GOP Surrendering To Gay Marriage


Remember, the Republican Party alone is capable of “preserving our culture.”

“When Democrats announced that their 2012 platform would include a historic first —gay marriage written in as a plank —the reaction from mainstream Republicans was near silence.

There were no statements blasted out from Mitt Romney’s campaign. The same was true for the Republican National Committee. Romney has yet to address the the fact.

The pushback came largely from social conservatives and evangelicals, who pledged to make same-sex unions an issue going forward and insisted the stand will hurt Democrats.”

Note: If the Chick-fil-A buycott illustrated anything, it was the utter worthlessness of Mitt Romney and the Republican Party as a means to “Take Back America.”

YOU could physically “Take Back America” in the streets and state legislatures … if you had the will to choose resistance over submission, and followed that course to its logical conclusion which is the dissolution of the Union.

Until that happens, the multimillionaires like Mitt Romney will continue to buy elections and suck up to the liberal media establishment, and the federal judges and their allies in the Democrat Party will block every attempt to reform the system.

You will continue to be ruled by a political class that is more worthless and hostile to individual liberty than any premodern European aristocracy.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. How many in the “Traditional Value” crowd would join us in opposing White/non White “marriage” unions? Aren’t most of them proud to see the end of miscegenation laws? Wouldn’t most of them call us “racists” and “haters” for opposing marriages that prevent White babies from being born?

    Well now, YOU are the “haters” and “racists” for opposing “gay marriage” unions. How much more unnatural and disgusting is this rather than miscegenation? The same arguments YOU used to push White/non White “unions” will be used to push gay “unions”. What will you “Traditional Value” people do?

    Why, vote for Mitt Romney, of course!

  2. Thoughts on Chickfila.

    Go with the tactics that work. This buycott was a good short term success. The right can quickly organize around these apparently superficial turf wars. There was no need for radical rhetoric, ideological purity or cultlike behaviour.

    Softly softly catches monkey. The Adam Smith vid, the gays attacking the bible reader are all examples of leftists scoring own goals. The freaks exposed themselves willingly.

    Kosher foods. What about a food/product list that identifies friendly companies? If we are doomed to being a minority let’s have dietary rules, purchasing rules.

    Any othe practical suggestions?

  3. “YOU could physicallly “Take Back America” in the streets and state legislatures”

    Or as the media folks would call it, “the redneck spring”.

  4. Our internet generals are clueless, merely wonkish nerds with hardware fascination, one step removed from Patriotardism.

    The Left as evil as they can be have captured the high ground of moral superiority. “Our side” is lead by loudmouths who are eyeing the door, as they have always done and always will. Send money

  5. Is the deficit/debt the issue to convince younger Southerners of the need for secession?

    We currently borrow about 40% of our annual budget, and our total debt is about equal (some say exceeds) our annual GDP. This is unsustainable, and possibly too late to gain control over. Most of this debt was run up by past generations, but will be paid by those under 40 and their children/grandchildren. Our quality of life will suffer; our children and grandchildren will know nothing of the civilization their ancestors created.

    Secession is the opportunity to break free, not just from liberalism and multiculturalism, but from the crushing debt that we didn’t create, didn’t authorize, and that went to fund programs that we don’t approve of.

  6. Van, I can speak for others, but I think secession stands no chance until the national debt crashes. The short version of how I see things go is

    #1) as the national economy tanks like never seen before, state govts will be more willing to tell the feds to go to hell as they become desperate to solve their economic woes. By that I mean…. Seems like NC, and other states are sitting on a “gold mine” of natural gas off the cost, but we can’t go after it because of the feds. Will the state still follow that when there 20-30% unemployment? I think Az and other border states will start deporting illegals on their own accord to relive the economic drain placed on them by mexicans. States will want to start dumping all types of federal labor and environmental laws that hamper their economies etc etc

    #2) states won’t be able to support the welfare system and will end it at their level. Same with “investing” in the failed public school systems, and the like. Feds will tell them its racist and sexist. Crime will go up with more negros going feral. States will set aside dumb, ineffective policing ideas and go back to things like racial profiling. The feds will oppose both measures and I hope Southron state govt tell the fed to go to hell.

