Is It Time To Finally Let The South Secede?


H/T Lew

Kievsky’s old nemesis Joshua Holland has a new article on letting the South secede. This guy has written several articles attacking the South in recent months.

“We didn’t let the South go when we had the chance. We would have avoided a lot of problems. We – meaning this group in the north as we might identify ourselves – could take the country we want into a direction that we think is befitting of America without this push and pull that comes from the Southern states. At the same time the South could do the same thing.

What really led to this call for secession was understanding that a lot of people from the South are just as sick and tired of people like Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid having an impact on their country as I am sick of people like Newt Gingrich and Jeff Sessions, Eric Cantor, Haley Barbour having an impact on my country.”

Note: OD will be reviewing Mark Thompson’s Better Off Without Em and Joan Walsh’s What’s The Matter With White People at some point down the road.

We wholeheartedly agree with Thompson that the South should be allowed to secede from BRA. It would be mutually beneficial to both parties if Yankees were given a free hand to build the Blue State multiracial utopia.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. ‘It would be mutually beneficial to both parties if Yankees were given a free hand to build the Blue State multiracial utopia.’

    lol… It would be fun to watch them utterly self-destruct as long as we could watch it safely from a distance. It’s not so fun when they force the destruction upon us as well.


    It’s just about time for them to get tired of the second reconstruction just like they did the first.

  3. Yeah, I know, right?

    California, New York, and Illinois is so obviously the way the to go. Wouldn’t it be great if every Northern city could finally reach the perfection of Detroit or Chicago? The South is holding back their progress.

  4. Gingrich, Cantor and Sessions?


    Like I said I think that the liberals are too degenerate to lift a finger to stop it.
    Take a leaf out of the Scottish Nationalist Party playbook. Alex Salmond’s done much of the rhetorical work you need to do.

  5. Imagine how fast they would want to let us go if the South actually resisted in a real way rather than the kosher conservative way.

  6. Why would you want to be stuck in a country with a national bloc that literally hates you for existing? Stupid libs.

  7. After we secede, I can see us securing the border within a year and turning off SNAP EBT, Medicaid, and TANF welfare within a month, thereby prompting a mass exodus of the Black Undertow and illegal alien population.

  8. He doesn’t realize how texans feel though. Texas, white, and rightwing go hand-I’m-hand with Christianity to us. It’s religious. We will not go with the Yankees. They get California.

    Notice he didn’t discuss that liberal money-pit at all?

  9. It would be a joy to see JC Penney’s run out of my town as well, with the same sex couple, transracial adoption advertisements they have been pushing lately.

  10. @ Eric

    I wonder how an Independent Texas would fare for the Whites, as Whites are already a minority. Probably very well, as reduced government would mean an exodus of many Hispanics and Blacks.

  11. Everyone here hates beaners. I’ll put up signs in Spanish directing them straight to the peoples republic of California the day we secede.

    Get the federal leviathan off our backs and Texas “goes feral confederate” in 2.5 minutes.

  12. I read that again and popped a bottle of wine. If anyone up north is even considering it, I’m in the mood for a celebration.

  13. Under Obama and Holder’s Amerika they are probably voting, as we know these are votes that will go to the redistributor in chief.

  14. Secession won’t be enough. Traditionalists will have to seize power in every Southern state the minute the feds are gone or it will be more of the same big-government revolutionary oppression on s smaller scale. The liberal faggots and Negrophiles in Austin, for example, are fundamentally no different than those in Washington, D.C. There are just fewer of them, and they’re 1,500 miles closer.

    I would suggest forming shadow governments and armed militia units in each state at the first sign of the collapse of the Union. These shadow authorities should operate openly, breaking no laws and hiding nothing, until the collapse begins. When formal secession comes, the militia units move in, occupy the seat of government in each state, and proclaim martial law, and the shadow government assumes control of the state.

    Black-majority areas will very likely have to be fenced off and heavily patrolled during the first few years of the Secession, as our Negro friends will very likely chimp out upon realizing that the Federal gravy train has left the station. We’ll probably have to establish feeding centers and field hospitals for them as well.

    The big question: which side will the various state National Guards take? If they stick with the pre-Secession governments, the militias will have to fight them for control of each state, and secession will likely fail. If they shift allegiances to the new governments, 90% of success will be achieved.

