About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. In line with the new “Free Speech” policy, I have already started deleting conspiracy theory comments about the Illuminati and Bilderbergs. A discussion about Freemasons was started in the comments while I happened to be away and the discussion had provoked too many intelligent responses to strike it down by that point.

  2. I’ve also started weeding out a large part of the sniping, comment spam, vulgarity, flaming, and racial slurs along with the conspiracy theories. The comments have improved a lot in the last two days.

  3. This guy points to divorce picking up in the 8160-1870’s, with something called the Tender Year’s Doctrine. He does lay out the case as well as I like, but I find it interesting since that is the time yankee morality began to acceded

  4. Oh. I tend to think it is going to cost.

    The history of the Reconquista should be thought about by those who are working through the enormous issues of the White nation state. In the natural, that war which lasted a thousand years was hopeless. The surrounding European kingdoms naturally looked to their own borders. The Christian East fell to the sword of Islam in the course of that war.

    The Iberian peninsula was the crucible of that war and yet it was won on the Iberian peninsula by the Visigoths.

    It is not regarded as a legend, pious or otherwise, that St James the Apostle who was the bishop of Jerusalem helped Spain to victory. St James was the bishop of Jerusalem, yet he was requested by the Blessed Virgin and the Church to preach the Evangel on the Iberian peninsula in 40 A.D. When he returned to Jerusalem he was the first Apostle to be martyred for the faith.

    To the seculars and materialists – well that was that.

    Yet in 844 A.D. at the battle of Clavijo, St James reappeared – the bishop of all Spain to lead the Spanish to victory. After that battle, the fame of ‘Santiago Matamoros’ St James the Moor Slayer spread throughout Europe. It become the battle cry of the Reconquista.

    The monuments to Santiago are everywhere in Spain – especially Compostella where the remains of the Apostle were interred.


  5. Damn it, hit the send button to soon.

    This guy points to divorce picking up in the 1860-1870?s, with something called the Tender Year’s Doctrine. He does lay out the case as well as I like, but I find it interesting since that is the time yankee morality began to acceded…….

    Should read….. This guy points to divorce picking up in the 1860-1870’s with something called the Tender Year’s Doctrine. He doesn’t lay out the case as well as I’d like but I find it interesting since this is the time-frame yankee’s new morality began to ascended in the usa. He doesn’t lay out the case as well as I would like. The author is Canadian so I guess Tender Year’s Doctrine is a Canadian law or some such. I find it interesting that while the yankees were coming up with a new morality about the union being in-dissolvable, negros being equal to Whites and citizens, etc literally creating a new nation in the process, the Canadians were making one with suffrage and the Tender Year’s Doctrine

    The other things I find interesting is how far back these things extend. The seeds to all this was planted along time before we were born


  6. When you look at the cosmology of BRA “it’s Negro all the way down.” they are an infinite regression.

  7. Can you tell why girls shouldn’t vote, and thus why they’ll clog up a board – no matter their good intentions?

    Does anyone want to get down to serious brass tacks about getting rid of the scum that rules us?

  8. Curiously in the EU women tend toward the rightwing while men are more socialist.

    My take on the US situation is that you have more ornery women than Europe does. European women tend to be quieter and less pushy. American women run around like Annie Oakly and get themselves in piles of horse manure and men bail them out.

  9. “Intimidation of gun owners is not far off.”

    Oh boy, I hope so! A half-dozen pinko hipsters wolf-packing someone walking into a gun store? That will make the best youtube video ever!

    Can you see

  10. BRA is just the MO, John. There is no separation between Synagogue and state in America. It is a Zionist Occupied Government – all the way down. They call the Black Undertow their ‘behema’.

  11. @ Apuleius

    Deo Vindice
    Viva Cristo Rey!
    Vendeen mon Fils!

    There are Traditional Roman Catholic parishes throughout the Southlands where it is standing room only on the porch for each of the three Sunday masses. These are White communities with large families and they are putting money into schools and insfrastructure. These sodalities are training a new elite to lead in the conflicts that are shaping up. These people are pro Deus et Humanitas. They know who the enemies of the Church and the people are.

    This website talks about organisation. Well. Here it is in spades.