    #3) the feds will not have the money to fight the secession as effectively, politically or otherwise and states will start going their own way, looking for new partners ie other state govts

    I’m thinking that will occur over 10+ years

  7. I protested at the recent 2012 Louisville “Pride” Parade. I was the only protestor and I had several large signs like “Take your sodomy to another planet” and “The anus is a sewer not a playground”. No Bible thumping Christians were there to protest. The only Christians I saw were on the floats and marching in the parade. I yelled at one minister wearing a collar “Hey Reverend, what kind of perverted gospel are your preaching?”. He looked at me for a second but then turned his head. After seeing numerous church groups marching with the rainbow flag I am now convinced that Jesus and his disciples were gay. The Christians (I am not one) have totally folded like lawn chairs to the homos. Sorry to be the messenger of the truth.

  8. John says:
    August 6, 2012 at 3:45 pm

    “You need wonks and nerds.”

    Not if they can’t be put to practical use.

    Most of these guys are about as useful, as grown men that play with train sets. They understand nothing of the world outside of their chosen hobby.

    As Simmons says, Send them money!

  9. Stonelifter:

    “I think secession stands no chance until the national debt crashes.” – Generally my opinion, as well. If not economic collapse, certainly at least significantly weakened by a failing economy. I’m not even an absolute supporter of secession, but it’s intriguing and possibly in the best interest of Southern Whites.

    I have come to believe that we likely did pass the point of no return, as many others have already concluded. Simply too much total debt, too large of a deficit each year, no way that the politicians will tell large voting blocks that they are on their own now. If so, I don’t know who would be better – Romney or Obama. Sure, it would be good to have Obama sitting in the Oval Office when it all comes crashing down, and perhaps his policies in such an event would galvanize resistance more than Romney’s slightly more subtle ones.

    But the risk is huge. I can’t help but think that Obama would turn to Zimbabwe/South Africa tactics. Would the (mostly white) military follow orders or resist? Is there already a plan in place for black “officers” to take over important installations, including those housing WMDs? I have trouble embracing the Worse-is-Better plan.

  10. @Van
    On second thought, please stay.

    Obama is tied into this:

    The panthers are not free agents. They take their orders from the top of the communist pecking order. That means the panthers take their orders from Obama/Holder and the Jew/commie mob in Chicago.

  11. Link doesn’t work. Google it. It’s very important. The black panthers declared war aginst White Americans in Sanford. The orders to declare war came from the very top.
    The last thing White Americans need is an African-born, Hard-Core communist lame duck Obama.

    His handlers are radical communists who hate White Americans, and would love nothing better to see as many White Americans murdered as possible.

    The Declaration of War has not been rescinded.

    @ Van Has The Correct View.

  12. I don’t have much else to add; mostly thinking out loud. If the topic continues, someone suggest a more germane thread to take it to.

  13. Another GOP “surrender.” What a surprise. There’s no help to be found here.

    The Democrats advance the cause (Progressivism), the Republicans then enforce and defend it (Conservatism).

    Two sides of the same bad coin.

    Deo Vindice

  14. Liberals hold the whip, Respectable Conservatives obey Liberals in all things eventually. If they don’t obey they Liberals, they lose their respectability.

    Respectable Conservatives and Liberals are the government.

  15. Unfortunately, communism is a germane topic, as the communists are Ascendant in Washington :

    If link doesn’t work, go to “”

    Alot of important information all White Americans should know. Especially with the elections coming up in Nov.

  16. Of course the GOP establishment is caving to the fag marriage crowd. So many GOP figures are obvious closeted homosexuals like Lindsey Graham. Graham can’t wait to abandon his straight life and marry his Jewish boyfriend. They can honeymoon at the Wailing Wall.

  17. Obama is a homosexual also. Google : ” obama + larry sinclair”

    In addition to being a homosexual, Obama is an African-born, Hard-Core commie.
    I included links in my above posts. Alot of important information about Obama.

