About Hunter Wallace 12414 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Jews dominate what George Fitzhugh used to criticize as “free society” in the North which was imposed on the South during Reconstruction. They have grown richer and more powerful under Yankee liberalism and free market capitalism than anywhere else in world history.

  2. Yeah, when they read the constitution they must have cackled with glee.

    “Hey Shlomo we can drive zeke’s Chariot And the Leviathan though this constitution. Get over here quickly,”

  3. Taking the jews on over the holocaust hasn’t worked in 60 years, because they have spent billions of dollars, brainwashing people with their Hollywood propaganda and documentaries.

    Of course, you could say the same thing about Southern nationalism. Haven’t Southerners been shown as idiots and KKK fanatics who wants to slaughter Jews and Blacks? Haven’t Jews spent billions demonizing Southerners?

    Do you stop fighting because something “hasn’t worked?”

    You figure out why something hasn’t worked and you change course in strategy, you dont just concede those boogeymen to the Jews which isn’t a strategy at all. The debate they are having about the holohoax is over whether or not we should just concede the whole thing to the Jews and “move on”

    It is the same thing when Mark Vogl tells Southerners to concede to the evils of slavery and Jim Crow and “move on.” It is a non starter.

  4. For anyone interested in the ‘progress’ of Dublin, Ireland under the jewish Justice Minster, Alan Shatter, see this work done by a pal of mine:

    (based on small area census statistics released last week)

    Here are Electoral wards in Ireland that are >=50% Non Irish by ethnicity.

    Isnt it amazing that nobody was ever asked to be made minorities in their electoral areas?

    Electoral Area % IrishEthnicity
    North City 29%
    Rotunda B 36%
    Rotunda A 40%
    Mountjoy B 41%
    Dock A 41%
    Custom House 43%
    Custom House B 44%
    Market 44%
    Shannon B 44%
    Royal Exchange A 45%
    Shandon A 46%
    Shannon A 46%
    Centre B 47%
    Arran Quay C 47%
    Mountjoy A 47%
    Merchants Quay B 49%
    South Gate A 49%
    The Ward 49%
    Arran Quay B 50%
    Centre A 50%
    The Glen 50%

  5. @Mary
    “White Network” is doing excellent work. I respect White Network : Never said I didn’t. That’s why I included a link in my above post about the holocaust being a lie and a pysop.

    I’m on the same page as White Network. That’s why I included the link to “johnfrends” blog : Another good website for White Americans, with the same goals as White Network. I trust you will read this:


    There are many people who want to “create something different”, in other words, create something better for White Americans. So does the “Whale.to” webmaster. That’s why he works hard to provide White Americans with facts and true information. The more facts and true information White Americans have, the better.

    There’re various ways to contribute to creating something better for White Americans. “Whale.to” contributes alot of facts and true information we’ll never find in our abridged history books, and in the mainstream media.

  6. He praised the work of the Irish Holocaust Educational Trust and commended the Crocus Project, encouraging pupils to plant yellow crocus bulbs in memory of the 1.5 million Jewish children and thousands of other children who died in the Shoah.
    “I know there are teachers here this evening and I would like to acknowledge their contribution to teaching our children about the Holocaust, the dangers of racism and the importance of respect, equality and integration.”

    Do the Jews own a Crocus bulb supply store?

    Joe is right about the Lehmans. They were cotton dealers from Montgomery Alabama.

  7. It’s laughable to think of Ireland needing integration. The way shatter talks it’s as if he were threatening them.

  8. Do the Jews own a Crocus bulb supply store?

    haha, thanks rjp. This is the first time I laughed today 🙂

  9. My sentiment is that GJ deserves the benefit of the doubt before a big deal gets made about this Christianity stuff. He at least deserves a chance to explain it assuming it’s him, again IMO. GJ has done more than enough good work to earn that. KMD publishes GJ, and I have read that Taylor works with him. That counts for something with me. This dustup was triggered because GJ made a solid argument on TOO that revisionism is not essential to WNism, and that there are ways to attack how the holocaust is used against us that don’t involve absolute denial that it happened, or historical arcana. Obviously a solid argument that your area of expertise is of limited relevance to the WNist project doesn’t sit well with people who specialize in the topic.