    Then we clean hose. A few months of tribunals will allow us to sort out the Yankees, Y-symps, and other troublemakers from the patriotic population. We confine these people in camps, seize their properties, then deport them to destinations North. Each state will have to decide how to deal with its own Negroes. My suggestion would be for the state governments to condemn and seize all property owned by Negroes within each state, pay the dispossessed the fair market price for their properties, and deport them to the United States. (Those Negroes with no property can simply be rounded up and put on the first train North.) This, in conjunction with the end of all racial and “civil rights” laws, will allow the remaining populations to self-segregate along natural racial and ethnic lines, restoring the pre-1960s civil order, and will eliminate hostile political forces from the body politic. Only political parties that are explicitly within the pale of traditional views on race, family, and property should be permitted to exist. Dissidents should be rounded up and briefly confined, then deported ASAP. You don’t have to build a police state to watch troublemakers if you simply deport all potential troublemakers the minute they are detected.

    I would expect each state to issue its own passports soon after Secession, and militarize their borders as well. This would amount to little more than checkpoints on interstate highways and roads; the Mexican border would be sealed, fenced, mined, and patrolled by State military forces.

    Once things settle into the “new normal”, all State power should be devolved to county, metropolitan, city, town, neighborhood, and village levels in accordance with the principle of subsidiarity. This devolution must be accomplished as quickly as possible. Centralized power is the enemy. We want the new Confederacy to be an American Switzerland, not a new, more humid version of the former USA.

    The big problem will be economic. When the Union crashes, it will bring the world economy down with it. Each state will find its currency devalued and worthless soon thereafter. I would advise each state government to issue new currency backed by hard reserves of precious metals, but I doubt there is enough gold in the world to back that much currency. Instead, the states might issue notes backed by land. The State of Texas, for example, might issue a currency called the star, with one star equal to one hundred Federal dollars’ worth of State-owned land at its most recently-assessed value. Star notes and coins could be redeemed for fee simple title to those hundred acres at any time by the bearer, but most people will probably use paper stars to pay their bills. (A Silver Star backed by physical silver and a Gold Star backed by physical gold could also be issued.) Note that all stars are minted and issued by the State, not any private bank, in order to prevent currency shenanigans by the Usual Suspects.

    (Note: 1 star = 5 points; 1 point = 20 cents. Stephen Austin is on the one star note/coin, Sam Houston on the five, Travis on the ten, Bowie on the twenty, and Crockett on the C-note.)

    There is one more thing to consider: the Union is likely not going to be a good loser. I doubt they will just let us go; it sets a bad precedent for any Northern state that might suddenly decide to opt out of the Eternal Union. egged on by an angry Northern population demanding that the president punish the racist apartheid traitor states on their way out the door, Washington might be prompted to see us on our way in a violent fashion. And since a traditional civil war would be too costly in terms of lives and dollars, they might just decide to nuke the shit out of us pour encourager les autres.

    There are other questions — federal debt sharing, transfers of federal properties, etc., the reactions of NATO, the UN, etc. — but these could probably we worked out by reasonable men over time. The real issue is whether we get Russian-style “soft” collapse or whether Uncle Sam goes down the hard way. If the former, we stand a chance of success. If the latter…

  15. “It would be mutually beneficial to both parties if Yankees were given a free hand to build the Blue State multiracial utopia.”

    We just need to change our pitch and start helping them realize how much we are holding them back. We need to convince them that they will never get to utopia with the Southern albatross around their necks. Remind them that if we are there, it won’t be utopia after all.

    We can tell them that we are the unwanted child of BRA (true anyway) and should be aborted immediately. No, they tried that before with John Brown…I know, this will work. We could make Sandra Bullock and Angelina Jolie our spokespersons, tell them that if they got rid of our states they would be able to adopt enough African countries like Somalia, Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda, etc. and they wouldn’t have to add any more stars and destroy the symmetry of the union rag, er, flag.

    “lol… It would be fun to watch them utterly self-destruct as long as we could watch it safely from a distance. It’s not so fun when they force the destruction upon us as well.”

    Palmetto Patriot, if someone could find the right spot, maybe we could even sell tickets and run a concession stand. It would be better than the Olympics, the World Series, and the Super Bowl combined.

    Maybe some of the northerners who frequent this site could do their part, too and try to convince their friends and neighbors that we’re just no damn good. How about it, folks? It’s not really such a hard sell now, is it? Most of them believe that already, don’t they? Just give them a little extra nudge. It would be easier than pushing someone in a wheelchair down a flight of stairs. Just get them moving in the right direction and the rest takes care of itself.