  12. @
    “…..This is exactly what we see with Atzlan. The Aztecs have the numbers to move North. They are taking back Aztec lands. Their attitude and the policy is Whites out. The Whites do not have the numbers to maintain a strong population base. You don’t hear any whining apologies for this. Washington is supporting it. They are claiming the same right of the Church to move their numbers in force into these lands as the Spanish did to remove the Moors from Spain when they had the strength and the numbers….”

    Huh? What you’re calling “Aztlan” is predominantly catholic, what they are “taking it for,” and thus people such as Rubio, Romney, Santorum, etc. That’s why catholicism in the u.s. has increased in numbers DESPITE White catholics leaving the sect in droves, (largest numbers ever).

    Catholicism is a state religion, (a political organization with embassies, etc.) and it has nothing to do with being White that I can see, much less particularly Southern friendly, (it has “taken back” the south, lol).

  13. There are Traditional Roman Catholic parishes throughout the Southlands where it is standing room only on the porch for each of the three Sunday masses. These are White communities with large families and they are putting money into schools and insfrastructure. These sodalities are training a new elite to lead in the conflicts that are shaping up. These people are pro Deus et Humanitas. They know who the enemies of the Church and the people are….”

    Lynda—- taking over other people’s space for “whiteness” (even if it weren’t true that, IN REALITY, ALSO, the sect you’re talking about has actually LOST White people in droves— please read Pew— and became a brown church in the world)—- even if that weren’t true, taking over people’s land area (by infiltrating and using things such as the Supreme Court to change laws for the land grabs that got you there) — is HARDLY “solidarity” with the South.

  14. @…. “The mainline Protestants, the Baptists, and the Evangelicals have some excuse. They were never taught the truth in their churches. But we Catholics and Orthodox have the Sacraments and the Tradition of the Church, and we ignored them. Do we think the Just Judge hasn’t noticed?

    We have run up quite a tab, and when the bill comes due — soon now — you may rest assured that those of us who knew the truth but chose to ignore it will pay down to the last penny…”

    A curious trend is this—– the Protestantized WHITE catholics (they are leaving their sect in droves according to Pew and other research) are sometimes going Orthodox.

    It’s what I’d do had I been brought up in the catholic sect. At least they move toward ditching papal infallibility. In practice, statistically, most people claiming to be catholics in America do not understand that they’re supposed to believe they are eating real flesh and drinking real blood, in transubstantiation, and what a breaking point that was.

    Also, in practice, they’ve dropped confession (by a state-appointed person, the priest). Maybe, even without being told, they intuited some of the things that happened in terms of blackmails by Sandusky types— something anyone not totally naive would realize happens when a punishing state theocratic apparatus demands the public “Confess” to it under various threats like loss of livelihood (the catholic position of how to do things).

    Btw— Calvinism (so blamed and maligned by the “right”–which really isn’t, lol)— could not have happened without the indoctrinated punishments of the catholic sect, and its legacy in that regard. The more catholic the Supreme Court the more Gitmos, you will see.

    I don’t have to prove this. History will. Stay tuned and watch—- Deo Vindice.

    It is NOT the Generational American protestants running up the tab. Not a one is one the SC, the pope has his embassy, the immigrants have changed it to a majority catholic nation, and more.

    Mark my work on this, too—- a character who speaks as Robert O will catholicize Orthodoxy, rather than learn from it. Even now—- sensing his deal is wrong, he has fled to another place, only to use that position to degrade the very nation he has fed from, to incite the Orthodox against the Protestants, to create an alliance with the founding population as the stupid, ignorant, redneck fools, etc.

  15. “There was consideration and decency in the world even before Jesus ever walked the earth. There was consideration and decency in the ancient world, and today, there’s consideration and decency in the world where the people do not even practice and/or pay lip service to Christianity.”

    Joe- that may be, but where did THEY learn these social skills? It’s not innate, at least not if one believes in the natural depravity of all men, due to sin. Every culture has a moral guide, and that moral guide, over centuries, inculcates what are known as the ‘virtues’ to we Western (historically Christian) Men and women.

    I consider the ‘civilizing’ of the Teutons, the Celts, the Rus, and all the other [sic] ‘pagan’ tribes of Europe to be due to centuries of Christian moral teaching, and the Golden Rule. I also consider the overt cannibalism of the Aztecs, Mayans, etc. to be the NEGATION of that same morality. I also consider the fact that the “Buddha” was a bearded, blue-eyed individual, and the Qeutzlcoatl of the Mesoamericans to be a ‘blond god’ to be indicative that the same race that gave us European Christendom, may also have instilled this ‘civility’ among the non – Europeans. You can read more of that over at John de Nugents’ site, he has voluminous columns on that latter point.

