Is It Time To Finally Let The South Secede?


H/T Lew

Kievsky’s old nemesis Joshua Holland has a new article on letting the South secede. This guy has written several articles attacking the South in recent months.

“We didn’t let the South go when we had the chance. We would have avoided a lot of problems. We – meaning this group in the north as we might identify ourselves – could take the country we want into a direction that we think is befitting of America without this push and pull that comes from the Southern states. At the same time the South could do the same thing.

What really led to this call for secession was understanding that a lot of people from the South are just as sick and tired of people like Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid having an impact on their country as I am sick of people like Newt Gingrich and Jeff Sessions, Eric Cantor, Haley Barbour having an impact on my country.”

Note: OD will be reviewing Mark Thompson’s Better Off Without Em and Joan Walsh’s What’s The Matter With White People at some point down the road.

We wholeheartedly agree with Thompson that the South should be allowed to secede from BRA. It would be mutually beneficial to both parties if Yankees were given a free hand to build the Blue State multiracial utopia.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Hunter Wallace says:
    August 11, 2012 at 1:18 am

    “Why would progressives want to preserve the Union?”

    They are natural born control freaks and their YNW handlers, make that tendency worse. This idea of them giving up the white tax base in the South sounds nice, but I think it is fantasy.

    As for Zionists, they are not going to give up the USA, until it is sucked dry and useless to them. The USA is their Golem of legend, which they use to smash their enemies. They are not going to let it go without a fight.

  2. First, there is no way the current continental US is going to break into just two parts. It’s going to be several. Even Texas will almost certainly split with different parts joining different polities.

    Exactly how and exactly when and exactly how many is up in the air, but I can’t see less than four and more than six or seven is unlikely. Certainly lower western Canada will unite with the Pac NW and the Maritimes may well unite with the Northeast. If Canada hasn’t kicked Quebec out when it happens or split up, our breakup will probably precipitate theirs.

    Mestizos will probably get a good chunk of Southern California, which was their goal from the start: Med climate beach area not already taken by the Spanish elite (who run Mexico, since steezers can’t) who have more will to keep what’s theirs than the gringo had. The good side is that it will be untenable for the globalist Hollywood business to stay there, because the cash flow is too lucrative not to tap. They’ll have to leave, and white areas won’t have them. They won’t go to Israel for the exact same reason, to say nothing of a lack of shiksas to f*** and the need to serve in the IDF. They’ll wind up in New Jersey, a mutually deserving shotgun marriage IMO.

    Greater Dixie will probably have to give its blacks their own bantustans, because no place else will take them. It’s going to be a mess.

    A Helvetic Confederation or CIS of North America is not likely. Some areas will be bitter enemies of the one next door. Barbed wire and mines around the Delaware Water Gap would not surprise me.

  3. @Vendikar, Aug 11 ay 5:27 p.m.: [Hollywood] won’t go to Israel for the exact same reason, to say nothing of a lack of shiksas to f*** .


    I worked in Hellwood for a number of years in the entertainment biz. Next to crude oil, blonde, blue-eyed, white-thighed shiksas from Kansas are the region’s most vital imported resource.

    Hollywood YKWs are like Negro athletes — once they hit the big time, they never “eat at home”. It’s “foreign food” or nothing, and the blonder, bluer, whiter-thighed, the better.

  4. Whatever happened to Tabula ? and Svigor? Tabula’s comments, especially, were always intriguing to me.

    I hope I didn’t turn Svigor off to “OD’ because of my lack of paragraph structure. I’d feel awfully guilty if that were the case.

  5. Vendikar: “First, there is no way the current continental US is going to break into just two parts. It’s going to be several.”

    Yup. The thought might be though that the “north” could subdue and control the midwest and the rockies/northwest.

  6. It’s not surprising. Jews lead the global sex trade. Jewish sex traffickers specialize in moving impoverished White girls from places like Moldava to the brothels of Tel Aviv. Once there, the girls are compelled to service some real nasty pieces of work in the Zionist homeland.

  7. It’s been sometime since I lived in Texas, but when I did, many of the Mexicans there identified themselves as Texans and had very deep roots in the state. Most seemed anti-illegal/ and verged on anti-mexico. A good deal of them looked very White, but with Spanish names, which isn’t uncommon in Mexico itself. These people I knew loved Texas. Absolutely loved Texas.

    Have those old school families changed their alliance over the years?

    Vendikar, I agree. Probably around 6 separate nations, 4 at least, and I think a couple of those will be on very friendly terms with each other. Like the South and whatever works out best for the people in the West. I can see the mid-west having a foot in each camp, Southron and yankee. I especially think Southron and Western states like barbs Wyoming would make natural alliances over the years. However, I want no political say in what goes on there. Not because I dislike the place or people but because I like the place and people. They know what’s best for them and I’d not want to interfere.

    I think the easy solution to the negro questions is setting up a negro state somewhere and let them be, with a heavily defended DMZ like broader between us and them. We’d get them to move there by cutting of the welfare money, or telling them they have to move to the new place to get welfare etc and the last step would be force relocation, like Robert O laid out. I like the idea of Southron Fla. Seems to me it would be the best location to keep them pined in. One land border, and negros aren’t known for swimming/ boating and the like. The down side to that is, we’d have to move Whites out of their homes to do it. Sending them to mexico would be poetic justices.

    If the South wins our independence, we should not export White revolution. Meddling in others internal affairs is the yankee way, and frankly we wouldn’t have the money etc to do it properly. It would only weaken a young and fragile nation. However, I think we would inspire many White nations to follow just be doing it.

    The real question is, would the yankees and unionist everywhere fight like lincoln did, or would they follow the example of that “evil” commie Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev and let people go relatively peacefully?

    Well said as usual Robert O. I am reading up on Franco when I have the time. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction. So far it appears he is a MAN in every way that matters.

    Why couldn’t we back our currency with any commodity we have in abundance and has value? Why wouldn’t Texas peg their dollar to oil or natural gas? NC and Va to natural gas off our coast, West Va could peg theirs to coal etc etc. Or if we where one political entity would could peg our currency to all of the above. I’m no economist, but it seems the easier route to hard money vs gold or silver

  8. “Why couldn’t we back our currency with any commodity we have in abundance and has value?”

    Because if (as was proposed earlier somewhere), say, a newly-seceded Republic of Texas issued a currency backed by (i.e. redeemable for) land, the Jews would own all of Texas real estate in a week.


  9. clearly sending jews to israel or where ever they want to go that isn’t Dixie would have to be part of our plan

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