Wisconsin Shooting


I don’t know much about this story except for a few headlines in the media that Michele Bachmann, Rush Limbaugh, the Tea Party, and “white supremacists” are responsible:

Note: I am pro-White, pro-Christian, pro-Southern, pro-freedom and anti-BRA and anti-Union. I guess that makes me a “domestic enemy” of Obama, Eric “My People” Holder, and the United States.

“Seven people were shot and killed today at a Sikh temple in Oak Creek, Wis., in what officials are treating as a case of domestic terrorism.

Though police have not given any details on the identity or motive of the shooter, or released the identities of the victims, sources have told ABC News the shootings are the work of a “white supremacist” or “skinhead.”

This evening, the FBI and a bomb squad arrived at a home in Cudahy, Wis., near Oak Creek, and ABC News Milwaukee affiliate WISN reported the action appeared to be related to the temple shootings earlier in the day.”

A Sikh temple?

Why would a “white supremacist” shoot up a Sikh temple? A Jewish synagogue, maybe, but a Sikh temple?

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. 9/11 among other things allowed blacks to feel patriotism at the same moment that Christian zionists and zionists felt it. An orgasm of Militarized oneness. Result: The clusterfluck of Iraq. Which can be seen as Waco writ large. A small insignificant Arab state held against the wall and repeatedly smashed. Like Serbia too.

  2. ‘I am not saying it’s not possible for a guy like him to go off the rails Hunter, but the timing is just too convenient for my liking. It makes no sense at all.’

    Also Cass Sunstein just left the Obama admin. to return to teaching law.

    Perhaps he was done with his ‘James Holmes’ and ‘Michael Page’ anti-gun anti-White psy-ops….

  3. “Then it got worse, it became an embarassment and when you become an embarassment to egomaniacal power mad lunatics you get erased. ”

    We see “colored revolutions” occurring in formerly quiet countries, higher ups like Hilary Clinton takes an interest in. Out of the blue, 100s of thousands of people start slaughtering each other and of course the USA Govt, is always right there to lend assistance at the right time…

    These people have proven they are ruthless and don’t care about the law, or the rights of people in other countries, there’s no reason to think they would not behave the same way at home.

  4. Nothing to see here folks, move along.


    Within minutes of this story being posted on a political chat forum I like to play on, I was singled out as the topic matter for an entire thread debating whether or not such a ‘hate speecher’, lol, ought to be allowed to display my ’14 words’ avatar. This based on the alleged shooter having it tattooed on his arm.

    To the owner’s credit (and my surprise) he told the OP (a gay activist) that it was against the rules to start threads about particular members and he killed it right there and then.

  5. I’m on my phone so I can’t link. But, anyone who hasn’t seen it should review Robert Occulus’s link. The article is about how the US Army is planning to wage war on American citizens on the continental United States. Click back to the first page. Interestingly enough, the web site that published the article has another article up praising Sherman’s destruction of the South.

  6. The staff officers really do get to sit around planning anything they like.

    Interestingly this plan is centered in Kansas. A strategic studies department of some sort With a Dr Weber and a Colonel Klink coauthored it.

    The only question is this: how can the US army do this with legal cover? What could trigger it? Baseline stuff.

    What could provoke the US military into doing this illegally? Leaving the government delegitimized? They get to sit around idle planning such stuff. I can’t say I’m surpused by a plan or two surfacing though. It’s what staffers do.

  7. I assure you that when the U.S. Army gasses, shoots, or bayonets us, it will all be perfectly legal.

    If the thought of being an enemy of the Army is new to you, get used to it. We are the Bad Guys now.

  8. John: Remember the NDAA. Obama signed it. Pull down Glenn Greenwald’s writings on the NDAA. They’re excellent. The gist: Fed Gov gave itself the power to declare any person or group enemy combatant terrorists. When the do this, all the normal restraints and rules of due process go our the window. The NDAA is one legal pretext they might use. Robert is right. They don’t care about the law. We’re up against evil.

  9. Great find, Oculus. Absolutely shocking.

    What once could only be dismissed as paranoid crackpot delusion appears to be coming to fruition. We can now speculate where the federal government’s next “adventure” will be. Not Iran, but Dixie.