  10. As for the Holocaust, it is certainly a problem for genuine Neo-Nazis, but it is not a subject which ought to concern us.

    Slavery, Jim Crow, Indian Removal, and the KKK are more relevant to the South and we tackle all those issues head on here.

  11. “As for the Holocaust, it is certainly a problem for genuine Neo-Nazis, but it is not a subject which ought to concern us.”

    I disagree. The “Holocaust” is used as a club by the Jews to hammer every traditional ethnic group in the country into submission whether that East, West, North, or SOUTH. Are you swinging back to a full concentration on “Southern” issues? I don’t think it can be done as the whole country is going down the tubes for the same basic reasons despite regional differences but perhaps you really ought to change the name of this blog from “Occidental” if that is your intent.

  12. ” And the people bowed and prayed
    To the neon god they made
    And the sign flashed out it’s warning
    In the words that is was forming
    And the sign said, “The words of the prophets are written on the subway walls,
    and tenement halls”,
    And whispered in the sounds of silence”

  13. I don’t know much about Greg Johnson besides listening to some of his podcasts at C-C. I didn’t get the impression he was a Christian either. Apparently there is a lot of stuff out there on WP forums about him and his sexuality. Doesn’t much interest me. I have noticed a tendency of folks on some of those WP forums to be down vicious in their criticisms of those they dislike or find fault with.

  14. The “Holocaust” is used as a club by the Jews to hammer every traditional ethnic group in the country into submission whether that East, West, North, or SOUTH.

    I absolutely agree Rudel, and it frightens me a bit when I think other’s can’t see the connection. All Whites are being attacked now, in every White country.

    Having said that, I view Hunter as a very intelligent man, one I continue to learn from, so I of course respect what he has to say.

    Ps: I am sure I recall seeing a post a while back saying this blog was going to focus more on the goings on in Europe from now on too. Maybe that has changed?

  15. Ulfric says:
    “You figure out why something hasn’t worked and you change course in strategy, you dont just concede those boogeymen to the Jews which isn’t a strategy at all. The debate they are having about the holohoax is over whether or not we should just concede the whole thing to the Jews and “move on”

    You have been doing something for 60 years and it has failed, because you don’t have billions of dollars. Your strategy consists of charging machine guns, with nothing but bayonets.

    Again I point out, they are using their holocaust, to justify genocide against whites. They are using one genocide to justify another. I do it over and over and it ends their holocaust diversion.

    They do not want white people to discuss the White Genocide issue. They want to be the center of attention and I deny them the spotlight. They have a homeland. They have as many nukes as the United Kingdom. The holocaust is ancient history. White Genocide is right now.

    Again the core issue is White Genocide, all others are diversions. They use their holocaust to justify White Genocide and I point that out in one simple sentence. It doesn’t matter if you believe it happened or not, it still works.

    They are justifying genocide against whites, always holds. Anyone can use it effectively.

  16. I find it strange that the Holocaust is supposed to be our problem when we actually fought on the Allied side in that stupid war and liberated those stupid concentration camps.

    Did we get any credit for doing that? What else could we have done?

  17. There is usually more than one way to handle something. I think every strain of nationalism needs to be prepared to address the holocaust when the other side makes it an issue, and they will no matter what we done. According to them, even mild folks like Pat Buchanan, Peter Brimelow and John Derbyshire are Nazis. There is no reason, however, that people necessarily must rebut the propaganda in the exact way that WNist revisionists and NS purists demand it be rebutted.

  18. Hamas officials are now denying the Official Story of the Details of WW2, to roughly quote Jean Marie LePen, so the challenge becomes a little lighter.

    Seriously, a good midway point is provided by Jewish Professor of History Arno Mayer, whose “Why Did the Heavens Not Darken?” outlines how there was no preplanned extermination program but that the bulk of whatever casualties there were, came as a result of unplanned anarchy mostly at the end of the war, emphasis on disease and lack of available food.