    Deo Vindice

  16. For Consequential Information and Indispensable Facts on How to Start a Civil War, Google :

    ” John C. Calhoun Started the Civil War” [ +]

    Lots of good advice, pointers and tips, on to get Secession and War Up and Running. After all, “It’s harder to preserve than to obtain liberty”. How so very right!

    Remember what That Damn yankee soilder said in 1865 , Damn yankee:

    ” The Whole South Is The Grave of Calhoun”

    Come on Boys! Let’s Do It! Do It For Ole Cast-Iron Man ! Hallowed is the Memory of Our Great Nullificator!

    Come on ! Let’s Do It!

    And Remember The Immortal Words of Our Great Nullificator ; Words that echo through The Ages :

    ” Beware the wrath of a patient adversary”
    John Caldwell Calhoun.
    { 1782 – 1850}

    Deo Patriae Amicis.


    “It’s just about time for them to get tired of the second reconstruction just like they did the first.”

    Excellent observation, Eric. I hope so.

    If Yankees only knew how excited I get when they talk like this.
    Do it to Dixie! Yeah, baby, yeah!

    Deo Vindice

  18. “Secession means…never having to listen to a Southern accent ever again.”

    “secession means…duty free cigarettes at the Mason Dixon line.”

    “Secession means…liberals can finally build utopia in Detroit, Baltimore and Newark.”

    “Secession means…no more Newt Gingrich in American politics.”

    “Secession means…no more military adventures in the Middle East.”

  19. Can Wyoming come with you guys?

    “I would advise each state government to issue new currency backed by hard reserves of precious metals, but I doubt there is enough gold in the world to back that much currency.”

    Sure there is. Any amount of gold can back any amount of currency. It’s only a question of how much gold a bill in circulation can be redeemed for. If each single bill can only be redeemed for a very, very tiny amount of gold, it works.

    For illustration:

    Let’s say you have a currency called “stars” in circulation. 1-star bills, 5-star bills, 10s, 20s, 100s. Say that a 1-star bill will buy a head of lettuce. If you value gold at, say, 10,000 stars per oz, then a 1-star bill will only buy a tiny fraction of an oz. of gold, too small an amount to be redeemed, because you couldn’t even see it. So what you do is set a rule that people can redeem only when he/she has gathered up 10,000 notes, enough to buy a one oz coin. In other words, when someone’s finally collected 10,000 stars, they can go redeem for their one oz. of gold if they want, but not til then.

    That plan would give the populace the necessary confidence in the currency that gold-backing brings, but also force the populace to SAVE (in order to be able to do the redeeming). It would prevent the populace from immediately redeeming every note they get hold of and then hoarding the gold.
    So this plan would encourage in the citizens both attitudes necessary to have a healthy economy: confidence in the currency and willingness to save.

  20. “Sam Houston on the five”

    Sam Houston was a die-hard Union man till the day he died. He refused to swear loyalty to the Confederacy when Texas seceded from the Union in 1861 with the outbreak of the American Civil War, and was removed from office.

    He famously said (years before Lincoln repeated it):

    “A nation divided against itself cannot stand.”

    As Governor of Texas at the time of Texas secession he refused to take any oath of loyalty to the Confederacy and wrote:

    “Fellow-Citizens, in the name of your rights and liberties, which I believe have been trampled upon, I refuse to take this oath. In the name of the nationality of Texas, which has been betrayed by the Convention, I refuse to take this oath. In the name of the Constitution of Texas, I refuse to take this oath. In the name of my own conscience and manhood, which this Convention would degrade by dragging me before it, to pander to the malice of my enemies, I refuse to take this oath. I deny the power of this Convention to speak for Texas….I protest….against all the acts and doings of this convention and I declare them null and void.”

    To put his image on any secessionist currency would be a travesty.

  21. “He doesn’t realize how texans feel though. Texas, white, and rightwing go hand-I’m-hand with Christianity to us. It’s religious. We will not go with the Yankees. They get California.”

    I still think CA- at least NOrthern CA, might consider joining. Their voting patterns have been more conservative. It’s only the massive metroplex whores and fags that determine via their propaganda, the direction of the state.

    How about we launch a Racial Cleansing and Reconquista, AFTER BRA falls? that way we can get CA back. After all, the only good Mexican, is a……… (well, you know.)

  22. Though if you brought Houston forward in a time machine and toured him around Texas today and then took him back…do you think he might change his mind on that Union thing and “indivisible nation” notion?