    “Under present law, which initially stemmed from bad feelings about Reconstruction, the military’s domestic role is highly circumscribed. In the situation we lay out below, even though the governor refuses to seek federal help to quell the uprising (the usual channel for military assistance), the Constitution allows the president broad leeway in times of insurrection. Citing the precedents of Abraham Lincoln during the Civil War and Dwight D. Eisenhower sending troops to Little Rock in 1957, the president mobilizes the military and the Department of Homeland Security, to regain control of the city.”

    Nice linkage of precedents for anyone who cannot see. Looks like what happened 150 years ago is not as irrelevant as some might claim. The federal government knows full well where it can expect real opposition to its hegemony.

    The unelected federal bureaucrats who control the federal government will be able to put this plan into action regardless of the outcome of any election. Northerners of all political persuasions will at last have a common enemy they can unite to destroy without any detriment to their globalist multicultural utopia.

    The diversification of the military is an important component of this strategy. A military composed of integrated blacks (1940’s), women (1970’s), gays (1990’s), and third world immigrants will have no problem using violence against white Southerners, especially given the past fifty years of demonization in the media and the education system.

    Those who are not caught up in the red/blue team dynamic of Amurrican politics will note that this scenario can be spun as a win for either side. Blue team Obama supporters obtain their long desired “final solution” to the racist Southerner problem; red team Romney patriotards obtain a decisive victory for team USA against “domestic terrorists” on home turf, erasing the humiliations of Iraq and Afghanistan.

    It’s a win-win for both. Northern Communist liberals like Chuck Schumer (D-NY) can embrace their Northern Trotskyite neocon counterparts like Peter King (R-NY) in triumph. Their shared enmity for white Southerners provides them a common cause.

    White Southerners should recognize the existential threat they pose to the federal government, irrespective of their personal convictions or actions. The federal government has always maintained the majority of its military installations in the South. Now you know why.

    “Backwards, racist” white Southerners are kulaks. It is not something the federal government has tried to hide. Perhaps it is not unreasonable to speculate that the day the EBT card stops working will be the day the federal government begins to starve your family to death. They have a plan in place if you try to resist.

    Deo Vindice

  10. The “white power” movement is so hilariously futile, I’m honestly shocked anyone who isn’t working for the FBI bothers with them anymore.

  11. Not to mention their decidedly anti-Christian bent. Any org that is anti-Christian immediately arises suspicion in me.

  12. White-power groups are marginally effective at keeping you from being raped by negros if you go to prison, or so I’ve heard. Outside of that, they have little use.

  13. An Army psyops member at the rank of E4/E5 is glorified page. Psyops has a wide range of concerned fields, I have worked with a couple and am friends with one at this very moment. He was demoted to E4 (from sergeant down to specialist) and discharged other than honorably. I wouldn’t read to far into that angle, at first glance he seems disturbed at the least.

  14. Example of your typical white power group : A “White Power” group consisting of 10 members:
    2 FBI men
    2 ADL Jews
    2 CIA men
    1 Mossad agent [ most likely, female]
    3 White meth-heads

  15. to answer the original question of the fool’s choice of a Sikh Gurdwara, I’ll copy the comment I just posted elsewhere:

    6 August 2012, 9:39 pm

    If you take “ethnonationalism” as a coherent political philosophy, which it is, then apply the actual organizational evaluation in terms of the ultimate goal of power-attainment, the United States has no ethnonationalist movement with any sophistication to speak of.

    Specifically, as examples, the US has no representation in government comparable with Jobbik in Hungary,and the BNP in the UK, nor of any Euro populist-nationalist Party you can name from Slovakia to France to Greece.

    It is little wonder then that loners in the US with undeveloped
    ideologies-in-name-only but which can easily be dismissed as “Nazi” or “white supremacist” choose targets that are simply “easy” but which have no political meaning whatsoever.

  16. I don’t see why we have to automatically jump to some kind of elaborate government conspiracy because an ideologically driven media spins this event in their favor?

    Could this possibly, potentially, plausibly be an inside job? Yes, yes and yes. Could it possibly, potentially, plausibly just be the madness of a single white male degenerate? Yes, yes and yes.

    “White” male liberationists are bound to snap in this increasingly diversifying and thus deleterious environment.

    The liberated media spin these predictable events to make cover (this is the work of the “white Supremacist,” LOL!) while the “right” side creates elaborate conspiracies that engrosses its adherents, but neither identify these events as the product of Radical Liberation. Neither will define this shooter as a radical white male liberationist, i.e., an anti-white Supremacist.