  19. “In our case, the Pity the Poor Negro club is the preferred weapon of choice, and it is invoked far more often than the Holocaust.

    I agree, Hunter. That’s also why it is very important to our enemies to establish a link between the Confederate flag and the Nazi flag in their rhetoric. They can kill two birds with one stone that way. How international.

    Deo Vindice

  20. Wouldn’t simply telling the truth be the best rebuttal of all, Lew?

    But so many of us cannot even attempt to do anything like that since we can face fines, imprisonment, etc. Hearing about what has happened to people like this French man,Vincent Reynouard, is hair-raising, and as I am sure you know, there are many more examples:


    When arguing a pro-White position currently, I try to focus on the hypocrisy of Whites who claim to cherish ‘free speech’ in the light of these laws preventing us from having it. It so far has only succeeded in silencing most, as they simply run out of excuses after they lay the ole reliable ‘Free specch does not equal Hate Speech’ BS on me, but I hope it is at least making them think.

  21. Well, the Nazis did invade Poland, and the Confederates invaded Pennsylvania*
    [ after the Confederates fired the first shots of the Civil War at Fort Sumter ]

    * The Yankees stopped the good ‘ole boys outside a small Pennsylvania-Dutch, Mennonite farming town, Gettysburg.

  22. Hunter Wallace says:
    August 6, 2012 at 8:55 pm

    “I find it strange that the Holocaust is supposed to be our problem when we actually fought on the Allied side in that stupid war and liberated those stupid concentration camps.

    Did we get any credit for doing that? What else could we have done?”

    This war between jews and whites has been going on, ever since the Romans expelled them from Jerusalem, for being trouble makers. The holocaust is just one of many expulsions and pogroms they nurse grudges over.

    Google this to see them whine, over things that occurred almost 1000 years ago:
    “list of jewish expulsions and pogroms”

    The fact is, they have a huge chip on their shoulder and they want to punish all whites. It doesn’t matter if you are German or not.

  23. My grandad was involved in a Royal Engineers team that rolled into Bergen Belsen and cleaned it up using local Germans to carry and bury bodies. Mainly typhus apparently. I’ve got nothing to feel guilty about one way or another. I detest the way that Jews spread the guilt so widely. Ireland? Swiss? Romania? Norway? France? Poland? These people are maniacs.

  24. “Did we get any credit for doing that? What else could we have done?” – Turned over our country to jews even faster, we didn’t let enough of the immigrate, kept them out of positions of power, and so on.

    White guilt has to burn itself out, confronting the holocaust makes zero sense.

  25. Has Greg made any statement concerning his apparent Christianity yet? I’d really like it if he opened up about it. Honesty with our allies is key. I hate the fucking divisiveness of the whole altright sometimes.

  26. Are you sure we are talking of the same person? At CC Greg Johnson told a Christian he would not tolerate theological “BS about a dead Jew on a stick”. The Christian left CC. It doesn’t make sense.

    Even here Johnson has posted anti-Christian comments. The following are Johnson’s responses to Christian sympathizers at Occidental Dissent right after the Breivik incident:



    Before you draw conclusions about the usefulness of Christianity as a vehicle for White racial preservation, you need to read the Breivik manifesto.

    First, in the name of Christian Universalism, for instance, he advocates treating all Christians as Europeans, no matter what their race, and even bringing non-White Christians into his Templar Crusade.

    Basically, Breivik’s concern for preserving Nordics is trumped by his Christian universalism. If all the Muslims in Norway converted to Christianity, he would have no objection to them.

    Second, in the name of Christian universalism, Breivik envisions crusades into the Middle East to help the local Middle Eastern Christians. So Europeans will spill their blood to help the genetic first cousins to Europe’s Muslim invaders, so long as the beneficiaries are Christians.

    This is the logic of Christian universalism at work. Blood is particular. But Christianity is universal. Blood is natural. But Christianity aims higher than nature. Thus Christian brotherhood always trumps and undermines blood brotherhood.

