Wisconsin Shooting


I don’t know much about this story except for a few headlines in the media that Michele Bachmann, Rush Limbaugh, the Tea Party, and “white supremacists” are responsible:

Note: I am pro-White, pro-Christian, pro-Southern, pro-freedom and anti-BRA and anti-Union. I guess that makes me a “domestic enemy” of Obama, Eric “My People” Holder, and the United States.

“Seven people were shot and killed today at a Sikh temple in Oak Creek, Wis., in what officials are treating as a case of domestic terrorism.

Though police have not given any details on the identity or motive of the shooter, or released the identities of the victims, sources have told ABC News the shootings are the work of a “white supremacist” or “skinhead.”

This evening, the FBI and a bomb squad arrived at a home in Cudahy, Wis., near Oak Creek, and ABC News Milwaukee affiliate WISN reported the action appeared to be related to the temple shootings earlier in the day.”

A Sikh temple?

Why would a “white supremacist” shoot up a Sikh temple? A Jewish synagogue, maybe, but a Sikh temple?

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Because skinheads are dumb as well as racist. Of course an obscure minority from the subcontinent would be chosen as a target!

  2. Full Spectrum Operations in the Homeland: A “Vision” of the Future

    Remember Waco. Remember Ruby Ridge. Remember Katrina. If they did it to them, they’ll do it to you.

    Those same clean-cut, Rascal-Flatts-listening boys you see on the teevee fightin’ for freedom, those same boys with the Stars and Stripes on their shoulders that we’re all so proud of, are going to be pointing their guns at you and me next.

    And you can best believe that when the order comes to fire, they are going to pull those triggers.

    I’m sure they’ll all feel real bad about it later. “I was a soldier and I got a lawful order. What was I supposed to do?”

    Meanwhile, what’s left of ol’ Bob Oculus and family is being bulldozed into the trench. God bless America!

  3. Is anybody else noticing that whenever Obama’s numbers start to look grim, some white guy always mysteriously appears and starts shooting people?

  4. It’s not a coincidence. Perhaps those WN (here I think in terms of Southern Separatism as a diifent idea) who have expressed a desire to ensure his reelection are actually following through on ensuring his reelection.

    We live in stressed times.

  5. A Sikh temple?

    Why would a “white supremacist” shoot up a Sikh temple? A Jewish synagogue, maybe, but a Sikh temple?

    I know a large number of “white supremacist”; all my friends are one, but I can’t really recall any off them bitching about jibs. Or jews really. I wonder if it’s a South vs north thing?

    The media gets on these kicks about shooters being “white supremacist”, tea party members etc and then we find out later the shooter is a leftists of one stripe or another. My guess is, that will happen here. Still, I wouldn’t be surprised if the shooter is a moslem, of any race. They hate Sikh

  6. I recall that after 9/11 Sikhs were reporterdly targeted. One was certainly shot by a tool who thought he was a Muslim.

    My guess is that the shooter is a retard like that.

  7. Oh, for God’s sake. They say this every time and it never turns out to be the case.

    Now, if the Capitol building in DC was hit when the president was making his ‘state of the union’ speech and all federal politicians were in attendance, well, that’d be different.

    Far be it from me to give anybody any ideas though.

    This is me and I disassociate myself from this message.

  8. I know the area very well. The alleged shooter lived in a lower class blue collar neighborhood. Loaded with Mexicans and some blacks who worked at the Patrick Cuday Bacon slaughter/packing house. Was not unusual to see Confederate flags displayed in cars and windows and less frequently Nazi flags years ago.

  9. There was apparently a visiting priest from india who was shot dead, and may have been the target, so I doubt that the shooter was unfamiliar with his target. also plenty of conflicting reports on the number of shooters, combined with not releasing anything about the shooter that they do know about means that we have anything but the full story on this one as yet.

  10. If they had stayed in their native country they’d still be alive.
    I don’t care at all about this.

    Obama will no doubt use this to rail against gun ownership.

  11. Who cares. How many were shot in Chicago this weekend?

    Media will hype this if it helps Obammy, bury it if not. Either way, I don’t care.

  12. One thing I find better about Wisconsin’s minorities is there is very little integration with the general populous. They really tend to keep separate. Other than church groups (ironically, not wait, not) you see very little fraternization. I might be because we have a lot of weird groups like Sihk and Hmongs.

    Right on Sean, if they stayed home, they’d avoid the risk.

  13. “Why would a “white supremacist” shoot up a Sikh temple? A Jewish synagogue, maybe, but a Sikh temple?”

    Isn’t it funny how Jewish synagogues never get hit, by Nazis or Al Qaeda terrorists? You would think if Nazis and Al Qaeda, really were the mortal enemies of Jews, they would hit a Jewish place of worship, every other week, but they never do.