  18. Jerry Sandusky is a registered Republican. As much as I despise the liberal Liebermans of the Democratic Party and their dusky minions, one wonders how much of the GOP establishment consists of faggotry and football? If tomorrow I read an expose revealing widespread secret pederasty within the upper ranks of the GOP, I would first think “probably a MSM false flag”, but then again, look at some of these corpulent vessels of corruption like Newt Gingrich or that obese governor of NJ. Anyone of them you could imagine trolling the net for boys. I’m not one of the “Laptop Luftwaffe” stupid enough to advocate violence, but if another “Night of the Long Knives” were to occur I certainly wouldn’t cry over it.

  19. While I’m no fan of Romney, I think you’re reading this all wrong if you think he’s caving because he’s declined to fume about it in public. (Maybe he is pro-GM, maybe he isn’t, but that’s not the point here.)

    It’s a tactic. He’s playing to win. He knows Obama is completely vulnerable on the economy, and other issues are unpredictable land mines, so why step on them — just to see whether or not they blow up?

    The Dems can come out full-bore pro GM because it will energize a sector of their base, but it won’t alienate their other sectors, who are mostly indifferent to it or who don’t care so there’s no blowback. For the GOP to take a public stance in their actual platform risks making them a target over something only part of their base is truly vehement about (I think most people want a soft compromise, like “civil unions” and then make the whole dopey thing just go away, please, gays are too small a % of the populace to spend precious time on this noisy, ludicrous distraction). Romney can win if he hammers away about the economy and a few well-chosen peripherals: personally I think Obama selling American citizenship for $465 is a gift from the gods, let’s see if Romney is smart enough to use it.

    But for the GOP, gay marriage is a tar-baby. Best not to speak of it til after the election is won.

    As for secession, it can’s possibly happen in the real world unless you have an intelligent, practical plan that addresses these three issues:

    1) What do you do with all the nukes, and the rest of the military?
    2) How do you handle the fact that the dollar is the world reserve currency, and secession will mean both the end of the dollar and the end of a reserve currency? How do you foresee the consequences of this, and what do you do about it?
    3) Connected to 2 is the fact that the Chinese hold an awful lot of dollars. How do you handle the specter and near certainty of foreign intervention in the event of secession?

    Until you’ve thought clearly and at length about these things, you’re just passing gas out of the wrong hole.

  20. Romney supports gay rights and gay marriage. Why would he say anything in opposition to it or anything else for that matter. He is a Massachusetts liberal who just happens to be Republican no matter how hard they try to spin it otherwise.

    Romney is a one note Johnny who relies on the economic issue alone. He better hope he can overcome the perception among a large percentage of Amurricans who agree with Obama and still think the economy is all Bush’s fault. I seriously doubt he will.

    The coming U.S. economic collapse will completely expose the political system for the fraud that it is (in case you hadn’t noticed already) and render all these fine academic points about secession irrelevant.

    oscar, the collapse of the Soviet Union was the result of an intelligent, practical plan that addressed all the issues, wasn’t it? I don’t think so…

    Deo Vindice

  21. “The Democrats advance the cause (Progressivism), the Republicans then enforce and defend it (Conservatism).”

    I love this quote! It lays out the situation perfectly.

    Hell, 20 years from now wrinkled wretch Ann Coulter will write a book claiming that “gay marriage” was a conservative cause!

  22. “oscar, the collapse of the Soviet Union was the result of an intelligent, practical plan that addressed all the issues, wasn’t it? I don’t think so…”

    Far too many differences between the two historical cases for this to be a meaningful analogy or point of comparison.

  23. @Apuleius

    “Romney supports gay rights and gay marriage.”

    – Show me actual proof of this. Cut and paste away.

    “Romney is a one note Johnny who relies on the economic issue alone.”

    – Says the guy who can’t get over the fact that his ancestors lost a war, which they themselves started, 150 years ago. Says the guy who can’t a single post a single sentence without some reference to “Yankees”.

    “The coming US economic collapse..”

    – And what day is it coming? Since you’re so matter-of-fact about it.

    “..will completely expose the political system for the fraud that it is..”

    – Didn’t your precious Confederacy use the exact same system?