  23. “My suggestion would be for the state governments to condemn and seize all property owned by Negroes within each state, pay the dispossessed the fair market price for their properties, and deport them to the United States. ” – Oculus

    Robert- great vision. How about YOU write the REAL ‘Patriots’ novel, instead of that BS by Wesley, Rawles?

    But seriously, why should we give ANYONE ‘fair market value’? Did the Jews, each time they cause a run on the bank, devalued the currency, and then bought huge amounts of properties, securities, land, businesses, etc. each time they did their ‘shell game’? Reading Hitchcock’s ‘Synagogue of Satan’ (that free download onto Kindle last Saturday) shows conclusively that the Deicides are ALWAYS to blame, and that no mercy must be shown to the Christ killers, when we retake our country.

  24. There was a little move in Texas last year towards secession. The Texans weren’t happy about the TSA in the airports [I don’t blame them]. The Texans were starting to get noisy about it : Uncle Sam made it Very Clear to the Texans to shut-up, or Big-Mommy- Federal -Reserve -Banking- Mommy will cut off all funding to texas.

    The Big, Brave , Texas cowboys shut up like babies sucking at their mommies’ nipples for Milk and Sustenance.

    Laughing online.

  25. Excuse the typo : I forgot to type “whittle”. Make that : ” Like ‘whittle’ babies sucking on their mommies nipples for Milk and Sustenance.”

    I hate it when I make a typo.

  26. I expect large business interests in the South — what HW sometimes calls the “Chamber of Commerce” faction — would fight tooth-and-nail against secession.

    The Federal government sends a lot of money to the Southern states, where governors and legislatures then dole it out. Some of the money is doled to the welfare class, but much of it is used to fund roads, bridges, prisons, schools, etc. Private busineses who contract with the state governments for jobs that depend on federal money and many private citizens who have a financial interest in money from the federal government will likely fight secession. That latter group could very include police, firemen, and peoples’ kids teachers.

    Still, it’s good that this meme is out there, and I think we need to push it as much as possible. Serious discussions of secessions probably need to consider economic impact and how to minimize it.

  27. “Though if you brought Houston forward in a time machine and toured him around Texas today and then took him back…do you think he might change his mind on that Union thing and “indivisible nation” notion?”

    No I don’t. He was more pro-Union than Lincoln himself. Fanatically so. His entire intention when elected President of The Republic of Texas was to get it into the Union as quickly as possible.

    He supported the Compromise of 1850 and opposed the Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854 of which he said if it passed: “what fields of blood, what scenes of horror, what mighty cities in smoke and ruins– it is brother murdering brother … I see my beloved South go down in the unequal contest, in a sea of blood and smoking ruin.

    And so it was to be.

  28. Too many blacks leave the south and the north will have to start a civil war again to keep you guys multiracial. Are you gonna take over military bases and how do you think the blue – grey battle will shake out.

  29. “An American Switzerland” is definitely more along the lines of what we want, excellent comment. Given our intellectual and cultural roots, I prefer “American Sparta”, but to each his own.

    I’d suggest taking the Spartan/Israeli outlook and require military service for every white male for a couple of years of his life. Travelling around the south meeting lovely girls would have been heaven for me when I was 18-21. Or now, at 30 years old, come to think of it. Re-jiggering the public schools makes my heart flutter like a 12 year old girl at a Justin Bieber concert. Streamline them, bring back Classical education to make kids *think* about their values and why we fight to preserve them and hand them down to generations down the line, and make sure the boys get plenty of military history, tactics, and practical martial training during their time in High School.

    The trick is going to be keeping the banking cartel out of the south and issuing our own currency. That is the biggest obstacle in our way of creating an American Sparta.

  30. Fr John
    The LAST THING we need in Northern California is yet another phony-face* disambiguous* preacher- man* : [ + Fr John+ ] Stay where ever it is you usually stay, and Stay Out of Northern California.

    We got enough christian crazies as it is ; That’s One of The Problems : The Christians here in Northern California ; Like Christians everywhere, they got their heads so far up their ass-holes , it’s beyond cavil.

    Google [ if you have to courage] :
    “Christianity and Cognitive Dissonance”
    ” Christianity IS Cognitive Dissonance”

    Stay out of Northern California : Mind your own “righteous” business. Stay home and “preach” in your own state where you are now, whatever state that may be. I don’t care what state you’re in , as long as you’re not in Northern California.