    Everyone else seems to get hit by terrorists (even Whites), while the worst that happens to Jews, is wrong facing swastika graffiti of questionable origin, or someone criticizes what they are doing in the Middle East, or simply says, they don’t like Jews.

    Am I the only one that has noticed this? What’s up with that?

  14. I hardly think Al-CIAduh would be out drawing swastikas on the Synagogues. The Jews usually do that shyte themselves to put the heebie jeebies up the Tribe and make them start hollering ‘anti-semitism’.

  15. Never forget, and always point out the Chai Vang ‘ANTI-WHITE’ massacre in Wisconsin, and say, ‘payback’s a bitch.’ Or, ‘if this could happen here, to AMERICANS, why should you be so surprised it’s now happening to FOREIGNERS.’

    Look up Chai Vang, Rice Lake, WI Hunters dead.
    It was TOTALLY covered up in the news. TOTALLY.

    Because is was a ‘minority’ who has ‘rights’ -while we REAL AMERICANS have none in a HOLDER GULAG state.

    As someone said, ‘Why is it a ‘white guy’ surfaces, every time Obama’s numbers plummet.’ REVELATION OF THE METHOD, that’s why.

  16. Sounds like a loon – same as the loon that shot up the Arizona lib congresswoman.

    The media always jumps right away to accuse the suspect of being a White racist – look at the terrible White racist George Zimmerman.

    In these instances just pass the word to calm down, wait and see, don’t trust MSM gossip, leaks etc.

    Maybe this was a….


    Most of us would say that randomly shooting/killing 7 people at some temple or anywhere is rather “hateful”, but, well you know – some mass killings aren’t really ‘hateful” they are a “cry for help”, a sign of inequality and injustice etc.

  17. The most obvious question is WHY are Sikhs here in the first place; a people, race and culture completely alien to what the typical White American takes for granted?

    Why is it outside the realm of possibility that their presence could push a White guy, ex-military at that, over the edge? Didn’t the DIEversity promoters see this type of thing happening and isn’t that what DHS and FEMA camps are all about?

    Whatever the shooter’s motives this type of behavior will be associated in the popular mind with “white supremacists” and “racists”. This type of violence is completely counterproductive to the pro-White cause.

  18. Look to Fox/CNN to again put the word out that American Renaissance Magazine was involved in this shooting – that’s what happened in the Arizona shooting.

  19. PTSD, Shell Shock, former military, Fort Bragg. That’s the story so far.

    Remember that rash of Green Beret’s murdering their wives?

  20. Why the f#*k is there a Sikh temple in Wisconsin to begin with? Why the hell are there mosques in Tennessee? Why are there Hindu temples in Oklahoma?

  21. Remember that rash of Green Beret’s murdering their wives?

    I do. That was men killing cheating wives. They always leave that out of the news papers. Can’t have women look bad. Not real smart on the ladies side of things. How does that thinking go… “Gee my husband is trained to solve most of his work problems with violence, what could go wrong by spreading my legs for other men while he’s down range solve his work problems with violence?”

  22. Well, it turns out Wade Michael Page was a vantard after all:



    The man who fatally shot six people at a Sikh Temple in Wisconsin was identified today as Army veteran Wade Michael Page, 40, who washed out of the military in 1998 after a six-year hitch.

    The Southern Poverty Law Center, a group that has studied hate crimes for decades, says on its website that Page was a frustrated neo-Nazi who had been the leader of a racist white-power band known as End Apathy.

    Heidi Beirich, director of the center’s intelligence project, tells the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel that her group had been tracking Page since 2000, when he tried to purchase goods from the National Alliance, a well-known hate group.

    Beirich says there was “no question” Page was an ardent follower and believer in the white supremacist movement. She said her center had evidence that he attended “hate events” around the country.

  23. I think something STINKS to high heaven with this one.

    The timing, the alleged perp conforming almost to perfection to Janut Naplitano’s caricature of the ‘dangerous White vet’…..I mean, could you have scripted this guy any better ? White, vet,skinhead, sings in a White power band, scary White power tatoos, lol, for God’s sake it’s like it was crafted in a jew-run Hollywood studio!

    I can’t believe the times we live in.

  24. Could you have scripted this guy better? Just off the top of my head …

    (1) Do you remember the time Glenn Miller declared himself the President of the Confederacy and sent a Declaration of War to the media and the federal government only to be arrested drunk in his pajamas in a trailer in Missouri and later testify as a state witness in the Fort Smith trial.

    (2) Last year, Joe Snuffy (a VNN Forum member) attempted to blow up an MLK parade in Spokane, Washington.

    (3) Then there was the Curt Maynard murder suicide involving his mestizo wife.