    I didn’t, therefore, expect a Westerner to quibble with what the Church, throughout the last 2000 years, has taught and expected her devotees to practice. Though I would have expected it from a jew- whose talmud has only given the world Marxism, Communism, and a hubris unknown to any other race…..

    which are you?

  16. “In other words, if you have been divorced and remarried, or if you use artificial contraception, or if you have had or cooperated in an abortion, you are just as much an enemy of traditional morality as is the greasiest buttfucking faggot in San Francisco.”
    – Robert Oculus

    Bob- If you’re an RC, have you never heard of venial and mortal sins? There are sins that are MORE HEINOUS and those that are LESS HEINOUS.
    I don’t mean to engage in theological/penological hair splitting, but really.

    Jesus acknowledged divorce, but merely said ‘it is better,’ etc.
    Jesus NEVER acknowledged sodomy.

    Abortion is a weight I would wish on no woman, but most of the women I know of, who have had abortions, were not Christians, so the ‘smear’ does not stick.

    I would say, in all sincerity, that this tactic (of comparing sins, and saying ‘how can you be without sin, by those who are not in the Covenant/Community/Church) is an old Jewish trick- to AVOID the sin that the person making the comment, is guilty of.

    NEVER let the focus of a White Man be turned from the TRUE SINS of the antichrists (those engaged in cultural subversion, like the Jews/Gays/Feminazis). NEVER.

  17. Transubstantiation, confession by a state appointed priest, and papal infallibility in the wake of Vatican II—- hit three main points that (real) Protestants, under various names, took issue with in the years after Christ’s death. Now White catholics are often doing the same.

    BTW— it’s often stated that u.s. Protestants are leaving their churches.

    HOWEVER, in an interesting development—- they go, literally 100%, to other Protestant denominations.

    Imo, this is ethnic, primarily. They seem to be saying they would rather be with other Northern Europeans and Generational Americans (99% wasps at the revolution, both north and south) who despite some differences, usually agree on transubstantiation (not), no state confessions (therefore no blackmail), and no papal infallibility), as well as more de-centralized church structures and elected and congregation-chosen “leaders”, rather than sent from a central foreign office—

    The numbers would indicate that North and South Protestants have made various (real) alliances that are sort of interesting, imo.

    The catholics going Orthodox is reasonable—- but in the U.S. it will become a de facto catholic sect without the pope (but holding onto confession and transubstantiation).

    This is simply because the Orthodox presence is so small in the u.s., numerically. The catholics fleeing have overwhelmed their congregations (often already there are congregations calling themselves Orthodox that are really majority catholic).

    Expect a lot of bossy blowhards like “the Orthodox Nationalist” over at VOR. A “New South” sort of transplant going “back to the earth” from Catholic New Jersey. Now, he’s telling everyone how they don’t know jack shit about the wholesomeness of the planters life (as if Southern Protestants really don’t know anything about that.) A true study in character arrogance.

  18. “Morality cannot be legislated.” – Some Guy

    Gary North pointed out the Leftist (Jewish/Communist) mindset behind such statements, when he said, ALL IS MORALITY- it’s just a question of WHOSE MORALITY?

    Exactly. If you are a sodomite, your ‘morality’ is that you can engage in all manner of sexual debauchery, hate on women for ‘messing up the man you are lusting after this hour, day, week’ from ‘seeing that ‘gay is just as good as straight,’ and NOT SEE IT AS IMMORAL.

    For the Jewish abortionists, making a (if you’ll pardon the expression) ‘killing’ in the ‘freedom of choice’ mindset, you can rationalize your murder as ‘it’s only the goyim, after all.’

    For the Liberal Whites, it’s the ‘Save the Ocean/planet/spotted owl/Sierra club cause’ as if that were the ‘sacrament’ of their New Age psychosis.

    All of it bespeaks ‘morality’ – the point of Western Man/Christendom, has always been that GOD’S LAW is the only TRUE Morality. I even noted that of those few on this board, who advocated Shari’a. They have NO IDEA the difference between Biblical Law, and CULTIC Law. That’s why Judge Moore’s battle over the Ten Commandments was so pivotal. It was the LAW OF SATAN vs. the LAW OF GOD.