    “..and render all these fine acedemic points about secession irrelevant.”

    – They already are irrelevant. You couldn’t even fill a batting lineup with the number of Southerners alive today who consider themselves a nation or people that is distinctly separate from the rest of America. And it ain’t “cuz thaym da’yam Yankees done moved eein and tooks ovah Dixie.” It’s because people moved on with their lives like grown-ups.

  24. Chris313
    You really think this country does not face an economic collapse?
    Okay, I’ll play. Let’s hear your take on the state of the union, smart guy.

    Go ahead, polish the turd. I really want to see it shine.

    Deo Vindice

  25. Chris if you define the South or Dixie as a people, why would you ever get over losing a war? Not letting go of a conquest is a signifier of nationhood. The Serbs recall wars from 1000 years ago. I’m still coming to terms with 1066. The Welsh can’t let Mons Badonicus go.

  26. I don’t think any sudden “collapse” will ever happen. Federal authority will reach a glass ceiling at some point, if such isn’t already the case, and then it will begin to recede parallel to the amount of viable revenue it can extort from it’s subjects. I don’t know if America will survive intact or not, I’m not certain of any outcome at this point. I don’t want to see my country geographically torn to shreds, but it’s not up to me alone.

    It could also be very likely that the undesireable racial elements of our country will be purged through a period of ethnic cleansing. Europeans were chased out of their colonies in Africa and Asia by little more than commie-supported aboriginal primitives. Why is it such an impossibility that we could do the same thing to the same people on our own native soil?

    You have an irrational hatred for “the Union” of 150 years ago, based on a romanticized notion of a time and place which you weren’t alive to experience without bias. This interferes with your ability to observe our current situation objectively, if you ever even could.

  27. @John

    Japan got over WW2. Russia got over losing the Russo-Japanese War. The French eventually got over Napolean’s defeat. The people in what used to be South Vietnam, today get along fine with their countrymen in Hanoi and Than Hoa.

    Most people in the American South aren’t still carrying the war around. And I would love for someone take a huge, multi-state poll among white Southerners with multi-generational Southern roots, as to how many of them would favor secession from the USA. I’m sure the overwhelming majority would not.

  28. 313Chris
    You must be a Yankee transplant or troll. My great grandfather fought with an Alabama Infantry Regiment that led Jackson’s famous flank march around the union left flank. My great aunt was a member of the United Daughters of the confederacy. No sir Chris,,we werent carrying the war around until you’re Yankee friends like Morris Dees decided to ban our flag..or when the Yankee George Bush ordered the removal of a plaque dedicated to Texans who served the Confederacy from the Texas Supreme Court Building

  29. For you Chris, the war is just a quaint story in an old history book, but for any Southerner, the effects of that war were felt for many, many generations. The crippling poverty many experienced is part of my family’s story.

    My grandfather’s grandfathers fought in that war. The last of the Civil war veterans were dying when I was born. Then we faced another onslaught from the north in the Civil Rights movement.

    My memory is a little fuzzy about where all those outside agitators came from back then who descended like locusts on the South. Maybe you can help me out on that. Oddly enough, I don’t recall any Southerner ever going north to effect social change.

    I’ve seen firsthand the results of the social change your people insisted upon. Of course, so have you. Don’t expect any gratitude for the establishment of BRA.

    I fully recognize that to many of your people, people like me don’t count. We have plenty of transplants where I live. I hear them describe us as trash or worse on a daily basis. If you don’t like what I say, you don’t have to read my comments.

    When I walk down the street in my native land, there is no escape from the constant contempt expressed by your fellow countrymen. Of course, I could always watch teevee and see how your people endlessly mock and deride my people.

    I’m sure from your remarks you feel the same way as the rest of your northern brethren. Don’t ever expect me to have much regard for your people. I know from experience the depth of the hatred they feel toward mine.

    Using violence against white men to free negro savages was simply pure evil.
    Setting them loose to prey upon whites for generations to come was even worse.

    “And from the days of John the Baptist until now, the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent bear it away.”

