with – gentleness and respect,

    Eph. 5:4 Nor should there be obscenity, foolish talk or coarse joking, which are out of place, but rather thanksgiving.

    Col. 3:8 But now you must rid yourselves of all such things as these: anger, rage, malice, slander, and – filthy language from your lips

  35. Dixiegirl,

    Mexico has been ruled over by anti-Catholic Masons for almost 100 years. Masons in Latin countries are not like those in Anglo countries. They are virulently anti-Christian. This has had a profound impact upon the Mexican people.

    If you really want to understand, there is a recent movie that has been released about the Cristeros in the 1920’s. The Mexican government waged war on all Catholics in Mexico.

    We could learn a lot about resistance to tyrannical government from the Cristeros.


    The liberal sodomite bishops and their cronies in the US Catholic church are willfully ignorant and extremely disingenuous regarding the true nature of Mexican immigration. They are modern day Judas Iscariots, referred to by traditional Catholics as the “lavender mafia.”

    Don’t be fooled by the propaganda. The proponents of illegal immigration want you to believe that they are moral, religious people who will help stop the moral decay in our society. They won’t.

    Most of the Mexicans who come here illegally are not devout people, as can easily been seen by the regard they have for our laws. They are coming for the free stuff.

    They are full fledged secular materialists just like most of our people. They want and covet things. Your things.

    Deo Vindice
    Viva Cristo Rey!

  36. HW did not miss posting it, Mary. Look down the page.

    I know Apuleius 🙂 My comment is me saying sorry for MY missing it.
    I check OD for new stories all the time, I just couldn’t believe I’d somehow missed this one.
    *great comments here too.

  37. @Landshark, August 6 2012 2:03.: Unless your point is in being a raging, dissembling asshole

    I would never dream of taking your job away from you.

    Apuleius, August 6 202 2:19 a.m.: Has that day not arrived, Robert? Try this simple test I have frequently made. Walk into a few Catholic churches in your area and see if you can find the red lamp in the sanctuary. Let me know what you find.

    It’s there in our parish. then again, our sanctuary is front and center and we still receive Communion on our tongues while kneeling at an altar rail.

    As for the others: it’s there in most of them I’ve seen. I am a reactionary (both in terms of politics and of religion) and don’t usually have reason to visit Saint Feelgood’s Church of What’s Happening Now.

    But your point is well taken: the Light is going out all over the world. Our Lady at Fatima warned us that this would happen. We have no one but ourselves to blame.

  38. Although I have issues with the Catholic church in theology and most of all its actions in the world today, I would love to see it restored to its original foundations and glory. It would cost me nothing and I think, bring us much strength .

  39. @Stonelifter, August 6, 2012 at 5:47 am: Although I have issues with the Catholic church in theology and most of all its actions in the world today, I would love to see it restored to its original foundations and glory. It would cost me nothing and I think, bring us much strength .

    It will happen, but first comes the chastisement. I suspect more than a few of us will win a martyr’s palm before the Church is restored.

  40. HW, would you like to know a shortcut to solving your comments problem?

    Delete all comments about ‘masons’, ‘freemasons’, ‘illuminati’, ‘Bilderberg’, etc. Then get rid of anyone who identifies as a female.

    Yeah, I know, you think you’ll cut off your base. Wrong. You’ll get rid of the crap, and it’ll be replaced by serious content.

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