    But ‘neutrality’ in matters of law, legality, and legislation? Ha. Don’t make me laugh.

  19. “Fr. John, I know what you’re saying.

    But I wonder if it might not be better sometimes to shift the grounds of the debate, and become more on the offense, which is what I’m trying to suggest.

    All that happens in these things is scenes such as this bullying one, put forward. I was suggesting an offensive tack to take that would be more effective. Sitting in morality does not always win. You’re not playing with moral.”

    Fine Dixie G.

    Give me/us some scenarios, devoid of moral standing, and religious thought.

    I’m waiting……

  20. “Someguy is not advocating for anarchy. The point is simply that it is true you cannot make an immoral person moral by passing a law. You cannot make a Christian by passing a law that says one must be a Christian.” – Brute

    Let’s say you cannot MAKE someone a Chrisitan. Fine. But you CAN keep them from being SOMETHING ELSE. That’s why the one act that I applaud Calvin for, was the burning of Servetus at the stake.

    As all law is ultimately MORAL, and as I’ve posted here that ‘Stoning of unrepentant sodomites’ would CERTAINLY discourage the others from ‘coming out of the closet,’ and prosecution of smut merchants, public hanging, etc. once were the NORM in a CHRISTIAN society for dealing with OVERT SINNERS/LAWBREAKERS, you certainly CAN ‘change’ society, when laws don’t ENCOURAGE SIN, but PUNISH IT.

    That’s one reason some of the more realistic on this board mentioned SHARI’A. But a false system, (even if strict) is still not as good as the “Original Ten.”

  21. “Imo, this is ethnic, primarily. They seem to be saying they would rather be with other Northern Europeans and Generational Americans (99% wasps at the revolution, both north and south) who despite some differences, usually agree on transubstantiation (not), no state confessions (therefore no blackmail), and no papal infallibility), as well as more de-centralized church structures and elected and congregation-chosen “leaders”, rather than sent from a central foreign office”

    Dixie G, you understand the need for an AMERICAN ORTHODOXY. ONE Church, standing UNIFIED against a) non-Whites, b) non-Europeans, and c) non-Christendom theologies.

    Now, if only the trad RC’s would get what you so clearly see…. ell-oh-ell.

  22. Fr. John—

    I admit I grapple with this— (to veer one moment from the connection of the ethnic question and how it intersects with the North-south issue, which is what I was trying to get at above)—

    You say: Joe- that may be, but where did THEY learn these social skills? It’s not innate, at least not if one believes in the natural depravity of all men, due to sin…..

    Being an “enlightenment Christian” I DO NOT BELIEVE in the “natural depravity of man,” nor have I ever heard it taught outside catholicism and its offshoot calvinism. personally, I find that an insane and (by simple observation and Bible Study) unsupportable.

    Anyway— about this teaching issue. THE LEFT has really used this.

    Basically, what you’re saying is the support for that brand of, I think, TROTSKYISM, which maintains exactly this—- a sort of blank slate on which you can ‘write’ these necessary teachings to change nature. Man is evil or blank— and you make and correct him with teachings.

    Versus —- Man has the capacity to do good or evil, and a nature that may incline both ways.

    This is my belief— and also what is taught by JEWISH Orthodoxy, which is a main crossover, imo, from Judaism to many Protestantisms—- (that man is not evil by nature, inclined primarily to sin.)

    Teaching Man is mostly Evil—- inclined to sin and destruction— becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.

    The more the u.s. imported people who believe this—- the more self-fulfilling it has become, seems like.

  23. “Get rid of the theologians too, would ya?” – Bill Y.

    Oh, yes. ANYONE who has an opinion, Bill, is ‘theologizing,’ or didn’t you know that?

    No one is immune to a theology, because EVERYONE has to have a worldview that ‘makes sense’ to them. Lynda, Mosin, and I (among others) merely speak for the older ‘theology’ that gave Christendom- and thus, all white men and women- our ‘marching orders’ for over a thousand years. So, if you’d rather have a Jewish/ZioNAZI worldview- whether the Gnostic/Arian version with the CZ folk like Hagee, or the purely satanist/communist version like Clinton/Obama, then go ahead. But don’t say it’s NOT a ‘theology.’