    It is possible to hold conflicting values without problems as long as they are merely in one’s mind, as abstractions never tested in the real world. The problems emerge when you try to live by them, then they actually do come into conflict, and you actually do have to decide which value trumps which.

    Say that you are a devout Christian, and your daughter wants to marry a devout Black Nigerian Christian. You now have a conflict between blood-based values and Christian universal values.

    Which is more important to you: maintaining genetic distinctness or honoring the universal community of the church? If a Black man is worthy of sharing heaven with you, through accepting Jesus Christ as his savior, then why should he not be worthy of sharing the same neighborhood with you, the same public transportation, the same church, the same water fountain—or holy wedlock with your sister? Or do you think that there will be Jim Crow in heaven?

    You can’t refute theological-philosophical arguments about principles by citing historical facts about the beliefs of confused people who did not grapple with the theological and philosophical points I am making either. It is just an attempt to change the subject in the guise of answering an objection. But you know better than that.

    Christianity will not be dead until its secular offspring, liberal universalism, is dead as well. But you know that, don’t you?

    Kievsky, Christian fanatics are precisely the ones who believe that blood differences don’t matter. One can work with lukewarm or confused Christians, or people who are racists first and Christians second. But you can’t work with real Christians, because they take their supernatural universalism seriously, which pits them against blood brotherhood wherever and whenever it conflicts with the supernatural brotherhood in Christ which is the Church.
    Judaism is an ethnocentric religion. Racism is just a form of ethnocentrism. Christianity is a universalistic religion. Paul, who is part of the Bible and therefore part of Christianity, makes it clear that the differences of blood and nation make no difference once one enters into the universal brotherhood of the Church. Christianity is therefore anti-ethnocentric, anti-xenophobic, and anti-racist—even if “racism” was not a word at the time.

    This means that all kinds of men can share heaven. Now, if a black Christian is good enough to share heaven with, on what grounds [he can’t] enter holy matrimony, one of the sacraments of the church, with your daughter?

    Good luck to you. There is nothing we need more than a Racial Reformation of the Church, and only practicing Christians can provide it.

    The Churches have always been willing to compromise with the Zeitgeist because ultimately their kingdom is not of this world. Once a racialist Zeitgeist re-emerges, we will hear less and less about Christian anti-racism.

    But if we get that genie back in the bottle, we will always have to be eternally vigilant, lest it escape again. Because Christian universalism is, in fact, opposed to racialism and thus will always pose a danger.

    /end quote

  27. Redeeming ourselves (whites) from the slime of the vandalized history of WWII is parallel to redeeming the memory of our ancestors who fought for the Confederacy, for the real issue isn’t Nazis or Confederates, it’s white people. Just listen to tick-tock timmy or a hundred like him and it’s apparent.

    One easy response to the holocaust bullshit is to say you would rather hear about the 10’s of millions of ethnic Russians and Ukranians killed from Bolshevism. Bolshevism was also an instigator of WWII. And we know who run that little show! Let’s talk about that!

  28. “Irish Justice Minister Alan Shatter highlighted “an inconvenient truth that those who chose to do and say nothing during this unprecedented period in European history include this state”.”

    Unprecedented? Yes yes, well, in 1847 when the British turned all Ireland into a giant starvation camp through manipulating an artificial famine, we all remember the heroic Jewish naval convoys that tirelessly ferried food and supplies to the desperate Irish. There are statues of these heroic Jews all over Dublin and Cork City.

    Mr Shatter said that, “no one should assume that what happened in the past cannot be repeated in the future”.

    Of course he knows perfectly well that it _is_ being repeated, right now, right before the eyes of the incredulous Irish. And that he is the one doing the repeating.

    Monsters. They’re just fucking monsters. HP Lovecraft couldn’t have made them up.

  29. “I find it strange that the Holocaust is supposed to be our problem when we actually fought on the Allied side in that stupid war and liberated those stupid concentration camps.

    Did we get any credit for doing that? What else could we have done?”

    Not gone into World Wars I & II to start with.

