National Review: Gay Marriage Is “Civil Rights Issue” Of Our Times

National Review

Here’s the latest from the Valuable Intellectual Properties (VIPs) at National Review who through the GOP are alone capable of “Taking Back America” and “preserving our culture”:

“I’ve never really written about my views on gay marriage, in part because I’m squishy on the issue and vacillate between lukewarm opposition and benign indifference. I know this will annoy some of my colleagues — and a good number of readers — but I think gay marriage, or something functionally equivalent to it is 1) inevitable 2) not the end of the world. If the institution of marriage underwritten by the State were the same as the one underwritten by God, I might be able to get my blood up over it. But as it stands, I endorse Kevin Williamson’s view on the matter pretty much word-for-word (Representative sentence: “Your contract with your cell-phone provider is legally enforceable, and your marriage vows — ‘forsaking all others until death do us part’ and all that — are not.”)

I think conservatives would be better served at this point by focusing on managing the process and containing the fallout from inevitability of gay marriage. E.g., by making sure things like this aren’t allowed to stand, and that, once civil marriage is opened to all, there is still a wide berth for Free Exercise, and for the bonds of holy matrimony to be defined by holy authorities. . . “

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. These are the same sort of ‘conservatives’ who would have said that the ERA was inevitable. The same sort of Yankees who never actually conserved anything.

  2. Absent a strong Biblically defined Christian defination of morality, the “Conservative” movement as defined by the National Review will continue to decline. Hence the reason why the ridiculous GOP is in such as shambles today. The progressives within the Republican party advocate for marriage “equality.” Well what then are the defining issues that set the GOP apart from the the Democrats? The economy I reckon, according to Romney, since we know the the two parties are rapidly reaching a consensus on the important social issues of our time. Romney is a one trick pony. All he talks about is the economy, as we all know he shares the same liberal views with Obama on important issues such as homosexual marriage, gun control and the third-worldization of America. Why an decent White person would cast their ballot for the Romneycon is far beyond me.

  3. What?! Republicans running up the surrender flag again??? I can’t believe it!

    Today sodomy rights are the cause of the day, tomorrow it will be pedophilia, count on it!

    And of course, marriage to animals too!!

    This sick society need to learn that license is not the same as liberty.

  4. There has always been an inordinate number of sodomites at NR. Why don’t they just merge with the New York Times?

  5. Wayne- You’re not the only one thinking this way:

    “Circa 2012 — World Magazine

    According to Barnabas Piper Homoxexuality is one of the most defining, contentious, and complex issues facing this generation of the church. We cannot sacrifice our biblical convictions but neither can we sacrifice the church’s ability to serve people of opposing viewpoints and lifestyles.

    Circa 2030 — Universe Magazine

    According to Eutychus Piper (son of Barnabas Piper and Grandson of John Piper) Necrophilia is one of the most defining, contentious, and complex issues facing this generation of the church. We cannot sacrifice our biblical convictions but neither can we sacrifice the church’s ability to serve people of opposing viewpoints and lifestyles.

    Circa 2055 — Cosmos Magazine

    And according to Nikolai Piper (son or Eutychus, grandson of Barnabas, and Great-Grandson of John Piper) Beastiality is one of the most defining, contentious, and complex issues facing this generation of the church. We cannot sacrifice our biblical convictions but neither can we sacrifice the church’s ability to serve people of opposing viewpoints and lifestyles.”

  6. Fr. John – highly accurate description of the “progressive” nature of the beliefs of our “Christian” leaders. One can only conclude that the mainstream church adapts and conforms to whatever is politically fashionable at the moment.

  7. Of course all the churches adapt to liberalism/leftist agenda: All the preachers want is That 501c tax break from Uncle Sam. That’s all they care about. Couldn’t care less Uncle Sam is a Jew Commie. The preachers just want That 501c tax break.

  8. The Church always adapts to power, because the church is of a feminine spiritual nature.

    If we took over the government tomorrow, all the sudden you’d hear the church preaching the “blessings of Japheth and his children” and all sorts of pro-white, rightwing stuff. They did it in Germany. Theyll do it here.