    All actions/decisions/thoughts are irretrievably RELIGIOUS. Because, as St. Augusting noted, ‘Our hearts are restless, until they rest in Thee.’ Man (even non-White [sic] man, has a God-shaped hole in his inmost being. And it is only the Race of the Christ, that can either point the way, or fill it via the Kinsman-Redeemer of that race (of which I believe you to be a part), Christ Jesus our Lord.

  24. “Expect a lot of bossy blowhards like “the Orthodox Nationalist” over at VOR.”

    Dixie G, are you talking about Voice of Reason? that ‘blowhard’ is Raphael Johnson, if I am not mistaken. He’s (Johnsn) UTTERLY BRILLIANT, but he’s not a WN, yet- he still thinks that the blacks and mestizos are going to ‘come unto him’ in some multiculti way.

    If it’s not him -to whom are you referring, please?

  25. Fine Dixie G.

    Give me/us some scenarios, devoid of moral standing, and religious thought.

    I’m waiting……”

    Ok, for you, I will say it’s a moral issue.

    Be that as it may—- there are better ways of defending ones-christian-self outside a Cfa than playing like you’re Hollywood’s version of Ghandi. Just fighting back by questioning here —by sorting the real homos from the collegiate ARA/ leftists, and from hetero tools— would have been a step in a right direction, imo, in simply exposing the real deal of all the political maneuvering.

  26. “Being an “enlightenment Christian” I DO NOT BELIEVE in the “natural depravity of man,” nor have I ever heard it taught outside catholicism and its offshoot calvinism. personally, I find that an insane and (by simple observation and Bible Study) unsupportable.”

    DixieG, first off, no RC considers Calvinism to be an ‘offshoot’. Truly. Coming from Papal dogma, Calvinism was like a breath of fresh air- because all other schemes of Western thought still make MAN the arbiter of his own salvation- ‘works righteousness’ – have you heard that term?

    When you read Augustine, Calvin, Knox, Cranmer, Luther (His “Bondage of the Will” is nothing but ‘calvinism, and ‘total depravity, in case you didn’t know- and, as he’s the ‘father of the Protestant Reformation,’ how can you say you ‘don’t believe’ it? Unless you aren’t prot, of course) Whitefield, Ryle, Spurgeon, the entirety of early American history (Cotton Mather, etc.) note that the English said of the American Revolution, that is was totally a ‘Presbyterian Rebellion’ – see that a Presby. Clergyman signed the Declaration; realize that Princeton, Harvard, and the other ‘big’ schools today all subscribed to some form of the ‘calvinist’ Westminster Confession (Heidelberg, Savoy, Articles of Religion in the BCP) to say that America did not believe in the fact that St. Paul (and the Psalmist) noted that ‘there is NONE righteous, no, not one’ –

    Well, I find it hard to take anyone seriously who says they are a Christian, who does not believe in the natural depravity of Man, and the common fall, in which ‘we fell all.’

  27. “Basically, what you’re saying is the support for that brand of, I think, TROTSKYISM, which maintains exactly this—- a sort of blank slate on which you can ‘write’ these necessary teachings to change nature. Man is evil or blank— and you make and correct him with teachings.”

    Oh, DixieG-” Who hath bewitched you?”

    The ‘tabula rasa’ was an invention of the Enlightenment, to AVOID GOD. They believed that all men were as a blank slate, so that NO TAINT of ORIGINAL DEFAULT could be posited. And they then applied that (did the liberals, who invented it) to the a) common man -thus the groundwork for ‘egalitarianism’ (which led to the French Revolution) and b) the ‘heathen’ – which then did away with the reality of now sixty years of Civil Wrongs, that non-whites, by and large, are PREDESTINED to c)inferior status as hominids, and d) are defective in mental cognition, moral choice, and long-term planning.

    It was neither the Church nor the Prots that gave us ‘tabula rasa.’ If anything, it was the Ancient [pagan] Greeks, or the secular, christ- hating Enlightenment folk, who wanted to avoid God’s Law, entirely. I would suggest you read Rushdoony, Bahnsen, or even Dabney (if you are a history buff) to learn the reality of who gave us ‘tabula rasa.’ It certainly wasn’t the Church.