  30. You know, there’s a thread on the VNN forum about the war between Hunter Wallace, Alex Linder, and Greg Johnson.

    Makes you wonder why the FedGov, or “ZOG” or whatever constitues out raical enemy, even need bother anymore. White nationalists themselves get the job done better than any Zionist entity ever could.

  31. I agree that WW1 and WW2 were a mistake.

    BTW, we do more historical revisionism here than just about any other racialist website, but our focus is on debunking the Pity the Poor Negro myth that is the foundation of BRA.

  32. If the likes of Alex Linder and Greg Johnson are what WN’s call leadership, I think we can declare WN DOA. Those two poltroons are losers on the road to nowhere.

    Deo Vindice

  33. It doesn’t matter that we have no desire to bring back slavery. The opposition isn’t going to change their tune no matter how many “Black Confederates” you find.

  34. We — the White Race — Do Not get any credit for WW1 or WW2 , nor do we deserve credit. The white race killed down about 60 million fellow whites. About 60 million dead whites, all dead at the hands of “fellow” whites. Including many children who died in the wars ; They died before ever passing on their blood.

    We — the White Race — don’t deserve any credit whatsoever for this. Quite the opposite, the shame of it will live Unto Eternity — just like the loss of all the White European Children who were killed before ever passing on their blood : An Eternal Loss : White children killed down in war, and killed down by their White “elders”: Eternal Ignominy.

    We — the White Race — do not deserve any credit for WW1 and WW2 :

    Only Ignominy. Jews or No Jews.

  35. Chris,

    this isn’t a white nationalist site. It’s about partition based around a historical nation, culture and territory. Like Slovakia, Scotland. Croatia. It’s not really about esoteric notions.

  36. @John
    Hunter Wallace is quite capable for speaking for himself. You’re not the webmaster.
    You’re just a commentator here, as are all the rest of us.

    You have no right to define the mission of “OD”. Only Hunter Wallace has that right.

  37. Response to Chris not you. I’m not defining anything either. There is more of a territory, coupled with certain ethnic strains that a pan-white claim.

    America has run into trouble primarily by the suppression of ethnic and regional character. WN falls into a lot of traps because of this. See Wade Page.

  38. @John and All Readers
    America has run into trouble for a million reasons. “Suppression of ethnic and regional character” is but one reason out of a million ; And even on this one topic of “suppression” , there’s a million reasons for it.

    I will “see” Wade page, when you @ John learn to debate in an intelligent and informative matter. Not in your usual imperious way, as if you’re some kind of “boss” here.

    You’re not my boss, that’s for sure. You don’t mean anything to me, in fact. All you ever do is deflect and distract any time somone mentions some truth, makes a good point. Then you go to work, distorting and twisting the commentators words around.

    Until you learn how to debate in an honorable way, I’ll pass on Wade Page.

  39. I tend to agree with Mr. Johnson that Holocaust Revisionism need not be a centerpiece of the White movement in North America or Dixie for that matter. I personally don’t believe the exterminationist narrative of the homicidal gas chambers, gas vans, etc, but these days I don’t feel any great need to convince others of my views on the topic. I visited the Auschwitz camp in 2007 and while the museum there served as effective propaganda, there was no evidence that the camp ever served as extermination center. I have devoured books by revisionist authors Butz, Rudolf, Mattogno and others. In my earlier days of activism, I passed out “denier” leaftlets from the IHR to other Whites with the belief that the holocaust was the sole guilt trip that kept Whites from developing an explicit ethnocentricism. I believe that holocaust fairy tale will fall in due time. Heads of state in Arab countries reject the Zionist version of WWII events. Professors in American universities are now questioning the official narrative as well. The internet is rife with Revisionist websites and commentary. The entire story is indeed a “giant with a feet of clay.” It will collapse soon enough.

  40. I know, John. I was just speaking about white racialism in general. Although for the record, when I started posting here (a little over a year ago, I think) OD was still pan-white in scope, and hadn’t yet settled on Southern/Confederate interest.

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