  9. I would be more favorable toward bestiality than homosexuality and gay marriage. Bestialitors are better than homos as far as the White race is concerned. 1) Bestialitors can also be involved in male-(human) female relations. Thus they do not harm the (already below replacement) white reproductive rate (1.83 children per American white woman at present). Two White lesbians are a danger to the White race for this reason but a female bestialitor (say, a fan of dog sex) could also have a relationship with a White male and procreate 2) Bestialitors unlike smokers and homosexuals do not need to recruit from White youth in order to maintain their numbers and power. 3) Male bestialitors would likely have no interest in pedophilia. Thus I would support a bestialitor in my son’s scout troop rather than a homosexual. If I were a Catholic I would prefer a bestialitor as a priest rather than a homosexual for the same reason. If being homosexual is an “alternative lifestyle” why should we not prefer bestiality as an “alternative lifestyle”?

  10. If everything is a civil right nothing is.

    It’s genius really. Take away rights by devaluing them into meaninglessness.

  11. I think Chick-Fil-A should start a “Stop Divorce : Make Divorce Illegal” campaign.

    There’d be waiting-lines 3 miles long to get into the Chicken Joint :

    Why, with all those traditional, old-fashioned, upright, moral, heritage-loving, family-and-kin loving, Southerners, “we” could turn things around in this country and make it a Christian Nation once more again* like God in The Bible, and Aunt Bee said it Should Be.

    Yes sirre bob.

    *Again: A Christian Nation once more again as it was in the 19th century when “we” whites killed one another down in droves over bullshit.

    Yes sirre bob.

  12. Those respectable conservatives, headed by Trucklin’ Bill Buckley, DID support the ERA.

    The liberal is our opponent. The truckling respectable conservative is our ENEMY.

    You handle POWs according to the Geneva Convention.

    You summarily hang traitors.

  13. NR should just get out there and cheer with some rainbow flags already.

    “Your contract with your cell-phone provider is legally enforceable, and your marriage vows — ‘forsaking all others until death do us part’ and all that — are not.”

    I don’t know where to start with that “representative” sentence. I’ll give a damn about gay marriage “equality” the day its proponents abolish hate crime laws.

  14. I’m puzzled same sex marriage comes up as an issue, since it seems clear the majority of people are against it. I know its part of the cultural marxist plan for us to devalue our society so folks won’t care enough to fight back, but still…

    I don’t see how same sex marriage is an issue outside of BRA trying to make it one. As far as I know, every state has voted to ban same sex marriage. What other issue has that kind of commonality going? I cannot think of a single issue that has as much support as saying no to same sex marriage. Pretty clear the idea of homosexual marriage is an unpopular one, and people have the right to set the standards for the community they live in and want to live in at the community level.

    If the idea of State sovereignty wasn’t destroyed in 1865, the issue of same sex marriage would again be a non issue. States where the people are ok with it would make it legal, states that didn’t care for the idea would keep it illegal. Those who liked the idea would be free to move to those states where it is legal, and those who don’t would be free to move to states where same sex marriage is illegal. This clearly would be every state in the union given that same sex marriage is continually voted down.

    None of which should be taken as I’m for same sex marriage. I want the govt out of all personal relationships and I am glad NC voted to ban same sex marriage. When the govt is involved marriage becomes a legal contract, nothing more. Heterosexual marriage was destroyed by govt interference and women acting on divorce / family a law which heavily favors women over men.

  15. Actually, gay marriage is favored by a majority of Americans. Up to 40% of American males has had a same sex sexual encounter. And why not? There’s nothing better than interracial male on male anal intercourse.!

  16. Nicolas: If sticking your dick in a raw sewage pipe is your pinnacle of freedom and moral purpose, you are sorry indeed. You follow in the footsteps of Caligula and Nero. Congratulations.
    The South has got to get the hell out of this abortion of a nation.

  17. Its just as prevalent among heterosexual couples. People will simply find any reason to be bigoted, and its usually due to their own insecurities. If you don’t like it, don’t do it. Plain and simple. And the south is changing. In a few short election cycles, Texas will become a swing state. Ignorance is on its way out. This is why you all have to hide out under the anonymity of the internet. Why not stand tall and be heard?

  18. Nico-louse: Like all good anti-White lefties, you imitate mommy professor by calling us ignorant, which means we are ignoring something. What are we ignoring?

    Yes, I’m bigoted–I don’t want sodomites teaching and influencing my children. This is all about access to young minds. The next cultural taboo that you leftists will break is pedophilia, and I will resist that too, even if you and your mommy professor call me names.

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