  28. I’m shutting up now. I’m sure Bill Y would rather I stop for a while. So I will.

    Maybe Lynda, Mosin, or some other speaker would care to join the fray.
    Sorry, Hunter. There was just so much misinformation that needed correction……

  29. Dixie G, are you talking about Voice of Reason? that ‘blowhard’ is Raphael Johnson, if I am not mistaken. He’s (Johnsn) UTTERLY BRILLIANT, but he’s not a WN, yet- he still thinks that the blacks and mestizos are going to ‘come unto him’ in some multiculti way.

    If it’s not him -to whom are you referring, please?…”

    LOL— I was a bit harsh.

    Yes, him. And I’ve listened to MANY, MANY of his shows. Yes— he’s brilliant and I really like most of what he has to say, also admire his life choices in getting out of where he was, shifting to Orthodoxy.

    As I said, the move to orthodoxy is what I’d do if I were (raised) catholic. It solves many issues.

    Some time ago— I really saw Orthodoxy as a possible way out into what you suggest, a re-unification.

    This simply will never happen under a catholic banner. Largely, because of the pope’s excesses for so very long, the anti-white politicizing that’s occurred under corrupt catholics, and so on (I say this entirely without malice), their success in becoming a non-white church, etc.

    Orthodoxy is a way out—- but it will not become so if the fleeing catholics infect that church with their anti-protestantism, (and the lack of understanding that allows them to never understand how, without their problems, protestantism could never have happened).

    Through Orthodoxy, imo— catholics may repent. Without their veering from Christ (and making up non-christian “traditions” that were financial and political) protestantism would never have happened in the first place.

    So, it is really the catholics who must repent—- and Orthodoxy is a way to do so.

    Because it held onto ethnic affiliations (greek Orthodox, russian orthodox, etc, etc.) there is a strong precedence that it can be a white church. Catholicism seems not the future for whites.

    Raphael J—- his anti-protestantism gets on my nerves, I admit. He’s not fully repented yet, and is guilty of using Orthodoxy as a platform to harp and grind on catholic enemies (protestants)—

    However, he’s extremely good on what he’s good at.

  30. Fr John—

    I know that, it was just a way of saying—

    And— that idea would not have re-emerged except as a Reaction to an omnipresent sense of man’s depravity. Then it swung the other way in reaction— so man would be “all good.” Ancient idea as you say, sure. But it re-emerged because people felt a need for it.

    I wasn’t clear: both ideas are extremes about “man’s nature” And the idea that “education” can fix this “nature” of man—- is what I was talking about.

    —A more balanced idea of man’s nature would clearly help, imo (not pure evil, not pure good), AND the idea that you can “educate the nature out of human beings” has caused much trouble either way.

    hope that makes better sense.

  31. @ DixieG, first off, no RC considers Calvinism to be an ‘offshoot’. Truly. Coming from Papal dogma, Calvinism was like a breath of fresh air- because all other schemes of Western thought still make MAN the arbiter of his own salvation- ‘works righteousness’ – have you heard that term?….

    Fr J—

    I could say a bit to that long post, but am not going to. In the end, we would have few disagreements, I think, and I’m guilty of going far off the OD track, so sorry. I tend to type off the cuff, also, at about 90 wpm, which means I don’t bother to state things clearly—– a habit I must break.

  32. @Stonelifter:

    “I’m not the best at laying out this particular argument but there are a number of books on the topic of the feminized church and its downfall. The 1st one I read was called…. the feminized church, the last was called, why men hate church, I think. It wasn’t that interesting to me since I had already figured out most of it before I read the book, I suggest any Christians actually read books on the topic. But they won’t. It’s to easy being the type of Christians they are now.”

    I have to agree with you that Christianity has been feminized and therefore compromised to the point of becoming totally irrelevant. It’s been a long time coming. Didn’t C.S. Lewis compare the Christianity of his day to a hollow-chested man?

    I have to wonder what the agenda is behind trying to force acceptance of gays on the West. How long before it propels any devout White Christian male (who is sick and tired of being emasculated by every aspect of modern Western society) into the arms of Islam?

    I know that a lot of White Nationalists see Islam as a ghetto religion that is not compatible with the White race or a White culture, but I have to counter that argument with the Bosnians and the Chechens, in particular. They are compelling people with a fascinating history. Stone, a lot of the stuff I researched makes them sound like kindred spirits with your own people.