  25. There’s a detail that’s been missed. He recently severed ways with a girlfriend.

    What is a vantard Hunter? I’m not up on lingo.

  26. The White Power movement is orchestrated from the Hoover Building in DC. Some years ago congress had hearing about the dastardly “racists” “white supremacists” (somehow avoiding non-whites is supremacist but we never ask for that to be explained), well anyway alphabet agency after alphabet agency came forth and in breathless tone blabbed about how many informers each had in the Hayden Lake outfit.

    As Michael Hoffman noted there was no visible source of income for Butler’s outfit, none. And as one of the former owners of a record lable disgorged he and others like him made their money by giving interviews for cash, sometimes very good cash.

  27. I am not saying it’s not possible for a guy like him to go off the rails Hunter, but the timing is just too convenient for my liking. It makes no sense at all.

    It gives Obama and his hideous minions like Napalitano so much more ammunition, such an obvious boost for their aims, that something just feels ‘off”.

    Maybe saying this falls under your new topic pruning criteria, and if so feel free to delete my comments.

  28. Let’s not forget James von Brunn who shot up the Holocaust Museum in DC in 2009. These vantard spree killings happen about once a year. It is not an everyday thing, but it does happen from time to time.

  29. John,

    If you remember the “mainstreamer vs. vanguardist” debates of 2010 and 2011, a “vantard” is a vanguardist + retard that does stupid shit like self detonate at an MLK parade or the DC Holocaust Museum.

  30. The perils of being a “naughty” boy is that you work for TPTB as the whipping boy. But Tard after tard still lines up to be the fuher of his naughty little group who talk and say the big naughties on the net.

    It is why I keep saying we whites must break the censorship about whites talking about what is good for whites. Because if we don’t then we become the whipping boys and will be plucked out of obscurity as needed and used for political theatre. And this goes for the neo-confederate groups as well because if they don’t think they won’t be used like the Vantards they are sadly mistaken.

  31. This appears to be a classic straight up vantard killing spree in that it makes no sense whatsoever. He probably had a Sikh girlfriend like Curt Maynard.

    Note: Oh, I almost forgot J.T. Ready. Didn’t J.T. Ready have a Mexican girlfriend or something like that?

  32. And the Neo-Confederates now lining up their defense, “But General Lee was an honorable man, and we confederates are from an honorable tradition that must be respected as it was for neary 100 years after the war.”

    The anti-whites will line the neo-confederates right next to vantards, no question about it.

    Just saying the neo-Confeds had better do better than the weak high pitched retort, “but I’m not a racist.”

    Just saying folks

  33. This Page guy was one step removed from an informer, of that there can be no doubt. If a FOIA was done that did a name search thruout the gooberment data base it would take more black ink to redact than to print what could be read..

    Face it folks when you go on the Net to talk the big naughties with other naughty people you will be somewhere on a database, of this there can be no doubt. Hell even some privately funded outfits have your info in store and are just waiting to use you when the time is right and the cash flow needs must be met.

    Problem – Reaction – Solution

  34. The sikh thing makes no sense. It’s like picking out Nepalese gurkahs or some equally obscure sect of Fijians.

    Hunter, I’m new to this POV I am not familiar with that debate.


    I would as an “outsider” say that commentary from northern types are qualitativly different. Victor Davis Hanson and whites like him in Cali are quite distinctive.
    It’s fair to point out that white supremacist politics is a fractured regional mess. Such people in Michigan are readily identifiable. They are different from a white in Missouri
    or Georgia. Mike Page Probably salutes the Stars n Stripes (9/11 tattoo) and thinks there is such a thing as America.

  35. Breivik did attack the youth wing of the ruling Labour party. The children of an elite and possibly future leaders of the Norwegian state. Totally fugging bizarre on one level but obviously well planned and thought out. Nothing quite like that happens in the states. It’s always a marginal sect attacked by a marginal sect. Even Waco, SDS, Black Panthers, NOI seem to fall into this pattern.

  36. The Waco sect, now there is some brutality that approaches and exceeds third world dictator brutality. Basically a bunch of idiots chosen by the goobers to be hapless dupes in some street theatre for the masses. But the ATF being a gooberment agency is staffed by drunks and AAs of all types botched the money shot, lost the initive and most likely killed each other in a cross fire.

    Then it got worse, it became an embarassment and when you become an embarassment to egomaniacal power mad lunatics you get erased. As former Green Beret Steven Barry wrote they were anihilated by Delta Force operators. Watch the FLIR video of the final assault, standing next to the armored vehicles you will see the intermittent flashes of rifles being fired so as to kill or keep the fleeing sect members within the burning buildings dead or alive.

    So with the great irony the gun rights Patriotards who once clamored for justice for the Waco sect were soon clapping and applauding for “those who preserve our freedom.” (or else)

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