  17. @Apuleius, August 6, 2012 at 7:15 pm: Great find, Oculus. Absolutely shocking.

    Really? I didn’t find it shocking at all. I find it a conformation of what must be obvious to all: that the United States government is willing to kill anyone who dares oppose the freemasonic liberal revolutionary State. Were you really surprised to know that? Whiskey Rebellion, Shay’s Rebellion, Ludlow Massacre, Bonus Army, Little Rock ’57, Tuscaloosa ’63, Kent State ’70, Ruby Ridge, Waco, Elian Gonzalez, Katrina, Hutaree…

    …and of course the Late Unpleasantness (1861-1865).

    Anyone who thinks that the Army won’t shoot Americans is whistling past the graveyard of history. Given the order, that same fresh-faced GI for whom you bought a cup of coffee at the airport will put a 5.56 slug through your head. “I was just following orders!”

    Still, I’m glad you found the link useful. I can’t claim to have found it myself, by the way — I nicked it from Ann Banhardt.

    See you at Club FEMA.

  18. Agreed, these shootouts are the inevitable result of enrichment. If English started moving en masse to India or China… There would be fighting, massacres and
    general nastiness.

  19. On the surface, this one seems to be what it appears to be: a nut with WP ties and a criminal history went off on people who weren’t responsible for anything.

    The problem is the usual double-standards. The incident was declared to be domestic terrorism within minutes. But when Major Nadal Hassan went on a kill spree, the authorities told the public not to jump to conclusions about Muslims and that it was *not* terrorism — within minutes.

  20. When it’s a non-white guy who does something bad it’s “we don’t have a motive” and “we don;t wanna jump to conclusions.” In this case it’s “Oh, you mean the evil racist white guy? Yeah, he’s white. The evil racist white guy psycho-killing white guy? He’s white right? Just checking.”

  21. There is no reason a Neo-Nazi skinhead should be hostile to Sikhs.

    Thousands of Indian soldiers who had joined Britain in the fight against fascism swapped their oaths to the British king for others to Adolf Hitler.and joined Himmler’s Waffen SS

    These are the words that were used by men that had formally sworn an oath to the British king: “I swear by God this holy oath that I will obey the leader of the German race and state, Adolf Hitler, as the commander of the German armed forces in the fight for India, whose leader is Subhas Chandra Bose.”

    There were Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, Hindus, Jains,and Buddhists among others in the Indian National Army.

  22. New slogan: “Guns don’t kill people, multiculturalism does”.

    I mean, how many points do you need to establish a trend???

  23. Apparently one of the Sikhs stabbed the shooter. One of the oddities of the sikh is that they are heavily armed Mofos. They carry around a dagger as a matter of day to day existence. I’m pretty sure the temple would have had swords steen about.

  24. Heidi Beirich, director of the center’s intelligence project, tells the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel that her group had been tracking Page since 2000, when he tried to purchase goods from the National Alliance, a well-known hate group.

    Well, never buy anything from the National Alliance ….

  25. “whose leader is Subhas Chandra Bose”

    Interestingly, “Bose” means “villain” in German, doesn’t it?

  26. “The problem is the usual double-standards. The incident was declared to be domestic terrorism within minutes. But when Major Nadal Hassan went on a kill spree, the authorities told the public not to jump to conclusions about Muslims and that it was *not* terrorism — within minutes.”


    Thanks, Lew. I was thinking just this. Reading Robert Oculus’ link to Full Spectrum TRAITORS, I wonder how long it will take for the South to secede?
    Or should we all start looking at emigrating to some Carribean island, before 2013?

  27. Böse means “evil” in German. In the fairy tale “Hänsel und Gretel” the resident of the Gingerbread house is a “böse Hexe” (evil witch).

    I was shocked by how open they were about the plan. I have no illusions about the willingness of the government to use force against its own people.

    We’ll be lucky to see Camp FEMA. That’s reserved for the more docile sheep.

    Thanks for the link to Ann Barnhardt.
    Loved that video she had on the site, too. AKUS rules.