    They are allegedly the descendants of the neighboring male tribe the Amazons of Greek legend used to visit to repopulate their own ranks. Supposedly, the Amazons would keep the little girls and return the little boys to this tribe. They converted to Islam, but they kept a lot of their tribal and rather democratic traditions. The wolf is their cultural icon.

    In any case, I notice a lot of the White elites of various countries tend to be less hostile to Islam than Christianity and I am wondering if they are experiencing the same dissatisfaction with the watered-down, milquetoast, Zionist Judeo-Christianity that Christianity has mutated into.

    All I know is that the homosexuals need to dial it back several notches, because I can see a day where devout White Male Christians become fanatical White Male Muslims and that means a lot of leftist idiots are going to be in for some major unpleasantness.

  33. “Calvinism is a breath of fresh air” Good one.

    I tend to like the Calvinists a lot – a lot more than I like the novus ordo catholics and their idea of universal religion of all creeds and faiths (bleh) – which the Calvinists roundly criticize, as they should.

    And judging by their conversation they have moved a deal from the original whiggery and priggery of the Kirk. They like Sir Walter Scott, they stand for their Celtic heritage and culture. Down South, they were solid for Dixie.

    Which puts me to mind of the Jacobite joke which captured more the original dour approach: “Why is it against the law of Kirk to have carnal knowledge in the standing position”

    A “Because it might lead to dancing”.

    Yes. The Calvinists have definitely lightened up over the centuries. As Tolkien once remarked in his letter: “We will laugh together yet.” I think so.

  34. Sadly, Clytemnestra I have only read two CS Lewis books, Screw Tape letters and The 4 Loves.

    I should fix that gap in my reading, given the impact of those books on my life

    There are two main reasons White men leave the church; it has become anti masculine and supports the entire PC anti White man agenda. Going to a modern main stream church gets White men attack in both directions. The one pagan I know who I’d trust in a fire fight… I get the impression he left the church because it was anti White man and embraced modern paganism because he saw it as pro White and pro masculine. He hates it when I tell him about Thor wearing a dress, and Loki turning himself into a woman…. islam has not turned its back on its warrior ethos like Christianity, or told men to roll over to a woman’s demand/ blame yourself for her treating you badly etc. That will appeal to some White men. However I don’t think very many White men will turn to islam. It’s too alien, too controlling, too foreign and men are more xenophobic by default then women. Men are also more willing to search for God on their own terms. Can’t count the number of White men I know who have turned their back on the church to find themselves closer to God in a tree stand. However I think White women turn to islam because men in islam get to be men. Not truing to islam and turning to it, each is part of our specif biological imperatives hardwired into our genders based on very different reproductive strategies

    Islam in Bosnian and Chechen is a different critter. They smoke, drink, listen to Western music, dance, etc. Both groups brawl hard for islam so they get a pass by hajji clerics for it. Never thought about it much Clytemnestra, but you could be right. My guess is most border people have developed similar ethos and tribal systems to deal with the violence. There is much I could respect with Chechens in particular if the world was different

    islam and leftism are both totalitarian systems and very compatible. islam is more than ok with homosexuality. One cleric said it is ok for moslem men to engage in sodomy to enlarge the anus to make it easier to smuggle things/ if it helps jihad/ spread islam, It is common to find Taliban/ AQ pamphlets reminding fighters not to engage in sodomy with village boys where they are resting. Think about that. They don’t say “don’t commit sodomy” the pamphlets say don’t commit it here

    I want to say I really appreciate your understanding of this issue of men, masculinity in general and the church in particular. You have no idea how rare that is. You seem to understand it better than many of the men here.

    Clytemnestra, I salute you.

  35. Stonelifter, you should read Lewis’ “The Abolition of Man.” You would appreciate the first chapter alone, “Men Without Chests.”

    Deo Vindice

  36. @Stonelifter:

    “I want to say I really appreciate your understanding of this issue of men, masculinity in general and the church in particular. You have no idea how rare that is. You seem to understand it better than many of the men here.”

    Aww, thanks, Stone, but all credit belongs to my nephew.

    I was a big lib feminazi before he entered my life. I had my issues with men and vowed I would never marry. Then I become my infant nephew’s guardian.The moment the court put him in my arms, I was overwhelmed with the idea that I was responsible for raising a man and I didn’t want to be the kind of mother that serial killer profilers bring up all the time, LOL. I bought a bunch of novels geared for boys and read them cover to cover.