    Deo Vindice

  30. Chris your comments are even more outrageous when I contemplate how right now the U.S. Army is drawing up plans to use violence against white Southerners yet again.

    An Army I will forever regret serving in. Did you ever serve?

    “It could also be very likely that the undesireable racial elements of our country will be purged through a period of ethnic cleansing.”

    That would be white Southerners, right?

    Deo Vindice

  31. If so, I don’t know who would be better – Romney or Obama. Sure, it would be good to have Obama sitting in the Oval Office when it all comes crashing down, and perhaps his policies in such an event would galvanize resistance more than Romney’s slightly more subtle ones.

    Neither do I, Van. I’m not voting for either. obama would help in the deception/ propaganda war. romney might be slightly better in some ways…. To close for me to take a hard stand and I won’t criticize anyone for voting either way. I keep thinking, the truth has never helped us, so perhaps the propaganda affect is the bigger return on investment. I have no way to prove that.

    However, I don’t think obama and BRA have the power to go full on anti White any time soon. Probably not for another generation. The war fighters in the army are still way to rural, way to Southron to be trusted by BRA. I’m fair certain the drive behind queers openly serving in the military is to drive away rural White men, particularly rural Southron White men since BRA/WRA/QRA seems to bother yankees a lot less

    So many GOP figures are obvious closeted homosexuals like Lindsey Graham. Dutchman
    Ken Mehlman came out of the closet and began to work for same sex marriage. He was the RNC chairman for awhile….

    If I recall correctly, romney supported queers and queer pride parades and the like as governor. Someone here already posted a link, but it doesn’t take much goggling to find out the info

    Seems to me the GOP does better in elections when they take on cultural issues and worse when they take on economic issues only. Like McCain, Bush #1 etc

    Apuleius, I don’t regret serving in the army; its what gave me the skills my entire way of life is based on. And things were different in 1982. I was different too

    JimBob, I salute your forefathers as I do all the sons of daughters of real Southron Stock

  32. “”

    can you all secede….. now?


    I feel like I am reading the last chapters of Revelation, and this utterly satanic, jewish filth (on either side- a mulatto bastard bisexual heretic, or a smarmy, power-mad liberal white traitor cultist) is worse than the stupor of the Soviet Regime. Actually, I ‘d prefer the more inept Communism of White Russia, than the demonic ‘freedom’ of Satania, where we now live.

  33. “The more ‘inept’ Communism of White Russia” killed anywhere from 40 to 60 million White Caucasian Christians*. The more inept Communisn of White Russia** threw millions of White Caucasian Christians into slavery, the gulag of Siberia, mass starvation, mass misery and suffering.

    @Fr John
    Did you slip, and show your true colors?

    * Estimates of the death toll vary. The low figure : 40 million White Caucasian Christians were brutally murdered in the Jew/talmudic Soviet Union. Google it. Lots of information online about what happened in the Soviet Union under Jew/Commie/talmudic rule.

    ** Russia was re-named when the Commie Jews took power in the Kremlin. Russia under the Jew/talmudic Commies was called The Soviet Union.

    The “holy” book of Jew Commies is the talmud. The noachide laws come from the talmud. The law of the talmud, referred to as “Noachide” : Was THE LAW in the Soviet Union. The law of noachide is pure barbarity.

    I hope the link works. If not, go to :

    Unfortunately, the noachide laws are American law [ albeit a milder version, for now at least, it’s a milder version]. Ronald Reagan signed the noachide laws into American Law. The day is referred to as “Education Day”. Google it :

    ” Noahide laws + Education Day + Ronald Reagan ”

    Also : Go to ” ” website for more info about the noachide laws.

    The google search will lead to many websites about this subject. It’s an excellent search term to use.
    Sometimes, “Noahide ” is spelled with a “c”, sometimes not. It can be spelled both ways. It’s the same thing.

    Many people say that Reagan was a patriotic American. I disagree. Any “American” who wants the noahide laws for America should be shot for being a traitor. Noahide is The Law of Communism, Slavery, Brutality, Massive Murder, Starvation, and Misery.

    Fuck Reagan. Fuck the whole US government. Fuckin bastards.

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