    Deo Vindice

  28. I always get a chuckle out of the magical connections people make with units like spec-ops, psy-ops etc. Most don’t have a particularly high level security clearance and when you are done with them, they are done with you. Keeping the clearance they do have active would crush their budgets and your buddies don’t fill you in on anything sensitive; talking out of class gets you in a lot of trouble

    However, never give a general officer credit. They are political appointments and politically reliable from the govt’s point of view. The more I look around, the lower my opinion goes.

    The unelected federal bureaucrats who control the federal government will be able to put this plan into action regardless of the outcome of any election.

    Exactly. I didn’t know how true that was until my 2nd contract in iraq. The hippies in the state department felt obligated to ignore the POTUS/ Sec of State because they were evil “conservative” amateurs and the bureaucrats saw themselves as experts with pure (read liberal) intentions.

    You’re a good man Jim, you too SomeGuy, steady in your thinking.

    @Apuleius, August 6, 2012 at 7:15 pm: Great find, Oculus. Absolutely shocking.
    Really? I didn’t find it shocking at all. I find it a conformation of what must be obvious to all: that the United States government is willing to kill anyone who dares oppose the freemasonic liberal revolutionary State. Were you really surprised to know that? Whiskey Rebellion, Shay’s Rebellion, Ludlow Massacre, Bonus Army, Little Rock ’57, Tuscaloosa ’63, Kent State ’70, Ruby Ridge, Waco, Elian Gonzalez, Katrina, Hutaree…
    …and of course the Late Unpleasantness (1861-1865).
    Robert O

    Also exactly what I was thinking. These days it seems “they” are willing to use a greater level of violence against White citizen then third world hajjis

  29. Question: how many White Americans have been killed or maimed in the last year by illegal drunk drivers? How many have been murdered by illegals? I’m sure both of these numbers are larger by an order of magnitude than the casualties in Wisconsin.

    Open borders equals murder of whites. I bet the fatalities associated with all the terroristic acts perpetrated by so-called white domestic terrorists over the past twenty years are overwhelmed by the number of americans murdered each year by illegals.

    Advocates and bloggers have to get through this haze of disinformation. The government and msm are totally inverting reality – white americans are far more at risk from violence by illegal aliens than legal non-white immigrants are at risk for violence from whites. The msm is essentially reflecting the gargantuan paranoia of the tribe – the regrettable murder of seven Sikhs is dominating the media for days while the murder and maiming of whites by illegals is given absolutely no coverage or swept under the rug. In addition, the government is allowed to double down on the wasteful search for white domestic terrorists (most of those who actually do violence are patsies anyways) while totally ignoring the violent crime associated with illegals.


  30. 5,800 convictions for sexaul offenses.

    When you cut through it whites have more to fear from darling darkies than they have to fear us.

  31. Well, Joe let me search for an example. An American “White nationalist” attacking a Sikh Gurdwara is perhaps a little like a British white nationalist choosing to attack…. a Japanese Zen monastary in London.

  32. Fr. John+ says:
    August 7, 2012 at 12:11 am

    Here’s the thing, John. The American Elite at bottom doubts it can defeat, over time,
    Islam on behalf of Zionism. It should doubt it. The Empire is on the defensive and knows it.
    Iraq is now unsteady but in Iran’s hands. It just refused to hand over to the US
    a Hezbollah insurgent who killed 5 US troops during the war. All the while, not only
    Romney and his lying neocon advisors but also “anti-war” lol Obama is insisting
    we “won” the war. This is the Obama who had the “left” convinced he was going to put
    Cheney and Bush on trial for war crimes.

    The US is bogged down and losing across the Mideast and Afpak. The Elite realize they must appease Muslims as best it can here,while it fights it abroad. That’s why
    the Nidal deception.

    However, unlike you, I will not take up anti-Islam until/unless US troops are out of the Muslim world and largesse for Israel is cut off. Tit for tat.

  33. Stonelifter:

    @Apuleius, August 6, 2012 at 7:15 pm: Great find, Oculus. Absolutely shocking.
    Really? I didn’t find it shocking at all.

    What’s shocking to me is they’re not even bothering to hide it. Our own military is planning war on White conservatives. They’re talking about it openly. They see us as the enemy.

    A Knife into the Heart of the Confederacy: How General Sherman’s Georgia and Carolinas Campaign Helped Empty Southern Hearts and Minds of the Will to Wage Insurrection.

  34. I won’t disagree Lew, but I’ve know for a long time they see us as the enemy. Perhaps that explains my lack of surprise as much as anything else?

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