    I had some back up from my brothers and my father, but I confess I would shamelessly solicit advice from male coworkers and I even made a point of making friends with some guys for any masculine imput. I eventually married one of them and had four more kids and was pleasantly surprised over how right and natural my new life was. I lost him four years ago and I guess I’m still at a stage where all men compare unfavorably to him.

    To take my mind off my loss, I went back to school and the subject of why men seemed more creative than women came up in English class. And of course, there was a debate with the conclusion that it was all due to sexism which struck me as rather disingenuous and rather patronizing.

    In the meantime, I had found a book where this female psychologist had observed how boys are put under a woman’s authority (Mom, teachers) and often by an older man. However, when the boy reaches adolescence, he then has to break this childhood training. In that way, a boy separates from from his mother (or female domination, in general) by creating a man’s identity and I decided to go with her thesis with Hemingway (whose mother was the kind of nutcase similar to the way I used to be).

    So, I interviewed a bunch of highly accomplished men from various backgrounds to find out when they started the process of separation/self-creation and the answers the gave about the catalysts that made them create themselves from boys into men was very insightful. I talked to one real sweetheart of a man who insisted that women were now equally accomplished, but IMO a lot of the advances women made were thanks to the labor-saving devices that MEN created, SIGH. Women may have inspired men to build civilizations, but men still built them.

    On a final note, this woman’s thesis makes me inclined to believe that feminism has been used to subvert Christianity into an tool to keep young men infantilized by forcing them to remain submissive to women FOREVER. This is not good; not good for the men and certainly not good for the women, because the day is closing fast in this country when the EBT card stops working and where the laws of nature will ascend again and both sexes will be forced to assume the roles that the Creator assigned to them.

  37. You have no idea how rare it is Clytemnestra, for a woman to leave team woman, and how that elevates you above all other women.

    May the Almighty God, bless you and keep you, turn His face to you and be gracious to you, lift up His face to and give you peace

  38. @Dixiegirl:

    “Straight men rabble-rousing for homosexuals, when they aren’t—- It’s SOOOO Northeastern. So Yankee!”

    I respectfully disagree, Dixiegirl.

    FYI, Islam says that Noah prophesied that Shem would be the father of prophets and disciples, Ham the father of laborers and menials, but Japheth would be the father of kings and warriors. I think a lot of White men channel this warrior instinct into aggressive altruism.

    White men historically went on crusades to liberate the Holy Land from the Muslims or went to war for a PRINCIPLE all the time. The War Between The States: State’s Rights Advocates versus Free Soilers led to Fire Breathers like Edmund Ruffin in the South versus Barn Burners like Martin Van Buren in the North. Look at the number of Southern White men who followed Teddy Roosevelt charging up San Juan Hill during the Spanish-American War.

    Why are so many White men involved in anti-racism and other leftists causes?! Because they get a sense of conviction from these militant groups that isn’t present in the milquetoast conservative movement. Sorry, but these are the same kind of men who would have joined the National Socialist party in Germany to follow Adolf Hitler. Because he exuded passion and conviction to them.

  39. @Stonelifter:

    “You have no idea how rare it is Clytemnestra, for a woman to leave team woman, and how that elevates you above all other women.

    May the Almighty God, bless you and keep you, turn His face to you and be gracious to you, lift up His face to and give you peace.”

    Thanks again. I don’t look at it as leaving “team woman,” but joining “team heritage.” I think the best analogy to our current culture is that we are becoming a genetically engineered fruit that bears no seed whereas we used to be heritage fruit. The South may be the only Heritage Culture left in the USA; the rest of the country is becoming the Monsanto Culture. Genetically engineered to be unproductive and sterile.

    Anyway, God bless you and yours, Stone.

  40. Thank you again Clytemnestra. You really do have a firm grasp of the masculine mind/ heart/ soul

  41. ps “team woman” refers to the feminist band wagon. Really men and women should be on team Heritage. Sadly, most women are on team women without realizing their indoctrination. I’m not singling out women. Most men are also on team woman without realizing it for the same reason.

    Sometimes I think men hate those of us who have rejected the indoctrination more then the women hate us. Other days…..

    Anyrate, it really is a pleasure to know you are out there in the world

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