    * Redundancies.

  31. The inevitable exodus of Nordic, liberal whites who have had the liberalism raped right out of them by all their diversity and extreme taxation would be something we would need to deal with.

    My racialist side says, bring them on. My fear is that, if the North cannot force them to stay and they migrate en masse to Dixie…war will be inevitable. Their world will not maintain itself without white taxpayers keeping their koolaid jars full and footing the bill.

    Lots of questions.

  32. Eric, Switzerland is indeed the model to be emulated. They also have the military service requirement. The best part is you get to keep your assault rifle when you finish your time and go home. Reminds me of how the ancient Greeks would keep their hoplons (shield) and weapons in a panoply over the hearths in their homes.

    Peace, prosperity, and freedom are not the values of BRA. They are only subjects for empty rhetoric and other forms of lip service to beguile the ignorant and complacent.

    Deo Vindice

  33. Joe- I said California could JOIN the Secession.
    But, even if they didn’t, I for one, (having lived there and seen the beauty of the state, if not it’s ‘nuts, fruits, and flakes’) would never rest, until we had won back the entire continent. Even if it took over 100 years.

    And, as for your opinions, I don’t give a rat’s a**.

    You’re a total Schmuck. And unregenerate. (oh, wait, oxymoron)

  34. Okay, once we secede, do we export worldwide White revolution à la Trotsky or Iran, trying to provoke uprisings among the Boers, training and funding European and Yankee white nationalists in summer “camps,” etc. or do we pursue a Stalin or Hitler style programme, white revolution in one nation, Southern nationalism not for export?

    I think a great argument could be made that if we promote world wide white revolution, we would become major power brokers over night. Europeans, Brits, Aussies, Kiwis, Afrikaners (not that they need convincing), Canadians, and Yankees would all probably either a. want to do likewise and flush out those who are melanin-enriched or b. be horrified and court us like the UK and US did the post-Lenin Soviet Union to keep us from running a White Power Internationale and exporting the gospel of nationalism.

  35. @Lew

    Good point. I think there is a class-component to nationalism, and that we need to acknowledge it. It’s the white elites, whether they sound like Boston Brahmins or Georgian gentry, who have sold us out to the YNWs. I hate to use the gawd-awful 99% meme, but it’s true. They got masses of money from masses of non-white cheap labour and globalization, and their complicity in siding with desegregation, then fled to their gated enclaves and left the white workers to deal with the deluge of blacks and browns that came after the abolition of restrictive covenants. Our schools become black and brown -er and white children ended up black and blue, and the white elites don’t care because they have secured the future for their white children. They toss us enchiladas and a curry or kebab to say, “See, isn’t diversity wonderful?” and ignore the rape, murder, and crime we suffer under.

    I think any shadow or real secessionist government would need to host some real come to Jesus meetings with these white lords of industry, at gunpoint. The only future for them in a white state would depend on their explicit financial support and investment to endure the inevitable international sanctions; or else. And no, we should not give them the chance to leave with assets from their ill-gotten gain.

  36. “JH: Fifty-seven percent of African Americans live in the American south.

    CT: That’s right. That’s exactly right.”

    “This ties into how the South deals with education. Southern states don’t typically fund their public schools the way other states do – they’re typically at a much lower level. There’s less commitment to the ideal of public education in the Southern states than there is in the rest of the country. That’s why we see over and over when the
    statistics come out, the South has the lowest SAT scores, lowest graduation rates, the most illiteracy. Whatever measures you want to put on academic performance it’s those core Southern states that are always leading the bottom of the back. In the bottom 10, eight or nine of them are always going to be Southern states.

    I wanted to look into this. Why is that? Is it just that Southerners are stupider than the rest of us? Clearly that’s not the case. It’s the same gene pool. The more you look at it the more you realize there’s just a lower commitment to public education in the South than there is in the rest of the country. That’s been going on for hundreds of years. It’s not changing.” – It is a mystery that we’ll never solve. unless of course one looks at the demographic breakdown, then it clears up. School spending does increase performance of school children, but not by a lot.

    As to the rest of his concerns, has he tried states rights yet? there are only two issues that genuinely can’t be reduced to such, trade and immigration, and it would be vastly healthier for the union for these to be the central issues of national politics in any event.

  37. I also think its great that they believe that we have irreconcilable differences with them, but can bring in the most disparate parts of the 3rd world and make that work.

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